Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Is There a New God in the Sky of Islam?

The reader may wonder at this title; moreover they may consider it a kind of disbelief or atheism concerning the lofty mission of Islam, which is to obey one God. But if we study and go to the roots of the marginal ways that were brought to Muslims recently as a result of contact with other religions, such as Zoroastrianism and the Hellenic and Indian schools, we would find the following:

When His obedient followers sought to devote themselves to Almighty God and to adhere to His instructions, they abstained from life’s pleasure and its vanity, renouncing many of the things that people pounce upon, such as delight, money, and power, instead isolating themselves from people to worship, which had been general behavior among the ancients. The ascetic worshiper continues advancing in purity and high feelings, or ‘states’, until they witness that there is no god except Al’lah, and they achieve knowledge and monotheism, which is what they aim for in order to attain happiness. Then they rush towards work and jihad to please the merciful God.

Yet some of the latter who didn’t believe in Al’lah as their Provider, and did not want to believe in God, took themselves to places of seclusion, aiming to uncover the veils and attain superior speech in their meetings with other people. They were lacking the necessary qualities to attain overt superiority; they turned in another direction instead, in order to look for superiority in covert ways.

Through their actions, they made methods that rely on the immaterial and that defy constituent humanity’s perceivable powers and faculties, and in their methods, they deviated from righteousness. They noticed that temporary spiritual purity could be acquired by those who feel hunger and loneliness.

Therefore they isolated themselves, but without righteousness. They felt hungry but with the intention of becoming superior, so that their spirits became transparent and clear only to reflect the lower worlds. And the devil’s intent against them manifested itself as they learned magic from him. After that, they came out in front of people, claiming that they had the power to make predictions, that they had connections with what was hidden, and that they had attained heavenly support, as they compared themselves to the stars.

They alleged that there was a relationship between themselves and God, just as there was one between themselves and the believing jinns. These sorcerers, masked behind beards and with the outward appearance of religious people, cultivated wide-ranging relations with magicians of other countries, and so introduced magic to their nations as a kind of supernatural power.

They surrounded themselves with a holy halo that controlled the minds of some people. For example, they claimed that they could make whomsoever they wanted close to Al’lah, could exclude whom they chose from paradise, compel those that they wanted to break God’s order whenever possible, and do whatever they liked with their magic, their spells, their incantations, and the like.

They also pretended that they were people of honor, removed from accountability, rather than the manipulators they really were, in order that their disobedience to God would be seen by people as a kind of obedience. They did so despite the fact that the Almighty says: “…say: ‘Why then does He punish you for your sins? Surely you are mortals of His own creation’...”

The Holy Qur'an,

Fortress 5, Al-Ma'ida (The Table), verse 18

The messenger (cpth) never disobeyed God even before he met him and throughout his whole life. God says: “Worship your Provider till certainty overtakes you” (that is, until death).

The Holy Qur'an,

Fortress 15, Al-Hijr (Stone Buildings), verse 99

So, are they better than him (cpth)? Absolutely not.

In this way, and with their cunning and tricks, they set out to fabricate an unseen authority from which they drew their power and imposed it upon thoughtless people, where it found fertile ground and a rich pasture among their weak minds.

All of that is a sort of war against the word ‘Al’lah’ and His right religion, as well as being in compliance with the first cursed devil, the enemy of the children of our master Adam (pth).

Then they imputed upright people with those ways, people who were, in reality, far above them.

After that, impious devious children were born under the wing of Islam in the wake of forms of heresy, the ‘philosophy of infidelity’, and in addition, their renewals and their mixings brought down the traditional divides among the partitions of Islam. All of them glorified and sanctified the saints, asked for blessings at their tombs, and faked popular stories about them that were full of fables and trickery.

Those from among the spirituals who held the view of the Sabaeans say:

“We do not seek to know the Maker of the universe, who is too exalted through His creation of the universal changes of day and night and all things in this world, and we should confess the inability of knowing His Majesty directly. So, we draw nearer to Him through His closest mediators. They are the deliverers who are purified and sacred in their holy secrets, actions and states.

“They are exalted above physical materials, free from bodily powers and far above spatial movements and temporal changes. We approach them and lean on them because they are our providers, our gods, our ways, and our intermediaries to Al’lah who is the Provider over providers and the God over gods.[5]

“Therefore we have to stimulate a relationship between ourselves and the spiritual ones so as to ask them to help us with our needs and inform us about our states, and we must defer to them in all of our affairs, so that then they will act as intermediaries between ourselves and our Creator.

“We cannot get help from the spiritual ones except by entreating them and beseeching them through invocations, performing prayers, presenting sacrifices and immolations, burning incense, and using incantations.

“In this way, our spirits can prepare themselves and support themselves with no further mediator. Our own judgment and the judgment of one who claims the revelation will be of one accord.”

That is what we find in many sayings of those dishonest tricksters.

So, shall we return to the religion of the Sabaeans after we have been guided by Al’lah?!

Oh God of all! Please keep us safe by means of your wise Qur’an.