Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A Logical Discussion on the So-called ‘Miracles’ Ascribed to Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Al-Jaylani (may God have mercy upon him)

The magicians ascribed miracles to Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Al-Jaylani, considering them to be indications and proof of his true sainthood and nearness to Al’lah. It should be remembered, however, that the pagan magicians had displayed even more extraordinary ‘miracles’ than these.

With a little common sense and reference to the rules mentioned in the Noble Qur’an, any Muslim – however slight his religious education – would find an account of such miracles groundless. These miracles are listed below:

1)     When Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Al-Jaylani was an infant, he never suckled during the days of Ramadan. People asked: “Is the infant also charged with fasting or with curbing the desires of its spirit?”

2)     They also said that he was a child in his country of Jaylan when he went out in front of the masses on Arafah Day, walking behind a plowing cow. The cow turned to him, saying: “Abdul-Kadir! You were not created for such actions.” After being addressed in this way by an animal, he decided to travel to Baghdad in search of work in scientific research and in order to visit the men of truth there. But Al-Khidr (one of God’s saints) banned him from entering Baghdad for seven years. So, instead, he dwelt on the bank eating vegetables and legumes until a green color appeared on his neck. Then, according to this account, it was the cow that guided him onto the path of scientific research!!!

Was the man they thought was the greatest magnate of them all and the grand provider of succor the disciple of a cow?! Even supposing Al’lah had made it speak, why did He send Al-Khidr to prevent Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Al-Jaylani from entering the city of science, according to these claims?!

In this example, did even the slightest fulfillment come about from this supernatural event, such as challenging unbelievers to make them believe?!

Besides this, vegetables have never been known to cause the necks of vegetarians, who spend their lives without eating meat, the result that was said to have been seen on the neck of Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Al-Jaylani!

3)     He bound his spirit to a course where it would oppose its own whims. Because of this, he ate only garbage and did not drink water for a full year. Then he spent a year drinking water without eating, and for another year he never ate or drank, and nor did he sleep.

When he slept at Kisra’s Mansion he had a wet dream forty times and also performed the ritual ablutions on the shore forty times. Concerning eating garbage, we say: Al’lah has provided us with good and agreeable things and has forbidden noxious and harmful ones. As a believer is someone good-hearted, he only eats good, pleasant food.

In the Holy Qur’an the Sleepers of the Cave said: “…so, send one of you to the city with your paper money: let him find out which is the best food (to be had)...”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 18, Al-Kahf (The Cave), verse 19

In another verse God says: “They ask you what is lawful for them: say all good things are lawful for you…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 5, Al-Ma’ida (The Table), verse 4

As for acts such as abstaining from eating food or drinking water or both for a year, we say: Al’lah never revealed any proof confirming the usefulness of such acts and of causing of such stress on ourselves.

Additionally, as an example, camels don’t eat or drink for about a week or two by virtue of the hump that Al’lah designed for them, in which they carry what sustenance they need in the form of fats and greases. Polar bears sleep for a few months without eating or drinking; also, the extent of a penguin’s fasting may be a period of four months, whereas humans are unable to bear any of that.

The messenger (cpth) said: “…what is the matter with nations that said such and such about me?! But I fast and breakfast, pray and sleep and marry women. Then, he who has turned away from my Sunna (law) is not one of my followers.”[7]

The Quraysh, the folk of the prophet (cpth), said of him what is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: they said: “What about this prophet who eats food and walks in the markets? If only an angel had been sent down to him, so as to be an angel who gives warnings along with him.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 25, Al-Furqan (The Criterion), verse 7

So, who has exceeded God’s messenger (cpth) and broken His Laws? God says: “…and you shall find no change for God’s Law.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 33, Al-Ahzab (The Combined Clans), verse 62

And what about wet dreams? Is this phenomenon something supernatural or is it a vice? Is it not plain that this is a devilish call to practice shameful deeds in secret? It is the devil, not Al’lah, who commands us to do what is evil and shameful.

4)     He had been known to be a mute and a mad man, who walked barefoot on thorns. He did not eat till it was said to him: “by my right that is obligatory for you, eat”, nor did he drink till it was said: “by my right that is obligatory for you, drink”, and he did not do anything till he was ordered to do it. So: Does Al’lah the Almighty order us to follow a mad man?! Didn’t God’s messenger (cpth) instruct his companions (with whom Al’lah is pleased) and their followers in charity, saying: “…improve your clothes till you become as a beauty spot among people…”[8]

As well as this, God likes those who purify themselves, lest people become disinclined to them and to their religion.

