We Need the Crown and Not the Cross by Tebogo Victor Aphane - HTML preview

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Look at this picture; one of my favorite. It took one word to pain it which could be; sketch a “WOMAN” but interestingly it can take thousands words to describe what’s in the picture. For e.g. I could say about the picture;

Her beauty is that of a million diamonds

Glittering in the sun

Each reflecting its own ray of light making brilliant


The angles gasp in the wake of her presence

She in herself a masterpiece of God’s work

A vivacious and beautiful woman

I know you like wow! And that’s nice. I believe even God Himself painted a picture with one word, “LOVE” and in that picture the cross was there and the crucifixion. “For God so loved…” my God is kind and He saved humankind. What kept Jesus moving it was the picture that was painted by one word, “LOVE” So that kept Him going because instead of focusing on what He couldn’t do or doesn’t want He focused on what the picture said, “LOVE” and the picture included the cross.

In application of our lives. We must understand that our words paint pictures in our minds and then we live up to those pictures. What pictures are your words painting?

Your mind responds to the pictures that you give it to work on. It doesn’t care if the picture is something that you want or something that you do not want. It will go to work to make the picture a reality. Your mind supports you without question and will do for you whatever you ask. Therefore it is important that you learn to ask for what you actually want.

Wherever Jesus would go and whenever He would face the challenges the picture of, “LOVE” would appear and it included all that He had to go through. So He would be reminded I am doing this for love and the reward is worth it.

The bible says, “Write the vision and make it plain on the TABLETS, that whoever reads it may run…” Habakkuk 2:2 NKJV

OOOOOH! Nooo, did you see that? “TABLETS” who said they were no tablets in those times? You see?  Anyway….on a serious note

Every time people who read the vision it would give them zealousness to do more. So is Jesus every time He would think the picture, “LOVE” He would be determined to finish the race.

Now you see the problem with most people is that they do not know what they want, but they do know what it is that they don’t want and they keep asking not to get it and are constantly frustrated because that is exactly what they get. Until you become clear on what it is that you want and then insist on getting it you will keep on getting what’ve got.

“Jesus had a clear picture, what it was that He had to do on this earth…”

When wanting to change anything in your life it is important to use a “moving forward” strategy than a “moving away” strategy. You have got to get your mind focused on where you want to go. You have to superimpose the picture of what you want over a picture of what you do not want.

Monitors your talks. Take time to listen to your use of words, ask yourself if they are positive and supportive or negative and sabotaging. Hence the bible says, “Let your conversation always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone…” Colossians 4:6 NIV

“I never want to be like that” creates a picture of what you do not want. Rather identify what you would have then say, “I want to be like this” “I do not want to be poor” creates a picture of being poor is that what you want? No, then why give your mind that picture to work with.

Learn to work out what you want and then use words that create the picture of what you want.