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Valuable Christian Lessons

Adam Jeremy Capps

Valuable Christian Lessons

2023 Adam Jeremy Capps

Public Domain

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

– Jesus Christ.

This book is made up of brief essays regarding the important things which the Bible teaches us, particularly from the New Testament. Feel free to skip around while reading it. You don’t have to read it from front to back. Share this book if you want to, or reproduce it, it is in the public domain.

May God Mature Us

While growing older one of two things may happen. First, we don’t really grow up at all, we continue doing foolish things, we always get into trouble, always fight with others, and may end up in prison over it. Or two, we mature, we become less susceptible to anger, we become more patient and things such as those. We may even start to regret being the way we were as teenagers. It’s true when our parents tell us that “we will understand someday.” When I apologized to my father for the way I acted as a kid he just said “that’s what the older generation calls growing pains.” If we have made it through our younger years without hurting ourselves or anyone then great. There are some that end up in prison early on in life, five years, ten, even receiving life sentences.

25 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

Matthew 5:25-26.

We must use our Christian minds to discern when something is foolish or not. We must act on Christian minds to begin with, not the sort of mind (mentality) that society would give us, but the one that God has given us.

It is not who we were. It is not so much who we are. It is who God is making us into which is important. We must learn our virtues and grow with them. We must keep them and grow with them. When we have mastered them then we should turn to more to learn. The Bible teaches us what those virtues are. At the same time we must reduce the amount of sin we commit. We must bring that as closely down to zero as we can. Of course we cannot totally eliminate sin from our lives, but we should still try. When we do wrong we must repent. In all these things we will mature as God wants us to.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;

and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him,

and he shall direct thy paths.


Live According To God, Not The World

The world can confuse us. It is not a dependable thing. It can mislead us. It can tarnish our relationship with God. It can misdirect us and it can even take over our faith. It is not Christian to become enveloped in the world. The world would give to us a shared mentality, one often focused on power grabbing things, greed, selfishness, hedonism, and other sinful things. Groups can cause more trouble for a person more than any other thing. A good Church however, does not.

When we become bloated with the world and its things we should deflate it, so to speak. In modern times, things have never been so ungodly. So when a group would capture you, deny them their prey, and turn to God and The Church instead.

When Christianity Is Difficult

Christianity was not made to be easy. Sure some of it is easy. Some of it takes a hard choice. Do you turn the other cheek, do you love your enemies, do you sacrifice what you have to the poor? As the start of this book stated, the path to life is difficult, the path to destruction is an easy one. It helps to keep the furthermost perspective in mind: that is, the kingdom of Heaven and our future in it. That is what is meant for us, with no regard for the world or what it does to us. So you find Christians boldly teaching the gospel, even at their own peril, as it has always been.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding  glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the  prophets which were before you.

So it is always your choice. It is the hard choices which matter the most. Just remember, it is only a short time that we must be here and our next place can come at any time.

The Stain of The Satanic in The World

If Satan only had 50 years to bring about his things then the whole world would become fully saturated with it, and has. It is a thing that acts quickly as it acts on human nature: the animalistic and most natural side of it. In other words it comes just from people being themselves with no spiritual discernment. Christians felt ill against the Smurfs at one time. Any protest we have is shut out. Our opinions in fact are ridiculed and despised and they would outlaw the Holy Bible if they could. What we consider unwholesome they consider extravagant. Listen to that modern song Latch to see what I mean.

We need God’s wisdom. There is no replacement. When I am asked, “why does God allow this or that” I tell them: that’s because we have abandoned Him. It is because we have refused to have Him around. Him and His son are slandered on a regular basis. It is no different than the times that God removed His wall of protection from His nation, Israel, because they were worshiping idols instead of Him. Without God’s wisdom nothing stays together.

Modern idols are fast food signs. They are trademarks of brands. They are heroes and villains offered up to us from TV. They are drawn to perfection and exemplified. It is all seen in ways where we (they) become more and more like animals acting on natural behavior over spiritual things. That is a reduction of intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is a very important part of intelligence, otherwise our minds are closer to those which come from animals. Eat, sleep, screw, be stronger in all things, that is where such things lead.

Even if we are smarter than them in ways such as those, they’d never know it. They take us as foolish for not indulging in things of hedonism. It is almost like they cannot hear us. They can not hear anything we say when we bring up anything spiritual. It is a bunch of gobble-de-gook for them.

When Things Fall Apart, And The End Times

I won’t write it down here because it is a whole chapter, but Matthew chapter 24 sums up the end times. It says that some will be living it up just as in the days of Noah. Then suddenly their destruction will come. It says that kids will hate their parents. It says that parents will put their children to death. It says that people will be self loving..

This know  also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


That says a lot! It says exactly what not to be too. If we can identify this in others, then maybe we can not be like them, and that would be for our better. We need to keep our relationship with our loved ones intact. It takes a Christian to have that ability. We must forgive one another. We must see through our little issues with others. We must stay on people’s good sides.

Is the end near? I, like many Christians, have thought so for a lifetime. The Bible says we may know the season, but not the hour or day. A people that want anarchy can very well receive a horrible side effect: causing a dictator to emerge. That is the consequence of lawlessness. There is no such thing as anarchy, not really. Whether it is a gang lord ruling over people, a president, or a king, or a queen, we need the safety and (hopefully) the well being they impart. The Antichrist will rule over the entire earth. I imagine that would have him be a person in the most powerful nation possible.

One important thing if you do not remember anything else: do not worship him or take his mark. Those that do will be condemned. You might have to face a very difficult decision. Consider yourself honored to be like the Christians in the earliest years of ours. They too were prosecuted for their love of Jesus Christ.

Keeping Your Faith And Trust In God

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded  on the rock. –Jesus.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  – God The Father.

God led Jeremiah into finding Him.

Things might be rocky for you. You can either be angry over it or patiently wait knowing that God wants what is best for you. You could call them spiritual flowers after a hard storm. He is always working towards your future. Maybe even a very nice one. For the success you have always sought. God takes the least person and makes them the greatest, just like with Jacob. Hard times are the greatest time to show your faith in God. It proves that He means a lot to you indeed.

My Homelessness Experience

I’m sure that the majority of help came from Christians. They told me about God when they gave me money. Then there was this lady that gave me a snack and said God bless you, I asked if she had anything to tell me about God and she just walked away. It is a trademark of Christianity to help the poor. Jesus himself was homeless.

To tell you how it was for me… certain ordinary things were precious to me. Such as a cold soda. A little chocolate. Any half good meal was great. So were the two double A batteries in my pocket, to power my pocket radio. My pocket radio was the only source of entertainment for me. One time while laying down I misplaced it and let out a sort of grieving sound. Then I realized it was where I was laying.

I don’t drink or do drugs. I never sold myself. I never begged for money either. Most of my food came from the trash. I was lucky to find a place to lay down. Police and security guards were always moving me around. I got body lice at one point. A man gave me ten dollars or something like that and I bought a can of Raid to spray over myself. Didn’t get rid of them. I scratched myself until I bled. I couldn’t sit still for five minutes before they continued to squirm around treating my blood like milk.

Maybe it was a Nebuchadnezzar time for me. A Christian lady once suggested that to me. Maybe she was right, I had gone far from a Christian lifestyle.

So those are some of the things that homeless people must deal with. There’s the cold too which is one of the worst things. I saw guys using newspapers as blankets. Both me and another guy stuffed our clothing with it trying to make clothing out of it. I did that myself and not long after I encountered a homeless guy trying the same. The rain is awful as well. You want to rest. You see the clouds. You suspect that it will rain. But you lay down anyway and wake up with rain pouring down on you. There are roofs to find to go under. Most places don’t have them because the homeless end up there. Besides, the one good place you find to lay down there might be no such thing nearby.

Shelters are a joke, full of bad people, taking a long time to get in, are in bad neighborhoods, have bed bugs, and so on. This is the logic in that: why not just sleep on a bench or something and forgo all of that? Why not just find a blanket, a tarp?

So that is the perspective I have to give you regarding the lifestyle that the homeless have. Believe me, even a five dollar bill really makes their day. Please don’t be a one dollar kind of person though! What is that going to get them? A really small package of peanuts? And please don’t get them lukewarm soda. That is just a disappointment.

Finding Your Purpose From God

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ… Paul.

If you are boisterous and not shy, you can preach on a street corner and have Christian booklets handed out. That is an option, anyway. Maybe you’d rather be a preacher in a Church. Maybe God has even given you the inspiration to create a new denomination. You can be an author. That is something I love to do at least. Some are missionaries that travel all over spreading the gospel (seems like a lot of fun.) Others want a closer connection to God by becoming monks. Monks have been around since our earliest times.

Then there are the less obvious choices: making Christian paintings, figures, crosses, or creating other Christian objects. Being a carpenter that builds upon their church at no cost. Making Christian music whether in gospel form or soft rock. Learning the piano so you can play it in a church.

Whatever your heart tells you to do and what you think you would be good at, is always a good choice.

What Heaven Will Be Like

A lot of Christians seem to miss the part that says “a new earth.” It is better understood as being a new heaven in  a new earth over “a new heaven and a new earth.” And by new it doesn’t mean that the old earth will be destroyed, that is so unbiblical. It means “renewed.” Heaven here will be far more beautiful than how we could have ever made it. Streets will be paved in gold, for one.

1– We will still know our loved ones. We will still have the family that God gave us.

2– There will be no pain and suffering, the old curse of death will be undone forever.

3– We will be given our own home. Jesus Christ has been preparing one for us all the while, one that is most suitable for us depending on who we are and what we need.

4– We will find rest. After all, with the curse lifted, what else could we do? What else would bother us any longer? All of our needs will be met.

5– The goats will eat with the sheep. The sinners will be given their own place. “On the outside are the dogs, murderers, sorcerers,” and so on. If they are to have eternal life then they must make themselves holy before they can enter into the Kingdom of God and eat from the tree of life.

6– It will be like the world today, only amplified. All of those things we have made over ages we will keep. With God by our side we will no longer be scientifically limited… with angels by our side (aliens) who would teach us every little thing we need to know.

7– It will be an unimaginably wonderful place.

Preparing For The Worst

As they say, “the greatest darkness comes just before dawn.” As it is important for a Christian to know, things in this world will not always be good towards us. Don’t try to convince a devoted sinner to repent, don’t “cast your pearls among the swine,” as Jesus told us. Don’t associate with bad people. Get as far away from them as you can. Be steadfast in prayer. I pray for your protection and the protection of your loved ones, as well as for me and my own. May not even a hair on our head be harmed. Even in bad circumstances and places, I pray that God keeps us.

It may be all dramatic for some but not for others. There are people in poor conditions right now that we should pray for. There is an evil in the world that as far as we know are no more than a few blocks away at any given time. There are the kinds of people of an abominable evil that we must stay on guard against. May God prevail in dispatching them. I pray for a more peaceful world. A world of effective laws. I pray for the protection of innocent people.

Just like Jesus saved his disciples out on the sea, and Peter when he fell into the water, so will our faith and prayers save us.

Have things in stock. God wants us to be prepared for the worst and that we do not assume that things will always be well. That means things like food, money, and a plan.

Philanthropy Wins

I believe that any war fought should only be fought for philanthropic reasons. Such as ending any cruel dictatorship, a people being ruled over harshly, their rights deprived, and so on. It's very simple but very true. I think that bad rulers should be susceptible to war crimes too if they do horrible things to innocent civilians. I would say that’s truly being a mass murderer. I would always leave execution options to the victim(s), not myself. Meaning their family. If the family of that person killed wants the murderer to be executed, then very well. I believe in tougher laws too where they are needed. I would even say that a blatant thief should have his hand cut off, to go the drastic route.

In a sense, it is not philanthropic to let bad people do bad things. It is cowardly to not lawfully protect innocent people. There are people that would undo the protection that the police offer. They would delineate their authority altogether through prejudice. I believe they should be a force to be reckoned with. Not abusive, but yet a great wall that bad people cannot go right through. If the power of the police is pathetic then we are all going to greatly suffer.

That is the other side of the same coin.

What we do not realize is the cost of selfish science and tech. Let me explain: our greatest scientific and technological power has been directed to things like phones and TVs. While so many suffer, we have directed it into fancy things, you could say. Meanwhile, feeding the hungry, dealing with famines, housing the homeless, protecting people, and things such as those have remained high cost solutions. What if we had directed all that smartness into things like food replicators, rapid home development (even entirely without human hands but with drones and things), or other more philanthropic purposes? Just imagine how much cheaper things quickly get. Not only that but of course, the reduction of suffering. That makes for a better society.

Universal Basic Income… Is something I want most of all.

Identifying False Christians

There was a “bling” preacher in the news recently. He had what was said to be a million dollars in jewelry all over him. The guy got robbed right in Church because of it. I imagine that God would have it that way. That is robbing God Himself, after all. Using your church participants for tons of gold jewelry? Yeah, that’s robbing God.

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, and said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.   –Matthew.

So that guy dealt with a loss but it would not end there. He shoved a lady at one point. I don’t even remember what for, but he did. He later faced some legal problems, those considered taking advantage of the elderly.

Here is what happens with a televangelist: they start out as small and humble teachers. They get on TV. They catch on. They enter into an enormous arena. I would feel quite alienated and maybe they do too. Then they begin getting an enormous sum of money. They really want the money. They suspect that it isn’t from God really and shouldn’t be taken. That maybe they should help the poor… with at least a little of it. Doesn’t have to be all of it, they think. Then they flip around in scripture until they find the part where God blesses us with this and that. They justify themselves with scripture such as that. At that point they are certain that God has blessed them with an exuberant amount of money. Meanwhile in their very city there are those hungry, homeless, and suffering, while they are at home eating lobsters and getting lavish things. I know they do. What else are they going to put in those gigantic mansions of theirs?

Well at least they are part of the way honest. They aren’t atheists. Then there are those who are. They convince their members that they need a new private jet (can’t travel with the heathens.) God has a special place in hell for them, for sure.

There are the preachers who only do what they do because they want power. Or maybe they are perverse and deliberately make a cult. Or they start thinking they are Jesus himself reincarnated or whatever else. They are those that have it all wrong and unfortunately can snag a lot of followers along the way.

On a lighter note are those that are just really judgmental. They are good people, they just focus too much on hell fire and anti sin sorts of things. Unfortunately their own inadequacies can make them become abusive in an anti hell sort of way. The “God will punish you” kind. There is at least one reason why separation of Church and State is preferable. That is a controversial thing for a Christian to say. I am not trying to be controversial. I just acknowledge that in the wrong hands Christianity can be dangerous. There is no shortage of suffering inflicted by churches which held great legal powers. That is what I think, anyway.

Confidence Towards God

Your life may not be going well at the time but God is with you all the while. Jesus Christ was more than willing to help everyone who needed his help. He did not turn anyone down. God wants us to know that we can depend on Him. The Bible says so again and again. It tells us to have faith in our great and powerful Lord. God is not cruel. The curse of disobedience weighs on us. But God gave us life a first time and a second time. The second life is of course from His son, Jesus Christ. As the Bible says, Jesus will seek out his one lost sheep to no end. We are in good hands, truly good hands.

You can ask what you want from God. Jesus said “ask and you will receive.” Simply have faith and you will get what you are looking for. The topic of greedy prayers is one I have trouble with myself. On one hand there are those that say God’s resources are our’s to have. Greatly so, some say. Greed is a sinful thing however. Is it rude, anyway, to expect so much? Personally I think so, so I avoid asking for too much. We should certainly avoid repetition. Heard once we are heard, the rest is left to faith.

God is very wise at redirecting you. If you are lost in some way, if you have not met your potential, then God will lead you there. It may seem harsh, but He never gives you more than you can handle. I have experienced just that in life. I have come out of my problems shining because of God. I have come out better than ever before. The same can hold true for anyone.

If we perceive God as a strict sort of Father or anything like that then we do not see God for what He really is, because He loves you and cares for you. He will never forsake you!

Negative Emotions

There’s lots of those. They can eat you alive if you let them. I call them “painful” emotions. Just like a body can receive pain, the mind receives it through certain emotions. I guess you could call it spiritual pain, or pain that comes from a lack of spirituality. They are more likely to be more severe in less spiritual people after all. The more physical you are the more you are susceptible to raw emotion. Anger, jealousy, doubt, having a lack of hope, are not good things to have. I came to a point where I just decided “I will not be angry.” You know what caused me trouble so long ago? Being told again and again that if I did not “vent” out my emotions, they’d erupt. I have never found it true. I felt like I was only teaching myself to feel angry. “Okay, I am going to feel angry now,” know what I mean?

Good people aren’t perverts. Bad people certainly are. And the worst people, they are badly perverted. I don’t like it when things are sexualized. It has become all too common in today’s world. People are better off being taught to control those feelings. They are not taught so, in fact they are encouraged. “It’s only human,” they say. It might not be possible to control it completely. Besides, the human race depends on it. That is why we are all here. It should be kept to marriage however, just as the Bible teaches us.

Some perspectives help when it comes to reducing angry feelings. We could choose to not let it ruin our day. We can remind ourselves that some people are just on that road, one where wherever they go they bring hate with them, and so do not take it personally. There will come a time when such people are dealt with if it is God’s will. There is no shutting out rude and hateful people entirely. You could go a year without hearing a nasty thing from someone, then suddenly someone says the most insulting thing you’ve ever heard. That’s life!

Maybe you can make an enemy into a friend. Give them a peace offering. Wipe the slate clean. You may be feeling like you must get back at them with something bad to tell them. It is wiser not to. Sometimes it is just best to apologize or something like that. Jesus would have us make our enemies into our friends instead of going down some sort of destructive road with them. “Love your enemies,” bear the worst, and do not lean into rendering them harm.

There are lots of excuses among teenagers. It is a period in human life where we are trying to break free. It is a period where strength matters the most. When I stopped reading my Bible at around that time I prayed that I would return to it as an old man. Didn’t take nearly so long. I have regrets. I have had the nasty feelings of self hate even for all of the hate I spewed at my family. Things like self pity and remorse are not devine. It is a roadblock in fact. I guess it improves you up to a point. It makes you repent for past behavior. However there comes a time to move on. It isn’t who you were but who you are and especially who you are becoming, through God, that matters. God forgives us of sins. If we forgive others of their sins then especially so, we should expect to be forgiven.

The Ascetic

That’s when you sacrifice things in order to become more spiritual. That is another tough topic for me, personally. I even abandoned my home and all of my possessions over it a few times in my life. There are those with monk lifestyles. Some would even do themselves bodily harm over asceticism. Who else killed himself? Judas killed himself. The Bible supports fasting. The Bible also says that under Christ all of our sins are forgiven. They are no longer even seen. Christ fulfilled the law. Jesus Christ is more than substantial enough. That certainly does not mean that we do nothing yet call ourselves Christian. Jesus Christ did not give his message to the world for no reason. It is more like this: here is what I expect of you (as taught in the gospel) and this is what I do for you (die for your sins.)

There are lots of people that use the word “Christian” in empty ways. It is often even obvious that they don’t really have anything Christian in them. They couldn’t pull more than a few verses out of their hat. They are sure to use those few verses however, as it suits them. After all, they have to be able to prove themselves in a convenient way.

But when the tough parts come up they are nowhere to be found. They are more likely to think “of course God doesn’t expect me to turn the other cheek,” or whatever other difficult request Christianity requires of us comes up. They are nowhere to be found.

It is not about making yourself poor however. That doesn’t make any sense. God does not want the poor to be poor. That is why He says to help them. So He certainly does not want you to make yourself poor.

A Christian Life

Is one that has the greatest regard for Heaven. Is one where this world we live on is foreign to us. We are foreigners away from Heaven. Things like “only the good die young,” is simply untrue. Our families are proven to be better ones. Generation by generation the Church going family is even exceptional among their peers. I have observed it. Christians discipline themselves. We do not live a chaotic existence. We live under God and His wisdom, which is irreplaceable.

If we have followed the Bible then we will mature with it. We will not have gotten into prison for some really bad reason. We would, hopefully, have gotten a job, maybe a good education even. We will have mastered our emotions instead of our emotions mastering us. We should keep our homes and bodies clean. We should not have perversion within us. We should not be abusive towards anyone. These things would be true of us if we can really call ourselves Christian. We should not be gluttonous. We should not gamble away every dime. We should not be sexually promiscuous. We should simply not consume drugs or live drunken lives.

Being Mislead (A Warning Against It.)

We all want Jesus to be with us. More than anything in fact. So it is understandable that some Christians would take an ordinary man and think the guy is Jesus, when it comes to the groups he leads and what all those around him also believe. It was so very true when Jesus said that many will come and take his name. Jesus said “don’t believe them.” He says that when he returns he is not going to be in this area or that. He says that when he returns it will be like lightning flashing in the sky which can be seen from the east to the west. He returns with all of Heaven and the angels behind him. He is not going to be in some group somewhere like it was when he was here two thousand plus years ago.

They’d rob you, these bad people. They’d take your every dime. It is one thing (and a good thing) to wisely give to the poor. It is another thing to fill the pockets of con men.

Then there is the issue of cults which would truly take your every dime, subdue you and your mind, bring you into labor for itself, in some cases they are perverted groups, might be anti government or become so. They often commit mass suicide in the end. One recent example is a group where all of its members deliberately starved themselves.

