Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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This is one of the most widespread types of magic, and this kind of magic has been practiced since ancient times as a science of considerable gravity in places such as old Egypt (during the times of the pharaohs), in Greece, and in Babel. Now however, with the development of science, it has become more popular by far than it was in olden times. That is because magicians have come out in front of people wearing the clothing of hypnotists, and called the magic that they practice on people ‘hypnotism’. In fact, however, it has no relation with either sleeping or with magnetism.

Yes, its practitioners wore the clothes of doctors and deceived people by exploiting the revered position that was harbored for doctors. They pretended to cure people of their spiritual diseases in order to achieve their own financial goals and other ambitions, but in reality, they destroyed people’s hearts and their bodies too. The situation came to a point where some doctors, and especially psychotherapists, were driven to get behind such magic. The first doctor who worked in this field was the Swiss doctor, France Antoine Yesimer, during the eighteenth century. Some people considered it to be a science and revered it. But we wonder: has the devil ever harbored good intentions? And has he ever tried to do good for anyone?? He is pleased only with wretchedness, disease, and the pain of others: “He said: ‘Provider! Since you have led me astray, I will adorn to them (mankind) this life on earth and tempt them all, except your true obedient followers from among them!’ ”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 15, Al-Hijr (Stone Buildings), verse 39

This type of magic depends on the magician seeking a controlling influence over the spirit of the bewitched one through what he says and does. The person is bewitched through what the magician says and does with the help of his companion, the devil. This victim is then ordered by the magician to focus his or her sight on a defining thing (for example, a defining point on the ceiling of the room, or anything else). Then, in a state of silence and quiet, the bewitched one listens to the voice of the magician until the eyes close and all the muscles of the body relax, as they pay attention to the teachings that are being given to them. Afterwards, the magician’s voice becomes the only thing that has control over the feelings and the consciousness of the bewitched one, who goes asleep through a type of spiritual suggestion and control. Then, the magician continues his control of the spirit of this person, whereby he lowers the volume of his voice little by little until it can hardly be heard. This lets the spirit of the bewitched one spread outwards with the ray of the magician’s own wicked spirit, spreading with it the devils. The magician then repeats suggestive phrases that help him in achieving his aim, and which include some soothing words, such as ‘sleep’, ‘dream’, and ‘relax’. By this time, and in such a situation, the devil can extend himself, by means of his partner and close friend the magician, into the spirit of the poor bewitched one. The devil then starts causing them to see false visions and imaginary things which aim to deepen the process of putting them to sleep, thus achieving the complete domination and mastery of the devil over the spirit of the bewitched one.

Here we can give a simple example of the exercise of spiritual control over the bewitched person’s spirit by the magician and his close friend, the devil.

The magician and his devil may suggest that the bewitched person’s leg hurts them so much that they will be unable to step on the floor with it. Then, when they are awakened from their state of relaxation, they will get up with an awareness of this very feeling of pain that has spread throughout their spirit, to the extent that nobody will be able to persuade them of the fact that their leg is quite sound and has come to no harm. Instead, this sensation will remain impressed on their mind unless they submit to another session of magic and hypnotism in order to remove this impression from their spirit.

It is stipulated that the magician (or hypnotist) must be strong of character so as to be able to have control over their victims. When someone resorts to their enemy, what can the latter do to them? What proves this spiritual domination is that a bewitched person keeps their eyes open throughout the process of hypnotism, and perceives all that happens around them, but is able to answer no one save the magician, with the help of the devils who are his brothers.

We wonder: how do people who have trust in this kind of magic hope to be relieved from their sufferings by means of it?!

Do not they think of the crimes that occur during the process?!

We offer to you an example of what crimes may be committed in this field:

A young girl resorted to a charlatan seeking to know the reason behind the delay of her marriage. Presently, prompted by his own corrupted morals, the latter gave her a narcotic to drink in order to violate her easily, and then fulfilled his crime. Such are the doings of these charlatans, even when it comes to young men. “He orders you to commit evil and indecency…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 169

This is but a drop in the ocean of what may happen in such a field of indecency, and serious offenses may be committed by the magician against the one who is bewitched during their full surrender to him and to his devil, who takes interest in nothing but causing harm to humanity. Verily, this devil has led him astray, and so the one who is bewitched has yielded himself to the magician, his enemy. The supporters of this method claim that it can save people from smoking, a mania for alcohol, sexual inhibition, fear, inferiority complexes, and some physical and spiritual pains.

