Why are you persecuting Me? by Sabrina De Muynck - HTML preview

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  1. ISOLATION: Separation from friends and family, even children; you can only socialize with group members [your new “family”].
  2. ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE: You are rebuked for questioning, doubting, and dissent.
  3. GIVING EXCESSIVELY: Tithes, offerings, all extras are required to be given to the group leader.
  4. FASTING: An ever-continuing lifestyle of fasting both food and sleep is required to be able to control you emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.



He or she may be the friendliest person you have ever known, and you might find the leader to be the most intelligent, caring, compassionate, and understanding person you’ve ever met. She is wooing you in with exaggerated words of love and affection, totally softening you up by means of love-bombing.


You hear that you are so special for God and He is privileging you, as you have been chosen “to know” and “enter” into these mysteries from heaven. You are part of something very important and urgent (God’s End Time Work) and you are called for this. These mysteries are revealed to “God’s chosen elect” and you open yourself up for the romantic sexual intercourse with Jesus, with God, with the angels, which is very dangerous as now you are hooked to incubus and succubus demonic entities. You simply submit to everything the leader tells you to do, because you don’t want to miss this “special invitation” of being part of the chosen-elite-group of God, and you just ignore that still small voice deep inside of you that tells you to run away as fast as you can. You rebuke your own flesh because you don’t want to be deceived by your thoughts.


In the beginning everything you ask or share with the leader is immediately confirmed. You are so happy about that and it just confirms you even more that this leader is truly hearing from God and that she is very special. In fact, you start to believe that this person has the answers to all of your questions and thus you don’t even check your Bible anymore, as it’s so easy to just ask the leader. And secretly you are hoping that God will take over her vessel, and overwhelm you one more time with His passionate love and those sexual invitations.


You are hearing everything you want to hear and all your questions are being answered. You couldn’t feel happier and things are just too good to be true. God Himself is giving you so much attention concerning your personal life and it’s like you are living a dream! The leader is comforting and re-assuring you in all the little details of your life that you don’t even dare to tell anyone else. And the beautiful words from God through the leader are just giving your emotions that extra touch that you so longed for your whole life. You feel so overwhelmed by God’s love, and so special because of all this attention.


There are so many mysteries being revealed to you and the leader is asking you to keep quiet about all this towards others but also towards your spouse, for now…as he is not ready yet to deal with all this. The leader will avoid speaking about these things when she feels the other parties are not ready yet to understand. But you are told that you are ready for this and even up for the next level!

You start to feel bad about the fact that your spouse is now excluded from all this, the one that you love so much and shared all your thoughts, heart and soul with, but it is only temporary, so you deal with it. However a separation starts to take place, but you want to stay loyal to the leader and God and prove to them that you can be trusted in keeping a secret, so you just let it happen.

The leader is very persuasive in teaching you these new doctrines and beliefs. After all, you are part of the “Inner Circle,” and you have been chosen as the special "elect“.

You are being deceived but you don’t know that you are deceived. . .


Very soon you are tested financially. You might be reminded of the story of Ananias and Sapphira, and what happened to them. And you don’t even realize this scripture is twisted around and used falsely against you. Judgment to hell is pronounced when money is held back, and since you would have gone to hell last week if you would have died, because you are not ready yet for heaven, giving financially is now actually God’s mercy on your life. All this is coercing you to give it all under strict control of the leader.


Complete separation now takes place from your family and friends. You might even be asked to leave your children and spouse behind. You need to prove yourself as a true disciple of Christ and just give it all up. Total isolation and no more fellowship with the outside world. Everyone is too evil anyways and you need so much deliverance yourself, that you cannot afford to risk that the demons from other people might jump onto you when you are in contact with them. And another thing you just learned from the leader is that everyone has millions of demons.

Now you are in a process of getting purified. Even your house is a no-entrance for others. The leader just pointed out all the things in your house that you need to throw away, things God does not like and things that are already saturated “with your deliverance”. The leader has now re-arranged your house, “anointed” it, and your house is now a holy place. You need to play that same soaking music day and night to please the angels, though the continuous sound fills the house with a special atmosphere that you don’t really like and it makes you feel depressed.