If they isolate you from friends and family. If their leader is perverted. If the group is abusive. If they take all of your money. If they treat their leader as someone as great as Jesus, then stay away from them.

Why I am Not An Atheist (A Little Apologetics)

You cannot convince me for a second that things like roses, butterflies, the sun, the moon, the complexity of life, and all the beauty of the world was not made by God. Who was that guy that said we might as well believe in a spaghetti monster? It isn’t like we believe in Zeus up there and Thor and stuff behind him. It isn’t like we believe that the crops depend on strange deities with strange myths behind them. No, our God is one God. Or rather the trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

I think that Jesus Christ has a ton of credibility. This “man” that shaped the world for thousands of years. This “man” whose words spread like a great fire throughout the world and continued to for that long. Under whom a myriad of Churches were made. Who made the Bible the best selling book of all time, hands down. Who has entered into countless lives. Who made governments what they were. Whose words are greatly loved to this day. No one can tell me that any ordinary person could ever have done such things. What’s more, he said it would all happen.

Scientists are able to believe in anything except God. They are able to believe in wormholes and alternate dimensions, but not God. Add to that all the things of whatever sci fi movie or another yet scientists refuse to think that things like God and the afterlife are possible. You’d think that there would be a branch or something among scientists which do try to prove the theory true, but they don’t bother.

The exactness of the world is incredible. The seasons, the balance of things, the cycles, the oceans as it relates to the moon, the temperature, the food chain, the great resources, gravity, physics, weather patterns, the ozone layer, all taken into account, it insults my intelligence to disbelieve that it was all created by God.

The First Will Be Last And The Last Will Be First

When Solomon met God in a dream, God asked what he wanted from Him. Solomon said that he wanted the wisdom to rule over his people righteously. God told Solomon he would have that, and because he did not ask for wealth, God said he would have that too.

God often chooses the youngest son over the oldest. We as humans mostly choose the oldest son as an heir and such things but for God, it is more often the youngest.

TheBible says that the humble will be given more. There are the beatitudes for that. The poor in spirit will have the kingdom of heaven. The meek will inherit the earth. The pure in heart will see God, and so on. We are on some seriously rocky ground when we start to ask God for way too much. We are not meant to love the things of the world or put them above God. Jesus said that just as God feeds the birds He will feed us. He says we are worth more than those birds, in fact. God made manna fall from heaven for the Israelites to have for food. He only gave a little at a time. They thought that they had to save it, uncertain that it would return the next day. So they saved it up and the next day found it full of maggots. The Bible says we do not live on bread alone.

It says to give, and you shall be given too. It says to tithe, ten percent. The Lord’s Prayer is not an “I” thing. It is a “we” and “us” thing. One thing we should never do is put ourselves above others. We should not begin to think that we are special and worth more than other people. We shouldn't say things like “thank you God for making me better than (these kinds of people or those kinds of people.)” We were meant to love one another in equal measure.

If we are humble we will receive more. If we are deserving of a certain position then we will get it. If we are sure and well educated then we can be good teachers, good preachers. If we think about others in a positive and caring way then we are more suitable to rule. If we are greedy that greed will undo us. If we are destructive and hateful towards others, it will come back on us someday.

Accepting The Rules And Customs of Others

Saving souls is more important than what a person eats, how they currently live, or fixing anything at all which is offensive to us. Paul said something to that effect. There are such childish people around who would break every rule that is put before them. Usually for reasons such as “they violate my rights,” or some such thing. The rules might not even be asking a lot from them.

Jesus associated with sinners: the tax collector Matthew (a position highly detested among the public at the time.) Peter who was a troublemaker. Paul who considered himself the greatest sinner there ever was, and so on. When Jesus was asked why he associated with the kind of people that he did, he simply told them that they needed his help. He said that those who were already righteous didn’t need any help. The Bible tells us that at a point “good enough is good enough.” If you live a blameless life then you are fine. It is actually not difficult to get to that point in fact. If you have Jesus Christ in your heart, earnestly pray, and live a righteous life, then you need not repentance.

Jesus is after that one sheep that had gone astray: the one in the 99. If you have built your house with stone with Jesus as the cornerstone, then it is strong and will remain so despite the great winds that would try and knock it down.

What Matters The Most

Faith, for one. “Only faith pleases God.” The best time to prove your faith is during hard times. Be thankful in prayer. Be resolved to believe things will get better.

Loving and caring for others means a lot. That is one of the best things we can do, if we are to follow the words of Jesus Christ.

Give to the poor. Give food to the homeless. If you can, go out of your way to help the less fortunate, just as the good samaritan did.

Live a moral life, one without perversion, crime, harm to others, or such things. Do not do anyone harm.

Stay away from drugs. If you drink alcohol, try to limit the amount that you intake. Avoid foolish choices. Walk away from bad situations. Keep yourself free and out of jail.

Read The New Testament every day. It is a thin book with the wisest things ever said. It is easy enough to learn it in its entirety (with further study always possible.)

Don’t worship idols, whether in their old form or modern form. Certainly do not worship The Antichrist, were he to appear in your lifetime, as those who do will be condemned.

And place God first. Build your relationship with Him. Listen to what He says to your heart. Allow Him to lead you into Heaven when the time comes.

A Small Prayer…

I pray for our protection in the coming times. I pray for the protection of us and our loved ones. I pray for your Kingdom to come. I pray that people no longer suffer because of it. But are housed, fed, treated fairly, with any past suffering gone. I pray for our growth as Christians. I pray for your wisdom to make good people out of us, most fitting to be in Your Kingdom. May our days be peaceful with no harm done to us. Please keep bad people away from us. Please guide us into safety when it is needed. May the world become a better place. May your rule guide us all into the best lives we can have, forever happy in your kingdom. Before that time, please give us what we need in our lives. The food we need, the things that make us happy. And please forgive us of our sins. We pray in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Unholy World

It has gotten to the point where we just do not belong here. While that has always been true to a certain extent, it is more so than ever. People are liberally sexual, animalize themselves, their goals are beant on thorough greed, they are self centered, mostly only self-serving and self-important. Not much is off the table for them.

Maybe it is an important time to gather in order to escape. It is that or to deal with it. Unfortunately so many of us have no place to escape to. I for one am trapped in San Francisco where things are becoming a wreck. There is open air drug abuse going on. People have grown spiteful all around.

It does not take much time before you turn on your TV and find the most revolting of things possible. When I was 13 it was just Beavis and Butthead. Now, entertainment wise, things have never been so anti christian. God is being made a joke out of. Mass shootings have become a weekly affair.

Rampant theft is increasing. People just take large bags, grab what they will, and leave with it. There is a threshold leading to anarchy. Is it possible that such a thing would lead to The Beast? Where it is that people are Satanic at heart, where Satan is welcomed into their lives as it is. Where tougher laws are needed and The Man that would render them. Where a world union is more possible than ever which is an attribute of his rule? It scares me to consider.

So what do we do? This will not go on forever for us. We will all be a part of God’s rapture, taken away from the unholy forces which permeate the earth. So we must continue praying and keep our faith..and hope. We should keep ourselves aware of what is going on. We should know and observe the signs which Revelations (and Matthew 24) has given us.

Getting Angry At God

Say when someone you love dies at an early age. Something really bad happens to you. The worst thing happens, whatever it is, making you angry at God, do you think that God would punish you for that? We live in a world of suffering. I am sure He understands that. I am sure that Jesus understands that. It isn’t the worst sin when you become angry at God. God is our loving Father and full of understanding. For me, I have a problem of my hope being broken in two. Which is bound to happen once in a while. I mostly stand up strong and bear bad things. Like a time my mail was recently outright stolen, things I was so excited to get. Nope, it never happened, as though my wishes came to nothing. In that case I actually handled it well. I believe that God wants us to be patient people who are emotionally strong. At least that is what I got out of occurrences like that. When things get way too tough for me however, I could break and feel like my prayers are utterly unheard, then get angry at God. I used to double and triple down on praying for the forgiveness of that anger. Then there came a time when I just threw my hands up and explained to God why I get that way. I told Him that when I do, to just ignore me. I tell Him to stand by my side regardless of feelings I may sometimes have. I told Him to forgive me when it happens.

How To Treat Others

It is better for a Christian to be their real self over some false pretend self. It is better that their love is sincere over fostered/ fake. We should be gentle towards some sensitive kinds of people. We might even ask God to help us with them, such as how to talk and behave towards them. We should avoid expressing bad opinions towards them or anyone. We should not make people after ourselves. We should make them after Jesus Christ, as much as we are ourselves like him. With all things Jesus wants us to follow the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do to you.

I personally am no share and share alike kind of person. I don’t even think that that is biblical. We have what we have earned. If I am going to give to anyone it is the poor, with no expectation they give things back. I have been in places where there were give and take cycles. Personally it borders on stealing sometimes. Those that would promise you the sun and the moon, then have nothing for you when the time comes. There was a time when I answered my door every time to give someone something or another. I must have been living off of some corrupt form of morality. It only made me mad being taken from so I learned to say “no.”

Giving gifts is a different matter. You either live in a family of gift giving or you don’t. As an interesting side note, I am fond of the retro gaming community. That happens to be largely made up of people who did get gifts as kids. After all that is how they know all of the old games and surely as kids they could not have afforded the high cost of them themselves. I think that is a factor in just how many nice people are found in that community. I really do pity the children who were never given anything. My father understood that a happy child makes a happy and mature adult. So we had all we had and more, always vacationing too.

It takes a little self sacrifice. Some only send a thing or two out. Some send lots out. Some focus on their own children. Sometimes an uncle may send their nieces or nephews out for some things. It’s true for me, a decidedly childless person. Then there are grandparents who sometimes give their grandkids lots of stuff. It is a learning process, picking out the right things. A lot of fun too. I think so anyway.

Everyone deserves at least a little respect. As long as they are not murderers or some such thing. There has been a lot of loss of maturity in modern America, with a touch of it in other nations as well. They are seen all over the news becoming deadly angry when minor things happen to them. “Let me speak to your manager,” “bring me your supervisor,” (I am being harassed. They should be fired. The fries are cold.) I admit being in a long line is frustrating but it isn’t anything to start yelling about. Sometimes people trash whole stores. They knock down every little thing they can. Things will not go well for them. That is precisely why maturity is such a modern gem among virtues.

Counting Your Blessings

That is a Christian term is it not? Psychologists have taken it and turned it into “gratitude therapy.” Let us be grateful towards God with all we have. We so easily take things for granted. I was homeless at one time. I hadn’t a bed, no TV, and all else. I endured it. Now that I am in a home I still find some little problem to bring me down. Then I return my thoughts to the past and remember that what little trivial problem I have now is nothing compared to the past. As a matter of fact I have grown to fear losing what I have. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. My point is that we are always going to make problems in our lives. That only reduces the amount of joy we should be receiving.

Look at us now in this day and age. Old problems and lacking are going away more and more. They say that the economy has a recession or whatever yet we are all at McDonnald’s eating hamburgers. Seriously, I thought it was strange, a paradox or something. What we have now is far greater than what people in the past had. The richest person could not have possibly had some of the things we have now. Such as the newest phone, the newest TV, or game console, or smart glasses, a 3D printer that was not yet invented. So our money goes further! I once had this monster size CRT TV. The thing weighed a ton. A grand 32 inches (being sarcastic.) Expensive. Very expensive. I call it reverse inflation. I would say we could hardly even fall prey to a new dark age with all of these things at our disposal.

Maybe that is a part of what “many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first,” as Pastor Arnold Murray once interpreted it.

Choosing A Harmless Community

My grandfather was a man purely dedicated to God. He was a Church person, a pillar to the community in fact, but loved to watch NFL when it was on. The NFL is not a religious or Church thing of course. But there’s nothing wrong with enjoying sports on TV. By contrast I have seen people that tightly restrict anything they enjoy into what is strictly biblical, be it TV, music, activities, or whatever else. There are some good communities to be a part of however. Those you could call innocent. It was like me and video games when I was a kid. Like the scene from the original Zelda: “It is dangerous to go alone, take this (sword.)” Just a pretend sword. It was like the game said you are better off inside with a fake weapon than you are with a real one outside. I like to think so anyway.

I guess some of us would say that RPG games and Magic card games are off hand for a Christian. Some would say that Yoga is. Maybe sometimes they are right. Maybe sometimes they are just splitting hairs. I grew up fine due to discipline. I had my gangster rap influences (heavy metal too) which could have ended bad. My father however raised me well enough to mature correctly. I in fact have never really harmed anyone in life. I got into little fights in school but that was it. I have never consumed drugs. I would never do anything that would put me in prison. No chance. That takes the sorts of things I would not do.

I watched Smurfs. I have watched R rated movies. I have played Mortal Kombat. I used to like Dr. Drey in my time. It has been of no consequence for me.

I say that playing sports, having a favorite show, liking an author, enjoying lots of good food, having a smoking habit you simply cannot beat, drinking a little (but not a lot and not all the time), and just having things of enjoyment in general, does not make you any less a Christian.

It is Satan’s Work To Make Disbelievers

That can come from scientific rhetoric, defaming the Bible, leading people away from what it teaches, making a joke out of God and Jesus Christ, worldly diversions, demonizing Christians, staining the Christian name, and turning people over to pleasure. Scientists can be proven wrong. They say that everything is just a theory. They would be placed in the education system with an explanation which, to a common sense person, simply does not make sense!

He puts forth idols in the form of musicians and actors. The Bible tells us that Lucifer was a master musician. The man that created the blues (which led to rock which led to metal) learned it from The Devil. I believe that account. These “super stars” are no different than graven images. They are no different than idols of old.

Christianity is the one religion that may be mocked. All of the other religions are specially supported. How easy it is to find some mockery of Jesus in cartoons, video games, and other things. It is presented as nonsense without much more to be said.

The Devil worshipers of the 1980s who were engrossed in heavy metal and occult rituals are responsible for bringing a lot of evil in the world. They probably found their rituals ineffective. Certainly where it was that a demon would appear, but not show, they thought they didn’t do things right. What they don’t know is that demons cared nothing for them. They did bring a lot of evil into the world according to what they did.

Why Real Church is Preferable To TV Church

The biggest thing it comes down to is that the local church helps local people. Who are you helping by donating to mega churches you find on TV? It is like a local church that does all it can to feed the homeless or any other philanthropic thing. Money that would be given to them is sent to that TV church instead.

It is okay to learn things about the Bible online, of course, but as for church, it is a brother/sisterhood, a more intimate place where you one and all sing hymns and group together for the purpose of worship.

What You Do Now Pays Off Tomorrow

Believe me if Jesus were to come this very day then there will be lots of us that would think we should have done more beforehand. I am sure we will ache with his presence especially if we did not see it coming. The Bible says to keep an eye out. He comes like a thief in the night. All of our good deeds will be brought into one reward. The times we helped the poor and helped the suffering of others will all be taken into account. What do we make of what God gave us? Jesus had a parable on that. He said that some will return with a good profit while another will have nothing to show for it, and, of course, punishment will come to the latter.

The Bible says that no good deed will go without its reward. So that time you see a homeless person and feed them, God will remember that. He will reward you based on how much faith you had in life. Whether minimal or abundant, the amount of faith you have will be taken into account. If you went out of your way to help others knowing that it was God’s will, that time will not be forgotten.

But Jesus Christ must be kept at heart in all of this. A relationship with him is necessary. It is not done for reward. So don’t even have a reward in mind. Do what good things you do selflessly. You cannot buy God, you could say. I wouldn’t put that so strictly however. It is okay to care about the help you give another and that’s a good thing, not something bad. Acting on love is the whole point. If only at the moment that is your reward then that’s the one to have. That instead of bragging to yourself about it.

The Christian Way of Spending Money

1– Money which helps the less fortunate.

2– Spending money on gifts for others.

3– Buying clothes (as Paul said.)

4– Buying food (which he said in the same verse.)

5– To tithe.

6– Buy a nice Bible.

7– Donate to a good cause.

8– Money towards a Christian project/ product.

9– To prepare for your future, a future that may be harsh.

10– Invest it, save it up.

11- Money for the future of your family, such as education.

12– Being sure that your children have all they need.

13- Celebrating birthdays for your children.

14- For Christmas.

15– Things that keep you in good health, such as doctors and medication.

16– Use it to start a non-profit.

17– Use it to start a Church.

18– Towards theological education.

19– To help your community.

20– To protect you and your loved ones. To house them. Go to a safer neighborhood. In all things that provide for the happiness and well being of your family.

Things That Are A Scam, Things That Are Misleading

I observe things in modern American society to be a sort of cult. That has two sides. It is like two cults are fighting each other. They have their own words and phrases to throw around. There is a zero tolerance policy they bear. They are indoctrinated into these things. It even permeates their very mind, opinions, beliefs, and life itself. Christianity is not a worldly thing. It is not even a thing of tradition and customs. The Bible generally says “whatever the world is doing, don’t be the same.” We have our own Churches, our own beliefs, just as it should be. We don’t wrap ourselves in their blankets, so to speak. Our instruction and belief book is the Bible. Humans today have a sort of Bible which naturally grows online, in books, in videos, ect. You in no way have to go far to see a piece of it. It is everywhere.

So to be clear: that is their group, not our own.

Commercials, TV, movies, books, music, you name it: it all tries to sell their product based on certain things such as race, gender, and sexual lifestyle. At their core they have nothing to do with those things. How can they? What does sprite have to do with your race? Then there are the funny commercials. In effect they laugh you into buying their product. If there is a trademark to commercials it is that they try to make you laugh. But what does laughter have to do with buying car insurance?

The Way That People Just Fall Right Into Wickedness

A strong voice is all that is needed to turn society on its heels. No matter the constitution, the design of government, or what’s right and what’s wrong, if enough people are against anything then it can easily be brought down (unfortunately.) It is in ways such as those that the worst people can get away with the worst of things. “Monkey see, monkey do,” let me put it that way. If enough are doing things like looting stores with the bags they carry in then things can get worse and worse. Especially due to the fact that everyone has a camera these days.

They’d have authority rendered powerless against them. Words against the police spread fast. Here is one horrible thing: the person who is made to have every right to harm others. Any objection is “violence, aggression.” They have to tolerate bad things being done to them. If they don’t, then they are “a part of the problem.” I have foreseen such a thing coming about and there are hints that it has.

It can certainly be said that the government and civilians grew up differently. While people of the upper government are usually higher class (responsible, do not take drugs or alcohol, are well educated, grew up right, do not have any criminal history) the opposite rings true for civilians.

There’s that guy who ran out of gas on his way home. Poor fellow. He asks for a little money to fill his tank, which is for a car that is out of sight “down the block” or something. We’ve all met him at one time or another. One of the most elaborate times someone tried to scam me was in an email I got. One about an American soldier who came across a briefcase of money in the middle east. Taking it for herself, which “we both know” is illegal, theft, so she made a bargain for me (more likely a “he.”) She said just give me your bank account number, I will deposit (millions of dollars or something like that) of which you can keep some.

The thing is, when I first got online and started receiving emails, I almost fell for some of it. My friend did too. The poor guy thought he won the lottery in another state. He was told that all he needed to do was deposit a processing fee and it was all his. It took me and his father to convince him that it was a scam.

There are professional beggars. They get a nice sum of money too. I have to take a good look at someone sometimes. Some of them should probably get a job as controversial as that sounds, though I don’t judge them. I just think they need a gentle push in the right direction. You feed the bears and they don’t go away. Some are hooked on drugs and I would probably be giving them money for that. New Testament times did not have that problem. In fact in those times people had much better reasons to be homeless. Then there are the real ones, the mentally ill. They are always shouting strange things. Not from drugs in their case. You get the sense from them that something is not going on right in their minds. They walk barefoot for example. They seriously talk to themselves. I know it all too well. I have been homeless and am Schizophrenic. I never took drugs. I was unmedicated for that year in my life. Crazy as I was, I understood what money was for. It isn’t the same conduction as, say, autism. So when I received money I very carefully decided on what to spend it on. An apple flavored gatorade for example, precious in the hands.

Contending With Sin

Certain sin is damaging and difficult to cease. A gambling problem, an alcoholic one, an anger issue, chain smoking, and being unwilling to work (laziness of a kind that can make and keep you homeless), to name a few, are serious problems for some. There are rehabs for such people. There are councilors, therapists who may help. Of course there is a Bible to help. My grandfather gave up smoking just so he wouldn’t project it onto his kids. So there is a reason for doing it for your loved ones if not for yourself. I knew a person who said it took jail for him to end his drug habits. He said that rehab didn’t do anything for him. I don’t believe in stuffing people into jail over an addiction. I don’t believe an addiction alone is a crime, but that’s just what I think.

Prayer and the Bible, and more prayer, and more Bible, might be just what a person needs to change their life around. Spending a good amount of time in Church can do a lot of good. There are therapists who are Christian therapists if you look around. It can take an incredible amount of self talk to end addictions. A person must transform their minds into really knowing what is good and what is bad for them. They must come to identify harmful sins as bad things. They must really come to know their enemy. It is not an enemy we can love or appreciate. For the people I knew who quit smoking, they had to talk themselves out of liking to smoke. They had to enter into that frame of mind. They were then prepared to fight their personal battle.