Since he was doing only what he had been ordered to do; so, why did Al’lah take an oath upon him saying “by my right that is obligatory for you”?!

5)     When he was charged with teaching (guiding people to Al’lah), he took seventy covenants from Al’lah that he would not be deceived and that none of his followers would die except after repenting of their sins. Then, would it not be enough to take one covenant?! Did he mistrust God to this extent?! Would Al’lah speak with one who did not trust Him?! Glory to Him! “…He has never adopted a saint of ignominy…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 17, Al-Isra’ (The Night Journey), verse 111

Surely, he who interpolated these statements has no trust in Al’lah.

6)     When he started to teach, he saw some lights appear and come towards him. So he asked: “What is the matter?” It was said to him: “Al’lah’s messenger has come to congratulate you for what Al’lah has revealed to you through him”.

The lights increased and he became entirely absorbed in what was happening.

Then he saw Al’lah’s messenger calling him, so he happily took seven strides into the air. God’s messenger spat into his mouth seven times, and then he saw Ali who also spat inside his mouth three times. When he found the difference strange between the number of times that each of them spat, Ali (with whom God is pleased) replied that it was: “to be polite to the prophet (cpth)”.

What awful, fabricated tales that degrade Islam’s position in the view of the entirety of civilized human society!

The falseness of such stories is absolutely apparent, because their writer ignores the reality of science when he supposes that the speech of Al’lah’s messengers and saints (true worthy men) and their honorable Godly knowledge does not pass further than their mouths and necks, but flows with their spit. Consequently, the allegation is that science can be transmitted from one saint to another by means of disgusting, dirty spittle. Common people naturally feel disgust for such nauseating and sickening behavior. Such lies are used to defame religion and its scholars. In point of fact, spitting and throwing out the breath mixed with some saliva are, in fact, methods that form part of the practices of the magicians. There are those who practice magic who emit some of their spittle onto the possessions of those who are to be bewitched. God refers to this when He says: “Say: I proudly seek refuge in the Provider of all that’s coming to appearance … from the evil of those who spit into knots.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 113, Al-Falaq (All that's coming to Appearance), verse 4

Such deeds are extremely far from the real scholars whose hearts have been impressed with righteousness and truth.

7)     When he put his prayer beads on the ground these beads rotated by themselves, one by one, and if anyone touched a bowl which he left behind him, they would have felt an electrical tremor flowing from their hand to their shoulders.

We wonder: How many people have become believers by virtue of moving prayer beads or an electric bowl?! Is there any disbeliever who has been influenced like this?!

8)     The magicians mentioned one woman who presented her son to Sheikh Al-Jaylani. He was accepted and instructed by the sheikh to strive against his spirit’s whims and to follow his ancestors.

When the boy’s mother saw her son again, he was pale and thin, but when she entered the Sheikh’s room she found chicken bones there. So, she said: “Oh Sheikh! You eat chickens whereas my son eats barley bread!”

He put his hand on the chicken bones, saying to them:

“Get up by the will of He who makes bones live again after they have become rotten”.

The hen rose again sound in body, and when she saw this, the woman pronounced the two Islamic declarations of faith (that there is no God but Al’lah, and that Mohammad (cpth) is His messenger), and then the Sheikh said to her: “if your son could do this, he would be able to eat whatever he wanted.” In this way, they untruly and slyly made him seem to be like our master Jesus (pth), the prophet and messenger.

According to their claim we could conclude that it would be possible for each disciple of the Sheikh to have the ability to create a hen, making its bones come back to life after it has been eaten and swallowed.

Satan really proved the truth of his supposition about some of his followers when he made them believe that they had reached that professed rank. So, they cut a man’s head off with the aim of bringing him back to life in one of the villages in the Syrian countryside. But unfortunately they were totally thunderstruck when the mutilated head did not return to its place!! This case exposed the false saint in question and caused him to be hanged in accordance with the felony of murder that he had committed.

9)     They said that suddenly, the sheikh Al-Jaylani sent out a thunderous cry and threw his clogs high into the air. No one dared to ask him about this action. But, twenty three days later, a caravan came from the land of the Persians. It had been subjected to attack by brigands under the leadership of two men. The victims of this attack said: “If we escape, let us then devote some of our money to Sheikh Abdul-Kadir so that we may regain our belongings”.

They continued: “no sooner we had made our statement than we heard two great cries which resounded around the valley. The brigands approached us, returning our money to us, and we found their two leaders dead, each with one of the clogs near to him.”

Such silly fabricated tales need no disproof!!