Two Trees in Eden by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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ALL EVIL on this earth is rooted in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. 1 Timothy, Chapter 6, Verse 10. The actual Greek translation of this Verse of Scripture says: THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL KINDS OF EVIL.

It was not the love of money that caused Lucifer to be cast out of Heaven. It was his desire to be greater than God. Lucifer set out to establish his throne above the Throne of God. Once a worshipper of God, Lucifer desired to be worshipped as God. This was his first act of Rebellion.

Can we say then that rebellion is the root of all evil? Rebellion is defined as: “the opposition to established authority, government and/or law.” There is no greater authority than God. His Government and Laws are established forever. They cannot and will not be overthrown or changed because they are absolute.

Without established authority, there is chaos and lawlessness. These things in themselves are evil and are rooted in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Mankind would eventually become extinct without institutional government.

Rules and Laws are established to protect people and their environment. The Law of Sin and Death is not just a law God one day decided to write down and enforce. This Law is an Eternal Law which has always existed and will exist throughout Eternity. This Law can never be changed or altered in any manner whatsoever.

There are other laws that exist in the Heavenly Realm which supersede natural laws. One of them is the Law of the Spirit of Life. The First Couple were fulfilling this Law in the Garden before they partook of the Forbidden Fruit.

THERE IS THEREFORE NO CONDEMNATION TO THEM WHICH ARE IN CHRIST JESUS (the Tree of Life) WHO WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT. FOR THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS HATH MADE ME FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. Romans, Chapter 8, Verses 1-2. This Law, coupled with the Law of Faith (see Romans ch. 3 vs. 19-31), nullifies and makes void the Law of Sin and Death. If we are not eating from the Tree of Life, we will suffer eternally because of the Law of Sin and Death.

Evil is not just a force, it is a person. Satan himself is evil personified. Would evil exist without him? I believe it would.

Evil is not just a concept. This is proven by the Law of Sin and Death. If there were no such thing as sin, there would be no Law against sin. Satan’s power is rooted and grounded in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Without this power, Satan is rendered impotent.

Certain Spiritual Laws are violated when sin occurs. God gave Adam and Eve the responsibility to prevent sin from having dominion in their life. They were to be keepers of God’s Holy Commandment to DRESS AND KEEP the garden and to resist any temptation to eat of the Forbidden Fruit. Unfortunately, there was another voice in the Garden of Eden which opposed the Commandment of God to not eat of the Forbidden Fruit. That voice belonged to the MOST SUBTLE BEAST OF THE FIELD.

Adam and Eve had been given dominion over all the works of God’s hands, including the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air and the BEASTS OF THE FIELD. Adam was even given the task of naming each of them. See Genesis, Chapter 2, Verses 17- 19. Adam and Eve were familiar with the Serpent. We know this because Eve called the Beast of the Field by his name, the Serpent. Eve did not call him “a serpent,” but “the Serpent.”

Adam had even given him his name.


Beguilement, or witchcraft, which basically means the same thing, is the door through which all evil enters into the lives of people. James 3:16 is the counterpart to John 3:16. James says: FOR WHERE ENVY AND STRIFE IS, THERE IS CONFUSION AND EVERY EVIL WORK. John, 3:16 is about Christ saving people. James, 3:16 is about Satan destroying people.

In the Garden of Eden we saw that Eve was beguiled, or deceived, by the Serpent, Satan. Definitions of beguilement are: to deceive, seduce, delude or lead astray. All beguilement is the process by which someone is manipulated by sorcery into fulfilling the wishes or desires of another person or demon spirit. Beguilement and witchcraft are basically the same thing. Beguilement will always lead to sin when someone partakes of its ungodly fruit.

In Galatians, Chapter 5, we see that Witchcraft is one of the works of the flesh. When we think of Witchcraft we usually envision an ugly looking woman with a big wart on her nose, dressed in black attire, riding on a broom. However, Witchcraft is performed every day in the life of most people.

Witches, practicing the Art of Witchcraft, cast spells through what is known as sorcery. Sorcery is defined as: the art of using drugs and/or enchantments to manipulate and control the minds and actions of people. The power behind the Art of Witchcraft comes from the Serpent, Satan. The Spirit of Deception is subtle and can only be recognized by those who have their senses trained to discern right from wrong.

Manipulation is not always performed by actually drugging people for the purpose of control, but is done by a “Spirit of Witchcraft” using deceptive words or speech. Before World War II, the Spirit of Witchcraft was able to manipulate a whole nation, Germany, to fulfill its will and purpose. Satan controlled the mind of a demented man who eventually drew the entire World into international conflict. I am not saying that all Germans were beguiled by this man’s words. However, Hitler did control the Military and used the power of Beguilement to manipulate most of the citizens of Germany.

