Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Can They Affect Every Person with their Magic through Causing Harm or Separation or Causing Whirls of Spiritual Disorder?!

But how can they affect any person so that they see whatever deceptions and fancies they want to show them?! Is there anyone they cannot bewitch or inflict with the least of harm, or make see false fancies?! Or is it possible that there exist those who witness the reality of these matters!!?

Whatever suffering and disaster a person meets, and whatever their spiritual pains may be, they must be careful not to resort to magicians[37] of any kind. It does not matter if goodness appears to be evident in the false appearances and names – such as hypnotist, astrologer, spiritual doctor, etc. – which they use in order to conceal their true nature and deceive people.

The true believer grieves and feels sorrow for them, for their loss will be great in the case that they die without repenting. God says, “…they learn what harms and does not avail them, yet they knew full well that anyone who engaged in that traffic would have no share created for them in the life to come…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 102

Therefore, we wish them access to correct guidance after they truly repent and withdraw from this destructive and frightening path.

Here is an incidental question:

Is it possible for a magician to repent? Yes, they can repent, but only if they are truthful, reflect on death, and fear the results of their deeds. They must then link up with those who see by God’s light, and turn away from the path of wretchedness. This is similar to the case of Pharaoh’s magicians, after they had repented at the hands of our master Moses (pth), and then were able to see by Al’lah’s light.

But if magicians disbelieve and insist on the use of magic in a Muslim state, it would be better to kill them than to leave them alive to continue to cause harm and evil. The gate of repentance is always wide open and will never be closed, for they who have not yet died have still not missed the opportunity to mend their defect.

Thus take care not to be a polytheist or to believe in their ability to harm or benefit you, but improve your behavior and correct it, and then be straight and follow God’s order, and Al’lah will drive every distress and illness away from you. Change what is in your spirit and seek Al’lah’s love and nearness by doing good deeds and offering charity, and then trust Him to be your guide. He will preserve you.

God says:

“It is alike whether you whisper (talk in secret) or speak aloud, whether you act hiding behind the night or act broadly in the daylight. Everyone has guardian angels before him and behind him who watch him by Al’lah’s command. God does not change people’s conditions until they themselves change. If Al’lah seeks to afflict a people with a trial, none can ward it off; besides Him they have no manager.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 13, Ar-Ra’d (The Thunder), verse 10-11

“It is alike whether you whisper (talk in secret) or speak aloud; whether you act hiding behind the night or act broadly in the daylight.”: this is in reference to those who act in secret, hiding their actions.

“Everyone has guardian angels before him and behind him who watch him by Al’lah’s command. …”: the angels – who watch over us in obedience to Al’lah’s command – are always around us, preserving us, as otherwise the devils may kidnap our spirits. These angels record our deeds, following the command of Al’lah. All our deeds are recorded.

“…God does not change people’s conditions until they themselves change…”: if we repent to Al’lah, then He will dispel all affliction from us.

Grace will not be taken away from you unless you move away from good intentions and good conduct, and if and when you change, God will change your conditions. There is no Azali (pre-material) predetermination that considers you to be one of the people of hellfire and wretchedness; rather, Al’lah drives what suits your state to you at every moment, every hour and every day.

“…if Al’lah seeks to afflict a people with a trial, none can ward it off…”: when a person deserves to have an affliction, none can repel it from them.

“…besides Him they have no manager.”: Present some of your money, your prestige, and your scientific knowledge to a deserving person in order to please God, the Great and the Almighty. Repent to him, pledging not to return to disobedience. Then Al’lah will accept your repentance and replace your humiliation with honor, your poverty with riches, and your disease (whether physical or spiritual) with health and a happy spiritual life.

God says: “Do they not know that Al’lah is He who accepts the repentance of His obedient followers and takes alms, and that Al’lah is the Forgiving One, the Merciful”.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 9, At-Tawba (Repentance), verse 104

“It is He who accepts the repentance of those obedient to Him and pardons the sins”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 42, Ash-Shu’ara’ (Consultation), verse 25

So, the goodness and the evil which befall humanity depend on us ourselves.

Do you think that any person on earth can benefit you or harm you in any way unless Al’lah wills it? What He wills will certainly be, but what He does not will will never be, and there is no power or might except with Al’lah who is (glory to Him) the steering God of all people.

It is clarified to us that all matters are fully in the hands of Al’lah, the Almighty, and that a person takes no action except by His will, and this person is subject to good and evil; if their spirit becomes virtuous and they do things that deserve to be repaid with goodness and welfare, God will employ people to treat them well; but if their spirit becomes vicious and they act in a way that deserves harm and damage, God will drive people to them who will treat them in accordance with what they deserve. None can change or replace what Al’lah has predestined for people according to what they have done and what acts they have committed. God says: “Whatever misfortune happens to you is because of the things your hands have wrought, and for many (of them) He grants forgiveness.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 26, Ash-Shu’ara’ (Consultation), verse 30

If they refrain from their aberration and repent to their Provider, their grief and sorrow will be replaced with bliss and joy, and they will return and approach God after being far away from Him, and they will enjoy their communication with Him and will join the blissful ones.

All matters, indeed, are organized justly and deservedly, and are in Al’lah’s hands. The Holy Qur’an refers to this in many verses. In one of them, God says, “…if He bestows on you a favor, none can withhold His bounty…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 10, Yunus (Jonah), verse 107

Then, seek refuge in Al’lah, the Almighty, and straighten yourself within His order, which is the absolute of good for you. Therein, you will recover both spiritually and physically and your good conduct will produce health, riches, honor, and high standing for you, and you will achieve the happiness of this life and the life to come.