Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A True Story

The Devil was Kicked out, But Confessed a Truth: “No Power Have I over You”

One day, our noble scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho returned to his home filled with a feeling of great happiness, as loving God was providing him with all the supplies he needed, and His satisfaction with him was his only aim and wish. No doubt, straightness itself is every honor.

There was no trouble or omission therein. Everything was orderly and satisfactory. But how strange!! As soon as he entered his house, unusual sounds came to his ears. This was something unexpected. What had happened?!! Everything had been fine when he left his home, but now he was taken aback by voices that were on the verge of wailing. He could hear the sounds of women crying in grief as if a terrible event had taken place. But all throughout his noble life, whenever he was taken aback, our great scholar Mr. Mohammad Amin Sheikho used to seek refuge in his Provider, the Almighty, who relieved him and saved him from each difficult problem. As always, the spirit of Mr. Mohammad Emin spontaneously flowed to the place of the event, and then it headed from his home towards the holy mosque. It travelled to Al-Ka’ba, which is honored by the world for its holiness and purity and the lights that descended from God upon His messenger and that are constantly descending on him (cpth), because this was the location of the descent of the Godly manifestations. Our eminent scholar put his full trust in Al’lah, without whom there is no refuge or protection, and commended the case to Him. No more than a few minutes had passed before quietness instead of noise prevailed in the place, and the fear and confusion that had existed were replaced with tranquility, so that all signs of distress, trouble and suffering had come to an end. This all happened in a single moment. The scholar’s wife then came out of the area that was assigned for women and walked towards him, as she had felt his return home. She set to telling him about the events leading up to that point, revealing the secret behind those loud voices and what had happened before he had come home. She said: “Some of the women of this quarter came here, bringing an epileptic woman with them. She was uselessly and chaotically floundering on the floor. Her limbs were moving but were contracted and extended in an unnatural way, and her whole body was making involuntary motions. Foam was flowing from her mouth while her eyes had bulged out and were about to pop out of their sockets. Her chest was moving up and down in an irregular way, as if her lungs had been stuffed and she was suffering a feeling of strangulation, or, you could say, as if somebody had put their hands around her neck and was trying to suffocate her. Then, the yellowness of death covered her face and she could do nothing except beat herself with anything in front of her eyes that she could find, in an attempt to escape from an inevitable death. It was really a terrible sight. Her state was very affecting. All of the women were sure that it would be only a few moments before death would take her, and therefore they started shouting and crying and lamenting. A few of her female relatives had brought her here, hoping that God would heal her through your blessing. The people advised them to resort to you because of  what they know about your uprightness and piety. Although they took her to many physicians, who prescribed different medicines and neural tranquilizers and analgesics for her, these attempts to cure her had no result. These doctors failed to cure her because they do have not any effective medicine for such diseases. Each of their medicines only provided a momentary cure. But as soon as you entered the house, she became calm and got well as if there had been nothing wrong.” Mr. Mohammad Emin could understand the case exactly.

He spoke as follows: “Actually, she is possessed by evil spirits. This has been brought about by her wicked consort, who wants to destroy her and lead her to hellfire. But she has resorted to us, ‘and anyone who enters your home seeking protection from you, you should protect them’. However, this case is very easy to solve, as Satan’s scheme is weak. His nets are ill-founded and are even unreal, although he acts against those who are deserving.” The great scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho could hear the cursed devil who had entered into the woman speaking to him.

It said: “I will leave her and enter you.”

The great scholar answered audibly, in a loud voice: “And I will break your head.” Then, he began to recite the noble fortresses, Al-Falaq (All that’s coming to Appearance), An-Nas (Oblivious Mankind, Oblivious Jinn-kind), and Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity), and set about remembering God and directing his heart fully towards the holy mosque. It was not long before that rebellious devil left the woman and ran away from the house, defeated and constrained. The ill woman then regained her health and returned to her normal life, and all the pain and the effects of the attack disappeared. As a result, a feeling of bliss and pleasure prevailed in the place, and a matchless kind of thanks and gratitude colored the faces of those present, who all left the house praising and giving thanks and asking Almighty God to give the great scholar the greatest reward.

Later on that night, Mr. Mohammad Emin was lying in his bed, trying to get some rest and sleep. He was lying there, neither fully asleep nor fully awake, when he suddenly felt the coming of a black spirit. He heard it saying: “No fault!! No blemish!! No way I can enter into you!! I have never met a man like you, who is such a hopeless case for me!!” The black spirit then cursed at the scholar’s religion and fled, not caring about anything else, for fear of being burned by God’s light when the scholar sought refuge in Him. And if you ask about the reason that the Almighty God allowed the devil to curse and swear at our religion, it is because the Almighty God just wanted to show Mr. Mohammad Emin the enmity of the devil, his disbelief, and his humiliation and defeat.