Unleash Your Inventions by Ademola Morebise - HTML preview

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I am so excited to write the forward for this book: Unleash Your Inventions: The Secret Origin Of Creativity And Inventions by Ademola Morebise. This book is coming out at the most appropriate  time  in the history of humanity. At a time when it is most needed.

I pray that everyone that is reading the book will find it a great opportunity to be part of the generation that God is raising up very shortly, a generation of inventors and creators and also to launch themselves into the new realm of creativity that God wants to unleash upon the earth in our time.

Majority of what you have as instruments, gadgets, equipment, machines, electronics, smartphones, apps and computers today, they look exciting but in a very short while, they will become obsolete and when they are obsolete, it is those who have launched into creativity and invention of whatever God has put into their spirit that will start ruling and reigning the world.

That is why it is important to get involved in this spirit of creativity and invention right now. God bringing this out will help you to be part of these things, because if this book gets into your hand, I believe you are part of that generation of inventors and creators.

Incidentally, when I laid hold on this book, I finished reading it the same day. The next day I received an email from the great evangelist; Dr Morris Cerullo as a partner to his ministry. In the partner’s email Dr Morris Cerullo wrote that God had started speaking to him about the year 2020, revealing to him that it is going to be a year of inventions.

Wow! I concluded that this could not be a coincidence; God is planning inventions from year 2020 and then Ademola Morebise is publishing this book right now—2019 going to 2020—and named it UNLEASH YOUR INVENTIONS. This means something is happening in the spirit realm, only for those who are sensitive to pick it.

So, I pray that as you read the book, it is going to help you bring out what God has put inside your spirit.

Thank you and God bless you.


Rev. Olufemi Louis Ogundare, President, Cloven Tongues Of Fire Ministry (https://ctofm.org)