Being Good Towards Others

I was just a plain jerk growing up. A hateful person, one who was full of insults. I would be lying if I said I was Christian towards others in my teenage years. It was something that as a stronger Christian I came to regret. I made my apologies. I matured. I learned to be more gentle, more understanding. We should all be cautious against being hateful and rude towards others. When it comes to our loved ones we should ask God to give us wisdom to how we talk and act towards them. If we are rude in one instance or another we should acknowledge it and not do it again. If it was bad enough then we should apologize.

There may be times we burst with anger and must keep it at bay, holding our tongue, keeping ourselves from saying something cold and hateful. Like James said, we can control ships but we can’t control our own tongues. We should keep our morality with us wherever we are or wherever we go. If this one person or that would have otherwise then we must make our farewells. I knew a guy that was always giving away his money. Just about all of it, certainly the majority of it. The guy worked hard for his money. Those around him certainly didn’t care. They just took and took more, as much as they could get from him. A Christian in that place would know that’s no different than theft, or at least taking advantage of someone, and would not take his money.

It’s like a business that can’t pay its employees. Like one having a hard time financially. It is the end for them. They keep their employees working anyways. Weeks even go by without pay. The bad person would have them continue but the good person would acknowledge that his or her employees deserve the money and would take all that is left and give it to them. A bad person would throw the blame off on another. Some of them do that without any hesitation. That is being a false witness in the worst of ways. A good person would admit to their wrong doing and clear the name of their friends. Sometimes there is a stark difference between being a good person and being a bad person. A Christian must always make the choice to be a good person.

Bad People Ruin The Lives Of Everyone

When the majority of people lie through their teeth in order to save themselves from punishment, the good people who are telling the truth are not believed.

When people steal from stores, the prices go up. These days it is so bad that whole stores have to close down. There has even come to be a large store where everything inside is locked behind a case.

People who go around killing others limit the ability for a good person to defend themselves.

Bad people make laws that affect good people, such as mandatory searches. At the worst end of it there is martial law and anarchy. If that does not work, then a dictator may spring up. Bad people leave good people unsafe. They trash homes so much that they are irreparable. Those homes are required to be fixed if they are to keep being rented out. Dirty and filthy people cause an infestation of rats and roaches and the blame is pinned on the property owner.

A person who works hard, does not do drugs, leads good responsible lives, and are just good intentioned innocent people, can have their lives taken by bad people, when all they wanted to do that day was visit a nice place in town. That is something that simply should not be. That is just something that never should happen… And if it does, then that person should be strictly dealt with without regard for their “humanity.”

Bad people lie and get themselves on disability money, and so taxes go up. Bad people squander their food stamps (EBT) and even sell them. They sue institutions for millions of dollars, which throw the places or things into bankruptcy. But Christians do not sue. We forgive our debts.

All in all, just imagine how much more beautiful the world would be without sinners of these kinds. But they bring a lot of hell with them and they are difficult to get rid of. They are difficult to stop, to change, to even plant the least of decency within them!

God Can Change Your Life

I believe that God wanted me in San Francisco. I believe He wanted a better life for me in a better place. Were I not here I would not have the help that I do, nor the joy I have when I go about and around. They say my city is in chaos but I don’t see that anywhere. Granted I don’t go into “the tenderloin” neighborhood. It looks bad in that area. You see people on drugs and things but those there generally respect each other. I think that people are good at heart for the most part. Sometimes bad things do happen to people, and it is a thing to mourn, to lose a loved one or a loved one to lose you. So I don’t go out at night. I don’t go in empty neighborhoods but rather places with heavy foot traffic. In other words I acknowledge that evil exists and avoid them in their places. I pray to God for my protection and the protection of my loved ones. These days we all should make those prayers.

The Bible tells us that God prepares our future in a loving way. It teaches that He is here to improve our lives, both from within and without. We may even get a shorter jail time or something, if we truly repent. He wants maturity from us. He wants us to be the type that stays out of trouble. He wants our growth in the best way. He has a good plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11.)

You Don’t Get By On Brute Force

The outspoken and the outgoing people gain the most attention and it is often negative attention. It is better to be discreet. People who have a word to say over another are often not well received, and in fact can lead them into harm. People who are quiet, who are forgiving over lack of manners or some such thing, are sort of invisible to bad people. Those who would call out someone on something like manners or who would “talk back” can get themselves into trouble. And you never know if they have people nearby who would just as much lash out at you over it. So my whole point is: it is better to go around quietly. It is better to be a bit subtle. It is better to be gentle, forgiving, and to ignore people than it is to take a strong stance wherever you go.

My Own Testimony

I can attest that God made my life much better. I had a time paying for my sins. A Christian friend of mine compared it to Nebakanezer’s difficulty. I was wandering around for the longest time barely having a home, often starving. I don’t even have a lot of needs beyond natural ones. I love iced tea for example, it is an addiction of mine. I just need a little music perhaps. There were times when I just didn’t have them as simple as they are, and as much as ordinary people take them for granted.

So I wandered awhile, barely able to afford a hotel room, sometimes sleeping at friends' homes, a shed perhaps, a shelter, times when I was in the mental hospital. As I have mentioned, I am Schizophrenic. I am at least when I am unmedicated. It is an illness that comprises delusions, paranoia, grandiosity, emotional extremity, and hallucinations. My mother’s only wish for me has always been that I took my medication.

Eventually I ended up totally homeless. I was homeless for a whole year. Then I went through years and years in group homes and boarding care for a while (board and care? It’s called one or the other.) I came there from being in a mental hospital for nearly two years. I was on a conservatorship for awhile. Then about three years ago my life got much better. The last thing my conservator did for me was to put me in an “SRO.” That is a hotel for the mentally ill. Most of us here are schizophrenic. There is staff below to help us. In respecting privacy that is all I have to say.

I now have all I need, for sure. I have a bus card that I can use at any time to go where I need to for free. Overall I receive a lot of help from San Francisco. Help I certainly could not have gotten in New Mexico, from where I came. I have a shelter. I have a bed. I have a nice TV. I have all the iced tea I could ever drink. I added coffee to that. I have my own cable internet at a cheap price. I have certain nice things like a quality ice maker and deep freezer. I have a great printer/scanner for my books, the ones I scan in. That is a side project of mine apart from writing Christian books. Those can be found under my name if you are interested.

Yes, a thousand times over my life has improved. Where I was once homeless (and “deranged”) I now have a room with a bed and nice things. Where I once ate from the garbage I now have good fresh food. I don’t live at all far away from where I was homeless in fact, except for the times when I slept in the Fisherman’s Wharf. I had always dreamed and yearned to be put back into a home. I was too mentally ill to make it happen or even understood how it could be.

Just remember in any hard time that you may face: God is working for you. God has not left you. Count on that day where you are brought to a better place. It will happen. “After a storm comes the flowers.” I can say that I have gained a lot of things like contentment and appreciation due to what happened to me. There is not a lot expected from me. I do blood work for a medication I take. I pick up those pills. I take them. I go get what I need. I clean myself and keep my room clean too. I live a life free of drugs and crime (as for drugs, I have never taken them.) There’s only a first time for things that will happen and it will never happen. There’s only a second time if there was a first time. The first time is the most foolish choice when it comes to that.

I live a good life now and the spirit is strong. It forgets past pain easily. It led me to such a good life as would have been unfounded if I had never suffered as I did. You might say “the end   justified  the means,” and glory to God! The least I can do is write the best Christian books I am capable of. That’s all I have to say.

Common Theft

When I buy things, I budget. I buy what I need, nothing more and nothing less. I am sure I gave the clerk the right amount. Would never try to cheap change. Would never take a free candy bar by stealing it. Let me ask you: are you the same? Would such a thing as stealing never come to mine, for you? It is for that reason that I don’t suffer from strict laws. God fearing people are people with self discipline. God tells us: don’t steal. Theft has become a very bad problem as of recently. To the extent that these happen: people fill whole bags with things and walk out with them. They “smash and grab,” meaning they hammer open things such as jewelry cases. They ram a vehicle into a closed store to get inside. They blow up ATM machines. They even use a forklift to get inside. I was at a fast food place recently when a guy walked in, grabbed some chips, and walked straight out without the worker there even batting an eye. Then today in a store I was buying something when a guy just stuffed his pockets with things and probably walked straight out of the store with it.

Look at it this way: when God returns, he brings His kingdom with Him. I am saying we have everything we need when that happens. The “want it now” kind of people make a mockery of that. You could say “they have their reward already.” By contrast those who work for their things, that are responsible, who live a fair and just life, will indeed have a greater reward.

In fact if we live our lives as the common sinner does, then we will be met with God’s wrath upon His return. We are either going to be found doing good, or be found doing bad. As Christians we should not be going along with what wicked people are doing, not worldly things either.

Being Right And Ready For God’s Return

Keep this in mind: we will all wish that we will have been doing better when God comes with His kingdom, His angels, and His son, Jesus Christ. We will all wish we had done better. Where were we, helping the homeless, or just at home. Reading a little bit of the Bible? Or learning all we can? Donating and giving to the poor, or at a fast food place chomping down on burgers when there was a homeless person right outside? Some will have been doing a lot of bad things. Some will have been total atheists and perhaps not even know what is going on at first (‘aliens?!’) Even the best of us however will have wished we had done better. After all, the greater reward is at stake. Our level of righteousness or lack of it will all be taken into account.

The Bible says that things will go hellishly wrong, to put it one way. A difficult time is to come. A tribulation. The Antichrist, whom if we do not worship, will prevent us from buying and selling or having food. But if we do worship him, then we are condemned to hell, literally. Be ready to make your choice. That may be the best thing you can do in fact. Find certainty in God. Find great faith to stand against The Beast, knowing it is your soul which is at stake. It is not unbiblical to believe that we as Christians may face hardship. Just look at the lot of the disciples. They were executed. John the Revelator was imprisoned, so were some of the others. The early Christians were thrown into the Roman coliseum to face lions! But some Christians believe that by being Christian they will not have to endure such things. It is not about this life. It is not about this world. It is not about finding privileges. It is a spiritual path. It is a life lived righteously which seeks Heaven, despite the turmoil of the world and what it may inflict on them because of our very existence. Those that overcome and suffer for Jesus’ sake however, will have gained the best place in the kingdom to come. What more can be proven by any of us who, despite hardship, keep the faith?

Zombified Minds

I don’t mean to insult but to put out a truth: there are many in today’s time whose minds are so warped as to seem “zombified.” I am talking about the kind of people who are way, way, too caught up in music. That is, music on which their whole mentality revolves, which creates them, and deep seeded sin is the design. It goes as far as to make them murderous, unconcerned with human life, but to occupy that body of “greatness that comes with murder.” They are known by how they talk. They are known by how they walk and how they dress. Fitting in is paramount to them. Being the strongest among them is important to them, and that means taking things to the extreme. The extreme means being the greatest criminal among them.

They will not have found a soul, a mentality, a personality, or a lifestyle beyond what these things feed them and what they feed each other. One thing that makes them particularly dangerous is that they’d walk right into prison. That is a mark of pride. The thought of it might even relieve some of their suffering. If they are going to go, they know to make it worth it. Before they are even caught they might have done more than one horrible thing. There comes a point where there is no such thing as “wrong.”

I don’t know what being regularly high must be like but I imagine that it’s a half life lived. One half you need it and the other half you have it. One half you are suffering in the ordinary world and the next you are within a dream of one kind or another. So you go from home to home. You are at different homes all the time. After all, some of your friends have, while others do not. Male or female you are willing to sell yourself. You are willing to burglarize to get more. All that is needed is a little belief that you will get away with it. Maybe you’ve done so five times already, then on the sixth try hell comes knocking at the door.

The Threshold Of What Good People Can Tolerate

I once saw a cartoon that contrasted war mongers with peacekeepers. It was a sort of propaganda thing. There were people clamoring over a new leader and desiring more and more for him to be in total power. The peace keeping person tried to talk them out of it, in peaceful and gentle ways, according to his nature. Of course they would not listen. Things got worse and worse. That guy did get into total power, to the detriment of the people. The peace keeping person then learned he had to stand strongly against all of it because peaceful means were not going to work.

A whole city can quickly be enveloped into criminality if the laws are too soft. As much as people can get away with anything, believe me, they will. They’ll do as much as they can get away with and a little more. So businesses suffer. On their side walk are homeless drug users. Needles are a common sight. Filth on the street as well. Theft too. It causes the business owners to close down. What a pity! To think of all the work that a person puts into their business, to have it ruined by lower class people. “Lowballs” I call them. The question is, are the politicians going to do anything about it?

I like the sorts of videos where a man bursts into a store with a gun… and behold, the clerk has one too, and does something like shoot the guy’s arm off.

We Inherit The Body Of Christ

As God said in the Bible, “be Holy, for I am Holy.” A person can study the Bible a lifetime and yet be left with more to learn and more to know. It is a book that seems inexhaustible. We always learn new things to bring back into our lives. There is always something additional to know and do. There is such a thing as being “good enough” in Christianity. As the Bible says, Jesus was here for the sinners, the lost sheep. “In the same way there is more happiness in heaven because of one sinner who turns to God than over 99 good people who don't need to,” as Jesus said. God is always working to improve us. We will not have lived and died without good work being done for us. We will find ourselves more patient, spiritually better and better, emotionally better, and behaviorally better. We inherit the body of Christ within us.

The Bible says that our body is the temple of Christ Jesus. We are strong through Jesus Christ…

As Paul said:

8 We are pressed on every side, yet not crushed; perplexed, yet not to despair; 9 pursued, yet not forsaken; struck down, yet not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the putting to death of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus may be revealed in our mortal flesh. 12 So then death works in us , but life in you .

2 Corinthians 4:8-12 World English Bible.

Paul in fact was always on the run but through the power of God he completed the tasks given him.

We can learn a lot when we take on the characteristics of Christ Jesus. We can learn a lot by taking his example. That goes further than reading and doing what he said, which of course we should also do, but by looking into what kind of person he was and being that way too, it adds to things for us. “What would Jesus do?” Is a good Christian question. Jesus was giving. He didn’t turn down anyone who asked for help. He was friendly. He didn’t go around bragging over the things he did. And from his mouth came the words of God.

Thank God It’s Friday

They say that there is no leisure time without work. The Bible teaches us to work. It also offers us days to rest. That is our reward, in part. Anything you buy from the money you earn is perfectly fine, except of course those things used towards sinful behavior. Ecclesiastes states: Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labour  the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun.

Among the people of the Bible Solomon had a lot of things to say about work. Then there is the common saying “idle hands are the Devil’s work.”

Should that be an only Sunday thing when we choose to rest? No, the Bible says that we rest with Jesus Christ. That is the new Sabbath and remember, Jesus fulfilled the old law.

We even enjoyed the weekend as a kid if we had school. School was our work. Then came Friday. My mother would take us to the store where we rented video games and a VHS movie. We spent a little allowance. My parents didn’t have us doing chores. However we only got a small allowance. These days I enjoy the weekend for different reasons. I won’t get into those but I basically do things I don’t otherwise. It is always good to make a good time out of those three days. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

A List And Definition of Christian Values


Ever stand in a grocery store line where you are crying out something like “hurry up! What’s taking so damn long?” You actually can stop those feelings. I managed to make them stop and just choose to patiently wait. Yesterday that happened in fact. The guy in front of me was quietly uttering things and began to get louder and louder about it. Just in the knick of time though another register opened up and I pointed that out to him.

If you have just one value when it comes to doing a good job at work then that value would be patience. Take that over staring at a clock. All you might be doing is mopping or putting things together which alone sounds easy enough. One thing that would make that difficult however is a lack of patience.

If I had to admit to some sin I would say that my worst patience problems came from the doctor’s office. I walked right out of the place a few times when it was that the doctor never seemed to come around. I stopped feeling that way however and stopped doing that. Even worse, a man was helping get me a free phone and the whole thing took so long that I told him I was going home, and left. The bad part of that was that I told him “take your time.”

We really must try to not be so spoiled. So many of us would make a travesty out of our fast food taking too long. There is one thing about it all: we are not alone in those things. I have never been in a long line where it was that people didn’t become aggravated by it. I have seen people boil over from it sometimes, too. ]  


That is an important lesson of the day. It is a good value to have in modern times. There are people who would throw fits over trivial things. Some of them are the kinds we call “Karens.” They demand the manager. They embellish things in order to strengthen their accusations. They call the police over pitiful things. They sometimes commit vandalism or attack people. Some of those even call the police after that, thinking they will arrive on white horses with raised flags to defend them.

If a parent did a good job then their children will grow to maturity. It will not have taken things like the law to do it. It will not have taken them into their 30s for it to happen. That means some whoopins. ]


Or you could say “dedication.” Be resolved to do the right thing. Be resolved to speak the truth over lying about any given thing. Don’t even cover anything up. Admit to guilt if you must. Don’t harbor secrets that entail people getting harmed or being used. Do not worship The Beast if that time comes for you to decide. Consider the sake of your soul. If someone were to condemn you for believing in Jesus Christ then we will either deny him or accept punishment over it (which is to receive the greatest of rewards.) ]  


God wants faith from us. He would give us anything as long as we have faith that we will get it. Things could be quite difficult before they get better, but when they get better it is truly better. Through a difficult time we grow. The Bible teaches us a lot about people who had a hard time but in the end came into the greatest of places. There were people who were not living, thinking, and behaving correctly, who God sets on the right path. He teaches us lessons that last for a lifetime. He will never expect more from us than we are capable of. At the end of the storm there is truly a rainbow.

What God would ask of us may sometimes appear like something we shouldn’t do. It might seem foolish. But God has the greatest power. He knows what we do not. He wants us to be bold for him. He wants us to know that He is in control. He has proven that through people like Joshua and David. We should put God’s will first in our lives. We should set aside what the world tells us and what it would have us do and turn to the will of God. ]  


We give to the poor. We give to the homeless. If we have good money, we give them a fair amount. If we are poor, however, then that is not expected of us. Then there is the story that Jesus told of a woman who gave nearly everything she had as a tithe, though she had little, and what a touching gesture! Ten percent is just not the same as it is when comparing the rich to the poor. In the time of Jesus they used to sound a trumpet in the synagogue when someone gave big. Jesus clearly spoke against that. “Don’t sound a trumpet before you when you give.” Don’t do it to be loved. Do it out of love, not for love. That is why it is better to give to someone who doesn't care about you then it is to only give to those who love you. Anyone can give to someone who loves them. “That is what the Pagans do” as Jesus said. With these things in mind the Bible teaches us that we will be rewarded for what we give. We should keep our reward out of mind however, as the Bible says. We should give freely, not for a reward. ]


There was only one instance in my life where I could not forgive someone. I had mentioned Christian scripture to him and how important it is to forgive others. He used that against me. He just sort of made a mockery out of it. When your parents grow old then it is all the more important to forgive them. That’s how I feel about it anyway. If they are not going to be around much longer than it is not good to leave them with hard feelings.

It is important to know: forgiving others does not mean you have to keep being around anyone. If they are abusive then you should part ways. If they are wicked then you should part ways. The Bible teaches us to not associate with bad people.

Forgiving can be therapeutic. Even atheistic therapists would say so. We are all sinners. As much as we forgive is as much as we ourselves are forgiven according to the Bible, such as in The Lord’s Prayer and verses after. Anger is a painful emotion that God will help us with if we simply ask Him to. I know that He did so for me. ]

[Being Gentle (And Keeping Safe.)

I was on the bus the other day. It was crowded for sure. While trying to get out someone yelled at me “stop!” I just told them “okay, go ahead,” and feeling that even that was a bit rude I added “excuse me.” That is a sort of power that Christianity holds: to defuse. Wicked people are happy to escalate things or make something out of nothing. When they act rudely, hateful, towards another they are looking for a fight. When they don’t find one, they move on. It is good to say your sorry or say whatever you need to in order to break apart a possible fight. Sometimes it is better to just not say anything. For some, any answer is offensive.

I don’t give a lot of things to my peers (people who have just as much or more money than I do.) When I am out on the street however, if someone asks for a thing then I give it to them. People have gotten hurt before over simple things like not giving someone a cigarette. There is an unspoken code to things as I have been elaborating on. You give people their space. You try to be polite. You don’t stare at anyone. You go about quietly. You should avoid crowded buses because they aggravate everyone inside. You don’t go to strange neighborhoods. You don’t go out after dark. You get out if you have to. These things will serve you well. ]

[Being Kind

It is all too easy to get mad at people who are paid to serve you…For some, that is. If we are being Christian then we don’t treat such people as our slaves. Then again in the Marine Corps training they have you yell at the cooks for what food you want. “EGGS!” Such a thing does not translate well into the real world. A person could feel like they have to be concise, quick, and loud, after that. We see people all over the news who trash whole stores after being offended, for better or worse reasons, but it is always an utterly childish thing to do.

I used to have a bit of the “you aren’t doing your job” in me. Now if it takes a day or a week I remain kind towards them. In fact they probably should be on top of certain things when they are not, but nonetheless I don’t get angry at them over it. I had to get something done recently that should have taken a couple of days which took over a week, but I only thanked them and patiently waited. They did get it done and I didn’t treat them like my slave just to save time. ]

[Being Understanding

People have their reasons. Some people are just abrasive wherever they go. They may mostly associate with other abrasive people and that is just “their ways.” Then you enter in and find a person much harsher than normal, which for them is normal. Then there are some that had a bad day. Could have had a terrible day for all we know. Or maybe they are going through something like being mistreated and cannot deal with it any longer. They could have lost something or someone. Or maybe they just had crap to deal with on that day.

