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Chapter 18

Issued to the Great Humane Eminent Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho (His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah)

1)     Interpretation of Am’ma Part of the Qur’an

2)     Visiting the Prophet (cpth) and the Effect of his Love in Elevating the Believing Spirit

3)     Impeccability of Prophets

4)     High Schools of Al-Taqwa (Seeing by Al’lah’s Light) – the Jewels of Rules in Explaining the Pillars of Islam

5)     The Sources of Spring Water in the World

6)     Interpretation of the Great Qur’an (Lights of Descending & Realities of Meaning) Volume –1–

7)     Interpretation of the Great Qur’an (Lights of Descending & Realities of Meaning) Volume –2–

8)     Am’ma Encyclopedia (The Compassionate’s Gifts in Interpreting the Qur’an) Volume –1–

9)     From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni)

10) From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Dog that Became a Horse) –2–

11) From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Brave Boy and his Practical Reply to His Uncle) –3–

12) From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (Ring of Wrestling) –4–

13) From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (Disciplining  the Greengrocer) –5–

14) From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (God Bless you, Cub of a Lion of the Quarter) –6–

15) From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (Adventure of the Little Horseman) –7–

16) Al-Amin Interpretation of the Great Qur’an (The Previous Nations) volume –1–

17) The Sources of Spring Water in the World – English translation

18) Pages from the Eternal Glory (the Life of the Great Humane Eminent Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho) Volume –1–

19) Reality of Intercession – A Calm Dialogue between Dr. Mostafa Mahmood & Dr. Yousef Al-Qaradhawi

20) The Reality of our Master Mohammad (cpth) Appears in the Twentieth Century

21) The Reality of our Master Mohammad (cpth) Appears in the Twentieth Century – Persian translation

22) Al’lah is Greater – Be kind to Animals: A Medical Scientific Study about the Use of Mentioning Al’lah’s Name over the Carcass at Slaughtering

23) Islam… What is the Veil for? What is Divorce for? What is Polygamy for?

24) The West has Disenthralled Man from Slavery Why has Islam not?

25) The Great Scientific Discovery – the Astonishing Reality of the Six Days and the Seven Heavens

26) The Amazing Miracle of the Fundamental Verses of the Book in the Twenty-first Century

27) Faith – The First of High Grades of Al-Taqwa (Seeing by Al’lah’s Light)

28) Prayer (Communication with Al’lah) – The Second of High Grades of Al-Taqwa (Seeing by Al’lah’s Light)

29) Az-Zakat (Almsgiving) – The Third of High Grades of Al-Taqwa (Seeing by Al’lah’s Light)

30) Fasting – The Fourth of High Grades of Al-Taqwa (Seeing by Al’lah’s Light)

31) Pilgrimage (Hajj) – The Fifth of High Grades of Al-Taqwa (Seeing by Al’lah’s Light)

32) A Calm Dialogue about the Great Humane Eminent Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho

33) Am’ma Encyclopedia 8 – Interpretation of Al-Ma’un (Almsgiving) Fortress

34) Am’ma Encyclopedia 9 – Interpretation of Quraish (All Creation) Fortress

35) Am’ma Encyclopedia 10 – Interpretation of Al-Fil (the Elephant)  Fortress

36) Am’ma Encyclopedia 11 – Interpretation of Al-Humaza (The Traducer, The Gossipmonger) Fortress

37) Cupping: the Marvelous Medicine that Cured Heart Disease, Paralysis, Hemophilia, Migraine, Sterility and Cancer

38) The Great Humane Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho Retorts his Opposers

39) The Glorious Researches

40) The Mohammadan Revelations – (part 1)

41) Interpretation of the Great Qur’an (Light of Descending & Realities of Meaning) volume –3–

42) Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians

43) Al’lah is Greater – Be Kind to Animals – Persian translation

44) The Reality of Tamerlane the Great Appears in the Twenty-first Century – (parts 1 & 2)

45) The Second Coming of The Christ

46) Secrets of the Seven Praising Verses

47) Goodbye to Doctor of Al-Muqawqass

48) Contemplations on the Sciences of the Great Eminent Scholar M. A. Sheikho by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud

49) The Second Coming of The Christ – English translation

The End

Praise is to God, the Provider of the World

[1] ‘Fortress’ this word means a ‘Surah’ of the Holy Qur’an.

[2] (cpth): communication with Al’lah and peace are through him.

[3] Al-Jami’ Al-Saghir, part 3, saying no. 4242.

[4] Also mentioned by Ibn Ab’bas and Abd Darda’ in another form: “One hour of thinking is better than sixty years of worship”.

[5] Such a saying is the very same as what was said by the Quraysh idolaters about idols. They said: "…we worship them only that they will bring us nearer to Al'lah…" The Holy Qur'an, Fortress 39, Az-Zumar (The Groups), verse 3.

