Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Did God Make Anyone into a Devil?

We shall know in this subject the origin of magic, who is the first Satan appeared on earth? And unveiling the methods followed by the magiciens and the devils to seduce people.

The birth of magic

In fact, all the different parts of creation are equal in their origin, but the one that follows the Godly rules becomes high. The Almighty brought creation into existence for it to enjoy witnessing Him, and to sink into viewing the endless Godly Beauty through watching itself and the graces and gifts with which He has obliged all of creation.

Godly Justice required the creation of no differentiation between all of the spirits. So, at the beginning of creation in Al-Azal world (the pre-material world), all creation was enjoying witnessing that great treasure of endless Godly Beauty and Perfection.

Yet allowing these spirits to remain at just one level of witnessing and at a single position would later make them feel bored with it. Therefore it was necessary to exchange this one state for various states, through which humanity could ascend, moving from one state to another that was more beautiful, brighter and more pleasant than the last. Thereby, feelings of boredom would find no way to creep into these spirits; on the contrary, cheerfulness, happiness, pleasure, and increasing eagerness and delight would be the things which would overwhelm them.

Since the Grand and Wide Almighty (glory to His Grandeur and His sublime and glorious Prestige) has no end, then why would creation remain at one level of this great witnessing when there were and are endless levels of it; that is to say, when high paradises exist with the Provider of the worlds which have no limit?!

Such was to be the nature of life, and such were to be the paradises of rising eternal beatitude for which all hearts would beat with passion.

Out of God’s love for us, He wished us to have this kind of a continuous and rising high, lofty, beautiful and pleasant life, and so for this reason He put an arrangement into place for the spirits through which they could achieve these paradises voluntarily and willingly and possess them, and it is there that their satisfaction and happiness can become perfect.

Therefore, the Almighty has put a rule into place for the spirit. He allows it to draw near to its Provider and to advance by means of those of its own spontaneous deeds that it witnesses. In this way, it acquires a confidence in God’s satisfaction, and so, with this, it ascends through His paradises, from one to the next that is higher than the one before.

Thus there will be no weariness or tedium. There will be only longing and passionate love in a situation of truth before the Generous Grantor and the Omnipotent King. This is the reason for our coming to this world. God offered all spirits an exodus to a world where they could commit actions and deeds by which they would be able to ascend.

The confidence that is generated in spirits from their good deeds is the basis by which they approach their Provider and the mystery of their happiness.

It is that which made this world an abode of deeds and a path to the other world where the heavens and rivers, as previously mentioned, are in a situation of truth before the Generous Grantor and the Omnipotent King.

For this reason the Almighty put a yearning into these spirits, for without yearning, there is no inclination to rush to perform a deed, or to incline to it or seek it. Rather, without yearning, one will stay still and motionless, finding no taste and no pleasure, and not tasting the flavor of happiness.

This yearning gives the good deeds proportional values according to the spirit’s sacrifice, patience and strife.

Performing these deeds voluntarily through the spirit makes them have high value in the eyes of the spirit itself, so that it relies on them to enter the Presence of its Creator, and the nature of this entry will be equivalent to the good deeds it has committed and to the great sacrifices it has made to approach the Honor of its Great Provider.

Bearing the trust

The Almighty God wanted to offer Trust to all of creation. He says: “We offered the Trust to the heavens, earth and mountains and they refused to bear it for they feared it; Man bore it. Man was unjust to himself and ignorant of its results!”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 33, Al-Ahzab (The Combined Clans), verse 72

This was God’s purpose in offering the Trust. The will of all of creation is His alone, but He offered to entrust this will to them, and make it a trust with them, thus giving them the freedom of choice in achieving the deeds that result from their yearnings.

On the day that God offered this Trust to the spirits, it was an offering that included no coercion or force or any deviation from Godly Justice. He showed the spirits the fruits of bearing this Trust: if they chose to perform high deeds they would enter paradises, but if they chose to draw far from the Creator and follow an evil way, fire and pain would be their lot. Thus they knew all of this, and got it into their minds.

All of creation feared to bear this trust, and so they retreated from it: “…they refused to bear it for they feared it…” This was so, except for one category, which took an adventure and undertook to bear this Trust: “…Man bore it…”

This category includes humankind and jinn-kind, who are both in charge of bearing the Trust.

As for the statement “…Man was unjust to himself and ignorant of its results!”, it serves to pose the question: were humanity and jinn-kind unjust to themselves in making such a pledge, even though it meant that they would be on top, and above all other creatures?!

Were they ignorant of the blessings that were folded beneath bearing this Trust, or of the highest levels of success that they could gain by rendering sacrifices and good deeds? Of course not.

With this glimpse of the world of Al-Azal and the first creation[31] (the world of incorporeal spirits) which preceded our coming to this material world, we have seen the Godly Justice manifested among all of creation in the most gorgeous garment of perfection. The Almighty did not prefer some people over others. Nor did He create a group to be prophets and a group to be disbelievers. Instead, each creature chose, and then each of their choices was fulfilled.

Thus, the Almighty did not make one person into a disbeliever and another into a believer, and nor did He create a devil in the first world. Distinction and differentiation of ranks arose due to the different degrees of spiritual direction towards God that are in evidence, and the different degrees of continual communication with Him and adherence to Him, or due to those differences in the level of shunning Him and of turning towards any other thing besides God, and of the level of immersion in desires and drawing away from Him (glory to His Names).

There are many verses which show that the word ‘Man’ mentioned in the verse “…Man bore it…”, includes both humankind and jinn-kind; for example, when God says: “I created mankind and jinn-kind in order but to worship Me. I demand no livelihood of them nor do I ask that they should feed Me.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 51, Adh-Dhariyat (Sun Rays), verse 56-57

So both of them are in charge of worship, because they will both be asked about sins, as mentioned in God’s saying: “On that day no question will be asked of man or jinn as to their sin!”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 55, Ar-Rahman (The Mercy Giving) , verse 39

And in God’s saying: “Oh ye assembly of jinns and men! Did there not come to you apostles of your own, setting forth unto you My revelations…”, there is an admonition for both of them, too.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 6, Al-An’am (Livestock), verse 130

Thus, God never created a devil at all. He only created mankind and jinn-kind who undertook possession of their own free will without coercion or favoritism, so that the results and consequences of their own deeds, be they good or bad, fall upon them both.