Then there are those that we may encounter whom we should not have: the criminally minded, a person within such a group, bad people, who are not good company.

In any case taking the time to understand someone better is always a good thing to do. ]

[Personal Growth

God and God’s Word will help you grow all of your days. There is something of an excuse for the young. Hopefully not too badly so as it is with 18 year olds going to prison. We gotta make it out of our younger years unharmed and from there mature. Because there are some who will mature and some who will not. Hopefully our parents have taught us well. I was a late bloomer in those regards but would say I grew up well enough. Only it took me to my late thirties before I really transformed. Now I am polite to a fault and law abiding to a fault. Am a peacekeeping person. God led me there.

The only true wisdom comes from God and the Holy Bible. There is no replacement. Left to their own means, people will corrupt everything. Don’t ask “where is God?” God is not around because the majority don’t want Him to be. In fact they have done nothing but insulted Him. You can know that that’s what is wrong in the world today. Were we to return to righteous lives then things will get better, but not before them. Society cannot grow and thrive without God. ]

[Spirituality (Over Worldliness)

God is not a God of customs and traditions. He steps outside of those things. The world does not portray God. God does not want our eyes “down here,” but wants them “up there.” We are ever so intently focused on the “down here” however. Some do nothing but dedicate their lives to the world and its things without the least honor towards God, who made it all. When we take anything from the world then we should at least acknowledge that God gave it to us. He has given us lots of resources in fact, to say the least. God appreciates beauty… such as the flowers of the earth, the way He would have Heaven be, where the streets are paved in gold. So we too can look for beautiful things. In fact He has had that put into our hearts. You could even say that we are all His children and this is our playground.

Jesus taught us that the soul needs things too. Our body needs things like food, but our spirit needs its own kind of food. Life is more than what we eat and drink. There are some who would live like animals being about as far away from God as they could be. They grow fat on their vices while they try to fill an emptiness that they cannot. If we put life aside for a moment… that worldly life, that is, and make a personal connection to God from time to time, we will be much happier and will be spiritually fulfilled. ]

God Is Truly Dependable (While The World Is Not)

Life with a little less: worry, stress, emptiness, and longing. Christianity feeds us with things we cannot otherwise have. Our longing is for Christ Jesus and in the end we will be full, as complete in the spirit as can be. We abide by his words all of our days. We live to build upon our spirit, not our possessions. Our greatest possessions are spiritual things. Our best foods are spiritual foods. Our greatest tools are spiritual. Our greatest lessons come in spiritual form.

The world always brings with it some kind of difficulty or another. It just cannot be mastered. The world can never be conquered in any way that makes it perfect. We could try two hundred years but still find faults and hardship from it. It is a good painting with holes in it, to put it one way. To put it another way, God uses a perfect canvas and paints a perfect image of us.. When we let Him, that is. In fact we will reside in the greatness of Heaven having the spiritual image God wanted for us.

Do you go from one problem to another? Do you continue to doubt that things will go right when they always do? Maybe our hope struggles. Maybe we find things that can go wrong all over the place and are not sure it could be otherwise. If we have one dependable thing, it is God. The world can never be totally dependable. God is  totally dependable.

People will lie to you. They’ll take things they don’t deserve from you. They would harm you in some cases. The world itself can lie to you in its way. Things can fall apart which you thought would stand strong forever. That is the nature of the world. God never said He made a perfect world for you. Jesus said that he prepares a home for you, however, in His kingdom. That will be one most suited to you as a person. God never speaks a lie. He is full of nothing but truth! He will never give you something that just seeps out of your hands like sand. He will hand you the stone that builds your great house, with Christ Jesus at its foundation.

So consider the world an illusion and Heaven a certainty. See what is before you as a passing thing from which Heaven will appear. The bad is fading while the good is emerging, at the same time. Every day brings us closer to Heaven. Would we have known how good it will be there, something like counting the days until Christmas would lose all of its meaning.

Desiring No Superiority

We are all God’s children. We should not consider ourselves special. Some of us think we are so special as to come to believe we are God’s son. Some would monopolize what a Christian may hear. They think that no other teacher could possibly be as worthy as them. Some pray to God for selfish things such as winning a sport’s game or the lottery. There are people who suffer in the world who deserve our prayers more. No denomination is wrong in and of itself. It is only wrong when it gets scripture wrong. Some Churches just focus on one thing over another, and God loves diversity. We should never take more time judging people for their sins than we do teaching the entire message of the gospel.

Gratitude And Contentment

Some people can get caught up in greedy prayers. They’d even have time and space changed to bring about something they want. If something takes a few days to come about but they want it on that day, then God would have to warp time and space in order to make it happen. I have read “pray for whatever you want,” and have read people talking about that quite literally. “Use all of God’s power to get what you want,” they say. I am more in the club of being less greedy. You don’t have to totally restrict yourself but there comes a point when it is just being greedy. If I were in Heaven I would be humble there and content with what I am given. The Bible says that Christ Jesus prepares a room for us and I would be fine with a medium sized room. Compared to most homes out there “tiny” in fact. I do just fine in a hotel room. I would just ask for privacy. Maybe we receive guaranteed income in Heaven? But that goes into a different topic.

I was blessed to get extra money for more than a year now. I was able to get those more costly things I need. Such as a decent smartphone, a laptop with which I type, and a deep freezer. It has gotten to where I have all I need for sure. Except those things I buy regularly such as cleaning, hygienic items, and food. I am just fine with sending nice gifts to my family. I spend more towards food. I replace things with something better even if it is just a better trashcan. I am perfectly happy. I can’t imagine being in a mansion and having unlimited money. I am not even saying “money doesn’t buy happiness,” it does make daily life better. However, to have a massive place, a literal home theater, a pool maybe, super expensive cars, I don’t need them.

Besides, I have talked about anti-inflation before. Where the best things only get better and cheaper. We truly have more than the wealthiest people did just thirty years ago. We have things they could not possibly have had, too. They used to live in large homes.. Without a refrigerator.

Hopefully science and tech will focus more on helping people such as the homeless or making things that counter crime. Hopefully they get around to that soon.

Christianity Cannot Possibly Stay In One Place

Christianity spreads like wildfire, just as it was meant to be. It is the voice of God and we were made to love that voice. It cannot be stopped. Trying to stop it just makes it go about further. It lives on, it is graciously taken to new places, to people likely to do the same with it. It did things that Judaism could not. It made the Holy Bible the best selling book there ever was, hands down. It has remained a best seller for all of this time. It is the world’s most followed religion. It has come into other things such as movies, additional books/ books based on it of so many kinds, and has brought up Churches, of which most people live near at least one. In short: it has had a tremendous effect on the world. It is a message that has lasted and continues to thrive for two thousand years, to put it into perspective.

It could not have stayed one denomination either. So many would hold a monopoly over it. When they create their new religion and church based on it, they always think that there’s is the one that most belongs. They think they are more right and maybe more or less they are. In Revelations, God elaborates on how He feels about different Churches. He doesn’t say this one belongs and that one should go. He merely says a positive about them and a negative about them. God wants diversity. He has created diversity. Perhaps he requires a diversity of kinds of followers as well. I believe so. As long as things are correctly interpreted then it is okay that there are different denominations. They just choose to focus on one thing while another Church chooses to focus on another. That is just not possible where there is only one denomination.

We used our freedom of religion to create a number of different Churches and religions. Some of them are largely the same as another, just with minor changes. Some are much different than the rest. Catholicism remains, as do the Protestants. Baptists, Jehovah’s witnesses, “snake handlers,” spiritualists, 7th day Adventists, and many religions have been created simply due to our freedom of religion. We can add to that films, books, the liberty of promoting, songs, and the general liberty to express religion. There exists places in the world where that is not so. In fact some governments quite hate Christianity. The Romans hated it in its earliest days. That sets an example of how hard it can be to stamp out, and they know it. In some areas, its practice can cost you your life. So we owe democratic nations the thanks that Christianity evolved the way that it did. If there was only one Church allowed then a great deal would have been stifled. For better or worse, but I would say much more for the better, we owe our development to freedom of religion.


We have a few verses to work with when it comes to tolerance. The first is, “don’t throw your pearls to the swine. They will hate and trample you over them.” That means that if you suggest a bad person be good then they’ll hate you for it and that there is no hope in changing them. You don’t talk to a brick wall. The second verse I have is: don’t judge others. That is as simple as it gets. The third: vengeance belongs to God. If God does not like them for how they are then He will deal with them. It is not our place. Then the fourth and the most common one people use in instances such as this: Christians do not hate people, we are meant to love everyone, even our enemies, especially our enemies! Things have gotten out of our control and the world just hates us more and more for our effort. We must turn to other things, things we still have power over. We must use our energy elsewhere. There are more important things to work on anyways.

Then a different kind of tolerance to go over: that being tolerating your family and friends. I have had times when I think back to some silly thing or another and have gotten angry over it. These days I keep those feelings at bay. I just tell myself I don’t want to be that kind of person. You can hurt your family by dropping out of existence from them. Things may not be perfect or ideal. As long as they aren’t abusing you then stick with them. God gave you your family. One little thing could break us sometimes. Many in fact break apart from their family over small reasons. Five, ten years go by without a word from them, not knowing they are sorely missed. Taking time to write a letter and send it out can bring about a lot of happiness for them, in most cases.

Making Positive Changes In Your Life

Some of the smallest choices can make the greatest difference. Those who can withstand education for two or four years can come into a much more lucrative career. Those who would leave a bad neighborhood for a better one may even have saved their own lives. Those who honor marriage and spend time finding the right partner may not suffer from a divorce in the long run. Responsible choices will serve you well. Such as saving money, paying what you owe, not going beyond your means, all do a lot of good. So do simple things like personal care.

Learn a hobby and do it well. Become as good at it as you can. There is depression in empty spaces, after all. In the ways you are best able to, build upon your future. Hopefully you’ll not have made drug-doing choices. Hopefully you are not susceptible to doing things which will imprison you, indefinitely. Hopefully at worst you get only a misdemeanor in your time, just a fine, or not even that.

Bring about whatever little happiness you can in life. Pursue your dreams. Eat well. Live well. Live right. Live long.

The Powerful Meaning Behind Being Blameless

Or Being As Good As The Angels

Being blameless means “not doing anything that would put you into blame (for punishment.)” The surprising thing is, that is not difficult for a lot of people. It is simply true for a lot of people. They would never hurt anyone after all, nor steal, do anyone any wrong, or break any law. They don’t cheat people. They speak only the truth, not making up lies about themselves. They don’t even brag. They are fair towards others. They don’t take what doesn’t belong to them. They are generally polite and do not overstep their boundaries. In treating people fairly they don’t shove themselves first in the bus or use the washing machine for hours while others are waiting. They don’t do things behind people’s backs. They don’t talk about their friends behind their backs. They don’t insult others. They don’t use cuss words. They don’t have words like “hate” in their mind for others. They don’t desire to harm others. They want others to be well. They want to be well thought of. They want to be on good terms with others. They are not envious of what others have. They respect the concept of ownership. They would rather walk out of a fight than engage in one. They just want to go about life peacefully. They want a better world, not a worse one. They do not laugh at poor outcomes for people. They are sympathetic and empathetic. They are very understanding people. Whatever they sell they price fair. They are happy to give the homeless a few bucks. They meet people in the worst places just to brighten their day. They will walk an extra mile for anyone.

That is the greatest standard of being Holy.

Fade To Darkness

The Devil is truly laying out all of his cards on the table. I am revolted by the kind of music we have today. Nothing is off the table. Whether it is in movies, cartoons, books, video games, music, or whatever else. As adults we do not know the effect of these things. We hadn’t had them until the time we matured. That is the reason for these age restriction things. They are poor influences on a pre-matured mind. They are easily enough available to kids and certainly to teenagers. Teenagers know plenty of ways to get these things whether or not their parents want them to. To us, it is what it is, just things we do not take seriously. For them however, we cannot really know the effect it has, not without having first seen it ourselves at their age. That is what they are progressing from, however, and I cannot see it ending well.

I have one word for the trait: animalistic. An animal looks for indulgences. Whether from food, drugs, sex, the list is much longer for the “human animal.” They live on naturality. They are spiritually impoverished. The Holy Bible has been made out to be a work of fairy tales which defies all forms of science. It has been made out to be a book of fools. Hateful fools, dumb, misguided fools, who restrict progress, who prohibit pleasure. If they ever were to take a look inside the Bible they’d probably find it the strangest thing they ever read. It has been made too foreign to them to be approachable.

They wonder why things have gotten so bad. The answer is never “because we have thrown God out of our society.” That is the precise reason why, however. There are people who are fine, however. They fall prey to a growing darkness, more and more however. One of the only things I watch are adult retro gamers. Seems like a very innocent hobby. These people aren’t on drugs or in gangs or whatever else. They just play and stream old games and talk about them, go to game selling conventions sometimes, make hacked mario games, ect. Just around the corner (of the web) there are revolting things. Evil seems to live closer and closer to good with every passing day.

How will they be dealt with? Would they destroy authority altogether? Would they make permanent anarchy? Is that the desire of Satan for us: tribalism? Would The Devil use these circumstances to bring forth his son, the Antichrist? Would that be the only means to regain peace? Would such a leader in this great nation pour over his authority to all people? It seems so to me. It seems so to many end day believers, in fact.

Wicked people are strong in numbers, no doubt. The kind where they cannot possibly stuff them into prison. For people who think jail is a mark of honor, that wouldn’t be a problem to begin with. Their cause is: let crime exist. Let it do whatever it wants to. If anyone fights them against this, they are “aggressive,” they are “intolerant.” They must be ostracized and demonized for not being supportive.. Supportive towards overall lawlessness, which is The Will of Satan.

This Is A Free (Ebook) And A Public Domain Book From Adam Jeremy Capps. All of my books are free and in the public domain.

Heaven Is In Our Midst

I hope that Heaven is just like earth, only without pain and suffering. I make some theories here but they are reasonable ones.

Will God’s Earthly Kingdom be earth, amplified? Will the angels of heaven (aliens from God’s realm) bring with them great science and technology? The kind that would have taken us untold sums of time to come up with ourselves? Will they put in the missing pieces for us? Would that bring about immortality? Will it bring about certain great things such as wormhole transportation, replicators (so no one is hungry), androids (soulless) servants, and so on? Or else what is the point in God giving us the resources He did, which we worked with for ages and ages, only to take them from us? I don’t think that will happen. It is just too perfect an instrument. Science and tech is a quick way to a utopia and a sure one. We in our sinful shells can never make a utopia on our own. Science and tech however can solve problems of sickness, crime, death, being unsheltered, you name it. For the fact that everyone has what they need, there are side effects such as less crime, for sure. It is for these reasons I believe that God and His angels come with such knowledge… and a ruler too, His son, Christ Jesus.

Perhaps we will have universal basic income? When resources grow as they do that is a natural result. For example, free energy (fusion energy which we grow closer to all of the time), androids doing our work (keep in mind we can still do work, in fact more personal work over impersonal work– be an author or something), drones building things too, instant food (by the way, imagine what space these things would save.) These will make universal basic income just entirely feasible, entirely practical, and a good idea.

Maybe it is these things that have led to a lot of sin, distraction from God, and other bad things, the most important missing piece being God Himself.

Being Quiet and Generic Is A Strong Trait

It’s funny. I can be quiet all day but when I am around family I have nothing but words. I cannot have that from strangers. I don’t desire talking to anyone else. Writing does just enough to fill that gap. My emails and texts are brief. My mouth cannot stop. That’s fine too, family is the one thing I have as far as talking goes. Therapists call it “mindfulness,” when it is you sit still and take in the world. The strongest spirited people can do just that. They are in no rush to get to one thing or another. They might even appreciate a motionless moment. They say “there is no rest for the wicked.” Jesus Christ adored nature and the peace that animals had (particularly birds) which humans did not have. He told us to be more like the birds. The birds know that God will feed them. They haven’t the strife of always getting more. They haven’t a worry in their minds.

Besides, saying less is saying more. Bragging less is proving more. People who brag are not regarded pridefully. Imagine a person who goes before a piano but first says, “look at what I can do!” over just sitting down and playing it, to greater astonishment. The Bible says to not forspeak. There are two big problems with forspeaking. The first is, it puts you in an obligation. You say you are going to do something and are left with the feeling you must, afterward. The second is, it takes away the surprise.

Then there is the fact that the more you say, the more you bore others. You might even agitate them as they’d like a moment of peace.

Those who only talk about themselves do not put others in the conversation. Much like reading a biography instead of sharing a story.

Those who don’t need to do these things are stronger in spirit. They don’t need to prove themselves. If you take away anything from this: talk about others more than you talk about yourself. Be more complimentary than boasting. They will appreciate you for that. You’ll learn more too. After all, would you talk to others in a way where you do so to learn more about yourself?

Not Being Popular, Going Against The World, And Tradition

If worldliness is a sin then perhaps many things open up to us. We can turn to the past world for an escape. After all, the world has only grown worse, and the past may be a better place to be. A more wholesome and godly time can be our interest and guide. We can read the sorts of books as by Origin or the 1925 Streams in the Desert. I am surprised just how hard it is to find a good end-day sermon in today's time, where it is needed the most. Video websites are full of amateurs. They can just learn a few things and pop online interpreting things however they want to. People who wrote the old books were far more educated, compared to people who self published them.

God is not a God of human tradition. We must be careful who our influences are in such a way. We should turn to the better educated. We should not take anything off hand. I have observed that in today’s time preachers make up a lot about nothing. These are preachers who are more like motivational speakers. They only tell people what they want to hear. Lots of them are power grabbers who even threaten the lives of others. Then some are just poorly educated but want the quick way in. For those reasons, we should return to the past.

Would We Abuse Our Future Technology?

Would, in some ways, sin be worse than ever? If we had a food replicator would we become obese from overeating? Would we come across weapons of far greater power than a mere gun? Would we ever cease building if it was things like drones doing all of the work? How tall and widespread could our buildings go? What about genetic manipulation? Would we lose sense of our humanity from it? Becoming smarter, warping our appearance, and such things? Would we be on our machines all of the time… would we create a synthetic reality and exclusively live in it, would we abuse our technology? Some might say that science and technology could lead to a utopia, I have said so before myself, but maybe that isn’t so. That is where God and His Kingdom comes in. That is where the angels of Heaven come in. And maybe it is a sort of salvation from ourselves.

Breaking Apart Our Problems

Things like doubt, not carrying with you sufficient hope, and magnifying our problems, prevents us from being spiritual in the way that God intended. Sometimes negative feelings overwhelms us on all sides. They can be powerful. They can insist on their presence. We must learn to be stronger than those feelings. We must learn to overpower them. We do so by replacing them with positive thinking. We give the positive the stronger presence, the biggest say. With that we can turn a sad or unfortunate day back to where it belongs, to happiness.

Just One Christian Generation

Just one Christian generation can change a family’s legacy. The problem is, those who were raised in non Christian ways are not likely to tightly turn to the Church. Sons and daughters who were taught vulgarity and immorality are taught to live that way. It takes a person that turns to God and abandons generational sin which provides a better future for their family. I have seen the difference. The family of immortality leads to much worse things than those who dedicate time to Church and the Bible. They lead their children into the same. They all have good lives. They will continue to for as long as they stay with God, from generation to generation. It just takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch, however.

When Things Between You And God Start To Go Wrong

First, you can know that we live in an imperfect world and that God does not expect us to be perfect in any way. We have a hard time on Earth. God looks down on it and sees a ton of suffering and knows just how bad it can be here. God is all powerful, you are not going to offend a loving all powerful being so easily as you might a human being. I admit that I get mad at God sometimes, particularly when I feel my hope fall apart before me. Psychologically I have a problem with hope because of how many lies were fed to me in my youth. At the end of it each time I thoroughly apologized to God. I was sure the feelings would not resurface in fact, but some time later they did again. At the end of that I just threw my hands up, said I was sorry, but that I just get that way sometimes. I said to just ignore me in times such as those.

Maybe we believe that God expects more out of us than He really does. There are lots of things to focus on among humankind than we know. We think we are pivotal or something like that. Like we are the loudest voice. Like there is just us. That isn’t so, however. The world is a great big place. To put that into perspective, imagine an activity and chances are it is being done, as we speak. Millions of conversations right now, prayer and otherwise. In fact some are having a very difficult time right now. So it is selfish to think we are as important in the moment as we’d believe. At any moment a person could be suffering a great loss. Yet there are sports players begging God to have them win the game. There are people with enough money in life who play to win the lottery, yet outside the gas station is someone they ignored, a homeless person.

There is such a thing as being good enough. Our sins forgiven through Christ Jesus, living a generally blameless life, might not merit a greater reward in Heaven as those who were, for example, prosecuted over the teaching of the gospel, but carry Jesus with you enough. Think about God sometimes. Think about the gospel sometimes. Say your best prayers. Live as Jesus would have you live. Hope and believe in The Lord, and you are doing well enough.