The victim may indeed give up a habit such as smoking, but this is because the devils engage him in something that is worse, whereby they lead him to madness. They pretend that this type of magic depends on creating a new impression about the self which gradually merges with one’s character, so that a person will become as they wish themselves to be. Is it possible for the morals to improve by means of a magician or a devil?! Of course not, because if someone lacks something, they will not be able to pass it on to others, and each container exudes only what it contains. Is there a spirit worse or more evil than those of the devils? Is it not true that most spiritual diseases result from following the way of the devil, falling into his traps and under his spiritual influence, leading a person to turn away from Al’lah? If this way holds the benefits that they pretend, then why have medicine and science failed in treating addiction? And where are the factual examples of these supposed recoveries from all kinds of addictions?? They are but false pretenses and whitewashing, and the fact is that these people aim to destroy humanity and wreck high moral standards. None but Al’lah can change our nature by our entering into His presence, as perfection is acquired only from Him; by real communication with Allah and entering into His presence, the spirit of a person will recover from its diseases; its ill qualities will be replaced with good and virtuous ones by means of God’s Light. In this case one’s spirit will escape from the darkness of turning away from Al’lah, which is what has caused its diseases, and will enter the fields of the lights of Godly love, wherein it will enjoy happiness, a hearty life, and renewed hope for a new human birth. God the Almighty says: “Al’lah is the patron of those who believe. He leads them from darkness into the light...”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 257

He also says: “It is Al’lah’s own dye, and who has a better dye than Al’lah? ...”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 138

Can goodness be hoped for from any save Al’lah, the Almighty, who alone is the Creator and the source of all goodness?!

The only way to recover

God the Almighty says: “If any thinks that Al’lah will not help him in this world and the hereafter…”: i.e. if anyone believes that God will not grant them His favor, goodness, and right guidance, and they find no way to escape – “…let him lend a hand for his supremacy…”: i.e. let such a person do good deeds and “…then stop…”: this refers to stopping evil acts, causing harm to others, and doing bad deeds – “…then let him see if that will remove what enrages him.”: i.e. do not his conduct and his good deeds remove what enrages him!!? If you abide by this, God will drive away your worries and grief; follow this and you will be happy. You may say: Why does God afflict me with disasters? Imagine a father with an ill son. Would he try his best to cure him or not?! God is Merciful and Caring. If you become ill, will He try to cure you or not?

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 22, Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage), verse 15

So diseases, poverty, distress and misfortune are indeed means for turning the spirit away from this lower life and diverting it from its lusts. When a person gives up this world because one of these afflictions have befallen them, they may turn to their Provider in repentance and recognize Him. Thereupon, the way of believing will be opened before them, after this distress has taken away what obstacles of earthly yearning have been standing in the way of the spirit’s true belief. If the spirit is true in seeking righteousness and truth – after it has become tired of the methods of cheating, cunning, and double-dealing that are displayed by the people of this world, and after it has grown to hate them – and if it then turns away from this lower life and its illusory adornments and false pleasures, and if it instead seeks the reality and the impartial truth as we mentioned, this spirit will soon reach true belief.

When a person is straight in following God’s orders, their spirit will become confident that Al’lah will be satisfied with them. Through its communication, this spirit will then draw near to Him. Then the Almighty will purify it from its unclean things, its lusts, and its spiritual diseases and complexes, all of which cause it sorrow and insomnia. God the Almighty cures us from our spiritual and physical diseases if we straighten up and follow His orders and communicate with His lofty Presence through real communication. Accordingly, all the news that we hear that so and so has recovered from their disease or has escaped from spiritual disorders (psychopathy) as a result of hypnotism are false. Alteration and sublimation are achieved by God and derive only from Him. Apart from this way, all methods are baseless and unreal philosophies. One who seeks the help of magicians, whoever they pretend to be and whatever clothing they wear before people, is indeed like one who resorts to a rebellious devil or turns to fire for help from sweltering heat.

Finally: What is the way to escape from the claws of magicians and devils, to recover from the spiritual diseases they cause?! If person remembers their Provider and turns to Him in repentance, drawing near to Him and straightening their ways in deference to His orders, the devil will sneak away and withdraw, moving away from such a person, defeated and afraid lest he should burn in the Light of God. And dear reader, here is the tale of a woman who experienced the pressure of the devils and escaped from their claws by repenting and following the straight path of righteousness.