The influence and attention of the leader is all that matters. You are bombarded with a ton of information and revelations, but no one else outside of the group can have any knowledge of all this, so you cannot ask affirmation. If doubt arises inside of you, you simply need to rebuke that old flesh and put it down.

The beautiful child-like relationship you had in the past with your Saviour Jesus Christ and your heavenly Father, is now broken to pieces. You try to suppress that feeling of desperation, hurt and disappointment that rises up inside of you. Your best Friend Whom you could tell anything and share your deepest emotions with, is not who you thought He was. In fact you conclude that you don’t even know God at all…because anger and furiosity seems more characteristic to Him than tender loving kindness.


The whole process of isolation creates self-doubt and you are being more and more convinced about your unworthiness. You can only admire the level of education, intelligence, and self-confidence that the leader exudes, especially when she recounts full colours her career holding an executive HR and being trained for a CEO position, training many people under her. You hear all about her achievements and talents. It does not even cross your mind that this might be highly exaggerated.

The leader’s stories are captivating you and words flow fluently from her lips without any effort. She has a gift to draw all the attention and thus gain more and more power and influence over you and the other members. Your loss of freedom is increasing and all your relationships you had are being destroyed but you are told none of all that matters anymore.

There is a group hierarchy and the second level under the leader is monitoring and watching you. She is very loyal and quick to tell the leader any of your failures or weaknesses. Independence and making your own decisions are part of the past. You just learned that you are in a monarchy and there is no other option for you but to submit and obey. Everything needs approval from the leader, even the smallest decisions of your daily life. It feels more that you are a victim being used as an instrument, instead of a chosen, loved one of God’s elect.


You miss the fact that the leader is very manipulative and even cunning. She never respects the rights of the others and her behaviour can always be explained and is excused and thus permissible. She appears to be charming towards outsiders and possible new recruits, yet she is very hostile and mean towards you.  The goal is to recreate you into a willing victim, and to take advantage of you and all of your means, as it only matters what the leader wants.

Instant obedience is simply a must in a monarchy. You are not allowed to ask questions, but need to submit and prove yourself loyal to the leadership. Unconditional surrender is expected and if you fail or manifest, then mental abuse or harder fasting is put upon you. Basically you are now in a child-like state in complete dependence on the leader.


Cheap black clothing is a requirement to humble yourself while you go through your deliverance of “the old person” in you and all the demonic attachments. Once your clothes are saturated with your deliverance, it’s time for you to buy a new outfit for the next season. Over time, you are allowed to wear clean white clothes but only to come in the leader’s presence, as she cannot stand you in your black clothes, penetrated with all your filthy deliverance.

Tears fill your eyes when you watch a lady on the street, wearing a simple but beautiful, colorful dress, while her spouse is proudly kissing her on her face. You are not worthy and ready yet to wear colors, even your hair must be cut short and covered all the time.


Only the leader has all the solutions, and you suppress the thought that there could be anything wrong with her. The sudden, drastic change in your life creates a tenseness and a lack of privacy, both physical and mental, leading you into more and more insecurity. You try to be, behave, think, believe like your leader. After all, it is your job to cast out “the old” and transform into this “new” personality.


Since you met the leader, you have been given a new name. These are “pure” spirits from heaven who asked God to be sent to earth to inhabit a human body. It is the spirit’s test to help cast out “the old person” in you and then this spirit receives a physical body—your body, as a reward. It is your test to cast out “the old person” in you and your reward is to be inhabited by this new, perfect, sinless spirit from heaven. You basically have to destroy your own soul to bring in the new spirit.


Meat, dairy, sugar, caffeine, bread are not allowed anymore. Only a vegetarian diet, or as the leader calls it “biblical Daniel fasting”. Demons feed themselves with these forbidden foods, so you have to stay away from all that. From now on, oatmeal, rice and canned beans will be your main meals just to exist. Though your food schedule is very simple and moderated, the leader is living more luxuriously and needs to be served at all times. Most groceries you buy are for her anyways, and you try to be ok with that, even though you’re hungry. You hope that once you reach much more deliverance, a bit more food and perhaps some variation will be allowed?


The standards and rules that the leader is imposing on you are unreasonable, but you are being trained as the elite of God’s end-time army, and so you are tested at a higher level than most people. You need to do exactly as the leader tells you and be perfect in all that you do. The leader seems to always have a good attitude and appears to be happy, so you better not do the opposite, as that would reveal that the “old person” in you is manisfesting.

