Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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The dark shade of astrology has spread over the lands of all the Muslim countries, and has also spread across the world in general.

The ancients observed the sun’s passage through the constellations, allowing them to know the days of the year, define the beginning of the seasons, organize their farm-workings on this basis, and be rightly guided on land and by sea. But a group of people (known as astrologers or fortune tellers) used these solar constellations as the basis of augury, and used them to compose predictions about the future. In this way, these people set about arranging the course of some people’s lives falsely, according to how their devilish companions instructed them. Alas, to this day, some people still believe what their horoscopes tell them. Meanwhile, the truth tells us that these solar constellations have no link to people’s lives, as we will demonstrate with the following scientific evidence:

1)     The nearest star in the constellation Leo (which is also called Regulus) is a distance of 78 light-years away from us, while the nearest one in the constellation Scorpio (known as Antares) exists at a distance of 230 light-years away, and then the constellation Taurus is a distance of 64 light-years from us.

What, then, could be the influence of these constellations upon our spirits across these amazing distances?

Since these constellations and their stars are millions of billions of kilometers away, and we don’t feel any of the radiation that may reach us from them, how can they then affect our life and behavior?! One should take into account that the amount of radiation that reaches us from the most brilliant of the stars of these constellations is less than one thousandth of a millionth of the amount of radiation from the sun’s brightness that reaches the earth.

2)     The motion of the planets in the zodiac differs according to the place from which they are seen, for the space shuttle and the astronauts and cosmonauts who move among the planets can see views that are totally different from those that we see from the earth. Although it may seem from a distance that two stars are side by side, in reality, this proximity between them is a mere illusion, because there is a vast distance between any one of the stars of our solar system and any other star in the sky.

3)     The idea of such proximity existing between two stars with a huge distance separating them can be compared to the case of two mountains with a vast, wide plain between them: they never approach one another at all, so what bond exists between the stars of our solar system and those of other constellations?! And how can such a matter affect us directly?! Of course, there is no such influence at all.

4)     Astronauts and cosmonauts have traversed space using rockets, space shuttles, and satellites, seeking information about the scientific facts relating to the planets, such as their locations and their orbits. They made huge telescopes with lenses of diameters that exceed ten meters in length, but in spite of all this, they are unable to get the information they require. Is it then possible for a person who pretends to know about astronomy – and who holds a glass ball with a diameter of mere centimeters – to observe the stars and the planets, and to watch the changing of their locations, even when they inside a closed room?!

5)     The natural construction of the planets does not differ from that of the earth, which consists of rocks, stones, sand and other elements, but the other planets are lifeless, because neither water nor air exist on them. This is contrary to the situation on earth, and accordingly, can the greatest desert or the mountain range of the Himalayas have any influence upon either your life or your spirit?!

Thus, the astrologers are greatly ignorant of astronomy, and there is no link between them and this science whatsoever.

These astrologers believe that a person’s life is determined by the locations of the sun, the moon, and the planets, depending on the whereabouts of the constellations at the hour at which they were born, for they have classified the planets haphazardly into planets of good and bad luck. These beliefs relate to the magic of Al-Kashdaneyeen, who worshipped the circulating planets, thinking them to be the managers of the world, and believing that they affected people’s lives and brought about good and evil events in this world.

It was reported in the prophetic Sunna:

“The creation of these stars had three purposes: making them into an adornment for the sky; allowing them to be meteorites that are thrown at the devils; and creating them as signs by which one may be guided.”[46]

“He who derives knowledge from the stars is adopting a branch of magic.”[47]

“He who goes to a fortune-teller or an augur and believes their sayings has stopped believing in the revelation that descended on Mohammed.”[48]

The fortune-teller, the augur, and the astrologer all pretend to know what events will happen in the future, and so the one who believes them has stopped believing in Al’lah and his messenger (cpth).

Ibn Abbass said of people who practice astrology: “Nothing good will be created for him by Al’ lah in the hereafter who does such a deed” (referring to the practice of astrology).

You may say: sometimes the astrologers may be right, but the holy prophetic saying says: “Astrologers tell a lie even when they tell the truth.” So how can they know that which is unseen?

In fact, the astrologers are magicians who seek the help of people’s evil jinn companions. Every person has an invisible jinn companion, but the magicians can see these jinns, although they are usually invisible to the human eye. These astrologers use these jinns to find out about people’s lives. They send their own jinn companion to ask other jinns about people’s lives in order to find out their secrets. These jinns then allow the magicians to tell people about various conspiracies that are being plotted against them by their enemies, and which only take place when these people deserve this. Thus, the companion jinn is the one who reports news about people to the magician astrologers, quoting to them the secret plans and purposes of people’s enemies who have adopted the devil as a companion. The astrologer uses the information that the jinn tells them to make people think that they can see the unseen, thereby making simple people believe that they can tell the future. So, we can see that what happens to people is not indeed caused by the astrologers or their astrology, but happens because of the forbidden actions the victim has committed. Thus they deserve what happens to them.

As for the believers, they are not afflicted with harm from their opponents’ plans and plots, for when the victim is pure and straight, the plotters do not succeed, and then astrology does not bring anything into being, except the failure of the devil’s wishes. The jinn of the pure believer is prevented from telling anyone about this believer’s secrets because he is rendered blind and weak by the strong belief of this believer