Walking With Jesus Through the Gospel of Luke by Anthony Perry - HTML preview

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00001.jpgReading: Luke Chapter 1:1-45

In the beginning of Luke we hear that he set forth to make an accurate account of Jesus from eyewitnesses. Luke possibly traveled with the Apostle Paul from town to town, hearing from witness to witness.

Maybe he listened to a man named Peter at an evening fire, as the aging apostle shared the anguish of his memory from another evening fire, and the faithless words he spoke there.

Maybe he talked to Mary the mother of Jesus, as the children sat at her feet listening to her tell stories of her son, and his journey to the cross.
James the brother of Jesus could have shared his early disbelief, and the events that unraveled before his eyes; events that would ultimately have their place in his thoughts and heart.
John the Apostle in Jerusalem may have talked of his love for Jesus. He may have shared stories about how he used to rest his head onJesus’ chest. John experienced this Love early on and if effected his entire life.
Is there any doubt that this was an unveiling journey for Luke as he walked with Jesus through the stories of the many witnesses he interviewed? Each piece knit together to reveal the wonderful way of Jesus experienced by the lives of so many. How could Luke not be changed by these encounters and the miraculous unraveling of these wonderful tales?
These beginning verses show one thing. This is a miraculous story. So far it is a story where the old and young alike encountered a new birth. It is a story that brings the hopes and faith, of young and old alike, to new depths and new heights. It is a story of angelic messengers bringing great news. It is news that is hard to grasp for some, and news that is easily accepted by others. Ultimately it is news that God is doing something new in the world. It is something new, but something that was planned and woven together in the very fabric of time. It is the true perception of reality.
As you begin this journey what are some of things you are hoping to encounter as you walk with Jesus in the Gospel of Luke? Is it a new and miraculous birth, a new hope and faith, or an angelic message proclaiming that God is doing something new in your life? Are you looking for something God had planned and woven together into the fabric of time just for you?Maybe you don’t know, or haven’t really thought about it. Stop to think as you record some expectations. At the end of this thirty day devotional you will be asked to return here. See then, if God met your expectations, or if God gave you what you really needed.
_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Reading: Luke 1: 46-80

I have done it! Driving down the road, in the shower, sitting by a lake with fishing pole in hand, as the wind blew and the fresh smell of the cool fall evening rejuvenated my soul. I have broken into song and I have sung about the great things God has accomplished in my life. I have sung and wept, as I recalledGod’s faithfulness to me. All the while the Father was near listening to me, his adopted son, as I sang at his feet in the joy of his steadfast love and mercy.

I remember the songs I used to sing before I met him. They were songs of woe and sometimes songs of tears. I was singing to no one in particular. I was asking in song who really loves me, who cares, who will accept me for who I am, and who will never let me down. Songs that were sung to my own empty life, a life without purpose and meaning, and a life without the love I had always been searching to find. It was a search that existed in my earliest memories.

There is only one thing that makes me sing now. It is an unexplainable joy. It was this same joy that Zechariah and Mary experienced. It was Joy that made a silent mouth sing and young girl praise the God who did, was doing, and was going to do a new thing in her life. In reality it was joy for the whole world, because Zechariah’s and Mary’s joy was meant to be shared and experienced everywhere and with everyone. It is a joy that was meant to march into the sands of time. It was the beginning of an outpouring of joy that was meant to be poured into the future from the past and present. It was the seeds of joy planted within that would bear fruit in the hearts of many. This includes those who had not been born yet. This was the beginning of God pouring out joy into the hearts of the world absent of the divine joy it was meant to know.

What song has your heart been singing lately? Have you known the joy of God that births songs of complete bliss? Have you been singing songs of woe to your empty life? Are you ready for a new song to sing? A song birthed from an insuppressible joy through the God who has, and is, and is going to do a new thing in your life?

Sit at God’s feet. Sing to the Lord a new song. Remember your blessings and they will be the words of your song of thanksgiving. Sing to the one who desires the divine gift of joy to be established in your heart. Write the words to your new song below and on many occasions return to add to this list. Then sing them anew in a fresh thanksgiving.

