Truths From God's Word by Ricky Yarbrough - HTML preview

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A Man Named John


There was a man named John, that had everything the world had to offer him. Anything he seen or thought of could and would be his. He had money, gold, silver, and all types of jewels. He had a large mansion with men and women servants, as well as all types of luxury automobiles. He knew people that could get him anything that he wanted or desired. He had the best doctors that the world had to offer, but he had never needed them being 35 years of age, he had always been in good health. And his doctor had told him that he was as healthy as an 18 year old.


So he felt that he had it good and knowing he had everything he wanted or needed, and thinking he had many years ahead of him where he could just pretty much eat, drink, and be merry, and just enjoy all of the pleasures that this would had to offer him.


Now there came a day where John was driving down the road heading back home, when all of sudden his tire blew out on his car. So he pulled over on side of the road and he started to call someone on his cell phone, but all of sudden there was someone knocking on his car window door. It was a man asking him if he needed help changing his car tire. But he told him he would just call and get someone to come there and fix it. But the man insisted he would change the tire for him. So John went ahead and let him.


So after the man changed John's tire for him, John offered to pay him money, but the man would not take it. But the man did ask John if he was saved. John replied by saying saved from what? So the man explained to him about Jesus the Righteous One who became sin who knew no sin. How He suffered for our sins by shedding His blood and hanging on that old rugged cross. And how He died for our sins, and on the third day God raised Him up from the dead, so that we can be justified through Him (Christ Jesus). And that it's only through Jesus Christ that one can be saved from their sins, and be saved from being condemned to hell.


So after the man got finished sharing with John the good news of Jesus Christ. John said I don't need your Jesus, I got everything I need and more. I am rich and in good health and my doctor tells me I should be able to live to be 80 or more, before I die. You come see me when I get 79 years old, then maybe I will see about getting saved. But until then am going to keep enjoying all of the pleasures that this would has to offer, and live the way I feel is right.


So the man wish John a good day and left. So John went on home and laid down in bed, but all of sudden a sharp pain run up his arm and his chest, then everything turned black, and John died at the age of 35, being not saved.


The moral of this story is, that people shouldn't put their trust and hope in the things of this world, which can do nothing for them once death comes. Which could happen at any time. No matter how young or healthy one may seem to be, death can come when one may least expect it. And all of the money, material things, and pleasures of this world, will be no more. The only thing a lost person will receive after death, will be hell, because they died in their sins being not saved.