Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A True Story

A Strange Witty Discussion

A group of young men pretending to have supernatural powers hovered around a pure simple man who became dismayed; his heart was beating and he felt terrified because of what he had seen: long spears, swords, knives, startling movements where these people ascended and descended through the air. These actions were carried out by these people as they made vague, murmuring sounds. He inquired of himself: “Is such the reality of Islam? Does a mindful and sober person turn into a distracted and insane one when they reach the highest status of receiving the manifestation of Glory?! Did the noble companions or God’s Envoy (cpth) undertake such actions?!”

He turned to Sheikh Emin Keftaro for help (may God have mercy upon him), as he was well known to be a man of faith and uprightness. The young man told the sheikh about what had been worrying him (he was afraid that the reason for this spiritual attack on him was his own refusal to believe that this magic was somehow linked to the religion of Islam). He feared lest he be cursed by Sheikh Abdul-Kader Al Jaylany (who was called a falcon) because of his rejection of any religious basis for these actions. Sheikh Emin asked this man, who was a relative of his, to put him together with the Sheikh who was now the head of the school of thought in which this group of young men studied. When they met, Sheikh Emin took off his overcoat and put it under him to sit on it, showing his concern for it, guarding it as though a treasure had been put inside it, as if he was afraid lest it should be robbed. The attendees reviled his doing so and smiled mockingly at him. The person who had brought him thought that this Sheikh Emin had been touched or afflicted by the teacher of the school and his followers, so he asked him, “Why do you do such a thing, although you are known for your sobriety and reasonable behavior?”

Sheikh Emin replied to him with a ringing voice, “The people who are from this school robbed the shoes of the messenger (cpth), and it would be no wonder for them to do such a deed to their opponents”.

The Sheikh of the school laughed loudly and was about to faint from laughter, and his disciples imitated him. When he controlled himself and could hold the reins of his breathing again, he addressed Sheikh Emin in his broken voice, “But, you ignorant man, this school had not been in existence at the time of the messenger, and not even during the time of his companions”.

Then Sheikh Emin answered loudly, amazing all of those present:

“I condemn you with your own words! Where have you brought them from?! Since this school was not present at the time of the Envoy (cpth) and his companions (may Al’lah be pleased with them), or at the time of those who followed them in charity and transferred the religion from him (cpth) to us, then from where have you brought this school, and inserted it into Islam?”

The Sheikh of the school gaped as though thunderstruck, and was immediately at his wit’s end and found no reply. The crowd was astonished, since they had not expected that their sheikh would give testimony against himself, with words through which he confessed that their school was based on false heresy, and that he did so with a finishing stroke at the first moment of the meeting, without opposing what is right with what is false, and identifying truth and untruth. Then it was easy for those who had cleverness and intelligence to recognize what was right from what was false by way of reasonable rational evidence and proof.