What Exactly Is A Shiva Lingam? by Mr. Rahul Dudhane - HTML preview

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5 - Shiva Lingam as a Science Symbol


Many Hindus believe that stories and concepts in Hindu scriptures are allegorical, and there is hidden science in them. The Shiva lingam is also not an exception to it.


But before looking into if there is any science in it, we will see if there is any science in Hindu scriptures.


1. Sun travels on a chariot of seven horses (Rigveda 1.50.8).


“Seven Bay Steeds harnessed to thy car bear thee, O thou farseeing One,
God, Sūrya, with the radiant hair.”


If one reads it plainly, it appears to be a part of a mythological story where the Sun god is moving in his chariot, but the scientific meaning of the above verse could be that sunlight consists of seven colors.


2. For thousands of years, Hindus know that there are nine planets, but they could only get the five names correctly.


Nine Planets: Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Moon, Rahu, and Ketu.

We now know that Sun, Moon, Rahu, and Ketu are not the planets, but still, they got five names correct, and it is interesting to know why they stick to the number nine. Why did they not say that there were 8 or 10 planets?


3. Time is different on different planets.


In Hindu scriptures, it is mentioned that one day of Lord Brahma is equivalent to 8.64 billion human years.


Also, one divine year (a year of gods) is equivalent to 360 human years.

This concept is used in many Hollywood sci-fi movies.


4. Many Hindu texts mention that there are about 8.4 million species on the Earth.


Per modern science, there are about 8.7 million species on Earth. Some people say it is a work of imagination, but it does not really seem so.


There are many such examples that prove there is definitely some science in the Hindu scriptures. This is true not only for Hinduism but for other religions also. E.g., In the Bible, it is mentioned that Eve was created from the rib of Adam. Now we know that it is possible with the help of genetic engineering.


Therefore, many Hindus believe that Shiva lingam is nothing but a symbol of science.



5.1 - Atomic Model


If you are a science student, you would be aware of what an atomic model is.


Bohr’s atomic model:




Image 5.1.1 – Bohr’s Atomic Model (licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0)


Image Credit: Sharon Bewick (raster); Adrignola (vector)


The matter is made of molecules, and a molecule is nothing but a group of atoms. An atom consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Every atom has a nucleus that is composed of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and neutrons have no charge. Almost all the mass of an atom is in its nucleus.

Electrons are negatively charged and revolve around the nucleus. The number of protons and electrons in an atom are the same. A strong nuclear force abides all these subatomic particles together and counteracts the repulsive force (Coulomb force) that causes a particle to repel each other.


Some Hindus believe that the Shiva lingam is nothing but an atomic model in which:


  1. Lord Shiva represents neutrons with no electric charge (He is an ascetic and generally does not participate in worldly activities).
  2. Lord Vishnu signifies proton with a positive electric charge (He is the protector and takes an active part. He protects the universe from evils. Hence, he is positive).
  3. Lord Brahma signifies electrons with a negative electrical charge (He is considered inferior to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. He is born from the lotus that came out of Lord Vishnu’s navel that signifies the bond between a proton and an electron. Electrons are shared between atoms to produce molecules. Hence, Lord Brahma is the creator).
  4. Goddess Shakti is the strong nuclear force that abides the subatomic particles (The word Shakti means power or energy. The pedestal unites Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh).


An atom is a fundamental building block of the visible universe. Therefore, Shiva lingam represents an atomic model.


This assumption seems to be based on the contemporary shape of a Shiva lingam, but it does not explain the shapes of swayambhu lingams and Bana-lingams in which there is no pedestal or other parts. There is no explanation for Coulomb’s force also. Therefore, we cannot say for sure that it is an atomic model.



5.2 - Shiva Lingam as a Nuclear Reactor


In one of the episodes of the TV series, Ancient Aliens (season 11, Episode 15), it is claimed that the Shiva lingam is nothing but a nuclear reactor. Many people also think the same.