Deceptive words can act like a drug clouding the mind and confusing the spirit. When drugged a person does not have the presence or clarity of mind to make proper and wise decisions. The witch, or person who is performing the act of manipulation, is also under the spell of demon spirits or is linked to the work of the flesh known as “Witchcraft.” People all over the World use these tactics on a daily basis to entice people into doing what they desire for them to perform.

The word “Witchcraft” comes from the Greek word “pharmakia.” We get our English word “pharmacy” from this word. Pharmakia, also known as sorcery, deals with the use of drugs, spells, and enchantments. These are designed to cloud or manipulate the physical and/or spiritual senses. In other words, “Beguilement” is used to change or control the natural thoughts, ideas, beliefs or dispositions of people.

The objective of Witchcraft is the control or manipulation of an individual or group of individuals. When deception is performed by the Spirit of Witchcraft, the benefit always goes to the practitioner.

People manipulate each other on a daily basis without realizing they are practicing the Art of Witchcraft. Lying to someone is a form of Witchcraft. A person lies to someone to gain advantage or deceive them for selfish or diabolical reasons. Many people are unaware they are performing Acts of Witchcraft when they are lying to others, or trying to entice or persuade someone to do something they want them to do. These actions are rooted in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Sorcery produces the same effect as much wine as it intoxicates and confuses the thoughts and senses of a person to the extent they have indulged. When addicted to wine or strong drink, people have no power to resist its deadly fruit. This cause and effect is what happens when a person partakes of, and continues to partake of, the Forbidden Fruit of Deception. Strong Drink is a seducer that maliciously dulls the five physical senses and impairs the ability of one to think and act in a sober manner.



SELF-CENTERDNESS is one of the disastrous consequences of eating from the Tree which produced (produces) the Forbidden Fruit. The deadly fruit of Self-Centeredness proclaims that I, and I alone, can determine what is right and wrong, and good and evil. Self-Centeredness says that “I am my own god and I can declare and decree what I desire for my life.” Self-Centeredness says that I if I have to I can obtain what I want through beguilement and manipulation.

The desire to BE LIKE GOD was the foundational doctrine of the Serpent. God never intended for man to be his own god. This deception has been passed down through the ages. Even now deception permeates the mind-set of those in the New Age Movement, as well as all who desire to rule their own life. There is nothing NEW about New Age doctrines. These Doctrines have always been rooted and grounded in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

When Adam and Eve sinned in Eden, they took their focus off of the Tree of Life. They looked inwardly and saw that they were naked, because the Presence of God had departed from them. They were now focused on their nakedness and knew they needed a covering for their shame. There was strife between them when God confronted them about their sin. They tried to place the blame for their sin on someone other than themselves. Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the Serpent. They were both at fault. WHERE ENVY AND STRIFE IS THERE IS CONFUSION AND EVERY EVIL WORK.

Adam and Eve were confused and afraid after eating the Forbidden Fruit. After all, they had never experienced any of the negative emotions which they were now feeling. The Spirit of Confusion works in harmony with the Spirit of Fear to confound and torment the soul through sorcery, divination and condemnation. If they had returned and eaten of the Tree of Life after they had sinned without justification, the results would have been catastrophic.

The Shekinah Glory that covered Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden had departed and revealed their spiritual nakedness and shame before God. Their only hope for redemption and justification would have to come from God Himself.

Nothing good comes from partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It contains a deadly poison. Even the good part of the Tree has nothing to do with true goodness and righteousness. Eve saw that the Tree was GOOD FOR FOOD AND A TREE TO BE DESIRED THAT WOULD MAKE HER WISE. Unfortunately, the goodness and wisdom the Forbidden Tree produced was worldly, sensuous and devilish. Eating the Forbidden Fruit did not produce the results she was expecting.

Earthly wisdom focuses inwardly and promotes Self- Centeredness. It is prone to beguile others for selfish and diabolical reasons. Earthly wisdom produces its own righteousness and veils itself from the Truth.


SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS is the result of SELF- CENTEREDNESS. It is one of the most dangerous side effects which comes from partaking of the Forbidden Fruit. Outside of the Tree of Life there is no true righteousness. Righteousness does not come from a self-seeking mindset, but can only be obtained by partaking of the Tree of Life.

Christ Jesus is our Righteousness. When partaking of the Forbidden Fruit, man will always seek to justify his own actions whether they be good or bad. Adam and Eve tried to hide their sins by sewing fig leaves together, but this was the wrong response which only exacerbated the problem. It was a futile attempt to try and cover their sin. Their main problem was not something they could see, but something they could not see.

The true source of Righteousness and Peace can only be found in the Tree of Life. Man cannot justify his own evil actions by another evil reaction. All religions, outside of Christianity, are futile attempts to justify the sins that separate men from the Tree of Life. Justification can only come from the Tree of Life.

According to Jerimiah “the heart (spirit) of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Carnal man does not possess the righteousness of God, but will always manufacture his own righteousness. Man without Christ is self- centered, self-willed and self-seeking. This is called Self-Righteousness.


