We Need the Crown and Not the Cross by Tebogo Victor Aphane - HTML preview

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We have people today who are way interested in the crown or should I say the position rather than the cross which is where the mission is established. The gospel was preached in the journey to the cross that was God mission, not in the cross, well in the cross it was the fulfillment of what the prophets said and also what Jesus taught in the journey to the cross.

The problem with people who are in a rush of the position rather than the mission, they tend to kill people who surround them. And their actions and choices affect those people badly.

E.g. visits at your place for supper because I have a load shading in my area. And there you are so focused in impressing me and bring supper so fast just to show me you can really cook. You looking at the end results and missing the purpose of cooking, which is; you cook so that people can eat, enjoy and provided your food are eatable.

Hehehe! And then you will bring me a lamb chop that is not cooked well or in general food that looks tempting and delicious but when you start eating they are…..so I end up having a runny tummy, you see; your choices affected me and maybe also a man of the house who buys food because now you have to throw them away.

My little sister asked me this question; how do you make a fish aware of the water? I responded, “By taking out of the water.”

The fish does not think about where it is, it merely is, however take a fish out of the water and it cannot survive, it struggles to get back to the water, put it back in and I think it will be one grateful fish.

How often do we only realize the value of what we had once we no longer have it? We take so many things for granted, while we had it we did not appreciate it but as soon as it was gone we missed it. Then we wish we could get it back.

You see a person who focuses on the mission, when they get on the position pride doesn’t rule them. If I went through the cross to the get crown, my struggles make me to appreciate the crown and acknowledge without the garden of Gethsemane (prayer and God) I couldn’t make it. So that helps me as to not take the glory as my own God, but as to say to God you deserve all the glory, thank you.

“What cannot be tested cannot be trusted…”

Today Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father because He conquered the cross. And the cross makes Him to appreciate the crown.

Noah in building the Ark the hard work and the hours he put in crafting that, made him to appreciate the Ark. And him building the Ark by getting instructions from God, that made him to have even thousands reason to give God the Glory because they was no way he could have built it alone.