_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Reading: Luke 2: 1-51

Imagine for a moment that you and your family are prisoners. You cannot express yourselves freely, move about freely, and none of you can venture out to find your life’s true purpose and live it to the fullest. Your prison guard is a harsh, cruel, and unfeeling task master. You are at the guard’s whim, you are the butt of the guard’s jokes, and you soon become embarrassed. Maybe you even learn to hate yourself, your life, and your very existence.

Now imagine that you receive a letter over and over again, year after year, that someone is coming to set you and your family free. This person is coming to remove the charges against you, your chains, and will imprison the very guard torments you night and day and keeps you locked up in your cell. These letters give you hope. You come to believe them. You wait expectantly as you endure your harsh imprisonment, but you wonder if freedom will ever come.

In some sense this is the story of the nation of Israel. The people Jesus was born amongst as citizen, neighbor, and redeemer. They had been waiting for such Deliverer. God had given them this promise over and over again throughout their history. It was written down in their letters. Throughout their history this people had been battered and worn, abused and trapped, wandered and strayed, and at the time of Jesus’ birth were captives of the Great Roman Empire and an empty religion, but their greatest imprisonment was to sin.

These people waited anxiously wondering if freedom would ever come. Then Jesus is born and the angels of heaven open the sky and sing a song of fulfillment. Shepherds hear the proclamation that the ancient promises have come true. After viewing the special child these shepherds run along the countryside to tell every one of the miraculous sights and sounds they had experienced in the night.
A week later the temple prophets sing songs of victory and praise at the sight of the child. God has opened their eyes to see the truth and their hearts were able to accept that God has visibly acted in human historyto set God’s people free.
All these things Mary treasured in her heart. She knew the one born to her was special. He was different. What twelveyear old has ever said, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house and doing my Father’s business?” He knew his purpose and he would fulfill it and no one needed to tell him what it was. Deep down Jesus knew!
His purpose was to set the prisoners free! Not from Rome, but from themselves and the life they were living trapped by sin. He came to set them free from the captor that had taken them prisoner, the harsh prison guard of sin. It was a burden to their souls and this task master was relentless. It made them hate themselves, to be embarrassed of themselves, to act unloving and unkindly to each other, and especially to the God of creation.
Do you feel imprisoned? Has life lost its vitality? Has life become a harsh taskmaster? Does it keep you from finding your way and living your life’s purpose? Do not blame it on your circumstances, your relationships, or your experiences. The prison you are in has always been built upon the foundation of sin.
Take some time to think about what it is in life that makes you feel imprisoned. Ask yourself why this is so important for you to be free from it? Does it make sense for you to feel this way?What’s at the basis of it all? Has your life been out of your control to change?
Write some of these things down and take them to God in prayer. Ask God to reveal the truth of these things and give you a heart to accept them for what they may be. Then ask Jesus to set you free from them. This is the beginning of a life long journey if we will remain in it. Over time the more we are set free, the more prisons we are able to recognize and hand over. All of these we turn over to the one who has the key to all of our cells. He is the Deliverer of God.

_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Reading: Luke 3: 1-6

This reading begins with a long list of important people in the land of Israel. God could have chosen anyone of these people to proclaim the coming of the Deliverer, but instead God chose John. A man who lived in the desert, ate locusts and wild honey,and wore a garment made out of a camel’s hide.

Yes, John was born to Zacharias who was a priest, but John who normally wouldhave been nurtured and trained to step into Zacharias’s shoes, chose the desert ministry instead. Who among us would go into a desert to hear anyone?

These strange, out of the ordinary and unexpected actions seem to be a pattern with God. For even the one called the Deliverer was born in a filthy stall where the animals were shuffled into at night. He wasn’t born in a palace, into riches, or into status. He might as well have been born on the top of a garbage dump. What does this say about God? Could it be saying something concerning God’s rejection of these things?

John came to prepare the way. I have seen many road construction projects. They have to clear away trees, houses, build bridges over valleys, and cut their way through mountains in order for others to travel safely in the direction they need to go.

John has come to clear the way for the Deliverer, but the road that needs cleared isn’t on land, but in people’s hearts. Doubt, lifestyle choices, upbringing, education, and self-centeredness which are all built upon sin block the way for the Deliverer. They block the way for the traveler to travel safely without any roadblocks towards God.

