Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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This  magic is practiced in many forms, such as palmistry, use of cowry shells, or reading the dry traces of coffee that are left on the sides and the bottom of a cup. The reader of such things makes predictions about the situations, the predicaments, and the incidents that will befall a given person. Accordingly, a person’s life will be different depending on whether the coffee’s consistency is thick rather than thin, for example. The course of a person’s life will change depending on the different formations in the lines and the curves on their palm, as these lines supposedly tell us something about the events of somebody’s life. This is what the diviners claim. After consulting them, people will feel either pessimism or optimism about their illusory future.

Yet the statute, in fact, denies and repeals all of this, just as God’s messenger (cpth) prohibited it. He said: “Driving away birds or seeing a good omen in their voices or their names, feeling pessimism, and geomancy are all methods of jibt.”:[54] (jibt refers to what is brought about by the devil).

This means that these methods of enchanters and diviners are false, because none can know about unseen matters except Al’lah.

The Almighty God told us that the jinn utilized by Him to complete hard and exhausting labors for our master Solomon (pth) continued to undertake their work for many decades after he left this life and moved to God’s abodes.

He (pth) seemed to them to still be alive, as his noble body was put on a chair throughout those years, according to His command. As time passed and woodworms ate away his staff, his pure body fell down upon the earth with the result that the truth of his death was unveiled to the jinns. Had they known about this fact, which had been invisible to them, they would not have stayed and suffered this torture for such a long time. This tells us that at this time, it became clear that they did not know the unseen, because if they had been acquainted with the truth, they would not have tarried in this wearisome torture of hard labor for so many decades. They did so out of their feeling of fear of our master Solomon (pth) and their feeling of reverence for his prestige. They feared him because they thought he was still alive, sitting there on his throne.

Although he (pth) was right before their eyes, they knew nothing about his departure from this life. How then can it be said that they are able to foretell unseen matters themselves?!!

The Almighty says: “And when we had decreed his death, nothing showed them his death except a worm of the earth which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his staff. So when he fell down, the jinns saw plainly…”: that is, the reality became known to them. “…that had they had knowledge of the hidden, they would not have continued in the humiliating servitude.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 34, Saba’ (Sheba), verse 14

Thus, fortune-telling is absolutely unreal. It is nothing but delusion and fancy, and its custodians, the diviners, are inspired in this by their devilish consorts, so as to deceive naive people with prolonged vain hopes in their lowly life.

Yet any rational person knows well what effect this prolonged hope has on anyone who believes in it. It makes them forget the hereafter. They fall prey to the control of their whims, so that they become wholly absorbed in desire, and yield to their desires and follow them. They will incline to this lower life and its worthless adornments, and will be misled by its temporary pleasures.

Consequently, they will neglect religion’s proper share of their attention, and unaware, will prefer false things to the eternal and everlasting concerns. They will disobey God and His messenger (cpth) since they are fully controlled by an agent who has no pity for them. They will have resigned themselves to their bitter enemy and will have adopted the destructive suspicions and illusions which the devil will dictate to them.

The devils dictate to them a course that creates despair, hopelessness, failure, and many other feelings that dishearten them and discourage them from performing fruitful and useful deeds.

Thereby they will become easy prey in their hands because of their negative doubts about their Provider. Because of this, they will continue to resort to the devils until their utter doom is all that they achieve.

That is the utmost aim and wish of Satan with regard to the children of Adam. Whatever the multiple methods used, the aim is this alone: to cause our destruction by leading us to distance from God by obeying other gods besides Him (glory to Him).

Who is more truthful in speech than God, who says: “…no spirit knows what it is that it will earn on the morrow…”?

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 31, Luqman (Luqman), verse 34

How can these so-called diviners claim to know about their own future or anyone else’s, when the Almighty’s saying is so clear and apparent?!!

Now, here is a true and factual story. It shows us that the reading of certain fortresses from the Qur’an foils and neutralizes the transcendental sciences of these magicians – when this reading issues from the heart of a true believer in God and His messenger (cpth) – because it causes the flight of their devilish consorts. These fortresses are: Al-Falaq (All that's coming to Appearance); An-Nas (Oblivious Mankind, Oblivious Jinn-kind); and Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity).