Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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In a few words we say:

God says: “We have made the devils over those who disbelieve.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse 27

This is inevitable, because their spirits have been filled with wickedness and Satan has become a remedy for them. He adorns them with vicious yearning so as to remove it from their spirits, and then Al’lah subjects them to distress and affliction. In this way, they may withdraw from their tyranny and follow the path of righteousness.

The invisible devils may appear like ghosts, wearing white clothes and performing their ritual ablutions in the house’s pond at night. This kind of appearance indicates the past occurrence of transgressions and sins that were committed in the name of religion in the location where these ghosts appear. In places where such things have taken place, the malignant devil is enabled to manifest itself as a visible specter without a material body; that is, as an immaterial ghost, similar to a faint white electric light. This manifestation is a sign that people will start committing adultery in this location. The devilish magician companions will have chosen this as the venue for their activities because of the perpetration of offense and wrongdoing here, which allow the devil to appear in this deceptive religious appearance.

If the deceived victim draws back at this point, and disdains the act of adultery, the companion will be driven away. Otherwise, fornication will be committed in such a house, and a tormenting torture will be necessary to allow the person in question to repent. They can then be straightened within the bounds of what is plainly right. Beware of sowing evil and following those who call upon Al’lah as a witness to what is folded in their heart, despite the fact that in reality, they are vehement disputers.