1. Its shape is similar to a nuclear power plant.




Image 5.2.1 – Salem Nuclear Reactor Plant


Image Credit: Peretzp (licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0)

2. The axial view of a damaru (a musical instrument) of Lord Shiva also looks somewhat like a containment building of a nuclear reactor.


Image 5.2.2 – Damaru


Image Credit: Multiple authors Goa University (licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0)




Image 5.2.3 – Nuclear Power Plant


3. The base of a lingam looks similar to a round structure at the bottom of a nuclear reactor containment building that is used to dispose of polluted water.


4. Water is used to cool a nuclear reactor. In the same way, water dribbles on a Shiva lingam from a vessel hung over it. Also, Hindus pour water and milk on top of it.


5. Most of the nuclear reactors are built near an abundant source of water. Many Lord Shiva temples are found near an abundant source of water, especially rivers.


6. Lord Shiva is known as a destroyer. A nuclear reactor can also be used for destruction.


7. It is scientifically proved that an extract of bel leaf (Aegle marmelos) reduces the symptoms of radiation-induced sickness and increases survival of the victim. Hindus offer bel leaves on a Shiva lingam as they are favorites of Lord Shiva.


8. According to Fritjof Capra (a physicist), the Tandava of Nataraja (the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva) metaphorically represents the subatomic particle dance. The statue of Nataraja is kept in CERN, the European Organization of Nuclear Research in Geneva. 


9. Some people also claim that 12 Jyotirlingas are radioactive, but it is not yet proved scientifically.


This assumption also seems to be based on the shape of a Shiva lingam. Also, it does not explain the shape of Bana-lingams.



5.3 - Shiva Lingam as a UFO


If you are a Hindu, then you must have heard about the stories of Lord Shiva and the goddess Parvati flying around in their airplane. What if those stories are true?


Archaeologists have found some hieroglyphs that resemble helicopters, airplanes, and balloons in Egypt.




Image 5.3.1 – Some Objects Look Like a Helicopter and/or Balloon




Image 5.3.2 – UFO in Egyptian Hieroglyphs


Image Credit: MSN


In the above image, we can clearly see a spaceship with three stands. These Egyptian hieroglyphs are at least 5000 years old.




Image 5.3.3 – UFO with a Light Column


A typical UFO looks very much like a Shiva lingam. Then, is it not possible that it is nothing but a UFO, and the pillar of light mentioned in the Lingodbhava story is the light coming out of it as we see in sci-fi movies or described by the people who claim to have had alien encounters? Is it not possible that thousands of years ago people saw Lord Shiva and Goddess Uma coming out of a UFO but could not understand what it was but knew it was something very powerful and started worshiping it as a symbol of them?


In Hinduism, Nandi (a divine bull) is believed to be the vehicle of Lord Shiva on the back of whom he travels from places to places. The hump of a bull looks very similar to the lingam. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the vehicles of gods are actually spaceships in which they travel! Therefore, it is quite possible that the Shiva lingam is the spaceship of Lord Shiva.


Hindu scriptures are full of stories about gods and their aerial chariots. Who gave them that knowledge? Some people, mainly atheists, say that these are only imaginations, but is it not possible that after a few years we would be flying in a spaceship that looks like a Shiva lingam?


If you accept that Lord Shiva is a powerful god, then why is it impossible that he could have an advanced spaceship that he uses for travel? Is it not possible that when Hindus saw their gods traveling in their spaceships, they made gods’ homes (temples) in the shapes of those?



Image 5.3.4 – A Hindu Temple Shaped like a Vimana. Pillars represent fires coming out of an aircraft  (licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0).


Credit: Ms. Sarah Welch


This assumption does not explain the shape of swayambhu lingams and Bana-lingams.



Other Science Symbols that are believed to be a Shiva Lingam:

  1. Blackhole.
  2. Pineal gland.
  3. Positive and negative energy.
  4. Particle and wave nature of matter.
  5. Meteorite.