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bodies were.

1 Corinthians 15:52

52. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the

trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and

we shall be changed.


Corinthians 15:52 is the time when we change from our FLESH


flesh bodies at the instant of Christ's return! "The Dead

(meaning spiritually dead) shall be raised incorruptible" is


remaining on earth who have not yet been granted eternal life

are changed into spiritual bodies which do not deteriorate like

flesh. These spiritual bodies do not become diseased or feel

pain like a flesh body. What the Apostle Paul is referring to when

he says "WE shall be changed" is God's elect. Paul was and still

is one of God's elect. So, we will all be in SPIRITUAL bodies for

the 1000 year Millennium period before the Great White Throne


No this is not talking about a rapture. What it means is those that are

spiritually dead AND those that are spiritually alive (truly believe in the

True Christ) wil both be changed into spiritual bodies.

While I'm at it, let me state there is no rapture! The rapture idea was started by a little old lady named Margret McDonald around 1830.

She had some mental problems and had a dream which she later

said she felt was evil. It was about people flying away at Christ's

returning. There were a couple of clergy there who seized upon the

idea and propagated it. The rapture in NOT Biblical!

As a matter of fact, God Says in Ezekiel 13:20 He is against those

that hunt souls to make them fly to save their souls and cover His

outstretched hands with pil ow cases and kerchiefs so His children

can't properly see them. If you use a Strong's Concordance and do a

little homework you will clearly find this in the following scripture


Ezekiel 13:18-23

18. And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew

pil ows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every

stature to hunt souls! Wil ye hunt the souls of my people, and wil ye

save the souls alive that come unto you?

19. And wil ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley

and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to

save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people

that hear your lies?

20. Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your

pil ows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I wil

tear them from your arms, and wil let the souls go, even the souls

that ye hunt to make them fly.

21. Your kerchiefs also wil I tear, and deliver my people out of your

hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted; and ye

shall know that I am the LORD.

22. Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad,

whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the

wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising

him life:

23. Therefore ye shall see no more vanity, nor divine divinations: for I

will deliver my people out of your hand: and ye shall know that I am

the LORD.

Oh, one more note on the rapture. Most people who have been

fooled into believing this are shown the scriptures from 1

Thessalonians 4:16-17. But you must go back to verse 13 to

determine the subject of the writing. Basically the Apostle Paul is

saying, "I would not have you be ignorant as to where the dead


The dead are already in heaven with God.

Read Ecclesiastes 12:6-7

6. Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or

the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the


7. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall

return unto God who gave it.

Read II Corinthians 5:8

8. We are confident, I say, and wil ing rather to be absent from the

body, and to be present with the Lord.

Also, II Thessalonians shows us that Satan, The son of Perdition,

comes before Christ and sets himself up on Mt. Zion as Christ.

Read II Thessalonians 2:1-9

1. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus

Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by

spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is

at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,

except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be

revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or

that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,

shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these


6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his


7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now

letteth wil let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall

consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the

brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all

power and signs and lying wonders,...

I'm not going to go into a long discussion on the rapture here since it

is a doctrine of MAN. At the end of this work I will tell you how to find more information on all of the subjects I have mentioned.

Another important point is that Christ returns to earth to set up His

kingdom here. We just change dimensions when He comes, NOT


Okay, let's get back to the truth. When Christ returns at His second

coming it will start the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth called the

MILLENNIUM. At this time those found doing Christ's work when He

returns (the Elect) wil teach those who never had a chance to hear

Christ's "correct" story. In this way they that were fooled, while in their earthly bodies, can hear the true story of Christ and can

choose to follow or reject Christ. You see God is completely fair.

Is this a second chance? NO, definitely not! This is for those who did

NOT hear the TRUE Gospel Story of Christ. They then have a chance

to ask Him to forgive their sins at the end of The Second Earth Age.

Let me make a point here. People all over the world wil be fooled by

Satan when he returns, thinking he is God. People from all religions

and all walks of life wil be fooled. It doesn't matter if you are of

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. Satan wil present himself as all

things to all people. And the bible says the whole world wil go

whoring after him.