It Takes Motivation

I have read and studied the Bible quite a bit in my time, but not so much recently. I have a daily devotion book that I am having a hard time keeping up with. I fear I am not meeting my potential. I am not so ardently a Chrisitan these days, to tell you the truth. My father quit Church for some time. Growing up, we would go every Wednesday and Sunday. They are raising my niece. Maybe that was one reason they returned to Church on a regular basis (for her sake.) Seems that things are not so strong but then again my sister is raising Chrisitan children and she cares every little bit about the Bible. That is because my grandfather was as religious as they come. He went to jails to teach The Bible and he handed out Bibles there for the inmates. He went to Church regularly. We would gather in a circle to pray for the meal we were about to eat (such as on Thanksgiving and Christmas. He and my grandmother made sure we had a nice Christmas. He was a pillar of the community. His funeral occupied an auditorium with many attending. God truly blessed his life, no doubt.

What a high standard to meet! Some of us are all in that way. Some are partially there. Some just use the name but not the practice. The worst just tout around a Bible they never really read and say they are Christian for the support it provides. They get people on board for false reasons and that is really bad.

So how much can you read? A little every night? Maybe an entire chapter. Or an entire book of the Bible? How much study are you willing to get into? Would you go to school just for that, for theology, even to become a priest? You’d be doing better than me, that’s for sure.

God Wants Us To Keep Busy

To look upon the world it is easy to see that we must be constantly working with it. Things just don’t appear out of thin air. Things are nowhere near that simple in fact. Life was made to keep going forward. It is ever changing and we change with it. The time of rest for us is in old age, if we choose to rest. The time to play is in our youth. Other than that, life is work. Whether it is cleaning your home and cleaning yourself, working a job at whatever place, there is work to do in our lives. The way that God made the world and our place within it is that some appear, some go, and more appear, to continue the circle again and again.

I miss the days of my youth. If there is any good thing to be taken out of it, I have become “gray,” which means being more peaceful emotionally. Never quite so eager and obsessed with certain aspects of the future. Can you believe that I have actually forgotten my age before? Maybe just for a moment, but it did happen.

Hopefully in our time we have brought good into the world. Have helped people, haven’t been a harm to anyone, lived right, and lived free. We may have built a family, a good one. For them to repeat the process with their youth, eventually. My days of Christmas with my grandparents are gone. Were I able to see a picture of it clearly: how I felt at the time, where my heart was, it would be painful to put that picture down. Things come and go. I hope to see my family in Heaven someday, at the right time. We would be young again, in our spiritual bodies. We would have true peace at that time, without death looming over us and without change that brings loss.

What Makes Us Proud

It can be said that where your pride goes your heart follows. I was poorly affected by certain things: especially heavy metal and gangster rap. It is a wonder how I didn’t do anything that got me into trouble. I wanted to be some kind of 90s gangster. There were also movies for both those that I took way too seriously. What do I listen to these days? 90s pop. Music with a little fun to it. I like retro gaming music too. If I were young again and had retro gaming music (I guess that would be modern gaming music) I would probably have skipped metal and rap entirely and just listened to that. Good luck on some getting out of their youth because young people can come to know and do some bad things, especially with how much worse influences they are receiving. In my time Beavis and Butthead were the scourge of the media.

We should be proud of the work we do, foremost. We should be proud of the gifts we give and what we do to provide for our family. We should be proud of a good education, doing good at school. We should be proud of being helpful where people cannot get any help otherwise. We should be proud if we are the only hope a person can have, and see them through. We should be proud of reading and following the Bible.

We should not be proud of “strength” that comes from harming the weak. We should not be proud of mindsets that lead us into harming people. We should not be proud of thinking we are better than others. So pride has its right place. It will either lead you into good things or bad things. It is your choice.

Is Being Less Emotional Preferable To Being Very Emotional?

I would say so. Those who are emotional get insecure and paranoid which can be destructive. The emotional have their pride hurt. They are more offended. They can have less self control. They act on feelings. The Bible says, “what you do, do out of love,” but what about the poor person whose feelings are very weak? They understand things on an intellectual basis. I guess the answer to it is in the question: what is better than the other overall? I think overall it is better to be less emotional. Maybe their gifts are better given elsewhere, such as leadership positions, as judges, or as authority figures.

Raising Good Children

Kids need to be happy to grow up well. It is not a time to impose Christianity on them. Not in a strict way, anyways. I mean I really enjoyed vacation bible school. But that was geared around children, containing crafts and Bible stories presented in a way that children enjoy them. The joy that a child may have is a great joy that we lose as we grow older. Kids need a birthday, Christmas, Easter, and even a Halloween! The sinister aspects of Halloween are not observed or identified by children. It is just a time for them to dress up as their heroes or something spooky. They make paper bats at school. Where’s the harm in that? They collect candy. They get to carve a pumpkin. My point is: there is nothing evil or Satanic about Halloween.

I have seen something in the retro gaming community. I noticed that they are good people, meaning they aren’t harmful and weird. By weird I mean talking and acting like a gangster or an occultist might, whatever it is. They have jobs. They might get their job from video sites and its advertising. They sometimes make gaming stores. My point is, they aren’t out doing bad things. Their influences seem to be good ones. Their objective is in things like speed running. They all must have had good parents, who bought them gaming things on Christmas and their birthday. That instead of neglecting them and getting them nothing. Games and consoles don’t come cheap, either. My father and mother weighed the sides. At that time, in the late 80s, people debated if games were good for children or not. They decided on letting us have video games.

It kind of kept our family together at times. We spent the weekend playing multiplayer games. It kept us inside and away from groups which may have been bad groups, drinking and doing drugs together. That was not so uncommon, after all.

Back to the point, how do we give our children good lives? One thing is vacationing. There is no small amount of places you may go. A river, a large lake, the mountains, beside the forests, in a cabin, even Yellowstone National Park. One place my family would go from time to time was Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. We would go fishing, swimming, and boating. The roller rink, the stadium of one thing or another, restaurants every Thursday, making the weekend special too, amusement parks, are all cool places for children. There are sometimes mini vacations. Just going to a motel out of town to swim or whatever else. Maybe see a movie.

One point I make: let a kid be a kid.

Discipline them if you must. Don’t spoil them. I speak of having a lot but as far as allowance goes, not much, and these special times came at birthdays and Christmas, summer time for vacations, they weren’t constant.

Keeping Your Family Safe

We have to be on guard. With how bad things are getting, more than ever before. My father was wise enough to not allow strangers into his home and that made a big difference. On the other hand, there are people who will let anyone at all move in. They end up stealing things sooner or later. They might bring drugs into your home, too. They can connect you to people you may not want to be connected to. They can take your very spouse while you are away. It is better to only allow family in your home.

There is the common sense of not being in bad places at bad times. Certainly most crime happens at night. It is better to be in a crowded area over some strange street. You might get out of a bad neighborhood and that can be the best choice you make. Moving to an area with less crime and a better school is a good choice: such as a small town in a good community.

You may have to have a gun. I don’t have any advice for that here. It is the sort of advice that I do not get into.

Little things can make a big difference: cameras, bars, strong doors, being cautious of the area surrounding your home, things such as that. Call the police if you have to. Even if they are at your door and don’t want to leave, if you sense in any way that something bad is about to happen, then call the police.

If you want to go the extra mile, create a panic room. That is, a well sealed area that you may enter into at any time, that would be highly difficult to get into once locked. Don’t leave windows without bars. As for me, the way we make homes seems so ignorant when it comes to safety. Big glass windows? How doors can be kicked in? A politician's home was recently broken into because of a glass door and a brick.

Understanding That Evil May Only Be Door Away

You as a reader have probably never observed a highly wicked person and their doings. You have probably never been in that lifestyle and the homes in which they occur. For example, the case of some kidnapped girls in which they’d been down in a basement for ten years. Then one day their captives forgot to seal the door. They made it above and found the windows were barred shut, but yelled to a man passing by. The police were soon called and they were rescued. The neighbors in fact had been barbequing with this guy. The neighbors lived right. Yet just across the street or down the way evil things had been going on.

There is the drug selling homes which may operate subtly at first. You might see a person here and there going over. No big deal. Just like any habitual criminal though they become more and more obvious. The more they get away with anything, the less it concerns them. Anyways: many cars start showing up and before you know it, your neighbors are being raided.

As for drug using homes: those are homes shared. Whoever has the dope is the one they go to. You find they have very little possessions. If they get a TV it is not there for long. Drug users are just fine with basic radio. They trash the home while high. They have who knows who it is over. They have more or less familiar faces camping out. Those are the kinds of homes they have.

Then there are the hardcore gangster homes. They are heavily equipped with guns most of the time. Fortunately they aren’t interested in us. They are interested in who they may sell to, whether in drug form or human trafficking. We are better off to ignore them. We are better off to keep our distance from them. If they know they can’t get money out of us and we don’t linger around in their hoods then they couldn't care less about us.

I Believe In A Place For Everyone

As long as it is agreed for that area that certain people will inhabit it, then why not? We expect the homeless to be evacuated from “our” areas by only scattering them around. It’s a pity. Why can’t they have tent cities? It is better than laying on a sidewalk. Maybe their spirit is just too weak to work. So what’s the next best thing? Tiny homes? They won’t allow them without regular-people standards (sewer, energy, whatever it is.) I hope someday we have such cheap energy that everyone can have it, in abundance. Fusion energy, for example. Until then.

We were not meant to blend all in. That destroys the diversity that God created, that He created because He loves diversity. We are all expected to live under the same standards. If we don’t we can be locked up or judged for it, subjected by people who cannot possibly understand why people are different from them. The upper class usually, who live with a silver spoon in their mouths. Who were blessed to manage a good education and career in their lives. Politicians and civilians have grown up very differently. We find it confusing how they can judge us for certain things, how they prohibit stuff, and regulate things to death..

It only makes the tribe grow in size and power. They can live on the most basic things of all. It doesn’t take a lot to please them. They see the cityscape as something overworked. They live wonderfully simplistic lives. I believe God would prefer that over capitalism.

Church of God’s Heavenly Soldiers

That is a premise for a new religion and a new Church I will be presenting soon. This will be a denomination of things such as spiritual strength, self discipline, some asceticism, character building, adapting to the more difficult teachings of Christianity, and studious dedication, among other things. My next Christian book or two will be based just on that. I am not talking about an army or militia, not at all. The word soldier has a more metaphorical basis. Sort of like Paul in his use of the idea in Ephesians 6:10-18. That will be a part of the overall idea.

If such a book interests you then be on the lookout for it/ them. I should have it written soon enough.

My Tips For Writing Music

I used to be a very avid composer of classical music. I was for a long time in fact. Along the way I learned a few things. The most important being: emphasizing the triad of the scale you are working with. Those are the every other tone basically, when in Major. So for C Major it is C, E, and G. For A minor that is A, C, and E. These tones have a special place in music. Atonality is when music “doesn’t make sense” because it is all over the place. It is hard to understand for that reason. Atonal music doesn’t have structure. The best way to prevent atonality is by doing what I just said: emphasizing those tones. You emphasize them with repetition, duration, and frequency. With that, your music will never sound atonal.

A good melody is the most important part of writing good music. A melody can either be boring or interesting. It can either be meaningless or good to listen to. In fact I would say if you don’t have a good melody you don’t have good music and that’s all there is to it. You can’t polish a turd. That’s my only advice for any aspiring Christian musician and it's the only advice you need as long as you’ve learned to read and write music to begin with.

The Responsibility of Being An Adult

My generation is one that remains at home more than ever before. I have seen people striving for disability money that doesn’t belong to them. When food assistance first came around people felt too ashamed to take it. Not that they should have gone as far as to be ashamed, but people anymore take anything free they can get. Think of what the people who first set it up thought: ‘certainly people will only take this if they truly need it.’ After All, that is how people were at the time! They didn’t want anything that was free. They had a great and strong work ethic. Now everyone is like ‘let me in too!’

One of the most important things you can teach your children, especially teenagers, is to work. It is a sad lot in nature, but the bird will throw its young from the nest after a certain point and it will either fly or hit the ground. A cat will lash out at its young when the right time comes to scare them off. Teenagers themselves begin to become angry at their parents, wanting less rules and such things, because nature is telling them it is about time to go.

So we have to get a job. It may be a lousy job at first. Hopefully we get a good education instead, and a good career from it. Maybe we’ve decided on the military or Job program. Perhaps we at least got a certificate for nursing. In fact there are many easy enough means to get something better than some lousy job. We may be fired a few times before we get it right. Motivation and perseverance are now required of us. It can be a difficult time. But we must accept that we must have and keep a job.

At least these days we can work on side projects hoping to break through. Such as being popular enough online to get a fair amount of money. The internet allots many types of such things. We may have either failed or succeeded at that but it doesn’t have to disrupt our “sure” job, one that doesn’t require such luck. We can always study things online and become well educated through it. Such as video game system mods, working on electronics, carpentry, whatever you want to learn and do you can.

As Paul said, “when I became a man I put childish things behind me.”

When we were teenagers we lived our lives trying to be popular among our friends and the groups we had around. Then in no time at all we don’t talk to them anymore. So it goes to say, your future is more important. A good education is more important. After a while it becomes a blessing. I had this cowlick that used to give me nightmares. This side of hair that rose up like a horn. A whole can of hairspray couldn’t fix it. I was too embarrassed to wear glasses. If my clothes were not the best I would be sort of ashamed! Now? I don’t care about any of those things. I just wear a hat or something. I don’t care if adults make “four eyes” jokes at me, because that’s just childish.

We become more “gray” as time goes on. We become less emotional. We replace it with the logical, sound, and steady thinking that we simply could not have had when young.

Puting Christian Things Into Routine

Some people habitually read the Bible every night. They fall asleep thinking about what they read. Some read a devotional every day such as the book Streams in the Desert. There is a Bible called The One Year Bible. It has you read a little of the Bible everyday and in a year’s time you’ve read the whole thing. Some would go to Church every Sunday and not have otherwise.

There is a power to routine. If you stick with it long enough you will find yourself being unable to go against it. You even fall in love with it. First though, you must stick with it just long enough before that happens. We find this true in body builders, who become eager to go to the gym (especially when they begin to see progress), sports players, gamers, and Christians too.

You can reward yourself for following through on something. Get yourself a nice drink for example. Drinks help me with what I do, mostly iced tea and some coffee for small breaks. It is like a job and how it is so much better when they give you free coffee.

Preliminary Ideas For A Heavenly Soldiers Church

First, I have to say, these ideas may be freely used by anyone. I am a person of ideas. Everylast thing I write is in the public domain.

  1. Them members of this Church can have a well made uniform when they reach a certain objective, just as like how real soldiers get them. The design of that uniform should be well thought out. It must be appealing. It must mean something. While climbing the ranks the members may receive lesser things: certain jewelry, clothes, sash, pins, whatever it is.

  1. Study is the Church is strict. It is a Church for those who want to find dedication towards the Bible and even gain a great deal of knowledge. It is not made to be a simple Church. It is for those who’d go the extra mile and then some. The members are graded through tests. They pass tests and get a pin perhaps. They are rewarded in one way or another for high grades.

  1. They must show that they’d go out of their way to help others such as helping the homeless. They must be able to sacrifice a fair amount of money for such causes.

  1. They must be taught to be brave for God, courageous, and greatly believing. They must learn and accept the more difficult things of Christianity.

  1. They are taught to do hard work. That may mean cleaning the Church, carpentry for it, and similar things.

  1. They must be taught to “do without,” such as through fasting. There are monk-like periods they must endure.

  1. When they obtain the highest rank they are taken to Jerusalem, as a reward. They are at least taken to a Holy site or some such thing. They are then given The Masters uniform.

  1. There are periods of long prayer. Periods of long reading. Periods of long singing afterward. Followed by long periods of eating in which they are taught to eat slowly and enjoy their food.

  1. They go on trips around town teaching the gospel and handing out booklets. They are taught to “speak up” for God.

  1. They are taught to be Christianly social. They are taught to be more social while breaking down any introvert nature.

  1. They are taught a talent to be good at. Depending on the Church they have a few to choose from. Or maybe it is that every Church offers lessons on four different things. This should translate well into a new job.

  1. They are taught to make up for what they lack when it comes to any area of Christian practice. To those ends they may have a Christian counselor help them. Or at least pre-made reading material that focuses on particular things, to give to them.

  1. There is an equal opportunity in the Church: race, gender, national origin, do not make any difference.

  1. They are taught “total confession” in a confidential way. A little like the catholic confession only the aim is to tell the person every wrong you have ever done no matter how difficult it is to say. Confession is a Christian thing, this takes it to the extreme.

  1. There is a fine balance between work/study and play/ fun.

  1. There are the needed members: the recruiters, the main speaker “Christian General,” flag bearers to bring about a soldier touch, trumpeters, and whatever other type of needed member.

  1. Things have a military-like aesthetic. That certainly does not mean things like weapons, but a certain look in certain ways that gives it a soldier feeling.

  1. It can all be done in a group home like setting. Like a military academy but on a lighter and more Chrisitan scale. There are fees to pay to keep it going, naturally. If that is not possible then it could be brought down to once a year in camp form.

  1. Scripture such as being stronger, bold, greatly faithful, trust in God, “fighting the good fight,” adhering to more difficult things in Christianity, devotion, and things like that, are emphasized in this Church.

  1. Let there be no abuse. Not physically, mentally, or financially. There must be no abuse.

The point of this Church is to become a strong Chrisitan. Strongly faithful and dedicated towards God. To become a person who can act on what is right, faultlessly. It creates the sort of Christian whose house “was not built upon sand, but stone.” Its intent is to provide “faith with works,” not “faith without works.” It can be used towards motivation to work. It is being strong bodied where it is that Christ Jesus is the temple. I am not going to be making this Church myself. Will only be providing the full outline for it in a new book. Feel free to use it, freely so.

The Different Ways Of Studying Christianity

There are more things to study than are contained in the Bible. There are different ways of studying that, too. One of my favorites is the history of Christianity. It has a deep and interesting history. You can find rather thick books on the topic. Then there is The Strong’s Concordance. It is a book which takes every word and provides the closest English translation. It helps with greater precision in knowing meaning. People say different things about what version they prefer. There is a style to the KJV that the others cannot have. The way that words are (thee, shall, thou) gives it character. The amplified Bible explains things along the way, which is unique. I like the NIV and it is quite popular. My suggestion is: read all of them! Especially if you are wanting to get into the meat of any given thing.

There are things we can learn online. We should be careful of amateurs however. We should be careful of low-educated teachers we find online.

Then there are books of old. Practically ancient commentary books to read. After all, study was a much more difficult thing back then. They probably know the Bible better than many modern theologians. Just look around the library. I am sure you will find something nice. Unless you like ebooks! There is no wrong way to study the Bible and its background. If all you do is watch a theatrical presentation you are at least learning.

A Christian Has Class, A Heathen Has Trash

Christians watch what they say. A wicked person will just have things freely pour from their mouth. A person that cares about their appearance dresses nicely. Others live in sweatpants. We don’t start arguments. We don’t walk around with anger fuming in our heads. We are cooler to the touch. We are more discrete, more reserved. James had a thing to say about that, so did Paul. We are guided by God in our life. Wicked people only have their own human nature to guide them, and are animalistic due to it. You could say then that we are spiritual beings among animals.

We are taught to not do foolish things. Right and wrong is carefully laid out before us. Wicked people are always contending with what is right and wrong. We accept it for what it is. They turn to gangs and we turn to the Church. They go to one worse place after another until they have to deal with the law. They live by the sword and die by the sword. It is more important to them to make up an excuse and how to lie than it is to not do wrong to begin with. A real Christian will not rest beside guilt.

We carry wisdom as God provided, one that they mock. Yet to compare us to them it is clear that they are doing more than a little something wrong. The world got worse and worse and our equation is: God was taken out of the equation.

Growing From Christianity

That starts with love in our hearts. Without love, what we do does not have value. A Christian does what s/he does out of love. Love is the highest commandment. God is love. Jesus represented it. Both want it from us and for us to act on it.

It could provide a turning point for you if you are in jail. It used to be that it was given consideration. Maybe it still is in some small towns. They knew just as we know that the Bible can really transform a person. That was probably one of the worst side effects to separation of church and state.

We use it to increase certain values. We find virtue from it. These things are not handed to us by the regular world. The worldly only know what the world can teach them. We are taught by God to be moral. We live by His reasons and His reasons are good. We are shaped by Him like clay. All of our days in fact, we are. Through God we grow. That is just not something possible without God.

If we say outright “I am a child of God,” then just think of that: as a Father cares for His child so He cares for us and takes interest in our growth. If we say “there is no God,” then we are simply damned, alone, and lost.

Many Who Are First Will Be Last, And Many Who Are Last Will Be First

They say that the one trait that tells you someone would be a good queen or king is that they do not want to be a queen or king. Solomon had a dream where God asked him what he wanted. He could have said greatness and riches but he said “to have the wisdom to rule over your people.” God then said, “I will give that to you. And since you did not ask for riches, I will give you that, too.” People who put themselves first are going to be last when they come into God’s hands. Jesus says that those who would save their lives will lose it. He said that if you lose your life on his account then you will gain it (and Jesus was God’s lamb who became King of Kings.) Very often, God even puts the youngest son first. Human tradition is contrary to that.

The Bible says give freely, without condition, especially to those who do not give you anything. It then has more value and though you were not seeking a reward, one will be given to you. God will reward the faithful. Being faithful means that doing good does not have an obvious and certain effect, yet it exists. God will raise the humble just as the Beatitudes said. The Bible says that the people who give the most are those who will be given the most, from God, whether it is here or in the hereafter.