You might be thinking that if Jesus is the Deliverer, then why does the way need to be cleared in order for Him to set us free? The Deliverer sets us free, but the lock that keeps us imprisoned is in our own heart, and we must present our locked hearts to Him in faith, believing the Deliverer can set us free.

By using this devotional you have agreed to take a journey. It is a journey with Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. This journey is ultimately a journey of freedom to love God, and love others. It is a Journey to find life, love, joy, hope, peace, and contentment, because these things flow out of God andinto the traveler’s life. Before you can begin to make this journey with Jesus we must hear John. We must hear John everyday of our life. He calls for us to surrender the obstacles in the way of the King. We can’t reach God and God can’t reach us until we surrender the obstacles to the Deliverer that is in our way. Then the journey truly begins.

What obstacles of doubt are in your way? What things do you make excuses for in your life? What are some of the things that you know hurts others, or things that if others knew, then it would devastate them? What are some of the attitudes souring your heart towards God? If you want to really participate in this Journey, then we must hear John speak to us. He calls us to repent, or let go of these things and turn our direction to walking with God. What do you have to lose?

I do know what you stand to gain. You stand to gain freedom, life in abundance, joy, peace, happiness, contentment, love, and hope. You stand in the place to be able to see God and know God.

Write down some things that come to mind and ask God to help you believe and to forgive your unbelief. Offer God the lock on your heart, so that the Deliverer’s key can set you free.

_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Day 5: Luke 3: 7-19

There are two groups of people in this story who have come to listen to John. One groups consists of the financially well to do, those with power, and those with authority. The other group isn’t that viewable, but be assured they are there.

These are the ones who can’t afford new clothes, who are burdened by taxes exhorted from them at every turn, who are taken advantage of by people who are in positions of power. They are also the hungry, the sick, the imprisoned, and homeless.

Can you imagine how they must have felt when John stood up for their rights and needs? John rebuked those who were in part responsible for their pain. He explained that if they wanted to make the road straight in their life for God, then they needed to start caring about these people they have hurt and taken advantage. They needed to stop using people as a footstool to their own prosperity. People do not exist to make our life better. They are not there to take advantage of, to use, or to cheat. They are people of value and worth. We are all people of value and worth.

Greed is one of sins ugliest taskmasters. It always leaves you unsatisfied and wanting more. There are also those who are emotionally greedy. They expect people to live up to their expectations and meet their needs. They are often offended when others expect anything from them. They suck the life out of people for their own life. These people also need to make the way straight because God cares about all people and not caring about others is at the heart of sin.

As long as a person’s intentions and desires are set in wrong directions, then they will always be facing away from God. They will never be able to see God or know God.

“What must we do” is a good question to ask. What is even better is doing what we must do, when we learn we must do it. This is what John calls the fruit of repentance. It is the proof that we have indeed begun the journey with Jesus. It is proof that we are beginning to make the path straight. John helps people begin their journey with baptism which symbolizes their new birth, their new start, and their new life, but John tells of another baptism they will need. It comes from the Deliverer.

The Deliverer will baptize all; some with the Spirit of God, or the very freeing presence of God in their life, and others with an eternal fire.
That fire is a result of the presence of God being removed from their existence for eternity. It is the prison they loved on earth and in their prison they will remain. They thought, “At least I was in control of my own cell.” On this earth it was their hearts desire. In eternity it will be their heart’s greatest regret.
What about you? What is the fruit your life has shown? In what ways has greed and materialism taken you captive. Remember it is an ugly taskmaster that leaves you unsatisfied and always wanted something more. You can surrender this area of your heart to God. In its place God can place contentment, but it is a contentment that only God can give through His peace and indwelling Spirit.
Write down the things in your life that you think pleases God. Thank God for them and ask God to bless them even more. Then write down the things that may be considered physical or emotional greed. Ask God to replace them with God’s contentment. Also ask for God’s love to be imparted in your heart, so that you can treat people the way you yourself want to be treated.

_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Luke 4: 1-13

Do not be surprised when the Spirit of God that you now walk with leads you into the deserts of life. The deserts of life are the places where the heat oppresses, things grow stale, needs arise, pressures build, and your thirst for something more grows strong. It is in the desert you will face your worst enemy. How can you recognize this enemy? Go and look in a mirror. What you will see is your worst enemy.