So when the True Christ comes it wil begin the Mil ennium. Christ wil

set Himself up in Jerusalem and Satan wil be bound and locked in

the abyss.

At the END of The Mil ennium (the 1000 year period that ends the

2nd earth age) God wil loose Satan for a very short time so those

who have then been correctly educated about Christ can be tested to

decide if they want to follow Christ or Satan. (This happens just

before the Great White Throne Judgment.)



when all souls are judged as redeemed, or not redeemed. Those who

believe in Jesus Christ and choose to follow Him will spend eternity

with God. Those souls who do not accept Christ will be snuffed

out and cease to exist.

Many Christians fear The Great White Throne Judgment. This should

NOT be the case! Yes, God wil judge those that are unworthy to be

done away with; to be snuffed out. But, those that God judges as

worthy will RECEIVE REWARDS for the good works they have


No, God is NOT going to torture souls for eternity as some would

have you believe. This is just more "corrupted Christian teaching";

More Doctrines of Man. What kind of a loving God would He be if He

tortured His children forever? That's just more incorrect interpretation,

incorrect translation, and more false doctrine of man, spread by man

and various religious organizations.

The truth is that God loves us and has given us a chance to return to

Him in love. He has taken the time to write us a letter (The Bible) to

foretell us al things through his prophets and Jesus Christ Himself.

Remember, Mark 13:23 says,

13. Behold, I have foretold you al things.

Also, remember

2 Timothy 2:15.

15. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that

needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

So don't be fooled. If you haven't already asked Christ to forgive your

sins, do so now. Just ask God in a simple prayer to forgive you of all

your sins. And end the prayer by praying in Jesus' name.

You might say something as simple as, "Father, please forgive me for

all my sins. I ask this in Jesus' name."

If you sincerely ask it, It will be done! You are forgiven and have again become a child of God. You are in His good graces. Just live

your life following Christ's example and study His word.

If you should stumble and sin again, just ask God to forgive you again

and go on with your life. He knows you're not perfect. He just wants

you to try your best to live for Him in His love. Remember, He loves

you! When you come to Him and ask for forgiveness with a "truly

repentant heart", He WILL forgive you.

God understands and knows you are not a habitual sinner, but just

occasionally slip up. We all do. You don't need to "get saved" again as some would teach. Don't re-crucify Christ. Just truly repent

(sincerely ask for forgiveness) and go on with your life. You can't

"Con" God. He truly understands.

Also remember NOT to be fooled when The False Messiah comes.

Satan wil do his best to trip you up. Satan wants you to Worship

him. Don't do it. (Just remember Anti-Christ means INSTEAD of

Christ.) God has promised to give us the strength and knowledge to

defeat Satan through Christ. Christ will protect you if you ask Him.

Just ask Him! It's that simple!

So now, hopefully, your eyes have been opened and you understand

The Key of David. You know who the Kenites are; The descendants

of Satan himself.

Now when you come to passages that you have read many times

before they wil take on new meaning and expanded truth for you. Of

course, you also now know the false Christ comes before the real


I encourage you to study Gods word on a daily basis. Set aside some

time EVERY day to pray and read from the scriptures. If you have

understood this book you will now see things in the scriptures you

never saw before.

Please understand this is not my doing. It is God's doing. He has

always had a "remnant of people" to pass this information from one

generation to the next. This doesn't make you better than anyone

else. It doesn't make you more spiritual or superior or special. It

DOES mean you have more responsibility; Responsibility to pass this

information on in this generation to those that will listen.



There are three earth ages. There was an age, or era, before this one

called the first earth age. In the first earth age we all lived in spiritual


We are now living in the second Era or the Second Earth Age. In the

second earth age we are born into a flesh body.

There wil come another age called the Third Earth Age. We wil again

be in spiritual bodies.

God wants our love. Therefore, he gave us free wil . He didn't want a

bunch of robots saying they loved Him. He gave us free will so we

could love Him.

Satan was one of God's angels. He served God and eventually was

assigned the duty of watching over and protecting the Mercy Seat

where Christ was to sit. However, he became proud of himself and

wanted to sit on the mercy seat instead of Christ. Satan wanted to

take Christ's place. This is the theme that runs through the

scriptures. Translated into English Satan is the Anti-Christ.