FOR HE HATH MADE HIM TO BE SIN FOR US, WHO KNEW NO SIN, THAT WE MIGHT BE MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM. 2 Corinthians, Chapter 5, Verse 21. When Christ Jesus rules and reigns in our heart, there is no room for Self- Centeredness or Self-Righteousness. We cannot be righteous if we sit and rule and reign upon the throne of our own heart. Christ Jesus is our Righteousness--without Him, no righteousness can be found in us.

While living in the Garden of Eden, the First parents were tempted by the Serpent to become LIKE GOD, knowing good and evil by partaking of the Forbidden Fruit. Unfortunately for them, this was just a scheme of the Serpent to separate them from the true source of godly wisdom and understanding by leading them down the Corridors of Sin.

To Eve it may have looked like an opportunity to gain a wealth of knowledge, understanding, influence and power which she did not possess. After all, wisdom and understanding can bring riches and wealth which the unlearned and foolish can never possess. However, to find these so called treasures, Eve had to take her focus off of the true riches found only in the Tree of Life.

Christ is the only source of Righteousness and the true wealth it possesses. To be Christ-Centered is to be found without dissimulation. There is nothing hidden in the Truth. This is why Truth, and only Truth, can set one free from the bondage of sin and the source of the beguiling tactics of the Serpent. It is the Righteousness of Christ in us that sets us free and gives us opportunity to serve Him with a pure heart and disciplined mind.


All religions outside of the framework of Christianity are works based religions. Man has to produce his own works to be justified and cleansed from his sins. If their good works outweigh their bad works, they think they are justified. However, no peace can be found in other religions because they are looking to themselves or a false god for redemption instead of Christ, who is our Tree of Life.

When Adam and Eve took their focus off of the Tree of Life (Christ) and placed it onto the Forbidden Tree, they left themselves open to temptation. The Tree of Life was all they needed to sustain them. Jesus is the TRUTH, the LIFE and the WAY. In Him we find all the Wisdom and Goodness we need. Partaking of the wisdom and goodness which the Forbidden Tree produced was tantamount to communing with the Serpent.

God is not only a God of Justice, but also a God of Judgment and Justification. Adam sinned and found himself facing the judgment of death. He tried to justify his own actions by blaming someone else for his sin. Eve did the same. These reactions are the result of eating of the Forbidden Fruit.

Because God is a just God, He could not let the sin of disobedience of Adam and Eve go unpunished. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. Sin demands payment. Sin was conceived through Disobedience; death was the sentence, and judgment would be severe. God is a God of love, but He is also a God of severity. He expects mankind to obey the Laws which produce godly Righteousness and Faith. The breaking of God’s Laws always produce chaos and confusion which eventually ends in spiritual and physical death.

God is the justifier of mankind. We are justified by having faith in Christ Jesus and what He accomplished at the Cross. It is by His faith we become justified. Man’s feeble attempts at justification can only lead to condemnation, judgment and death.

Natural man wishes to control his own destiny by making up his own rules and regulations. He justifies his actions by using poor judgment. THE HEART ABOVE ALL THINGS IS DECEITFUL AND DESPERATELY WICKED. A deceitful heart does not use godly judgment because it lacks wisdom.


Psalms 89, Verse 14. God chooses Justification rather than judgment and condemnation because He Himself is Just. We are justified when we accept the Plan of Salvation which God wrought in Christ Jesus. Judgment is deferred and Justification becomes our seal of approval. Yet, unless we repent we will experience the “severity of God.” Jesus paid the penalty at Calvary so justice could be served. He received the punishment we deserved for our sins.

Christ alone is our Justifier. The Faith is the principle by which we who have been justified live. God imparts a Living Faith to all who believe in Jesus. WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM.

THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY HIS FAITH. Hebrews, Chapter 10, Verse 38. Faith is a prerequisite for Justification. We must have Faith in the finished works of Christ which He wrought at Calvary.

Without the Living Word, Jesus, prevailing in our hearts, Faith is diminished and we lack Justification. We are justified when we believe and accept Christ and His sacrifice upon the Cross. He even gives us the Faith to receive Justification. Because of the Sacrifice of Christ---where condemnation and judgment impaled---Justice and Justification Prevailed.

God Himself provided a way for man’s justification. Through our faith in the shed Blood of Christ, we have been born into a Kingdom which operates according to the principles of Faith. However, our Faith must be a working Faith. A working Faith not only says, I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS ME, but it is a Faith that walks in the reality of that statement.

God is a God of Justification. He did not intend for anyone to come short of His Glory and fall from His Grace. However, He knew from the beginning that man would fail. Thankfully, He also provided a way for man to be justified by Faith. Man could again partake of the Tree of Life, and Christ alone would have to be the one to bring Justification to man in his fallen state. This plan would be carried out just outside of the City of Jerusalem some 2000 years ago on a Hill called MOUNT CALVARY.