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Prophecies (2020)


There will be move voice driven devices. People will depend more on technology to keep them safe and in touch with each other. There will be a fascination of how to make technology more users’ friendly, while at the same time there will be a high skeptic of the market driven profits before actual design human needs.

Infrastructure will continue to crumple, as profits before real usage of resources being properly administered to meet human needs. New viruses are going to be a major concern and will spread rapidly in the overpopulation areas of the world. Pharmaceutical manufacturers will be way behind in developing new and proper anti-biotics.

What is old will be new again, the wheel spins, and old challenges come to the forefront as society continues to struggle with issues that have been pushed under the skin, and has now turn into a larger infection of pain, suffering, and grief. One step forward, several steps back. The need for change was only push underneath the cloud of oppression, compliance, and intolerance of all that is different, non-conforming, and unique to its own rhythm, time, and space.

The World birth pains are going to be increasing at an alarming rate. There is going to be a collision of faiths, and hidden truths, as never before. More end of the world worries and concerns. Individual stock piling and hoarding, as hard times are felt all around the world.

The environment is going to continue to be contaminated at such a rate that complete ecospheres are going to go into extreme distress. The warning signs are going to be larger, and no longer can be ignored. World leaders will meet to discuss but very little common ground will be found when in such a crucial time being eclipsed by the culture of Guns, Greed, and Consumerism totally out of control over any glimpse of harmony or peace, reconciliation and honor towards the proper usage of the Earth Spirit.

The Earth is like a patient on life support. We truly only have two options. Either to Save the Earth or to take the patient off life support. Free will is given, but the fault is not in the original sins upon the planet, but in the collective consciousness of their denial.

So it’s time, time to change, how we treat our planet and how we treat each other. A new age will never be created until we let go of the old habits and conformities of the past, and start working together upon the path that embrace the holy sacredness elements of the earth, the wind, and water, and the air that we breathe to survive.

Save the World, Save Ourselves, Save our Souls.