But, the translation is a poor one. It would correctly be translated

Satan is the Instead-Of-Christ. So when you read anti-Christ just

plug in "Instead of Christ".

Satan rebelled in the first earth age and pulled away one-third of

God's children to follow him. God loves His children dearly. But God

could not allow this corrupt state to continue. He could have just

destroyed those that had become corrupt, prideful, sinful, and had

rebelled against Him.

God decided not to destroy His children, but to give them a chance to

come back to Him by being born through woman into flesh bodies

where they would not remember the first earth age. In this state they

could decide if they wil serve God of Satan. Thus, they could accept

or reject Jesus Christ.

So God shakes the world and destroys every living thing. This ends

the first earth age and begins the second earth age. God then again

creates plants, animals, and in this age flesh people. He creates all

the races on the 6th day. He rests on the seventh day. Then on the

eights day He creates "The Family" through which Christ the Savior

will be born.

Adam and Eve were the beginning of the family (line, genealogy,

or what ever you care to call it) through which Christ would be


Satan refuses to be born of woman. He seduces Eve to pollute

Christ's family line and thwart God's plan to help His children. Eve

has sex with Satan. Then Adam has sex with Satan. Able is the son

of Adam and Eve. Cain is the son of Satan and Eve (fraternal twins).

This is the Mystery Of The Ages the Bible speaks

about, that most people never discover: That the Kenites are the

children of Cain, and therefore the children of Satan.

(Re-read Matthew 13:24-49: The parable of the wheat and tares. The

Tares are the offspring of Satan, and the wheat the children of God.)

If you didn't know this before, Matthew 13:24-29 will now take on new

meaning for you.

During the second earth age the fallen angels (Some of the followers

of Satan from the first earth age) refuse to come through woman and

be born into flesh. Instead they come to earth in their heavenly bodies

and mixed with the flesh women of earth. They did this to attempt to

pollute the seed line of the family through which Christ would come.

They produced hybrids called Geber. They wanted to destroy the line

that Christ would come from, so Satan could take God's place.

God is opposed to this, so He creates Noah's flood to destroy all

Geber. Thus the seed line of Christ continues and eventually Christ is

born, has about a 3 year ministry in the flesh as the God Man, is

crucified, resurrected to triumph over death (Satan), ascends to be

with the Father and sits at the right hand of God.

As I told you in the main text, Israel was broken apart as a nation.

Israel ceased to exist as a nation until 1948. In 1948 Israel became a

recognized nation of the world again. This brings to fulfil ment the

Parable of the Fig Tree which Christ told us to learn. This now puts us

towards the end of the second earth age.

Currently Satan and his fallen angels are held in heaven by the

archangel Michael. They wil be released at the appropriate time and

be thrown to earth. Satan wil set himself up as Jesus Christ in

Jerusalem. He wil fool most of the world into believing he has come

to redeem them. People will start worshiping Satan. People will

start taking Communion to him because they will believe he is

the True Christ Returned.

People wil report those who do not believe he is the Christ to Satan's

followers. This is what it means when it says people wil turn their

relatives over to Death. Death is one of Satan's many biblical names.

Satan is NOT going to be kil ing or torturing people. He is coming to

pretend to be Christ and love everyone. He wil fool most people, for

most people have not heard and studied the true word of God, but

rather learned polluted doctrines of men, false religions, etc.

But God's Elect wil not be fooled into believing Satan is Christ. God's

Elect will let the Holy Spirit speak through them when they are

delivered up in the councils and synagogues of Satan. That is the

responsibility of those Elect which are delivered up. That is their

purpose here on Earth in this Second earth age. In this way the

people of Earth wil hear the true word of God.

At the end of the five month tribulation the True-Christ wil return to

earth and all people are then changed into their spiritual bodies. The

flesh wil fall away and our spiritual bodies wil emerge. This begins

the 1000 year period called the Lord's Day and the Mil ennium. We

are all then in spiritual bodies and are not infirmed by the flesh. This

is when the Elect will teach al souls upon the earth the true, correct

and complete word of God.

At the end of this 1000 year period called The Lord's Day, Satan will

be loosed for a short while to test God's children. God's children wil

choose between Satan and Christ.

