Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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The Magical Professional is a Brother of the Devil and is Intimate with Him

Some people hold the view that learning magic is not disgraceful or forbidden. They depend on the story of our master Solomon, about when the jinns were subjugated to him, and on the interpolated story of the two angels. They also rely on a saying ascribed falsely to the chosen Al-Mustafa (cpth) although he did not actually say it. This invented saying ascribed to him is as follows: “learn magic but do not practice it”.

In fact, no one dares to deal in magic unless they are an unbeliever, and they soon learn that magic will make them a brother to the devil and one of his troop and his assistants. They will become an enemy of humanity and will feel pleased at the infliction of misery and pain.

God says: “And yet among men there are some who dispute about Al’lah, without knowledge, and serve every rebellious devil!”: this means that such people think that the devils have some power over people, such as bringing people together or separating them, helping people, or enriching them and helping them to find treasure.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 22, Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage), verse 4

Whereas in fact: “It has been decreed for him (the devil) that whoever turns to him for friendship will be led astray, and the devil will guide him into the scourge of the Fire.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 22, Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage), verse 3

This is a rule: the one who follows the devil will be misled by the devil and will be made unhappy by him.

And anyone that chooses the devil to be his friend will find themselves with an evil friend.

The acquittal of our master Solomon (pth) from magic

As for the story invented about our master Solomon in which it is said that the jinns had been subjugated to him by use of magic, it is untrue and baseless. On the contrary, it gives us evidence against those who want to falsely give credibility to the permissibility of using jinns and magic in the service of good deeds.

This case was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in its correct and unadulterated meaning. It shows that the Jews accepted what the devils dishonestly said about our master Solomon (pth), namely, that he had the power of magic.

God says: “They accept what the devils tell of Solomon’s reign...”: the devils said that Solomon’s reign had been brought about by his use of magic after he controlled the jinns and bewitched them, so that they would help him to come into possession of his kingdom. The contention is that they built things for him and on his behalf.

Thus, with their wicked pretense, these devils turned to magic instead of reciting Scripture and applying it. They fabricated tales to the effect that Solomon had controlled the world by witchcraft, but the Almighty said to them: “…not that Solomon was an unbeliever…”: that is, Solomon (pth), did not do such a thing, but instead asked God alone for help. He did not see any agent except Al’lah, and nor did he turn away from God but rather continued communicating with Him.

So, he did not ascribe the events of this time to the devils. The devils can do nothing. God says: “…Satan’s machination is weak indeed”: the devil has no power and no strength; he is like a sick person who is too weak to fight. All actions are in God’s Hands.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 4, An-Nisa’ (Women), verse 76

All the stories about Solomon (pth) which suggest that he achieved what he achieved by use of magic are untrue and unfounded. They are reported only in books of the Talmud, and not in God’s Book, the Scripture.

How can they make their untrue declaration, to “learn magic”, when God says: “…it is the devils who are unbelievers. They teach men witchcraft…”?! That is, they teach men to display unreal things.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 102

Magic results in disbelief, and nobody deals with magic except those who follow the way that leads to unbelief.

Since the noble verse denotes that the devils are the ones to teach people magic, I wonder how could it be possible for the messenger (cpth) to order us to follow the devils’ command, and to learn magic without practicing it, as is stated in the interpolated Hadith? Far be it for him (cpth).

Furthermore, when our master Solomon (pth) invoked his Provider, he said, “…and bestow upon me such power as shall belong to none after me. You are the Bountiful Giver.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 38, Sâd (the Letter, S = True), verse 35

This noble verse shows us that our master Solomon asked God to grant him power, and not to grant it to the jinn-kind or the devils. Then God satisfied him and He subjugated certain numbers of the jinn-kind to him.

Thus it was Al’lah who rendered the jinns devoted to him, and it was not he himself (pth) who subjugated them by magic, as they dishonestly pretended.

The Almighty also subjected the birds and the wind to Solomon’s control so as to help him in inviting people to God as he (pth), wishing to do good deeds, had tired out his horses by training them extensively.

So, how could this power have then gone to any of the magicians that followed him? This is what they claim, although it is clear that our master Solomon (pth) prayed to God to ask Him not to allow that to happen.

Besides this, when the Almighty did this for our master Solomon (pth), the subjugation of the jinns was real rather than mere deception. This is in stark contrast to the magic trickery that is practiced by the magicians. That is, the jinns appeared both in body and spirit and they were working under God’s command.

God says: “Then We subjected the wind to him, to blow softly at his bidding wherever he was headed; as also the devils, (including) every kind of builder and diver, and others bound with chains. ”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 34, Saba’ (Sheba), verse 12

“Then We subjected the wind to him, to blow softly at his bidding wherever he was headed…”: that is, to carry him and his army. “…as also the devils, (including) every kind of builder and diver…”: in order to build military bases and sea platforms for him, and to dive into the sea and onto the land. They made whatever he wanted for him, including war machinery, weapons (similar to those of the enemy), basins as large as reservoirs, and built-in cauldrons. “…and others bound with chains”: he (pth) was holding them in whatever place he chose.