The word Satan means “Hindrance.” It is something that has stepped in your way. It is something from within, but it can be manipulated by our outward circumstances and influences. It calls to you with all of its lies. It tries to trick you with all of its deception. But if you have been baptized and led by the Spirit to this place, know that God is near. God will make sure you escape as a more enduring and dedicated traveler.

What Jesus uses against this hindrance is what you will need to use when the hindrance appears. Jesus used the Word of God, the Worship of God, and Faith in God to remove the hindrance.

Your survival is dependent upon the Word. It is eternal, a light for any dark path, and bread of life for any hungry soul. All of hell fears the Word’s power and flees at the utterance of its sound.

The hindrance will always try to block your Worship. The time of singing, rejoicing, of loving and sharing in the lives of other travelers. God is seen in the praises of God’s people. The hindrance always attacks your direction in the Spirit and the truth that sets free.

The hindrance will attack your Faith. The hindrance will try to convince you that you don’t need this bread of life, or to twist the Word into lies and make it useless in your hands. The hindrance will try to turn you back and set your eyes upon mountains before you. Sometimes these are the very things that kept you from walking with God in the first place.

One degree off track is all the hindrance needs to get you lost . A ship that’s rudder is off one degree will end up far from its desired destination in time. The hindrance will also show you the easy path of giving up, of losing faith, and will try to make your journey of joy and life with God a trek through the desolate desert.

But if you have already been to the desert with God, then you already are aware of the way out. It foils the hindrance’s plans every time.
Take time below to schedule portions of your day to read the Word and to seek to know it and understand it. Make sure that your heart is worshipping God and God alone. Finally reject the lies. You are loved by God. God is near to you, and you are more valuable to God than all of creation. Faith can move mountains. The mountains are only lies. This is why God cares so much. This is why God sent a Deliverer.
_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Luke 4: 14-44

All of the people in the village were infected. They were all dying. The missionaries upon learning of the illness ravaging the village tried to enter to help, but their helpwasn’t wanted. The villagers had their own medicine and they had many gods. The healthier ones were able to chase the missionaries out from the village killing one of those who had come to care.

Feeling helpless and hurting because of their loss for a respected colleague, the missionaries buried their friend and said their mortal good-byes to their brother in the faith. They decided a different approach. They knew of a man who had left the village many years ago to live in the modern world. He spoke their language. He understood their beliefs, fears and thoughts. If he would go and explain they were there to help, then there still might be a chance to save the village from the obvious result of their disease.

The man agreed to help the missionaries and returned to his village, as the missionaries waited at a safe distance. Within a short time he too returned unsuccessful. He pleaded with the missionaries to remain and said he would try again the next day. On the next day it was the same result. Once again he begged the missionaries to remain for one more day convinced that he could get them in the village on the next day.

The man was true to his word. He returned and said the villagers will accept your help now. Upon entering the village the missionaries realized that all of the villagers were too ill to even stand. It was only when they had no more strength to fight that they accepted help.

This is the story of Jesus and his village. It is the story of God and the people of Israel. The prophets had come to these people to save them from death and they killed them or ran them off. Jesus returns to his home village offering them the truth of his identity and his help and they reject him. He would have saved some of them before it was too late, but they were too proud to accept the help. They believed instead they could do it on their own. God knew how wrong they were.

We have all heard of this Jesus we are walking with. We have heard of miracles, we may have even talked to people who claimed they were released from the evil spirits that plagued them. We may have even witnessed a miracle first hand. Someone miraculously cured, or miraculously delivered.

Our journey begins with this Jesus. He came to set the captives free, and to proclaim God’s good news to the whole world. We might think we are strong enough, good enough, that we do enough, and that we try hard enough. If this were true,then God wouldn’t have needed to send a Deliverer.

The sad truth may be that we really don’t believe God really sent Him. By saying this we call Jesus a liar and billions of people throughout history delusional because they have believed.

