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Foreword by Prof. Abdul-Kadir John Alias Al-Dayrani


Excerpts from the Inspired Science of the GreatHumane Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho

When do the magicians appear?

Only the scholar’s learning unveils the secrets of the magicians

Chapter 1

The Claim that Magic Proves the Validity of the Islamic Religion (Each Magician is a Beggar)

Refuting Magicians’ Claims

Firstly: Pagan worshipers of fire and of cows are able to do greater devilish wonders than those already mentioned

Secondly: Messengers and prophets are mortal human beings like us

Thirdly: Magicians Are the People Farthest from Righteousness

Fourthly: Why have the magicians failed to liberate their occupied lands by using their magic?

Fifthly: The Qur’anic verses state that there can be no miracle after the Holy Qur’an

Sixthly: In general, do miracles profit anyone?

Seventhly: Could the noble companions (may God be pleased with them) guide the nations to light by stabbing themselves with skewers!?

Eighthly: A realistic result is better than delusion

Chapter 2

Is There a New God in the Sky of Islam?

Between Polytheism and Binding

Is it Permissible to Bind Oneself to Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Al-Jaylani or Sheikh Ahmad Al-Rifaee or Other Former Holy Men (may Al’lah have mercy upon them)?

The Man Who Fell

A Logical Discussion on the So-called ‘Miracles’ Ascribed to Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Al-Jaylani (may God have mercy upon him)

The Magician Sheikh and His Jinn-Companion

Chapter 3

The Emergence of Mysticism

Chapter 4

The Essence of Our Composition and Jinn’s Composition

Psychic Execution

Chapter 5

The Traveling of the Spirit

The praised traveling of the spirit

The mind

We Muslims do not worship the Ka’ba

Evil spiritual travelling and the world of betrayal

The deadly beginning

Devils of mankind or of jinn-kind!!

Chapter 6

Is it Possible to Use Believing Jinns in the Service of Good Deeds?

How do Devils Appear to People?

A Saint is somebody who observes the boundaries of Al’lah

Astounding surprise


Chapter 7

How Can a Magician Affect Hundreds of Viewers?!

Appreciation (one of the rules of the spirit), and its results

Is it True That the Magicians’ Cords and Staffs Appeared to the Eyes of Our Master Moses to be Moving Due to the Effect of Their Magic?!

Did Moses (pth) turn back in retreat when he saw his staff moving?

Chapter 8

Clearing up the Evil Intentions of Magicians

Islam’s Drum has been Dented

A Strange but True Incident that Put an End to Barza’s Band

Sheikh Ahmed Al-Haroon (May God have mercy upon him) and the People of Footstep

Chapter 9

Issues for Dialogue

They Invented the Existence of a Supernatural Ability for Khaled Ibn Al-Waleed…but!!

The self-extoller is a devil

Why Do They Not Create Enough Money to Fulfill Their Needs?!

The Magical Professional is a Brother of the Devil and is Intimate with Him

The acquittal of our master Solomon (pth) from magic

The acquittal of the angels of practicing magic

How Dare They Ascribe the Command of such an Atrocity to Al’lah, who would never Do Such a Thing?!

Those who believe in magic and magicians do not believe in what was revealed to Mohammad (cpth)

Chronic Headaches

The True Believer (the Magician and the Golden Lira)

Chapter 10

Studying Magic

The educational qualifications for learning magic

Offering to Learn Magic and the Conditions of Membership, the Principles and the Beliefs of Followers of Magicians Loyal to the Cursed Devil


The Shoemaker is Barefoot and the Knitter is Undressed

The Teacher of Magic

A Strange Witty Discussion

Chapter 11

A Glimpse of the Magic of Olden Times and the Magic of Recent Times

The Methods and Aims of Magicians

Chapter 12

Did God Make Anyone into a Devil?

The birth of magic

Bearing the trust

Who Was the First Devil?

How Did He Become a Devil?

Revealing the Devil’s Ways

Explaining part one of the verse: concerning the first type of satanic deception mentioned in the verse

“I Do Not Make my Neck a Bridge Leading to Hellfire”

The Greatest Magnate and the Basin of the Tenure

In a few words we say

Explaining part two of the verse: concerning the second type of satanic deception mentioned in the verse

Explaining part three of the verse

Explaining part four of the verse

Explaining part five of the verse

How does this satanic temptation take place?

Can They Affect Every Person with their Magic through Causing Harm or Separation or Causing Whirls of Spiritual Disorder?!

Chapter 13

Very Important Cases

Did Magic Act upon the Messenger of God (Communication with Al’lah and peace are through him)


The State of Prophets and Messengers

How could the devil throw suspicions upon the wish of the messenger Mohammad (cpth)?

Satan’s Insinuation

Seeking Refuge in God Through Al’lah’s Messenger (cpth) Burns the Devil and Defeats Him, and Through It Paradise is Achieved for the Believer

The Qualities of the True Ascetic

The Haunted House

Satan Has No Power over God’s Messenger (cpth), but Only over the Unbelievers Sitting before Him

Our Master Adam (pth)

The state of our master Adam in Paradise

The causes of our master Adam’s (pth) exit from paradise

The thought’s inactivity (suspension)

Learn a lesson from this story

How did the devil whisper to Adam when prophets are impeccable?

How Did the Devil’s Influence Touch our Master Job (pth)?

Chapter 14

The Various Styles of Magic


The Propaganda of Conjuring up Spirits, or the New Spiritism

The foundation of this practice and its most notable personalities

The main content of this propaganda, and the ideology and beliefs of its founders and followers

“Why don’t You Conjure up Your Friend’s Spirit?!”

Conjuring up spirits

The false baseless belief

The testimonies of the ones who have repented

Augury – One of the Claims of the Magicians


The Tale of Employing Necromancy to Reveal Thieves

The Amazing Hat of Hiding

A Scion of an Important Ancestor and his Marvels


The Magician and the Needle

Spitting in Knots

The Wife who Remained a Virgin for Two Decades

Spells and Talismans

Envy, or Afflicting People with the Evil Eye

Once again: defining the envier and showing how envy hits the one who is envied

A Magician’s Failure


The only way to recover

The Repentant Woman

Chapter 15

Epilepsy and the Factors Leading to It

Is epilepsy of organic or of spiritual origin?

The Devil was Kicked out, But Confessed a Truth: “No Power Have I over You”

Chapter 16

Why would Al’lah the Almighty Permit Magic to Have an Effect on Someone, although He is the Controller, and is Predominant over all Creation and is Its Disposer?!

Distresses and what follows them

Does the spirit turn pure through distress?

Al’lah does not permit magic to be enacted upon a person haphazardly

Chapter 17

The Only Way Leading to Purification of the Spirit and Curing it of Spiritual Ailments and Diseases

Straightness is the impregnable fort which keeps us safe from spiritual complexes and diseases and from falling under devilish powers

Belief is the way leading to straightness

In short, we say


Chapter 18

Issued to the Great Humane Eminent Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho (His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah)