We Need the Crown and Not the Cross by Tebogo Victor Aphane - HTML preview

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If a creator God needs to have been made by a creator, that creator would also need a creator who needs a creator … like an infinite chain of toppling dominos, which is an impossibility. Question is a major objection that “The great argument for God was that there had to be a Creation, a beginning. … But my objection was simple. If God was the beginning who began God?” 2 The universe had a beginning; almost no one disputes that, because the laws of thermodynamics demand it: the universe is running down and it cannot have been running down forever, or it would have already run down.

No stars would be still churning out energy and we would not be here. Some have proposed one universe giving birth to another, but again, there cannot be an infinite series of such births and deaths, as each cycle must have less energy available than the last and if this had been happening for eternity, the death of everything would have already happened.

There must have been a beginning. One of the most established principles of logic science reality is the principle of causality: something that has a beginning has a sufficient cause. The principle is not, ‘Everything has a cause’; Bertrand Russell misstated it. No, the principle is, ‘Everything that has a beginning has a sufficient cause’. Just a moment’s thought confirms this— something which had no beginning has no need of a cause.

This principle of causation is so fundamental that if I said that the chair you are sitting on, which must have had a beginning, just popped into existence without any cause, you might justifiably think I need a psychiatric assessment!

Enough with science class forgive me I tend to get carried away…

My point is everything that has a beginning it has to have the ending, and everything that has a beginning it must have a sufficient cause (something or someone who created it or caused).

The bible says, “…being confident of this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion…” Philippians 1:6 NIV.

So this becomes as an encouragement that whatever that we go through God will take us out. I know you like what you mean. “6th to 9th hour.” The bible says, “…From the 6th till 9th hour the face of the earth was covered with the darkness….” Luke 23:44 NKJV.

I believe the Sun couldn’t stand to see the Son being crucified, the mountains trembled, and the trees couldn’t stand as they were declaring, “we have never seen such a thing ever, No!” ***and I can only imagine that...***

If God declared the light in the beginning, why didn’t He declare it in this scene as His Son died for our sin?

Well but I want you to notice something the writer tells us the starting time of the darkness covering the face of earth and He also tells us the ending point. Why? you see if God set a trial before you then He also sets an ending time of it, and the sad part is while we are in our darkest moment it can be in our marriages, relationships and so on He cannot intervene but He becomes like a teacher He invigilate while you writing the test of life.

So hear me out, your darkest moment in your life are not forever why? Because those moments had a beginning and everything that has a beginning has a sufficient cause and it has an ending. So God has your back like Jesus. I believe God would have stopped everything and say, “I am not going to let you do this to my Son...” but He did nothing.

Isn’t it frustrating at times to go before God and cry your heart out and it seems like He is not even listening? Well He is listening. The problem most people do is, they want God to listen to them but they don’t want to listen to God. The purpose of prayer is not to convince God to give you what you want but it changes the nature of the one who is praying.

Despite the condition, Jesus says, “Father into your hands I command my spirit.” Jesus shows a sign of surrender. Let me ask you this, who do you give your phone to? Of course to people who you trust that they will not run away with it, and they won’t be going through your text. We never give away something we value most just to anyone, because we don’t want to lose it.

So Jesus surrendered His life to the giver of life, who do you run to when the darkest moments hits you in your face? Do you run to people? Well I suggest you run to God.

“Blessed is a man who put his trust in God”-Jeremiah 17:7 NIV.

Always remember this, “they is no crown without the cross”

It’s evident that when Jesus gets to be crucified, the 5000 thousand people He fed were not there, the woman with an issue of the blood she wasn’t there, ooooh how about a blind man He healed across the road? He wasn’t there.

I love slow jam music so to say, “Soul” but the 90’s records not this modern one it insult my brain. They is this song by NEW EDITION “can you stand the rain.” The lyric goes like this:

On a perfect day I know that I can count on you.

When that’s not possible tell

Me what can you weather the storm?

Cause I need somebody who will stand by me through the good times and the bad times

She will always, always be right there.

Then the chorus goes like:

Sunny days everybody loves them tell me baby

Can you stand the rain? Storms will come this we know for sure

Can you stand the rain?

The writer basically says when everything is so well I know I can count on you, but we know that’s impossible at some point we will face some challenges. So I want you to tell me you will be there for me.

Only if Jesus knew the song when He was having a supper with disciples - (Luke 22:14-23 NKJV) He would sing it and say: On this perfect table I know I can count on you.

When that’s not possible tell me

What can you weather the storm?

Because I need somebody who will stand by me through the good times (crown) and the bad times (cross)

He will always be right there.


And later that night in their group chat they would be like:


It’s so painful that people when everything is good they can promise you the whole world, but when reality kicks in guess what? They are nowhere to be found.

That’s why most churches only preaches about suffering rather they teach about only one side of a coin( money, marriage, success, houses, cars and so on) if you want a coin they is no way you can accept one part and hate the other. You have to accept the both sides appreciate the tail at times and the heads at times too.

That why churches are so full, why? People are being taught what they want to know not the absolute truth. You tell them something that makes them happy well they will follow you, I call them mass revelations. It teaches about what good things Jesus did but it never teaches about what Jesus went through, it teaches about the end results.

We then so mesmerized when our generation lacks faith, reason being; they have substituted faith with some materialistic things. They trust their car that it can lead them to their destiny but they don’t trust God that He can do the same. They trust their jobs will provide for their needs and yet they cannot trust God. The reason being we been taught that its’ our right to get the bread but we never been taught about the maker/baker of the bread. So we spend the whole time trusting and putting our faith on the bread, and forgetting that the bread cannot bake it self but it needs a baker. We end up praising and admiring the bread more than the baker of the bread.

We have diluted Christianity into something that is not, we believe that if you Christian and you go through the cross you then have sinned the Lord He is punishing you. Well I have news for you!! Jesus went through the cross even though He was not a sinner.

We have made God look like an ATM machine; which we only admire it when we want to withdraw some cash because we are in need. And even though we don’t make deposit we always expect something.

The bottom line is people will drop when all hell breaks loose and when facing your cross but they will then run back to you when you got the crown.