Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Clearing up the Evil Intentions of Magicians

In fact, temptation, cunning, deception and distance from Al’lah, the Source of every virtue, goodness and charity: all of these have now become ubiquitous. Consequently, magicians and charlatans have crept into the minds of people who have followed imitation and traditional religion with conviction, and who have turned away from thinking and from true faith. Such people have thus fallen into the nets of these magicians and have been deceived by them into thinking that they were righteous men of true religion. However, in reality, they assumed religion only on the level of words, and used it as a means to destroy people’s spirits and multiply the band of Satan’s supporters.

They adopted numerous fabricated methods that were not sent down under the authority of Al’lah, and they affirm these methods and in this way, seek to captivate weak spirits and add them to Satan’s faction. Their only goal in this endeavor was to encircle the minds and spirits of naive Muslims. Indeed, all their actions amount to falsehood, and it is with this they bewitch people’s eyes. God says: “…the magician does never succeed (prosper), whatever he does.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 20, Ta Ha ‘Ta-ha’ (Pure), verse 69

As Islam is a faith of logic, righteousness, and supreme laws in which we find no break with the marvelous and strictly accurate universal system, we wonder: does not the constitution of those who stab themselves with skewers consist of flesh, blood, bones, nerves and senses?

Are they different from others concerning the creation and composition of their bodies?! Or are they distinguished by having been created under another living law, different from those applying to humanity, so that no skewer or fire, nor even the cutting of spears and knives can affect them?! Is this credible?! Having been shown that their deeds are nothing but witchcraft, deception, and the result of firm and secret cooperation with Satan, let us show how the devilish presence comes into being. This is opposed to the Godly presence, into which one enters by becoming infatuated with God, the epitome of Majesty, Bounty, and Honour, with His merciful messenger (cpth), and with His Supreme Attributes. On the contrary to this, let us show how the magic shows and the stabbing with skewers begin, and what the results of these ceremonies are.

Drumming, the tapping of tambourines, dancing and excitement, and tuneful voices that entirely enchant hearts that are unmindful of the Source of Majesty and Beauty: these are used to delight the ears, after which the hearts become cheerful at these sounds and the spirits become captivated by what they hear, as the domination of whim is awakened and thinking and rationality become doped. Then, these delighted spirits start to yearn for the magicians, so that it becomes possible for Satan to pass through the spirits of the viewers and possess them. Hence, a ray of the spirits of those who have invoked the devils flows into the spirits of those who are listening. This ray strikes, touches, and penetrates them. As the hearer becomes engrossed in this state of absorption which is associated with a lack of awareness of Al’lah, and as his spirit’s rays are connecting with this singer, who in reality is a magician, Satan seizes this opportunity because he is, in fact, blind, but he can just smell the evilness.

If it weren’t for the ray of the spirit of a magician who is completely far from Al’lah, Satan could not pierce into the spirit of the listener. He only does so by taking this ray as a vessel that helps him to flow into his victim’s spirit, borne by it just as electric power flows along and is transmitted by wire.

So, being carried by this wire will severely shock the person with whom the wire is in contact, or make him unaware and unconscious. Were it not for the wire, the electric current could not reach him or cause him any harm.

The magicians’ movements aim to invoke the devil’s spirit, and all their singing the praises of Al’lah and His messenger – verbally – amounts to nothing but artifice. In truth, their unvarnished reality is nothing but the hidden spiritual obscenity and unmatched polytheism that dwell in their hearts. With such false praise of God, they turn towards some people and masters of magicians, whom they call by the names of ‘Al’lah’ and ‘Mohammad’. Thus, they cheat the listeners with their words in order to lead their spirits to destruction.

Indeed, the example just given is quite applicable to Satan and his spiritual travel, for as soon as he reaches and touches his victim, he gives them false impressions that bewitch their sight so that they suppose that the stabbing with skewers that the magician displays is a real action. Thus, the trick succeeds upon them when their spirits turn towards the enchanter in appreciation and glorification. This is the serious calamity and the greatest affliction for this oblivious victim, who forgets Al’lah. At this point the enchanter instills whatever evilness and lusts that he can into the vessel of the audience member’s spirit. This person then becomes a victim of whims, destructive desires and doubts in Al’lah and His messenger (cpth). Consequently, the targeted spirit will shun them and draw far from them, having been filled with vices to such an extent that ejecting them from their spirit is inevitable. Here, Satan becomes the leader and teacher of this victim who can’t escape this new state.

