Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A True Story

Chronic Headaches

Now we will cite an example which represents the complete range of social categories, not centered in only one country, but spread across all lands.

It tells of one of the simplest of men, whose son was suffering from chronic headaches that caused him to faint repeatedly. After just one visit to a modern treatment foundation, where he failed to attain a quick recovery, following the advice of many people, this man’s father arranged for him to frequent a pretender who claimed to possess the keys to the knowledge of secret matters and sorcery. Such men are to be found everywhere, especially among simple countryside people.

The hidden ‘solutions’ and reasons for the malady suggested by this charlatan varied: he posited that the sufferer was being affected by the glance of an envier’s eye; he mentioned buried magic tools and the snatching fear which occurs shortly after sunset; he called for the offering of sheep to the magician, that had to be immolated; such proposals continued until the father became utterly pauperized while his son remained ill, because he was simply suffering from chronic migraine!!

Had this man applied cupping[22] to his son with all its correct rules, he would have immediately been cured.

What a poor man!! And so is it with his fellow…

He resorted unawares and completely surrendered to his enemy, who was a devil of oblivious humankind that led him only to the path which would lead to his loss, because this poor man complied with what had been dictated to the magician or the seer by the devils. Al’lah says: “…Satan is ever treacherous to man.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 25, Al-Furqan (The Criterion), verse 29

And in another verse, the Almighty cautions us against Satan when He says: “Satan is verily your enemy: therefore treat him as an enemy…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 35, Fatir (Orignator), verse 6

And this is because he instructs you to commit evil and atrocity, leading you to poverty, which is the end result for anyone who seeks refuge in a magician or soothsayer. They will occupy the victim through a kind of spiritual influence and domination, so that they will leave the practice of their labor, which is the source of their livelihood, and become absorbed in visions until their spiritual condition becomes one where they fully believe in magic and the magicians’ power. Magic and the magicians will take total control of this person’s life.

Consequently, the victim’s spiritual and physical powers will become paralyzed and at last, their life will often end up in death or defeat or incarceration inside a mental hospital.

This is Satan, and this is the start and the end of his magical science.

Most of his followers finally wind up in a lunatic asylum. Satan has no sway or control over anyone except those who are evil like him; they are the only ones who respond to his call. God says: “He has power only over those who befriend him and those who take him as another god besides Al’lah.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 16, An-Nahl (The Bees), verse 100

As for the true believer, Satan is driven away from holding sway over them.

Here you have before an actual occurrence showing us the patterns of the true believer.