[6] In the Holy Qur’an there are hundreds of verses that draw humanity’s attention to God’s creation and incite us to think about it.

[7] Musnad Al-imam Ahmad.

[8] Sunan Abu-Dawud, saying no. 4089

[9] Musnad Al-Iman Ahmad, saying no. 26246

[10] Gospel of Mark, 17/13

[11] Gospel of Matthew, 7/15

[12] Gospel of Matthew, 23-22/7

[13] Ihya Ulum Al-Din, part 2, saying no. 1

[14] Narrated by Abu-Dawud and Al-Turmozy.

[15] Al-Jami’ Al-Saghir, part 6, saying no. 9666

[16] The verse: “ ‘…in My Presence, those called as messengers need have no fear’ ” indicates their implacability and impeccability.

People’s deeds are what cause their fear, for their value is assessed and then repaid to them. The messengers are impeccable, as their hearts have never ceased in their communication with Al’lah, so they have never defiled their faith with a wrong deed; thus they are peaceful and peace is through them.

[17] Sunan Al-Nasa'i, Part 4, Chapter entitled: ‘The Non Performance of Prayer Over a Person Who Commits Suicide.’

[18] The Arabic word for ‘angels’ is ‘Al-Malaekah’, which means those who have assigned their will voluntarily to Al’lah.

[19] This is where their contempt for grace and their enmity for Al’lah reach the extent of shedding water on the ground uselessly, thereby robustly obeying Satan.

[20] A ‘diviner’ is one who claims that he knows about unseen matters. This person comes in many forms, including: the user of necromancy; the reader of cups; the soothsayer who explains the zodiac.

[21] Al-Jibt is everything that is brought about by means of devils.

[22] For more information, kindly turn to the book of the eminent scholar Mohammad Emin Sheikho about cupping: Cupping: the Marvelous Medicine that Cured Heart Disease, Paralysis, Hemophilia, Megrim, sterility and Cancer.

[23] This magician was called ‘Al-Hawi’ or ‘Al-Gawi’.

[24] Musnad Al-imam Ahmad, Part 30

[25] Kanz-al-Ummal, Part 3, Saying 8007

[26] According to imam Ahmed, this saying was mentioned by Abu Qatada in the form: “The cat is one of the family that moves and lives among you.”

[27] Sahih Muslim, Part 4, saying no. 2628

[28] This is an example given of a man who has a profession, but who himself needs someone to do the work of his profession for him, like a person who brings people water when they themselves are thirsty, a sick doctor, a hungry chef, etc.

[29] Narrated by Al-Turmozy and Al-Daraqutni.

[30] Please refer to the book: Cupping: the Marvelous Medicine that Cured Heart Disease, Paralysis, Hemophilia, Megrim, sterility and Cancer.

[31] For details, please refer to the book Impeccability of Prophets, by the great scholar Mohammad Emin Sheikho, paragraph: ‘The Godly Justice in Al-Azal World.’

[32] Al-Jami’ Al-Saghir, Part 6, Saying No. 9158

[33] Directed by Al-Tabarani in Al-Awsat up to Anas.

[34] Narrated by Al-Tarabani in Al-Awsat and Al-Saghir.

[35] As usual, all humanity passes through both straitened circumstances and easy ones, and at this time, Sheikh Eissa Al-Kordi was passing through difficult financial circumstances.

[36] However, as for the person who perpetrates forbidden deeds willfully and intentionally, saying: “I shall do such and such, and then will repent”: their repentance will not be accepted. Repentance, rather, will be accepted from those who slip by virtue of their ignorance or inattentiveness.

[37] A girl of about twenty years old was possessed by the devil, and so she went to some conjurers for help. They told her that she was afflicted with the touch of the jinn, and that the devil was flowing into her blood. They said that her treatment required injecting water that had had some Qur’anic verses read over it into her vein, in spite of the fact that mixing blood and water inside the arteries is a very dangerous procedure. In the end, had she not been prevented from undergoing this treatment by some people, the outcome for her would have been very negative, as such an action would have been dangerous to her life.

Another Event: A young man in the prime of his life had been stricken with epilepsy of devilish origin (rather than of physical cerebral origin). He resorted to some magicians, who treated him by making him listen to the Qur’an through a recorder. They did not stop at this, but reached a stage where they would whip him with a lash after binding him, thinking that they could never get the devil to leave him except by beating and tormenting him. Whenever his pain and shouting increased, they beat him harder and harder, thinking that it was the devil firmly residing in him who was crying and agonizing, and that soon he would be exorcised from him. Therefore they did not stop beating him until he died (at which time they were sent to prison). How strange it is to consider the devil to be a creature of physical nature, who feels pain when the body is beaten!

