We Need the Crown and Not the Cross by Tebogo Victor Aphane - HTML preview

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Jesus would have said, “You know what I will start living life after I have conquered the cross. I will eat the last supper after the crucifixion. I will pray well and long hours after what I am facing now.”

He would have told a woman of an issue of blood, that woman wait I have to deal with this blind man first or I should figure out what I must give to those 5000 people you see over that mountain. But we realize that Jesus He deals with any situation He faces at hand. In the mist of the problem he faces He still take time to enjoy the gospel and share to the poor.

“Let to dance in the storm don’t wait for the storm to end…before you can dance.”

So many people put off living until they reach some magical rose garden over the horizon. They see their day activities as merely something to be endured so they will, “One day” be able to enjoy the, “fruits” of their labors.

Have you heard a song of the bear that climbed over the mountain to see what he could see. When he got to the top of the mountain what do you think he saw?  He saw another mountain. So what do you think he did? The bear climbed over the mountain? Yes! He did.

You can chose to see your life as one mountain after another, rising up to make your life difficult, or you can chose to be grateful for the opportunities that exist. Realize that success of your life lies more in the climbing of the mountains than reaching the top. Without the climb you could not reach the top, like Jesus without the cross they wouldn’t be a crown for Him. The pleasure of life lies in how much you enjoyed the climbing.

Take time to enjoy your journey, while climbing the mountain take the time to appreciate the view. Don’t worry about how far you still have to go. Congratulate yourself on how far you come. If you do not enjoy the journey it is likely that you won’t enjoy the destination.

Have you ever taken the time to stop and watch the sunset? No artist could ever match the colors painted in the sky. No sunset will ever be repeated and some of them just get more magnificent the longer you watch.

Your life happens to you one moment at a time. Now is everything. What you do, “Now” becomes your memory. What you do, “now” affect your future. They are times were Jesus amazes me most, He said, “my time has not yet come.” (John 2:4 NIV) Also Jesus would not go to certain place because they were dangerous for Him; we see that in (John 7:1 NIV) if He did then His action would have affected His mission He would be killed before the right time.

So be careful who you tell your mission and your goals, because in our lives we also have that one Judas Iscariot who will and he can betray us.

Now is but a fleeing moment in the endless flow of life, yet from it we create all our joys and strife. What are you going to do with every moment of your life? How are you going to live?