We Need the Crown and Not the Cross by Tebogo Victor Aphane - HTML preview

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“…I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. So make yourself an ark….” Genesis 5:13-14 NIV.

Imagine if I come to you and say, “God said I must build an Ark because in 2020 they is a big floods coming.” You will be like, “Nurse! Admit this young man he isn’t well up there.” But in contrary if I come to you and say, “God told me I should marry you.” Hehehe! You will dance NAY! NAY!

Anyway let’s move on, when Noah was building an Ark I believe people said he was crazy.

Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not sudden, spectacular program. Spencer W. Kimball Ten things I learned from this story

  1. Don’t miss the boat.
  2. Sometimes God destroys in order to save.
  3. Plan ahead. God will do what He says. It was raining when Noah was building the Ark.
  4. Stay physically, spiritually, and mentally fit. When you are 500 years old someone may ask how you do something really big.
  5. When you are following God’s commands, don’t listen to the critics who say you’re crazy.
  6. Build your future on the high ground of prayer let God help you with biggest responsibilities.
  7. Be patient and give God time. Noah didn’t disembark until God told him to-six month after landing on dry ground.
  8. The ark was built by amateurs trusting in God. The titanic was built by professionals trusting themselves.
  9. They need to be rain in order to see a rainbow.
  10. God cares.

It is so important to note that you need God to help you face the cross or whenever you have to build the Ark.

Let me take you to a statistics first year. We have something called a subset. If we say A is a subset of B we saying; they are certain elements that are on B which are not on A. it looks like this:


You see they are certain elements that are in B which you cannot find in A (that blue part) but however they are elements which A and B share in common.

I know you like brother!! Now you talking in tongues, nope I am not. Let me put it this way: they are certain parts that which are in a woman but not in a man, that which I can’t be stating them now  but however they are certain parts that both genders male and female they have which are common. The eyes, nose, legs and so on.

But note although a man has something in common with that which is in woman doesn’t make him a woman

My point is; God said let us make a man in our own likeness. We know for sure that somewhere somehow we have something in common with God in our inner selves. But however that doesn’t makes us God, because if we say we are our own God then we error.

Hehehehee!  I am going to make you think today, think of it this way; I may walk, talk or even look like my father and so on but I am not my father  we might share something in common; teeth, eyes, nose and even DNA’s but bottom line is I am not my father. No matter how educated I can become the fact is; he will always be my father and I will never become him.

Today my society has put their trust on cars, careers, houses and positions. What we did we have substituted God with materialistic things instead of worshipping God we now worship what we possess. We define ourselves based on what we possess and then we qualify ourselves as to be our own God. We become independent we have detached ourselves from the creator.

We then corrupted the principle that Jesus portrays in the garden of Gethsemane. Although He could walk on the water, fed the five thousands, preach the gospel to masses without a micro-phone (Between me and you I still don’t know how He did it, without a twitter but He had followers) and He healed the sick. Yet He goes before the father and He prays to Him that I have done them all but facing the cross it’s going to be hard Lord.

Beside the garden of gethsemane He would wake up in the morning to go and pray (Mark 1:25 NIV). This proves they is no one who can say I am way too strong that I don’t need God, if Jesus needed God to accomplish His mission; how more do we need God in our daily lives?

“I am the vine you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bear much fruit; for without me you cannot do nothing.”- (John 15:5 NKJV)

  • Jesus without God He would have not conquered the cross 
  • Noah without God he wouldn’t have built the Ark 
  • Job without the misery he would have not survived 
  • Joseph without God he would have not became a governor 
  • Shadrack, MIshack, and Abednego they would have not survived the fire without God
  • David would have not survived in that lion’s den.

Always know that they that prepare they don’t have to repair. How do we prepare? With prayer and the word of God  learn to pray even when you not in problems, learn to go to the garden of Gethsemane even if you not going to face the cross.

In your life, marriage, career and everything learn to invite God while building knows that He is with you. And He will give you power to face the cross.