God brings down wicked kings, Nebakanezer for example. When I see a celebrity having a hard time I think ‘how humbling.’ If their soul is to stand a chance then they need to be humbled a little bit. The Bible says “the wealthy already have their reward.”

So then as Christians it is not the worldly greatness we desire. That being fame, prestige, wealth, or power. It is greatness from God we desire, which is far better even if it isn’t always obvious.

Some of The Worst Sins

I would certainly put “being a false witness” on the list. Especially when it comes to lying about someone in order to get them into trouble. That takes the worst kind of liar to do something like that. This person or that said something that puts a person in prison indefinitely… I think of that as blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Telling lies in other ways is like planting a falsehood in someone’s head, one that benefits them, makes them out to be greater. That is why I don’t lie or stretch the truth. I don’t want others to have a false interpretation of me, one that I did not earn. Me and someone were talking one day and they boasted about beating an old NES game. I was about to say I beat it too, when I remembered I used save states all over (an emulator thing that makes the game many times easier because you can save wherever you want to.) It made me feel like I didn’t really beat it, so I didn’t say I did.

There is nothing quite like gambling. You are always on the verge of winning. You may win a little and your hopes will go up when you do. So you continue until every last dime was spent and lost, which it probably will be. It is fun, in the worst of ways.

Alcoholism doesn’t only affect you but affects everyone around you. Doing drugs is a terrible situation some get themselves into.

Hurting others can cause you to pay the price. Even if you just push someone, that may not go well. There was this woman who could not wait to get off of the bus. So she shoved an old man who was slowly getting out. She probably just went home that day with a smirk on her face. What she didn’t know at the time, the guy was sent to the hospital where he died two weeks later, and she was found and charged with murder. It is getting more and more difficult to get away with crimes. I could never be so self assured that within a few days of doing something the police won’t be banging on my door to apprehend me. They are, however. Of course I’d never do what they do to begin with.

They lose their temper and make their way out. They are later caught for things like a large theft or vandalism. When I encounter a person that yells at me I ignore them. With them acting like that it is likely they’d be arrested for something or another, in no time.

Criminals can be so bold as to take large chunks of money from the register. What’s really bold is that guy who used a fork lift to break into a store. That actually happened recently and recently that’s been the least of it. They all just agreed to do wrong. Good people have to suffer because of it, too.

Taking advantage of others is an awful sin, particularly if they are susceptible such as being elderly or disabled. That is like a human vulture and parasite at the same time. They may even get the old person on drugs so they’d join in on paying for it. A person needs a certain drug, and by knowing the wrong person, someone enters into their life who takes it from them. They take all their money and pretend like they are helpful to them when they aren’t. They make their living off of elaborate email hoaxes. It is nothing but a clever form of robbery.

Being Like Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ was The Lamb of God. We are to be like Jesus Christ, so a Lamb is a good model. Jesus returns strong and powerful however, on a white horse, with all the angels of heaven behind him. He returns in a no nonsense way. You could say he left a lamb and returned a lion. When he was, evil had his way with him. When he returns, the flowers will be separated from the weeds. They’ll just be cut out and tossed in the fire. The Bible tells us these things.

Christianity is about weaker things making you stronger. For what Jesus gave he gained all. He gains authority over all the earth. He was crowned with thorns. I am sure that God gave him the best of crowns. “Every knee will bend to Jesus. Every tongue will declare him Lord.” Jesus is an inherently caring person however. He spent all of his days helping back in those times. He hadn’t a bad word to say unless it was righteously said, and as so it needed to be said.

He still said that evil shouldn’t be allowed to do what it does. Nor wicked people. Whether it was a Church there to make money and contain haughty members or in protection of children. He said that if anyone harms a child it is better that they be tied down by weights and thrown into the sea. So he was strongly against bad things. He in now way said that bad people should get away with bad things. In some cases, they belong in hell, as he had said. So then, being like Jesus is being against wicked things.

It is the power over the flesh that leads to a stronger spirit. Jesus taught that it is the soul that matters, not the flesh. He didn’t tell us to deprive ourselves, however. But He said that God will give us what we need. We are stuck in this cursed world for now. Heaven cannot have sin in it. God was disconnected from the world of humans due to sin. But the Holy Trinity outright arrived on earth through Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus was without sin. So it is perfectly understandable that the more we are without sin, the more we are like him. At the same time, through Jesus Christ, our sins are no longer seen. Even if it seems like a paradox, believe me, both are important.

The Bible says “be holy, for I am holy.” That means to consecrate and purify yourself as much as can be. Prayer, limiting one’s sins, repentance, worship, keeping God in mind, having faith in him, obeying him, and Christian faith makes us holy.

Pride Comes Before The Fall

We can live lives largely unnoticed except by our loved ones, without a bad person entering into our lives. We can always be fighting to be better, which is a never ending and hopeless cause. Being proud of our job is a good thing. In some cases pride is fine. In other cases however it can have a bad effect, even a harmful one. It is better to not contend with groups. It isn’t even “fight to live another day.” It is to not fight to begin with. The best thing we can do is to not fight at all. I used to have a contentious spirit. Living in a group home however where the rules say if anyone gets into a fight they are getting kicked out, I had to learn to keep the peace.

We are peacekeepers. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” People often get into gangs for the power it provides. What is that power worth other than pride? They will attack anyone who does as little as to offend one of them. They save their pride by harming others. They don’t need this sort of protection. In fact they only succeed in incorporating themselves into positions of fighting other gangs.

Someone I know used to tell me they wouldn’t want to be rich because their loved ones would become needy and they’d be susceptible to robbery and being held hostage. When I was in a good neighborhood at one time, the best in San Francisco, I told someone that at least we don’t have gangs in this area. She told me that if any homes are going to be burglarized, then it is one of these. Of course she was right. Most importantly there is a spiritual cost to being wealthy, which we are all familiar with as Chrsitians.

Being famous? We all want that. More often, people are only famous for a while. They must reinvent themselves very cleverly to keep it. They don’t normally do a good job however. They come across as pretenders a lot of the time. For example, a singer that must change their style to keep up with the times and it is entirely obvious. I imagine the novelty wears out sooner or later. “Famous, so what.” Before then they can become quite full of themselves, with a bloated ego, while at the same time their prominence diminishes. They think of themselves as “rap gods” when in fact they have been dropping in popularity.

May God Bless Your Life

I pray that God gives you a good life. I pray that you are as Christian as can be. I pray that God’s wisdom enters into your life and improves it. I pray you face no harsh things in life. Those who would harm you, I pray they be kept away from you wherever you go. May the angels of Heaven protect you. May God be with you on the worst of days to see you through. May you keep your faith. Amen.

And for all of us I hope we can withstand our trials. When the Beast comes our faith will be put to the test. Those who’d sacrifice their lives by not worshiping him will be given a place in God’s Kingdom. Those who do, are damned to hell. Along the way we strengthen our faith, even every day.

The more we keep God in mind the better. We should not let most of the day go by without bringing Him into consideration. If we can, then we should spend most of the time thinking about God, His son, and the Bible. We should be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12.)

When evil or wickedness lends itself to us we should not take it. The whole world can be doing bad things but we should not join in on the so-called “party.” How about the days of Noah, or Sodom and Gomorrah? They were in no way justified. With the world as it is it is even expected of us to do wrong. Still, we should not. We should not go over the wall that God put before us, as Christians. We should not live in sin.

Believe me, men will go after your wife, men will be unfaithful too, people will harm you then lie from their teeth about it, people will not care if they are imprisoned, people will become worse and worse. Our final stand will be won by being faithful to God and obeying His will. Always remind yourself that that is where true salvation resides!

Cunning Criminals

Take a room mate, a bad lying room mate. They start thinking up something. They know you cannot just kick them out. That takes a court ordered conviction even if they are a roommate. They were going to move anyway so they needed their money. So they lie and say their check never arrived or something. So the law says you cannot do anything about it. You could get yourself kicked out because of them as you depend on their help.

There is something even worse. They are squatters which make up fake paperwork saying they are on lease. That paperwork has to be proven wrong and that is not easy.

I knew a guy in the mental hospital. He told everyone everything he did which happened to be vengeful arson. The psych doctor told him that he might have gotten away with it if he didn’t tell everyone what he did. He was silent for a few days after that. Then I heard him telling the doctor “I used my teleconnected powers to cause that fire.” I don’t agree with what he did but damn that was a good liar.

Lets not forget that guy that comes up to you and says he ran out of gas and is desperately trying to get home. Do you have money for gas? They may even add that he has a family with him.

Ebay is great for things sold on Amazon! From some ebay sellers they mail your stuff from Amazon and take a little profit. Worse than that, they ship from China while pretending to be from your nation. China both has far cheaper things and takes a really long time to get to you, so people are more likely to buy from the person if they think it is sold much closer to them.

With some of the ways they hide drugs they’ll go to no ends. They will put them in plastic and swallow them. Worse, the worst, is when they put them into the stomachs of animals. “There’s no rest for the wicked,” when it comes to thinking these things up.

Selfish Hatred Is The Worst Kind

I have observed those kinds of personalities before. They are really crafty in making others out to be wrong. They form themselves into a mistreated victim. If the world is not graciously handed to them on a silver platter then “they are not being treated right.” They don’t understand that there is a world apart from them. They can very well be a burden to others and are not aware of how others are doing all they can for them. They are supported but do nothing in return. Why should they lift their finger to help? Yet they are angry about their living conditions such as lack of food. These are sometimes “children adults” who never left home.

They would have their loved ones attend therapy with them to get one over on them. They want them to understand they are wrong. If there is anything around they will take it. They don’t have a sense of property/ ownership. That is most often true of people who did not earn their possessions. As a result they don’t value things. They cannot equate possessions to work.

They may just be wanting to leave someone but beat around the bush about it. So the best thing they can do is point out little problems they have with them. Which grows in size. Most if not all of those “problems” don’t amount to anything. These can also lead to trying to control one’s partner and basically force dedicated love out of them. Some are just gold diggers. They intentionally find a rich person to marry for the sake of the money. They live off of pretense. Are unable to actually love someone else. Marriage is just a way to get money and if they have to pretend like they love their spouse then so what.

Christians take marriage much more seriously. We should never be the type that elopes. We should be most sure when it comes to finding the right person. The worst person is this kind I am talking about.

The kind that are selfish, like the world revolves around them, who are self centered, who think that the world owes them things, are those who hate anyone who does not bend over backward to help them. Do not bother ever being attached to someone such as that. Believe me, they never have you in mind. They cannot spend more than five minutes thinking about someone else without it relating to them. They are unable to have real appreciation. Their psychology is bent around them being right and the other wrong. When you listen to them, they only talk about themselves. They’d go into long conversations about themself. Unless something relates to them they will not have a word to say about anything else. In the span of twenty minutes a hundred “I’s.”

Simply do not waste your time on such people. They are lost in their own world through and through.

Being Less Selfish

What is the worth of looking greatly inward? That is a bad thing. The more we learn about ourselves the more we have to deal with things. We could be fine. What great knowledge really comes from knowing ourselves though? Is there really that much we need to know? Really just knowing what makes us happy or not is good enough. We can never truly be self appraising. That rather comes from knowing how others feel about us and what we mean in their lives. I mean it doesn’t come from knowing what we mean in our own eyes. It comes from theirs. So we make ourselves better from the terms of others. Self love is mostly nonsense. Self care and having good self esteem is something different.

Jesus would ask such help from us as to say “the greatest love comes from those who would give their lives to their friends.” He asks us to go the extra mile (may have even invented the term.) He says, “whatever is asked of you, give more.” He also says that God will reward you for these things. He spoke of a poor woman that gave her last dime as a tithe, compared to the rich who would only sacrifice 10 percent. Jesus himself went out of his way to help people and he did not turn anyone down. He didn’t judge anyone. He gauged things more as a doctor would, determining that people need help, not punishment. And, most of all, he taught us about the good samaritan who went out of his way to help someone that really needed it. That instead of seeing some poor soul who was robbed and everything else and left for dead by others.

I used to obsess over money. I couldn’t spare a dime. It was sinful of me. But I gave one good gift and felt good about it, so another and another would follow. Now for years and years I never fail to send out gifts, to my family that is. Shipping itself costs a lot. I do so without complaint or desire to have spent the money on myself. My point is that it takes practice. If you are like how I used to be, anyway. Some parents give to their children very willingly. Even just at times like birthdays and holidays. The poor lot is for children whose parents have plenty of money but are cheap. I don’t have kids. I have my siblings, parents, and nephews & nieces. It’s the same thing. What I am saying is that though at first you might be unwilling, by doing so often enough you will become more than happy to. I like to think of it as a thing you can never lose. You can lose your own things for one reason or another. As for giving a gift you will always have that moment.

I have more joy in watching the movies and shows my parents and siblings suggest than I do for looking for things on my own. Turns out a lot of what they like I enjoyed a lot myself. And it gives us a shared interest which is important in every relationship.

The more we talk about ourselves the less we are listened to. We must have “you” and “we” in any relationship.

Is The World Getting Better, Or Is Getting Worse?

I have often observed that the worst of things were happening but one little solution came along that fixed everything. So the question is, can things be fixed? We may not even be able to answer that question ourselves, as the answer is not easy or easily come by. Sometimes the answer is easy. If there is lots of crime then we need tougher laws. We need a little less tolerance for it. We need people on board to stop it.

Sometimes tech can take a problem and utterly fix it. Might fix it at least a little. Might fix it a lot. Tech in certain forms can help make things better for everyone. There might be such a thing on the horizon, say, food replicators. Those are probably a ways off but fusion energy may not be. Which is basically free energy for everyone. There are small amounts of help given by any scientific/ technological advancement. Even if it is just batteries that last much longer. One thing is for sure, the best fixes for our problems come first from God, and second from science and the tech science produces.

Things have to be very bad indeed for the apocalypse to occur. Imagine it rolling out though. If the Bible teaches us anything then those days would be undoubtful near, because things will be nightmarishly bad. We will see the one world ruler, the Antichrist, and as such, it should be more than a hint or vague sign. It will probably be a certainty, far from speculation. Matthew chapter 24 tells us all about those times.

Unfortunately the news exaggerates things (or you could say fortunately it does.) The news has made San Francisco out to be utterly chaotic and crime ridden… like some kind of dystopia. Believe me, I am out everyday. I go through the neighborhoods. I don’t see any bad thing happening other than people trying to get high on the streets which I don’t see that much of either. Yet they are saying we need the national guard and things like that all because of the news exaggerating everything. They are stealing from stores, sure, and that has come to happen all over. The drugs are being a bit tolerable but I don’t care. I care because they deserve better, not because they’re an eye sore or something. If they are just hurting major businesses that is bad but far better than harming innocent people through robbery and burglary. I am just saying: taking things apart they don’t seem so bad.

The news fools people in certain ways. It is their bread and butter. So some storms become a record breaking cataclysm. They make people feel like going around is a death wish. They make the economy appear to be in shambles. They say that a recession is coming and inflation has gotten out of hand yet people all around are eating at McDonnal’s and buying large TVs. They won’t consider that things are becoming both better and cheaper all the time. They don’t consider that one advancement in science can greatly add to that. But it happens, all the time.

War is just inevitable. It is nothing new. The level of our destruction has increased, however, which is bad. In an ideal world everyone hates war and wants peace, without exception. But the truth is that over time people will look for excuses to wage war. Especially leaders who wield a lot of power. After all, they want to use that power and they may not have to suffer from it themselves. There are war crimes, though. The best thing we can do after war is sort out who should be held guilty of those crimes and what land should be given right back to those it were taken from. In that way Israel gained its country back in fact. It is a democracy, and how fitting. They are not without a King, their King is Jesus Christ and will return to Jerulsalem someday to rule over all of the earth.

Nothing's Perfect/ Being Content

In my earlier years I was constantly moving. Some little problem or another arose where I no longer wanted to live where I did. The neighbors were annoying, could have more space, cost too much, bad location, whatever it was. There’s no perfect space for anyone unless you have incredible wealth. I have little problems where I live now. I came here from group homes and before that, homelessness. Now that I have a home of my own I would never walk out on it. Have gained a kind of worry of losing my place. Most often an unreasonable worry. I am the best tenant you could have.

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Compared to many, we could have great lives, great places, great relationships, and fairly good careers. Yet we look for problems and that seems to be a human trait. Hair splitting and nitpicking, we could take what is a good relationship and destroy it over time. We shouldn't let complaints build up that way but just be thankful for the lives God gave us having the faith that things will get better, not worse.

You Never Regret Doing Good

That comes in different forms. A Christian is more likely to regret having said bad things to others. A Christian is more likely to forgive it from others, however. Wicked people do not care the least if you are sorry or not. That is a kind of thing I have seen in action before and I know it is true for me as well. Sometimes people just blow up in anger and make fools of themselves. Maybe someone had just picked on them a little too much. Curse words go all over the place. That is why it is better to never use curse words. They always come out in weaponized form. They “cross the line.” A Christian doesn’t harbor hate in their heart. So we never talk to ourselves about the reasons why we hate someone.

Jesus said that we should never regret doing good. He says “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” We do good for good’s sake. We give for its sake. We do so out of faith. We know that there is a reward. It might not come right away. It may not be so immediately obvious, but doing good leads to good things. Just do them out of love and faith, not the prize.

The Way Things Are

It may seem inhuman to us but there are some heartless people in the world today, who would even be without any regard for human life. They have deep seeded hatred in them. They would attack a person out of the blue. They’d shoot a number of people just to do so. We find no real motive in them. They are intoxicated with music sometimes. “Toxified” into questionable mentalities. It shows in their behavior and how they speak. Music has poisoned some of them, “killed off their spirit.” We are all supposed to have the Holy spirit within us. We were made in God’s image. But the settings of today just rip it out of people. Some go about in an animal state. There is only pleasure and pain for them and little else makes any sense.

Their tastes lord over them. Those tastes have been so carefully made by the Satanic. Some know this. Christians do. Not much others do. Many do but don't care. They know there is nothing they can do about it. Maybe they even enjoy what is going on and are just a part of the problem, maybe financially benefiting off of it with blood money. When they make children their children are even worse than they are. The Satanic has been brought into things and its effects are obvious.

It is perfectly understandable for a Christian to do all they can to protect themselves. We cannot help such people. They are too lost, too far gone. They’d just hate us for spiritually helping them. It’s of no use. We as Christians don’t congregate with the wicked. We don’t eat the same fruits as them, so to speak. We don’t join in. We guard our spiritual selves and keep ourselves pure. We should pray for our protection. It is understandable that we keep ourselves safe.

The Psyche Of Bad People

What are they after? They roll in herds trampling everything underfoot. A little of them produces more, and more produces many more. They know that one may get caught, that twenty will not. They don’t pay a lot of thought to consequences. Sometimes they just want the next high and if that means burglarizing, then fine. They want power. They want power in numbers. They want to be at the top of that, one and all. No one wants to be second best when it comes to criminal groups. That takes violent behavior and evoking fear in people. They know that loads of money easily comes from a mix of concoctions, drug making, and selling them. They want the quick and fast answer over college and work. They’d lie tooth and nail to receive disability money and what a shame for those who really need it. They don’t care if they genuinely don’t deserve it. Who is going to prove them a liar if they lie well enough?

They are spiritually fragile. They can snap at any time. They kill when that happens. They might kill family or strangers, who ever had the bad luck of being around the guy. They plot and the internet gives them every opportunity to build up a horrible “cause.” They want to be the worst of them. They think that as being the best.

They want riches and fame at any cost. The fame part might be covered in doing something atrocious. There are actually people who livestream murders they committed. They don’t equate with wealth being relative to a good education and hard work. They use their handful of resources for the easiest way there and normally fail time after time.

They are becoming more and more brazen. One extreme example is how these people visited a store to break into but failed a couple of times. On the third try they decided to bring a fork lift with them to get in that way. Or these groups of kids that ransacked a store. It was a large group of them. They decided they’d go in, trash every little thing, then leave. There are people who’d blow up ATM machines. There are those that walk into stores with large bags taking things and simply walking out. Their crimes grow bolder all the time. I have actually seen some of myself. I was at a fast food place when a guy walked in, took a bag of chips, then just walked out without a word being said about it.

“There’s no honor among thieves.” They have no shame. They are selfish. They have no regard for the lives of others. They don’t care if these people have families that love them. They don’t care for their working and sincere lifestyles. They’ll have every little thing the easy way. They are spoiled. They are kids that have never been disciplined. At any real attempt at discipline it would be taken as abuse. They live in a world designed for hedonism. They have never been in such an animal state as they are today. They have no spirituality, they don’t have God, they hate Christian things, while everyone questions what is wrong with the world today, there’s the answer.

Our Greatest Possession

It might not be something that we can hold in our hands and look at, but our greatest possession is our spirituality. It is Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. It is our faith in them and it’s found in our Chrisitian practice. It is that great pay day you could say, when it is that these bring us into Heaven. It is always good to think of this world as that job. That job of being Chrisitan, abiding by God’s will, has the greatest pay day: that of entering into Heaven when our time comes.