With that, Satan’s desires and aims are fulfilled by misleading this person and making them fall into the bad and evil deeds that they cannot avoid as they turn away from obedience to Al’lah, their Provider. They are diverted from their real happiness, and instead are afflicted with eternal misery and distress after they give in to their fatal lusts. This makes them descend into the torture of fire (which fits their bad acts exactly), from where no alternative for their fate can be sought. Those are the mean methods and the fatal path of the magicians.

It follows that the killing of enchanters can be made a reality by forsaking them and the sessions through which they conjure their hidden devils.

In fact, psychological diseases only befall those who draw far from their Creator and allow themselves to witness such assemblies, which are one of the traps of Satan.

Man should not attend such sessions; as the prophet (cpth) said: “Our nature and character can be caught unawares, so avoid the heretics.”

Had those who are obedient to religion sought refuge in their Provider and bound their hearts to God’s messenger (cpth), they would have never fallen into such traps but would have kept themselves away from them.

If they were true and straight believers who kept within Al’lah’s Orders, and then, had they been unwillingly surprised by these devils, then the devils would not have been able to show them this ceremony of stabbing with skewers or indeed, to show them anything else, because one who seeks refuge in their Provider is always surrounded by a light that comes from Al’lah through His noble messenger (cpth).

So, devils can never be in the presence of or approach true believers, or even their followers. Consequently, their attempts are thwarted and they are unable to exhibit their display of stabbing themselves with skewers.

In fact, God’s Light and fire can never meet, and since Satan was created from fire, thus the light that surrounds the believer will burn and damage him. A light comes over the heart of believers who have had recourse to Al’lah by means of His messenger, and this light forms an obstruction that cannot be approached or penetrated by Satan, for if he draws near to it, he will surely be burnt. The Almighty says: “He has no authority over those who truly believe and put their trust in their Provider.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 16, An-Nahl (The Bees), verse 99

If you then ask these people about the aim behind such ceremonies, they will reply, “by stabbing our bodies with skewers and through other deeds we prove that our religion is the right one among all of the known religions”.

But if we reconsider their statements objectively, we shall find that they are devoid of fact and logic, because one who wants to present proof that Islam is the right religion in this way should not do such deeds inside mosques or in Muslims’ houses and villages, where the viewers are already Muslims who need no such indication or proof!!

It is worthier to prove the truth of their religion in the presence of unbelievers and atheists. So do they do so?! What disbeliever has embraced Islam after watching suspicious ceremonies and shows during which magicians stab themselves with skewers?

Surely… none.

Since no skewers or bullets or fire can affect these false magicians, it would be better for them to go and liberate their brothers in Islam from the fires of unjust occupation by aiding them to achieve victory over their enemy.

According to their claims and pretense, upon finishing their ceremony of piercing themselves with skewers and removing them from their bodies, they put some of their spittle on the wounds so that they heal up at once and cicatrize as if the wound had never existed.

If this is so, why then do they not go to hospitals to put that same magical spittle on the injuries of sick people who are due to undergo surgical operations so that they will promptly be healed?! How can they allow them to stay in hospital suffering excruciating pain for many days and weeks!! Where is their humanity?!

Apart from the disgust and alienation that arises from putting spittle into people’s mouths, the prophet (cpth) said: “Waste is verily caused by disgust.”

We wonder: if they themselves (that is, those who pretend to stab their own bodies with skewers) were subjected to surgical operations due to being lunged at with a knife or hit by a car or any other kind of accident, would they not certainly face the same fate as any other? So why don’t they put the spittle on their wounds so as to heal them?!

Does this not unquestionably indicate their cunning and charlatanism?!

Thus, these ceremonies and shows of stabbing themselves with skewers are nothing but devilish, crafty methods by which they aim to creep into people’s spirits. These are schemes to make people join the procession of Satan, and which drive their victims out of light and into darkness. Their devils direct them on such a path, and they fully obey their commands and draw far from and shun Al’lah and His messenger (cpth), depriving themselves of the paradises of bliss and ensuring that they will dwell in eternal fire.

What bad deeds!

Evil is what they do!

If they were believers who were illuminated by God’s light and who adopted the human way, Al’lah would certainly improve their status, providing them with the health, power, and money that is to be gained by following the straight and lofty path of righteousness.

And here we will tell you some factual stories through which you yourself can become absolutely sure of the dishonesty of the magicians.