Whoever the magicians were and whatever character they were masking, if their aspect had been real, why would they not avoid beggary and stop asking people to reward them for their shows, or to offer sacrifices for them?

The Almighty said that if any jinn deviated from our master Solomon’s order, He would make them taste the fire of hell. God says, “…those of them who did not do Our bidding, we shall punish in the fire of Hell.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 34, Saba’ (Sheba), verse 12

Why do devils make friends with people who are stressed, and continue to tire them out every night until they deprive them of sleep during the night because of their deception? It is a fact that this happens, and it is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an when God says, “Some people have sought the help of some jinns, but they made them more stressed.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 72, Al-Jinn (The Jinn), verse 6

The acquittal of the angels of practicing magic

When it was claimed that there were two angels called Harout and Marout, and that Al’lah had sent down magic to them, He answered them by saying:

“It (magic) was never revealed to any two angels named Harout and Marout in Babylon, and they (these two angels) did not teach anyone without saying: ‘we are only here as a trial for you, so do not be unbelievers'. Yet they (people) learn from them both (the devils of both humankind and jinn-kind) the means to sow discord between husband and wife. However, they can never harm anyone with it without Al’lah’s permission, and indeed they learn what harms them and not what benefits them, although they knew full well that anyone who engaged in that traffic (magic) would have no share created for them in the life to come. Vile is the price for which they sell their spirits, if they only knew it!”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 102

They said in their Talmud, without returning to the Torah, that Harout and Marout were two angels that had been sent down to teach magic to the people. Surely, this claim is baseless and untrue, and these two angels did not exist. Magic was never revealed to any of God's angels as was alleged; rather, this was slyly interpolated to make people accept magic. Therefore God says: It was never revealed to any two angels named Harout and Marout in Babylon.

They also claimed that these two angels had pledged their services to certain magicians, to whom they taught magic. However, Al’lah refuted this claim, and condemned it with His words: “…and they did not teach anyone…”: those who teach are the devils of humankind and jinn-kind; “…without saying…”: according to their false story; “…‘we are only here as a trial for you, so do not be unbelievers'…”: devils say that those who follow them will benefit greatly, so people should not leave them. However, this saying is not true, and there is no benefit from following these devils. Here, Al'lah is reporting what they said in their false tale of these two angels in order to unveil their trickery. Does what they claim seem right or logical?! Surely not.

God continued by saying, “…they (people) learn from them both…”: the ‘both’ here refers to both the devils of humankind and jinn-kind; “…the means to sow discord between husband and wife. However, they can never harm anyone with it without Al’lah’s permission…”: Al’lah is the real Doer, and therefore such harm does not occur unless He pleases. The evil effects of magic do not affect anyone other than those who deserve it: if an obedient person is straight, none will have any domination over them; one who remains with Al’lah the Almighty will never be injured; they will not be affected by the false impressions that come from Satan.

God then revealed the defeat they would draw upon themselves, saying: “…indeed they learn what harms them and not what benefits them…”: that is, they learn from the devils about how to gain all the pleasures of this lower life; “…although they knew full well…”: from the Holy Qur'an; “…that anyone who engaged in that traffic (magic) would have no share created for them in the life to come…”: this means that such a person will attain none of the goodness that is prepared and created for their sake.

Magicians know that magic results in destruction, but they follow their bestial and fatal lusts, and in this way they are surely surmounted. Vile is the price for which they sell their spirits, if they only knew it!”: that is, if they only knew what would afflict them in the hereafter, they would know how vile this magic was.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 102

Had they believed in God, they would not have done what they did. Thus, they will always be defeated, since they did not believe the truth: that there is no God but Al’lah. On the other hand, if they were believers, they would not have been overcome by their low yearnings, nor would they now be helpless.

The Almighty says: “The angels all prostrated themselves together.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 15, Al-Hijr (Stone Buildings), verse 30

That is, they all submitted to the Godly command, so we know that the Almighty did not exclude any of the angels as they have untruly claimed. Rather, He reveals this truth to us when He uses the two words: ‘all’ and ‘together’. Thus they all obeyed and yielded to Him, the Almighty. Since they had all given possession of their spirits to Al’lah, they were named as angels,[18] who by definition “…never disobey Al’lah’s command and promptly do his bidding.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 66, At-Tahrim (Prohibition), verse 6

They apply the instructions that have been given to them by Al’lah, the Almighty. Is it acceptable to say that the Almighty, who does not accept belief from His servants, could give the order to learn magic? He calls us to live a safe and peaceful life both here and in the hereafter. God says, “Al’lah invites us to the house of peace…”, rather than inviting us to the parting and sowing of discord between married couples as instructed by magicians.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 10, Yunus (Jonah), verse 25

God says: “…would He enjoin you to be unbelievers after you have surrendered yourselves to Him?!”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 3, Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran), verse 80