The Bible is a great possession. It is a book from our creator, God, our Father. It speaks of the sacrifice He made for us, His lamb, Jesus Christ. It is a book of hope. It is a book about our future. It is a book about Heaven. It is a book about the character of God. It is a book of what He expects from us and what we will receive in return. We are blessed to be among those saved. We are blessed to have the faith we do. So may our worries lesson, just as Jesus said, as God is always watching over us and active in our lives. Our greatest blessing is having the Father that we do.

 You Are Not Indebted To Your Family

Jesus actually said “call no man on earth your father, for you have one father (God.)” We have a Christian family. If our human father hates you and abuses you do not feel like it is a Christian thing to do to stay with him. It isn’t. If he isn’t Christian enough to keep from harming you, whether physically or emotionally, then leave him to his own. It is not Christians, Church, nor the Bible that is.

It is like lawsuits. The Bible doesn’t really say that Christians never sue. What it says is that Christians do not sue other Christians. That includes people who don’t act like Chrisitans.

Of course we should love our family and enjoy the time we spend with them, if they are not abusive and hateful towards us. Hopefully our whole family is made up of Christians. I have a step father that brought me to God and the Church, who brought me into Christianity. He raised me well. If it were not for him then I would never have become a Chrisitian. For that reason I asked God to bless their marriage and I took him up as my father, the earthly one.

Some would use Christianity against you. My biological father jumped right on that. All it took was a time I mentioned that Christians forgive. I wasn’t even talking about him but myself. He never quit using that against me. I have had to draw a line sooner or later when it came to me and him. He had serious character flaws. I would say he was a wicked person. My Christian nature says to forgive and this and that but my righteous wisdom says: don’t have anything to do with him.

Christ Jesus fulfilled the law. He made for us a Christian family. Under him we have brothers and sisters. We have a father (Yaweh/ God.) We are meant to stay away from wicked people. We are not expected to suffer abuse from anyone. If any of our family is really bad people then we should part ways with them.

Higher Intelligence

Let’s speculate for a moment that our intelligence is truly indeed lesser than theirs (angels for example.) What if a comparison can be made between us and them and animals and us? That putting the two together is like comparing our intelligence with that of, say, a monkey? They say we use only a small amount of our brain to begin with. Drugs easily get in and scatter everything inside. That shows that our brains are highly susceptible. They might stand out of space and time to begin with. I don’t think that physics is so concrete in Heaven. God may have them around or not. We only understand things from one another. As far as our knowledge is of any use, it is a knowledge shared over ages with a large mix of great minds, certainly not from ours alone. So our mental prominence isn’t found in a singular mind but many. Even Albert Einstein owes some thanks to Newton.

God stands apart from space and time. He thinks far faster yet far more fully. That shouldn’t be too difficult to understand. We are slow thinkers compared to him, for sure, bound by time (processing.) We can see this in our computers. Though they only process things one at a time they do so so quickly that it seems they are doing things all at once. That is a crude example anyway. The Bible says that for God a thousand years is like a day and a day is like a thousand years. It is hard for us to imagine. We are not able to understand infinity: for example unlimited space (things without boundaries.) We are not able to comprehend the depth of our universe. Anyone familiar with astrology knows that right away. It is unimaginably large. Yet God created all of it. So to anyone who would ask how God knows everything that goes on here, that is a simple but good answer.

Besides, God can predict things. So He knows your tomorrow and the next person’s tomorrow. He knows it all ahead of time.

Hair Splitting

It deserves to be mentioned. I believe it is often needed to be brought up. Like the creator of corn flakes, the first cereal, and how he was adamantly against sugaring it. It was worse than that. He was a Christian man who was very particular. He preached that a stool should be somewhat firm otherwise you are not eating as a Christian should. Some Christians can be way too hard on their children. They’d demonize their happiness. "That's the Devil,” kind of stuff. I actually grew up with R rated movies. They had no poor effect on me at all. Most of it was just martial arts stuff. That one is up to you whether or not you want your children to be watching it. I am just saying I turned out fine. I lived in a time when sugar was everywhere for children. Schools would sell giant pixie sticks. We had sugary cereal for breakfast if not pancakes with syrup, french toast, or whatever else. My grandmother gave us grapefruit doused with a lot of sugar. I never got diabetic either. In my 20s I would go through soda like nothing. I am actually a healthy person regardless.

I live in a city where vape machines cannot be sold. I was intending on going from tobacco to those, but have lost that chance. If you ask me, they could not tolerate that solution (propaganda people who are against smoking, which is their bread and butter, and so they quickly demonized vaping.) Why should they lose their cause and their income?

Plastic straws are gone, replaced by paper ones, and now you have to buy grocery bags. And it all starts in San Francisco. I got out of the cusp of masks, distancing, and obsessive hand washing. I never got Covid either. Maybe I will, I mean, but I will be the very last in my family if I do. About a year or more later than all of them.

Christianity used to be far more inhibiting for people in unreasonable ways than it is now. There are still those around though that would kill off sinful things to the extreme. They’d even take their own lives over it. Those that do that to themselves or others grow to hate themself. They become a cutting board. They rob themself of life. There is nothing possibly done good enough. They’d gut themselves like they are pigs or something.

When you start seeing the rules taking over every quality of life (having good food, enjoying things in harmless ways) turn away. Save yourself. These sorts of people would clutch you and not let go. Like a snake! Along with the demon of remorse, guilt, and even self hatred.

A Person Of Strong Character

Following any Christian teaching that makes you spiritually stronger is a good lesson to learn. That is like bodybuilding only it is spirit building. Our weights are our self discipline. Our nutrition is faith. It includes virtues such as patience, emotional self control, general self control, maturity, and peacefulness, to name a few. A person who is spiritually strong does not require a lot of entertainment, is not so easily bored. Not so easily angered either. Not so emotionally unpredictable. They don’t need to boast. They don’t need to utterly stand out in a crowd. They are more contented and more easily satisfied people.

Being spiritually well goes a long way in giving us happier and longer lives. Stress, worry, anxiety, depression, are all detrimental to our health and happiness. Jesus doesn’t want us to have those problems anyway.

Our Greatest Gifts

Comes from the love we share. The Bible says that without love things don’t have meaning. We will be kept from becoming lost thanks to our Shepherd, Jesus Christ. A great gift of ours is our soul. The soul God has given us. That He has taken interest in. We are not animals or animals acting as a result. They are “lost to the world.” The more soulless a person is, the more they are like an animal, which is on instinct. Which will lead to our perfect spiritual body someday. We have a home being prepared for us. When God returns and His kingdom is put forth on Earth, we will have it.

Hopefully we are saved from over abundance. Hopefully we find contentment for what we have. Hopeful greed does not harm us or our behavior. Hopefully we will never have seen a jail cell. Hopefully we will have lived and died without harming anyone. Good, honest, hard working, faithful and true lives are meant to be ours.

Take in the beauty of life. “Stop and smell the roses,” remember them too. Taken as a whole life is a great and wonderful thing. Maybe there were difficult times but it is up to us to over weigh it with the good (by remembering the good over the bad.) There is a season for things. In our youth we shared all of the joy of earth together and though those days may be gone they will return to us in Heaven, never to be taken away again.

 The Way God Has Made Our Lives

First, He created a world with enormous resources, then He placed us in it. At least after the first sin, we were sent out to work with it. God knew we would accomplish great things with our resources. Perhaps the time comes soon when enough work has been done to free us from the curse. That will be the day when God returns to establish His Kingdom here, ruled by His son, Jesus Christ.

Ecclesiastes explains it well. There is a season to everything. There is nothing stationary forever, nothing without it being temporary, ever changing. We prepare for winter. We fight for peace, but eventually go to war. We go through the range of emotions in our lives. Our generation is here, then gone, replaced by another. There is a sad beauty to it all. We love more due to that loss. Hopefully we will see all of our family in Heaven someday.

Life requires work. We are always kept busy here. If it is cleaning our home, ourselves, exercising to stay healthy, having jobs, and so on, it is a life of work if it is going to be as good as it can be. Those who don’t work are lost in the streets. Sometimes they just need to work, sometimes they are mentally ill, and sometimes they are addicted to drugs, but they all have a bad lot. Some in life will do better than others. We must take our lives seriously and make something of it.

Be an inventor, think of that one great thing. Go to school, to a university, with both the best job plan and dedication with you. Or else just kind of live and die a whisper.

The greatest generation comes last. We were once in Heaven. God sent us to Earth. He knew us before then, as the Bible says. We lived in God’s mind and heart, you could say. God blesses the youngest son, contrary to human tradition. We enter into a world with greater things. God trusted us when He placed us here. Maybe we are like the last chess pieces in a way.

God has placed us in a magnificent world. It has been said that God loves the earth more than any other place in the universe. When a Christian looks over the world they see the incredible work of God. The world shows His glory, as the Bible says. You could say we are part of a penal colony. The sentence came from Adam, Eve, and the serpent. God made us leave paradise to work the field. The following generations would suffer the same fate. We were born under sin.

And of course Jesus Christ died for those sins, we are now forgiven, and awaiting His return.

A Silver Spoon Life/ A Spoiled Life

People who never face hardship are weak in body and spirit. If they have everything and that is just life for them, then they can never know what it is to be without them. They could come to riches later in life, but that is apart from what I am saying here. I’m sure the novelty wears out over time. The longer they are famous the less it means. Part of squandering your wealth might be because of the burden it becomes. To always think about money after all.

The reason why rich people get away with things better is because of the powerful lawyers they hire. They know every trick in the book. They know the bureaucracy of it through and through. Of course if they are just outright guilty then there is no hiding it. I gotta wonder what their commissary is like, as with things mailed to them as permitted. If the fine for speeding means nothing then they’ll just take it. Then there is the element of not needing to do bad things to begin with. They aren’t going to be stealing anything to survive. They never have to be in bad neighborhoods. They aren’t going to join a gang. You won’t even find them out of their house most of the time, especially in modern times. They have body guards, and don't have to fight.

I once saw a video of a teenager getting an incredibly costly car from her father and all she had to say was “it’s the wrong color!” while she threw a fit. No kid quite hates their parents as the one who is spoiled. This is particularly bad when not coupled with wealth. They live lives where they get away with everything. As a result they don’t know the nature of being punished until the law does it for them. Spoiled people are never satisfied either. If they always have money from their parents then it holds less value, for sure. If it comes from chores then of course it has greater value. If they are getting gifts all the time then birthdays and Christmas lose their value.

I have known the extreme of it. In a homeless life a pair of batteries and a pocket radio are worth their weight in gold. I once had a cup of iced tea that I couldn’t bring myself to drink because I didn’t want to lose it!

Those Who Live By The Sword Die By The Sword

There might be a person who was rude to you, say, on a bus or around town. Maybe they are one of many who are like that all of the time. You were not the first and you will not be the last that s/he acted that way towards. They are gradually erupting people until the whole thing goes. Hopefully you will not find yourself on the worst end of it. It could be that the day after they were hateful towards you that they were locked up for some foolish behavior or another.

There is always a bigger person to contend with and these people might just anger the perfectly wrong person. Eventually they will. Some will have learned better after that and some will not. Some will turn to a weaker person and harm them. That could have them locked up more likely than not.

Then there is the idea that the more they go unpunished for something the more liberal they become. The first time they burglarize some place might be a difficult and scary choice. They are super cautious over it, they are super careful not to get caught. They have a plan. They find relief if they get away with it. They might tell themselves later “never again,” but in a week or so they are back at it. The more their confidence grows the more likely they will be caught.

I saw one of the most funny things yesterday. This guy came into a store pretending like he had a covered gun. He rushed in, said “give me all of your money RIGHT NOW!” The people just ignored him so he went from person to person saying “give me your money!” To the next person “give me your money NOW.” They just totally ignored him, and he left.   So where do you think that guy’s thoughts went? Was he afraid maybe he’d get in trouble for attempted robbery? Was he embarrassed for himself? I am sure he was perplexed, whatever it may be. Maybe he decided to actually bring in a visible gun the next time, or maybe he didn’t, who knows. Hopefully the guy learned a lesson.

People can get way in over their heads when they decide to be a part of a gang. They can be treated as pawns. Without caring about you in any way they can make you do their dirty work. They get you addicted to things, have you “sell yourself,” and rob and steal to make a living. The police and those who help them will capture them eventually. It may have come easily for them however, the choice to join, with no other reason needed than pride. It can truly be a kill or be killed lifestyle, depending on how bad that gang is.

Christians do not work with swords. We do not live to be better than others. We do not live to gain power. We do not live on the basis of pride and power. We are not criminally minded. We are not criminally doing. We do believe in keeping ourselves safe and our very beliefs go far in doing so.

The Road To Destruction Is Broad

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Jesus. NIV.)

The way of true life is not so apparent. It might even seem contradictory to what people think it is. It is not found in the enjoyment of food. It is not found in hedonism. It does not exist beside “animalism” which restricts the growth and use of the soul. Our soul does not come from animalistic things. The soul needs its own food. That food is found in righteous living, in living good and Holy lives. Living by God’s will feeds our soul and without that food our spirit cannot develop.

It is about living for the afterlife and giving more concern for our future in Heaven than our limited time here. By believing in God and following our model, Jesus Christ, we gain control over ourselves and our emotions. In a sense we gain control over our spirits and guide them into living waters.

 Helping others makes the spirit happy. Love makes the heart grow well. Hate destroys it. Anger is like an attack on one’s heart. We all know what that feels like. Love, however, heals it and brings it joy. Negative emotions hurt the mind as well. It brings the mind pain and hurt. Positive thinking, greater understanding of others, purer thinking, they all keep the mind in better shape. That feeds right into your soul. Bad things cannot enter into the soul. The soul is pure. Only purity can be brought into it.

We are fed from Heaven food that the earth cannot give us. That food prepares us for inhabiting God’s Kingdom.

Correcting Our Should-Be Christian Nature

We should always be careful with what we say. If we say something wrong then we should correct it. As far as talking to others goes, “if you don’t have anything nice to say then say nothing.” Let the other person be a part of the conversation, instead of boasting over yourself or not relating anything at all to the other person. Don’t cuss. There are just certain words that shouldn’t be in our mouths. Don’t sexualize things. Don’t be crude in that way. Crudeness is having dirty talk. Don’t stylize your words after villainous things. Limit your sin as far down as it can go. Maybe you might even be able to halt it altogether, in certain ways anyway. Repent for the worst things and never do them again.

Learn to be fair with others. Don’t compete purely to be better than someone else. Don’t put yourself above others. Spend more time thinking about God and others more than yourself. Jesus has taught us to accept the bad from others. He also taught us to remove ourselves into safety as we must. Paul said that at first a Christian receives milk and later the meat. So at first be easy on yourself, if you are new to Christianity.

Maybe the best place to start is on your own thoughts. Are you sometimes angry? Do you find yourself wanting to be better than others? Do you take offense and desire to harm your  enemies? The Bible says that we should not harbor hateful thoughts. Jesus said it is the same as murder when we kill someone in our heart.

If you are a new Chrisitan then you have a long road ahead of you. It isn’t made to be easy but it is nothing impossible for you. We get to a place where we start inventing enemies and hating them. Our emotions get better. We live more spiritually. We know and understand life better, from the God who gave us our life and made this world. We learn to help others along the way. We are saved from many troubles, such as legally and from living wickedly. Our life gets better from our religion. Try to read the Bible often. As for the New Testament, it is a thin book with the greatest things ever said, so it is worth reading and reading often.

It is up to us for obtaining a way of thinking apart from those who are one with the world. Christianity is not a worldly thing but a spiritual thing. We are born again through Christ Jesus. In time we will have incorporated God, His power and His wisdom, into our lives. We will either succeed or fail. We must build our house with stone with Jesus as the foundation. Some will continue on. Others will drop out entirely. Those that do drop out of it entirely were never meant to be Christians. I hope and pray that you continue to follow and believe in Jesus all of your days.

It is our job to work on our character flaws. It is our job to reduce our sin. It is our duty to pray. It is our task to obey God. It is our responsibility to read and follow the Bible. We know what we need to do and maybe we’ll even do it well.

The Way We Are Seen

If God wanted us to force Christianity on people then Jesus would not have had us submit to our enemies and naysayers. He told us to turn the other cheek when our enemies hit us. He said that if we are prosecuted for his sake then our reward in Heaven will be great. We are just seen as silly people who won’t commit silly sins. They very much take us the wrong way. We are well designed. We have lived life committed to God’s word. They have lived according to the world. So it is easy to see why we seem so foreign to them. They’d laugh and scoff at us over what really amounts to self control.

Christians however are upstanding people. Hard working, abundant in virtue, such as self restraint, with doing unlawful things not a part of anything we do. We are about peace, which comes from being weak. They take that as being pathetic. They take a handful of examples and stigmatize us over them (those “Christians” who were abusive.)

If you read a Bible in jail they think you are trying to get out easy. You could be entirely dedicated to it and even turn your life around due to it, but they just see you as a fake. Unfortunately there are bad people who carry around the Bible and, for the sake of looking better, claim to be Christian. Jesus said, “you know a person by their fruit.”

Science is a tool of Satan used to take people away from the Holy Bible. You may have noticed that religion is fine as long as it isn’t Christian. You may have noticed that other religions have free range for having their books around. You may have noticed that Christianity is always being ridiculed in things like cartoons while the other religions get off easy. And you may have noticed how many bad apples among us are quickly pointed out.

In our earliest times, the world so hated us. Great leaders hated us. King James didn’t want the word “tyrant” in the KJV. The Romans fed us to the lions. That was because of the story of Daniel in the lion's den, possibly anyway.

Yet it all spread throughout the world so easily. I am sure it has always been a thorn in Satan’s side, just how popular it has been for the last two thousand years. At least we aren’t regarded as weirdos, such as Devil Worshipers are taken. They can at least admit we lead good lives.

Christian Psychology

I feel like I have to often bring up that there is no such thing as “venting” your emotions. They are not going to blow up. We measure how strong our feelings are ourselves. I am not alone in saying so. Many modern psychologists agree that “venting” is only telling yourself to be angry. You feel what you feel. You don’t have to feel it so much. A good fight against it is a good fight indeed. Anger is painful.

As with lust, they say that “repression” leads to mental problems. Personally, I have found that very untrue. People become perverts if their sexualness is free for all. Without any restriction things get worse and worse in those regards. At the same time, the feelings are less pronounced, weaker, than those who hold back. That is in a sense, forbidden fruit.

They would tell us to not be strict towards our children. If our children are undisciplined then life will not go so well for them. It is as simple as that. That is easy to observe. It doesn’t mean “abuse” if it is not more than just pain from the belt. It teaches children right and wrong. It is a lifetime lesson they learn. Without which they grow up spoiled with renegade behavior. I went to a school where all of the students were mature and nothing bad ever really went on. You could even call it upstanding compared to the schools in the neighboring city. My parents in fact moved into a smaller town so we could attend that school. They prayed in that school despite possible issues. They did not promote atheism in any way and we were all fine with that. A bulk of us even attended Church on Church days. They swat us if we got into fights or cussed out the teacher, whatever it was. With their parents' permission, of whom most agreed. The only one I knew that didn’t said that he wanted to swat his kid instead.

However, you can’t say bad things to students anymore. You cannot do things that bring humility. Any form of discipline has repercussions. The effects of that are obvious. They are bad.

When you bring it all together, it just works better for us. We are happy with what we have (are content.) We are certainly not egomaniacs. Our pride is where it belongs. We are not envious, or at least shouldn't be. When psychology only has the reason for us “because it is natural,” it is natural (to be jealous, to be greedy, promiscuous, angry, and so on), we don’t accept that as a good reason to have it in our lives.

The Kind Of Wickedness That Hides

These people are weak and their only “power” shows without them being seen. They could never confront a person on their own. So they do things like vandalize, leave threatening papers and phone calls, tell lies about another, sabotage things for them, and do anything they can behind their backs. They often make an enemy out of thin air. They could have even been strangers to the person. They have an inferiority complex and seek to find and make an enemy to “beat.”

To speak of crimes done without being seen, thieves are among them. Whether it is those who steal from a gas station or those who burglarize. There are the fraudsters, as those who pretend to be someone else online, they have their quarry sending them money under false pretenses. Anything done at a distance is good for them.

Some Would Object To Helpful Technology

They say that androids would destroy us all. You know what androids are? They are “slaves” without a soul. I might be proven wrong someday. Maybe their very making leads them to consciousness. Nevertheless I believe it is possible to make an AI based android which does not have a soul or ego. Another thing they say: they’d take jobs away from certain people. Our goal should be to increase resources and limit human labor to the point that “universal basic income” is practical. If all of the work is being done by machines and such things, then a guaranteed income for all will be perfectly feasible. If we want to work after that, we still can. In fact I am sure that the human touch would be more appreciated than ever. The difference is, it will be work done for ourselves, not impersonal work.

They say that cameras which can detect criminals invade people’s privacy. These cameras can both see a person being sought out for a crime and can see crime in progress. The AI camera would know when a person is being mugged for example. Other cameras can follow him from area to area, with the police called, and the guy caught. The guy would then know better to not do it to begin with. Our hurdle to this is those people who complain “it invades privacy.”

