Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Issues for Dialogue

Some people claim that they follow the example of our master Khaled Ibn Al-Waleed who, according to a fabricated story, drank poison after pronouncing the Name of God.

Others believe that God creates things when the magician says such and such a spell or special words.

Others hold the view that learning magic is not disgraceful or forbidden, relying on the story of our master Solomon when he took control of the jinn. They believe what the devils said to the children of Israel when they left God’s Book, the Scripture, and followed their fabrications about Solomon’s reign. This is despite the fact that, as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, the Almighty says: “…not that Solomon was an unbeliever, it is the devils who are unbelievers: they teach men witchcraft…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 102

This also goes for those who accept what the devils tell them.

For all that, it is necessary to unveil the reality of such important issues, which are widespread among Muslims, since we know the truth about magicians, and the nature of the jinn whom the magicians use to fulfill their purposes: or to be exact, we know which one of them uses the other as a mount for himself