[106] Intercession. In the Hereafter, pious Muslims, people loved by Allâhu ta’âlâ will intercede with Allâhu ta’âlâ for the forgiveness of sinful Muslims. This intercession is called shefâ’at.
[107] Islamic century is meant.
[108] A village in the vicinity of Van, a city in eastern Turkey.
[109] Benjamin Disraeli, (1804-1881), English Premier in 1868, and again in 1874, until 1880.
[110] Meyer Arschel Rothschild, (1743-1812), German banker and the founder of the international banking firm, House of Rothschild; and also his son. Nathan Meyer Rothschild, (1777-1836), British banker.
[111] Hakem II passed away in 366 [976 C.E.].
[112] The former name for Yangon, the capital city of Myanmar (Burma).
[113] The first Islamic month.
[114] An explanation given by an Islamic scholar as an answer to Muslims’ questions. The sources whereon the fatwâ is based have to be appended to it.
[115] The seventh Abbâsid Khalîfa. A son of Hârûn-ur-reshîd, the fifth Khalîfa. He was born in the vicinity of Baghdâd in 786, and passed away in 833. He was buried in Tarsus.
[116] Knowledge that is acquired not for the purpose of practising it with ikhlâs, will not be beneficial. Please see the 366th and 367th pages of the first volume of Hadîqa, and also the 36th and the 40th and the 59th letters in the first volume of Maktûbât. (The English versions of these letters exist in the 16th and the 25th and the 28th chapters, respectively, of the second fascicle of Endless Bliss).