Can you think of some area in your life whether it is your finances, your marriage, your job, or your family where you have doubtedGod’s Deliverer could do any good, or where you have believed you were good enough, or smart enough? Chances are there is such a place. Chances are God’s Deliverer wants to do miraculous things for us in that place if we will only trust him.

Write down some areas where you feel uncomfortable in asking for God’ s Deliverance. Maybe it is a fear, a relationship, an embarrassing habit, a personal belief that doesn’t align with the truth that Jesus has taught concerning Himself, God, your life, or your relationships with others. Then pray and ask for His freedom today.

_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Reading: Luke 5

This chapter has some amazing stories and amazing outcomes. It begins with tired fisherman who not only fished this lake all of their life, but whom we know positively had fished it all night long. Was Simon Peter just humoring Jesus? You can almost hear the doubt in his words. “All-right, because you’ve asked I’ll give it a shot.”

I can almost feel their excitement as they begin to pull in their nets and realize the nets are full of fish. I love the fact that Simon Peter calls all his friends to share in the spoils. I could imagine their surprise when they saw the abundance of fish was so much that their boats were beginning to sink. How can anyone walk away from this scripture and not think something out of the ordinary was happening here.

Now if I had had just walked by and saw this happening I might think, “Hey these fisherman are having a lucky day.” I may not have seen anything spectacular at all. There is no doubt that this is miracle to Simon Peter. His words reveal something about him. “Lord go away from me. I’m a sinful man.”

Jesus saw the heart of the problem. Simon Peter was afraid. What kind of man could have the power to do something like this? Not a normal man. In Simon Peter’s mind he was convinced that he was in the presence of a Holy man of God and he was unworthy to be in his presence.

How humble is this picture of Simon Peter. Worthy or not the Deliverer said to him, “Walk with me and you will be a fisher of people.”
In the same way that Simon Peter called his friends to share in the harvest of fish, there were some other men in this chapter who wanted their friend to share in the miraculous harvest. These men wanted their friend to share in the blessings of Jesus. They had heard of his miracles. They may have even witnessed the Deliverer in action.
Their friend was crippled; he couldn’t walk, use the bathroom alone, change without the help of others, and had no way of providing for his earthly needs. He had lost all strength to do something about his situation, but his friends had the strength to not only carry him to the Deliverer, whom they were sure could do something, but to remove part of the roof and lower him down.
Jesus seeing their faith and love for their friend says something we all should hear. “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus called him his friend and at the same time he said, “Your sins are forgiven.”
Did I miss the place where this crippled man asked for forgiveness? Did I miss the notion that Jesus revealed that his freedom from sin was freedom from his infirmity? To be forgiven is to be healed and to be healed is to be forgiven. The deliver had set him free and called him friend.
What kind of friends do we have? Would our friends call us to share in the spoils? Would they carry us to the Deliverer? Better yet, what kind of friend are you to others, to the sick and those needing help? Would you be a good enough friend to lead them to Jesus.
Write below how you can be a better friend not only to others, but to Jesus. Then pray and ask God to change your heart to be a better friend. To be a friend that would share in the spoils of Christ’s abundance with others, who would carry a friend to Christ, and who desires to live in a close friendship with the Deliverer of God.
_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Reading: Luke 6

Did you walk with Jesus through the grain fields and hear people judge you because you don’t live up to their rules or traditions. Did you hear Jesus say the Sabbath Day was made so that people could rest and spend time with God and doing good? Did you hear Jesus say that people were more important that rules and traditions?

Did you sit with him through the night as he prayed and found guidance to choose the disciples?

Did you go with him the next day and hear him teach? What was it he taught? He seems to be teaching of a great reversal. People who suffer in this world will find relief and abundance and those who are living it up will regret their selfishness at the expense of others in need.

Did you hear him teach what love really should look like for others? He said love enemies, do good things for those who persecute you, don’t expect anything back from those who borrow from you, and show mercy as God shows mercy.

Forgive as God forgive s you, and don’t judge others when you are guilty of the same things.
What is the picture of God painted here? It isn’t the picture of the lightning bolt God who will punish all the wicked. Rather it’s a picture of a God who loves and treats everyone the same, no matter what kind of person we label them.
God is true to His character no matter who God is dealing with. How unlike us God is! Many people pick and choose whom they d

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