In a different matter: some states have recently made it where a homeless person can be placed into a mental hospital for mental health treatment. They are not likely to really achieve anything sometimes. Some of them just aren’t mentally ill. A large number of homeless people are schizophrenic however and simply need to be medicated. I am one of them. All I need is medication for a normal life with normal thinking (apart from voices, paranoia, delusions, and grandiosity which are removed by medication.) I did not have that and as a result I was homeless for a year. I was too sick to know I needed medication. After all, crazy people don’t know they are crazy.

Often, science and technology is our only hope in making things better. It is a great place for a philanthropist to put their money. It provides a more permanent solution. Through them we can feed, house, stop crime, build, have automated labor and things like that. Anything else is just a bandaid. Hopefully not too many get in the way with their “ethical” concerns.

It All Comes Down To Love

The biggest question for us is “is it based on love?” Or you could ask “is this love or is this hate?” Judging people doesn’t come from love. Let’s not get into “tough love”either. We should not judge others. Some Christians become “God’s wrath” people. They ignore the plain and clear statement from God, which is: vengeance is mine (not our’s.) The greatest answer is love and understanding. It is not throwing hell fire at people and forcing others to think and act as Christians. That would be self contradictory.

That is the answer to a lot of things: love comes first. God loves the sinner but hates the sin, as they say. Some Christians base their entire speeches on judgmental things. There is certainly time better spent. So don’t harm others. Don’t slander them. Don’t force others into our belief structure. Don’t condemn others. Don’t carry the thought that we are greater and worth more.

Be a person for all people and if they don’t fall perfectly in line with our beliefs just let it be. It is our only mission to preach the gospel and Jesus has told us that the greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

A Place To Work And Do God’s Will

That could be within a Church, could be at school learning theology, in one’s home, of a monk-like setting, or in the world itself. Depending on what you want to do some settings are different from others. Like painting, writing Christian music, or writing books, a home is most suitable. Where are all of the great Christian painters anymore anyway? Those of realism?

A missionary does his or her work out in the world. They travel a lot. That is among the most Christian of jobs. The Bible teaches us the importance of spreading the gospel all over the earth. That is just what they do. Some would build God’s house. And why not? Joseph and Jesus were carpenters. Jesus taught us to build our house with stone. To think, Jesus and his message lead to countless Churches being constructed. They are all God’s homes on earth and should be treated as such. People who make them should also serve within them.

Some prefer the streets to do what they do. I see them all the time whether they are handing out booklets or preaching through a microphone.

Some decide to build stores which exclusively sell Christian things. Some actually manufacture things. That can be on a small scale or a large scale too. Remember, God gives us things that we should use to take profit from and return to Him. A small scale is maybe making little booklets, Christian bookmarks, the easily made but perhaps mass produced. There are inventions too: like making Christian trading cards. Those that create things that did not exist before. Then there are more complex things made like good Christian/Bible software.

It is worth the time to consider what you would create and to do so.

So where would you do your work for God? What suits you best?

Things That Come With Maturity

Things are balanced out. In our early years we are enthralled by the mystery of music. Can you remember a time when you wondered what those sounds were? When we become ten years old we can wrap our heads around it more. We could listen to the same song over and over again and appreciate it just as much. Movies carry magic for us in earlier ages too. In our teenage years our identity becomes incorporated into it. Then we have our early thirties. We feel young for our age. We believe we look young for our age. I see it all the time. Then in our forties we accept that we are starting to look old.

Our bodies rage for us to be stronger. There is that alpha sort of thing coming from us. Fights are much more common. Being at the top means everything. In part that is the human way of leaving the nest. So arguments with our parents are frequent. It takes a very mature teenager to not argue with their parents. Most will however. That is mitigated more in certain cultures who are (too much) strict with their children. Then in your thirties you might find yourself apologizing to your parents. Their saying is very true: “you’ll understand someday.” There comes that dreadful time where we have to get a job and make a living. Some will make the easy and certain choice (which turns out very difficult) of joining the military. Others want the same sort of thing, only not so challenging, of joining a job core. Those who took school seriously will be blessed with a university education. Really that is about the most certain thing you can do to have a wealthy career.

Our emotions tone down over time. We become slower moving. We even lose our balance and fall down sometimes from not paying attention. Remember as kids we moved around very erratically and bumped our heads a time or two. If that happens to us in old age it’ll hurt us! We get out of practice, you could say. You could say a thing a thousand times worse to an old person and get a reaction a thousand times less than that from a teenager. If we have matured we just want peace all around us. Our fighting days are gone. Our days of coming into greatness are gone, as we become live and let live people. If we have not matured, however, then we will have bad days ahead of us.

“When I was a child, I spake  as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (Paul.)

The Road To Happiness

I feel bad for those who sleep away their days. Those that cannot find any enjoyment from life, so they treat a bed like a coffin, sure have it poor. We can get stuck in depression. Our thoughts can double down against us, forming into things like self hate, and can be quite formidable in removing. We have to find good reasons: good reasons to live, good reasons to think differently, turning our thoughts around. Our minds may refuse to let us believe we are good people, we must choose to think so anyway. We have to turn on the lights of optimism and pride. We must take these bad thoughts and crush them. We must come to believe that we have a good life and a good future. In short, we must take away bad thoughts and replace them with good ones, just as crafty as can be, even if we feel we are lying to ourselves.

We should not turn to alcohol or drugs. The terms of happiness for those are rather strict. They make it so where they determine when and how you will be happy. They hijack the happiness you can receive. They make it where happiness can only come from them. A stronger soul will rise out of depression and take a hold of life, enjoying it every day.

These things help: being productive, having a purpose, having a routine, having positive thinking, having gratitude, believing in the good, not the bad, having hope, prayer, and turning to God to fill any emptiness that you may have.

Crushing The Inner Demon, With The Cross

There is that old trope of an angel being on one side of us and a devil on another, contending for what we will do. That shows free will. Neither can make us act, the choice is left up to us. We should never start giving ourselves reasons to do wrong. That doesn’t end well, giving ourselves excuses and things like that. We must sharply know right from wrong. When we hear a bad voice we don’t listen. We should in fact find it very foreign and uneasy to hear. We should know it for what it is.

If we are receiving bad influences the sooner we learn so the better. Christianity has a high standard of living. What is completely right for one person is not for us. There is no joining in on doing what bad people do. We don’t allow them to dirty our mouths or thoughts. We don’t accept the crude and grotesque even if it is a banquet for modern people. Furthermore we should not become desensitized to it to begin with but rather continue to see it for what it is the first time and the last time.

We must learn how to control our tongues. It takes strength indeed, but we must not be thrown into a rage. Where we simply wait ten or twenty minutes then we will not have been overpowered by it and thankful to ourselves that we were not. On the other hand if we curse at and hurt someone then there are consequences to pay.

We live in a boiling pot world. Everyone boils over easily because of how the world is. The ingredients are perfect for such easy-to-wrath people. Let’s go over those ingredients here:


Modern society teaches people that only they matter. If they go back on a promise it is just because they changed their minds. If they don’t give anything it is an encouraged right. If they get angry it is only because they are human. If they make mistakes, that is only human. If they do wrong but don’t feel bad about it, it is because of modern psychology.

Being “special”-

People are taught that they are simply born special and that effort means nothing. So no one can do anything to improve themself. If they are obese than any one who would suggest they exercise are deemed “body shamers.” If they have an alcohol problem that is a disease. If they have any mental problems it is because they don’t love themselves enough and everyone in their life is mistreating them. They were born into a problem and are in no way expected to deal with the problem on their own.

Being Godless-

There is no God to tell them what is right and wrong. So where does “right and wrong” come from? They have no God to go to to confess their sins, to repent. They often model themselves after bad people. They idolize villains. Satan would replace our God with a self-god figure. The Bible develops people in the right way. God’s wisdom is irreplaceable. Without Him things fall apart while people cry out that God must not care about them.

Fostered impatience-

Human beings are the sort of being that wants things done as fast as possible. Just look at the TV remote. It was made because we couldn’t be bothered to get out of our seats. Walking isn’t fast enough so the horse, and then cars. Restaurants were too slow and this is where things get bad. Fast food resulted and in these kinds of ways humans became overall less patient. They can’t stand lines. Their lives are quick get to’s and quick leaves. When they aren’t they can spiral out in anger.

Urge to be better/superior-

Value of life has come to be equated with wealth and fame. Those are the two mega words for the desires of modern people. There is no such thing as success for them apart from those two things. That is what life is worth living for. They become a people that only talk about themselves, in advertising form, until they “break through” in whatever medium. Imagine the world as becoming a great arena… a worldwide arena. People are born and live to compete. Though they are rarely a star they believe every which way that they are.

Not enough self discipline-

Not enough outer discipline either. There are low moral standards. Non-existent moral standards. Cussing is now a part of the English language. Vulgarity is the highest art form. The more vulgar the better. The more vulgar the higher the quality when it comes to modern tastes. Anger has never poured so easily from people. They always have something to say. If mannerisms are not as refined as they expect them to be then they’ll lash out at you. There is never knowing their standards either. They come in un-obvious forms. They don’t share them. They invent them as individuals. Schools are no longer able to discipline in ways that would make a better society. People at work can get away with a lot. Anyone can be disabled. Making yourself out to be a victim can be most lucrative. As far as good honest self work goes, it does not exist.

Being spoiled-

What can I say? Maybe the world has spoiled us. We are given so much at every turn. With how freely it comes the one thing we don’t have is appreciation. Humans have become a sort of god and how is a god to think of themself and what are they to expect out of the world? There are lots of side effects to having such nice things. One of them is being hard to please. There’s never enough money either. There is a world of material goods out there unlike any in our history. Proper character development is lost too. So is our ability to socialize. Some of these have entered into the artificial realm. Our connection to others is becoming artificial, more and more.

Not enough love for others-

It is a love-self world and our technology enables that in every way. We are the stars, or so we think. We can hand pick who we have around, or else block them. We have all the tools we could possibly need to show off. The phone was a thing that kept people a bit separated. Smart phones? Texting? Emailing? They have come at the cost of actually spending time with someone. Before the modern age of technology people valued having others around more than anything else. That says a lot. More than whatever they could have they wanted loved ones around. They spent all of the money they could on such things: things to cook with, dinner plates, dinner items, making their homes presentable and so on. Now? That existence does not mean anything if it is offline. Online they are famous, they are “some one.” Offline, well, they don’t spend a lot of time thinking about those they actually know.

Self centeredness-

I think of the “information superhighway” as a road with one billboard after another, without end. People want their billboard to be seen. They all do. Some might get lucky enough to have lights all around. Most will not. Smart phones have certainly put people in the front and center. They spend all of their time cultivating their self image through these things. That means images, videos, style, subject, content, for a presence top notch. They may even find it a lucrative job, if they are so lucky, but that is unlikely. After all, video making for that purpose is a shortcut that every last person will attempt. Video making is a quick way to fame like none before it. So both its appeal and deception.

The Animalistic-

Spirituality has been taken from people. Satan and his modern mechanisms have driven people away from God. The world shines as it never has. The best food is on their plates at all times. They’d have nothing of the comunion or praying over their food. Just look at how tailored food places are and their offerings. All that takes is a few fast food commercials to get the idea. They ran out of ideas so they started inventing some really strange things as though people are all pigs and would eat anything. Lust has become a national pass-time. It is such a thing that people would engage in throughout the day through their device, and that cannot end well. It causes perversion. The Bible says that adultery in the heart is still adultery.

They have one guiding light and that is pleasure. They are unable to step outside those bounds and enter into more spiritual lives.

Being Careful With Our Relationships

We must try to not say hateful things. We should ask God for wisdom in the way we talk and behave with our loved ones. Those who are bent on bullying, being bossy, harsh, will not receive good relationships in life. Those who have some understanding, empathy, love, and discretion will have good relationships. There are those that would only have you around to serve them. There are those who focus entirely on themselves. Things are not “me and you” but “me and me” with people like that. Things are shared in a good relationship. You spend time talking about the other more than you do yourself. You show interest in the other person in order to have a good relationship with them.

It doesn’t take much to ruin a relationship. With enough hateful things said and done the person may have their feelings hurt and want nothing further from you. It can happen with partners, friends, and family alike. It is understandable that things do not go as they should when we are teenagers. But hopefully as an adult we have put childish behavior behind us.

It Is Who We Become That Matters

Jesus is here for the sinners and there is no condemnation for those that come to him. To make a point, Paul said that he was the worst sinner there ever was. Jesus asked why he kept company with bad people. He said that they need a doctor, unlike the righteous. The power of the cross is powerful indeed. All who come to Jesus, who ask God to place Jesus in their hearts, and ask for forgiveness, are forgiven. We may point at one person or another and say “God cannot forgive this person,” but He does, granted they accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior.

It is a tough world. It is understandable that way. We live in a very bad place. We live in a place of hardship and death. That is why God can understand our shortcomings. Some just haven’t been given what they needed to do well. They have broken minds and spirits. They have evil spirits within them. They had abusive parents, or whatever other thing made them the way they are.

We repent. We understand our sin and strive to be better, more Holy, more righteous. We may have done bad things in our youth. We don’t become suffocated by remorse though. In order to be forgiven we must forgive ourselves. Or more accurately: we must accept God’s forgiveness. That is so that we bring and keep Him in our lives. That is so that we accept God’s love for us. We cannot have a right relationship with God if we think He does not like us.

So we go against our past. What matters is who you are now. God has worked on you to make you a better person. He has never lost hope in you. If you have been made a better person it is because of Him.

We Get Better Over Time

In God’s hands, we get better over time. God puts things together for us in the best of ways. We only need to ask for His wisdom in our lives, and it will be given. The earlier we mature the better. It took me until my late thirties to mature. Until then I suffered over my own poor behavior. God saw me through though. He will see you through. Just don’t do something so foolish as to have you or another harmed, in the meantime. God knows where we need improvement in our lives. I used to pray a lot over my anger issues. Now I can go weeks or even months without getting sore at people.

You will know you have matured when work becomes easier, emotions become easier to control, they don’t rule over you, doing right becomes the only choice, you have your life in order, and no longer get into any fights or arguments with people.

Lots On The Horizon

What a future we have ahead of us! It shows a bit of the Heaven that is to come. This is just a small part of it. There is more to come, and those things will be given us in God’s Kingdom. Through God, our world will be perfectly technological and with other things pertaining to science. Great knowledge will unfold for us as received by the angels of heaven. We could not have a utopia apart from it, but cannot have it without God’s presence either. At some point it could destroy us, corrupt us, lose us as a species, and such things. With God here that possibility will not exist.

We will have what we have today and more of it. It will be a new earth age. Space will be limitless… the small planet made as one without boundaries. Energy will be free and limitless. The earth will be renewed. Food will be inexhaustible, everyone will have a home… In fact a home most perfectly suited to them. Those with any illness will no longer have them. The world will be made more beautiful, the streets will be paved in gold. Crime will no longer be. We will rest as nothing can take our lives or ruin them.

God Sees The Whole Picture

We only glimpse at the picture. We don’t linger long into one bad thing done. We are quick to forget crimes that only happened a year ago. Most often we don’t give it a lot of thought to begin with. There is always that new thing that bothers and disturbs us. Then there are those things that didn’t make it on the news. You can be sure that many really bad things are happening every day, every half hour, even more often than that. How about what God sees? God does not forget any of it. He sees the problem as a worse thing than we are capable of. He knows the totality of it.

When God sees wickedness He sees it in full. He knows the hearts of people. Nothing is hidden from Him. He knows the brutality of some of it. He sees sin as it is. He knows the evil working that some wish to execute. He knows the birth of an evil thing, its plot, and its execution. They will have to answer to Him someday. When they are before Him there are no lies or excuses. He knows them better than they know themselves. He also knows their victims more than he does.

Having The Right View Of God And Jesus

Too many Christians basically see God as a hateful being, or at least a very strict one. The Bible says, however, that “God is love.” It also says, “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” God is wise. The Bible teaches us that He improves us as He would with clay. Jeremiah 29:11 shows that He has our best interest at heart. Jesus was just as helpful as could be. Even at risk to him he did not turn anyone away. He taught us to love each other. He did not hatefully lash out at anyone or demand things from them. He had the greatest power behind him too. He was highly selfless. He taught us that God will give us what we need. He told us that we are important to both him and God. He said he was our shepherd and will go out of his way to find any one of us. Jesus is deep with love and compassion, no doubt.

We can be faithful that God will not lead us into doing wrong things. He leads us into being better people, not harmful people. He would never ruin your life. Things like that are beyond Him. There is no sin in Him.

God will give us anything we ask for. Though we shouldn’t be greedy, not too greedy anyway, we can be sure that what we ask for in faith will be given to us. I have seen that occur again and again in fact. When it says to “ask in the name of Jesus,” that means that what you are asking for is something good, not something bad.

We can trust in God. He does not lie. He does not sin. He is true and dependable. He is known for such things. We can have the confidence that the Bible is a book without lies or human flaws. We can depend on God’s wisdom. We can depend on the Bible teaching us what we need to know in life.

I Don’t Sell, I Give

My favorite version of the Bible is the World English Bible, simply for the fact that it was a love project and placed into the public domain. A Christian company would give what they have created for free if a digital version is possible. You could call that a test. Do they want to help or do they want to make money? I have never written a book that was not free (as an ebook) and my books are public domain ones. I honestly don’t want to make money from them. I even set my revenue to nothing for the sake of making my books as inexpensive as possible. I could sell thirty books, get thirty cents.

After all, would a person make something for God and then ask for some money from it? Self serving Churches are even worse. They produce God’s things for their own profit. God will produce His patent to them someday, and they’ll pay the price.

The Most Fun I Ever Had At Church

First I have to admit that as a seven year old I could not keep myself awake at church. After all, with how quiet things were and what long talks the preacher had for us, that was only natural. My parents actually gave me a pen and a paper to doodle on to keep me awake. It was a good Church for children though. We had candy baskets, put on plays, and when we were particularly young we were watched over in a special room with lots of toys there. When I was eight my family went to a Church camp. It was out in the mountains of Colorado. We scaled Pike’s Peak at the time. I could climb that better as an eight year old better than I can now at age 42. There were these games and things around too that were a lot of fun. Even the bus trip over was fun, a long bus and a ride through the mountains.

There is no group like a Christian group. There’s always a Church around, too. Whether they are in small or large towns, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a city without a Church in it. When I was a teenager they’d pick us all up in a van and we’d attend a youth service at night time. That was a lot of fun, emotional too, when it came to singing. There are also vacation bible schools. Those are for children, including crafts, stories, and colorful booklets. There are lots of Churches that go out of town. They raise funds for that. They might share the expense or just reach for a donation goal so everyone can go.

I went to a church in town that would play classical music every.. Tuesday, Wednesday, I don’t remember the exact day. That was nice. Usually a duo or a trio. I also went to a Church that had a guy air painting really good paintings. He then sold them. He didn’t keep the money for himself, he gave it to the Church. It was like a service of his.

Then there are lots of churches which serve meals at any time of the day. They may have things like eggs and pancakes in the morning or just coffee and donuts. As a child I really enjoyed communion. They didn’t give us wine in that church but grape juice.

So church does not at all have to be a boring place. Christians don’t have to be boring. Christianity and the Church can be a lot of fun.

Conclusion/ Last Things To Say

I hope God blesses your life in every way. I hope you remain safe and healthy with a good life. We have learned here that maturity is an important thing in modern times. I have gone over the nature of wickedness so that you can know it better. Moat of all we must not worship the antichrist. Our God is a loving Father from whom we grow into better people. We should not regard Him as being some sort of strict and punishing God. He isn’t. We are either spiritual or animalistic. Animal-like people live off of pleasure all around them and cannot see beyond those boundaries. The spiritual person can control themselves and their emotions. Christianity is not a worldly religion. Our belief comes from the Bible, not the world. Giving is a nice thing. Helping is too. Those are two important things in Christianity. Christianity may not always be easy. It was not made to be easy. It was made to be Holy, no corners cut. We must keep our faith nonetheless. In fact it is in those times where you truly prove your faith. Remember, Christianity is about love. We should not harbor words such as “hate” in our minds and hearts. We should not use cuss words because they are always coupled with hate. A person doesn’t so much say “darn you” in a hateful way, to make a point. We must learn to be more understanding and a little more selfless.

Self discipline may not come easy but we must keep trying to refrain from bad behavior and words. Fortunately that gets better with age. We either mature up or down. Those going down land in jail. Those going up either don’t or don’t return there. God wants us to help the poor but He doesn’t expect us to become poor in the process. If you are poor, then you should be given to, not taken from. Children deserve a good and happy life. They will grow better that way. There is only one time in our life when we have that. That time where everything is so special and magical, and is a thing that should not be deprived from them.

There comes a point where you can ride on your own. Paul said we start out as milk drinkers until we mature enough to eat the meat. Jesus said that the righteous need no doctor. He also said he is after the lost sheep. There comes a time where we can stand on our own. Let us build our house with stone, not sand.

The End

About My Books

My books are all free and in the public domain. That is, free as ebooks. Use them freely.

My previous books are:

Christianity In The End Of Days

Christian Life And Christian Living

Becoming A Smarter Christian

Good Christian Philosophy To Live By

Keep an eye out for more. I am always writing.

A side project of mine is my “Notebook of New Video Game Ideas,” of which there are five currently. Those are handwritten notebooks I scanned in which contain new ideas to use in any video game (and are element based, not synopsis based.) Those books are, as well, in the public domain.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,

Adam Jeremy Capps.

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