[38] Sunan Al-Nasa'i, Part

[39] The Arabic word ‘Al-Mihrab’ is derived from the verb ‘haraba’, which means ‘to fight’.

[40] ‘Wool’ in Arabic is ‘soof’, so a man like this thought that he could become a Sufi if he wore wool, although this word is actually derived in Arabic from the word ‘safa’ which means clearness and pureness.

[41] Al-Tabarani in Al-Kabeer.

[42] For the story of our master Adam (pth), kindly refer to the book: Impeccability of Prophets from the great eminent scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho.

[43] Kindly refer to Al-Amin Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, for the great eminent scholar Mohammad Emin Sheikho’s research on the concept of paradise, and the causes of our master Adam’s departure from it.

[44] In English-language translations of the Holy Qur’an, the English verb ‘to touch’ is normally used as the translation of both of the Arabic verbs ‘lamasa’ (to touch materially) and ‘mas'sa’ (to touch immaterially).

[45] Al-Tabarani in Al-Kabeer.

[46] Sahih Al-Bukhari, part 2

[47] Sunan Abu-Dawud, saying no. 3900

[48] Narrated by Al-Turmozy, Al-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.

[49] Before the work of the eminent scholar Mohammad Emin Sheikho, people used to refer to ‘the soul’ as ‘the spirit’, because none could reveal the difference between these two words. So the word ‘spirit’ as it is used in this section actually refers to the soul.

[50] Musnad Al-imam Ahmad.

[51] The Souq Al-Hamidiyah market is the main commercial market of the city of Damascus, and is in the city centre.

[52] In the past, the word ‘wicket’ (‘bab khokha’ in Arabic) indicated a big door that was designed for the use of large animals such as camels and cows, with a small door within it that was used to allow people to enter.

[53] The fact established before us was that the eminent scholar was actually and truly descended from the progeny of his high ancestor, our master Mohammad (cpth). However, people are estimated according to their deeds more than by their lineage.

[54] Musnad Al-imam Ahmad, Part 5

[55] Narrated by Ibn Hab’ban and Al-Hakim.

[56] Narrated by Al-imam Ahmad with a reference from Abu Qatada in the form: “The cat is one of the family members, and it is doing the rounds among you.”

[57] Musnad Al-imam Ahmad, Part 4

[58] Faid Al-Qadeer Sharh in Sharh Al-Jami’ Al-Saghir, Part 5, saying no. 7680

[59] Narrated by Al-Turmozy and Al-Hakim; approved by Al-Thahabi in Al-Mustadrak 4/360, Destroyers of Belief/215

[60] God says: “Say to my servants that they should (only) say those things that are best, for Satan sows dissension among them; for Satan is an avowed enemy to humanity.” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress 17) Al-Isra’ (The Night Journey), verse 53).

And His noble saying is: “Satan is verily your enemy: therefore treat him as an enemy. He only calls on his adherents so that they may dwell in the blazing fire.” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress 35) Fatir (Orignator), verse 6).

[61] Al-Jami’ Al-Saghir, saying no. 5975

[62] Related to Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

[63] For more illustration of this, please refer to the book of Am’ma Encyclopedia from the great eminent scholar Mohammad Emin Sheikho (his soul has been sanctified by Al’lah).

[64] Narrated by Anas and Ibn Mas'ud.

[65] Sunan Ibn Majah, part 2, saying no. 3547

[66] God says: “And when the matter is decided, Satan will say: ‘It was Al’lah who gave you a promise of truth; I too made a promise, but I did not fulfill my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you, but you listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own spirits. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can you listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Al’lah. For wrongdoers, there must be a grievous penalty’. ” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress 14) Ibrahim (Abraham), verse 11).

So keep yourself clear of Satan, for tomorrow he will keep himself clear of you; so reject him for he will reject your association of him with Al’lah. Verily, anyone that follows Satan’s direction will lose everything. He has no authority over anyone, but he only calls to those magicians, and they follow him because of their wicked spirits. Therefore, hurry before you lose the opportunity, for fire is the abode of the followers of Satan.

[67] Narrated by Ibn Ab’bas and Abu Darda.

[68] Fasting here is intended to mean abstaining from doing all that is forbidden.

[69] Communication with God during this stage is meant to be the spirit’s feeling of God’s satisfaction with it, and its nearness to Him. These are states which arise due to the spirit’s straightness and good deeds.

[70] ‘Zakat’ in Arabic means purity, so the spirit’s nearness to God will purify it of its evil desires and mean lusts.

[71] The Arabic word for pilgrimage is ‘hajj’. It is derived from the verb ‘haj’ja’, which means ‘to overcome with proof’, so after the spirit’s purification, it will acquire cogency against the devil if he tries to tempt it with any worldly desire.

[72] The High Schools of Seeing by God’s Light.

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