Then God wil have The Great White Throne Judgment. Those souls

that are judged unworthy wil be destroyed; Snuffed out. They will

cease to exist. No, there wil not be eternal punishment as many

incorrectly translate and teach.

We now understand that the world wil not be blown up and

disintegrate, but rather the third earth age wil be a time when we are

in our spiritual bodies and redeemed. We wil be with God here on


Those that are judged worthy to be with God wil live with God in the

third earth age which wil go on forever. Only God's peace and love

will exist in this age. In other words, we wil be in perfect harmony

with God.


At the risk of being repetitious I am going to individually list important

points I hope you have grasped by now:

. God wants our love, not our burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6).

(The word mercy is properly translated love in this verse.

Use your Strong's Concordance.)

. There are Three earth ages: The previous age called the First Earth

Age. The current Earth Age called the Second Earth Age. And, the

coming earth age called the Third Earth Age.

. The Kenites are the offspring of Satan but pretend to be the children

of God.

. Learn The Parable of the Fig Tree. (Matt 24:32 Season of the


. The Anti-Christ (Satan) is coming before the true Christ returns.

. The Anti-Christ is coming to Jerusalem and wil set himself up on

Mt. Zion pretending to be the one true God.

. The tribulation of Satan wil last a total of 5 months. This time has

been shortened by God.

.The only unpardonable sin is one of God's Elect refusing to let the

Holy Spirit speak through you when you are called before the False

Messiah, Satan. (Luke 12:10 -13).

. When Christ returns we will all be changed into our spiritual bodies

in the twinkling of an eye, (I Corinthians 15:52, Zachariah 14 is

very graphic). Evil elements will melt at Christ's return, but the

good wil be unharmed. (II Peter 3:10).


There is great fear and confusion about the number 666. People don't

want it on their mail box or in their address. People don't want it in

their Social Security Number, People don't want it period. Is there

some great mystery associated with it? No! It's more that ignorance is

associated with it. We fear the things we don't understand. So people

fear the number 666.

Many people know that 666 is Satan's number or has something to

do with Satan, but they don't understand why.

Revelation 13:18. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding

count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his

number is Six hundred threescore and six.

God gave us His Holy Scriptures so we would know and understand

what is coming. God clearly wants us to understand the Bible! Many

people say the book of Revelation can't be understood. It is sealed.

That is a bunch of baloney!

Apocalypse is a word that means “to reveal”. Revelation also clearly

means "to reveal". You've heard people say, "It was a revelation to me". That means they now understand something they didn't before.

God clearly explains what wil happen in this earth age in The Book of

Revelation. He even gives us the 7 different periods or events we wil

go through until The True Christ's coming.

If you study the book of Revelation you wil find God gives us seven

periods of time we wil go through while living in this Second Earth

Age. He tells us about the Seven Vials, Seals, and Trumps which wil


These Trumps are just a way of marking events as they occur. These

are what modern day navigators call "Way Points" along a journey.

Something changes as each one of these way points occur (i.e. a

change in direction, speed, altitude, etc). So it is in God's word. Some

significant event or events occur at these times (Trumps).

We are now living in the period of the Fifth Trump. As I said

previously, we are living in the Generation of the Fig Tree (see earlier

text). This period of the fifth Trump is a time of spreading education. A

time of sealing many of God's children with the truth.

A Vial is a container which holds something that can be poured out.

The word used for vial is better translated in the Greek a very shallow

yet wide container, much like a cookie sheet. If it were fil ed with a

liquid and your tipped it, the contents would slosh out in one big

wave. But, it is translated into the English as vial, so that is what I wil

use when referring to it.

A Seal refers to something used to seal up a letter or similar writing.

Here it means understanding God's word. People used wax seals

many years ago on their letters and messages to make sure they

weren't tampered with in transit. So when you broke the wax seal the

information became available to the recipient. You could then know

what was about to happen.

A Trump is the sound of a trumpet or similar instrument. It is used to

blare information or a command of some type. In the Army a trumpet

is blown for reveil e, meal call, assembly, charge, etc. God uses vials,

seals, and trumps to

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