You are part of the Bride Company (you are not the Bride of Christ—only the leader is the one and only Bride), so you need to strive all the time to be pure and holy, which results in failing, guilt, fear, and then punishment through mental abuse from the leader. You probably need to fast more to stop manifesting that “old person” in you. Even to the point of starving yourself and looking like a skeleton, it doesn’t matter.


Everything needs to be confessed, especially every wrong thought or feeling about the leader. The confession needs to be done in the presence of the leader and the second level leader. If anything is held back, the leader will know, as she claims to know everything about you, even the ability to read your mind and heart. After all, everything that goes wrong is all your fault because of your sin.

If you haven’t realized it by now, this guilt method is used to totally break you and bring you to the lowest level. You end up feeling more hopeless every day, more guilty and in need of trying ever harder. Your life from now on will become a circle of constantly confessing and apologizing to your leader. Then serious repentance towards God must follow and you need to repent long enough until He decides to forgive you. You can ask the leader confirmation to make sure that God has forgiven you.

You might end up in a terrible car accident, yet no compassion is shown to you, on the contrary you are being rebuked hard for sinning again and God is trying to teach you a lesson by putting His terror upon you. You are even told that you are putting your salvation in jeopardy.

All the information you shared about your past is used against you, seasoned with a “Word of God” for you or “a prophecy”. Now you feel more guilty, more dirty, because you need ever so much more deliverance with this new knowledge. You are so discouraged and it feels impossible to ever overcome yourself.

You have reached the mile of your 60-day fast and are rebuked for something you haven’t even done. Yet the leader expects you to confess to her and repent before God, even though you explain you have done no such thing. It doesn’t matter, because God has spoken and revealed this through the leader, and God is always right. On top of that you lose all the rewards of your 60-day fast—in other words you have gained no deliverance, but lost it instead.

You are struggling weather you should tell the leader that you still have a little bit of cash left from a refund you received. But if you don’t tell her, you sin and the leader probably already knows you have this cash, but she is just waiting on you to confess it. While fear, doubt and guilt are overtaking you, you make the decision to give up the money, hoping that you will receive some acknowledgment and words of hope from God through the leader.


Scriptures are used to support the teachings of the leader, though they are twisted and out of context to put fear on you and to manipulate you. The leader is receiving very serious messages and oracles from God. The severe tone of “THE LAST CALL OF YHWH” judgemental warnings from your ABBA, FATHER, YHWH, ELOHIM, GOD, puts so much fear on you, that you don’t even dare to question these messages.

The emphasis on holiness and obedience to God’s commandments, convinces you that these revelations are the ultimate truth. Apparently this is the only truth, and everyone else is deceived or wrong. Though you start to notice that the prophecies partially consist of information received by others. Still you believe that your leader has all the knowledge and truth as she is now so pure, holy, and ready, and thus God can speak and sing through this vessel at all times.


It’s no coincidence that every woman of the group is told by the leader through “a revelation” of God, that they have been abused sexually as a child by their father or other family members, even satanic rituals are mentioned. You are even told that you were dedicated as a bride to satan as a baby!! Could it be any worse?? You also hear that “the old person” in you is called “that old woman” who is actually a snake. On top of all this you get the revelation that you are one of the heads of the dragon in Revelation 12. . .

This is all a complete mystery to you, as you don’t remember anything of all this, neither has anyone of your family ever mentioned such a thing. However you believe it is true, since the leader speaks for God, and she makes sure you are reminded of all this regularly.

This makes you even more confused and anxious, because now you hear that you need another load of extra deliverance from all this and it can take years. The leader receives dreams about you that portray you as “evil”, due to all the filthiness upon you and the major deliverance you still need.

You are mentally abused but you don’t realize it. . .

All of this is more reason to stay separated from your spouse and family. For the most part, the only persons you still see are the ones in the group. Working hard for your leader, keeping you busy in a fasted state all the time, is the best and quickest way to receive your healing and deliverance. But deliverance is only layer per layer… season per season. You have become a slave. You pray hard to persevere and stay faithful to the leader, as this is the only way for you to make it to heaven, since it is your calling written out in your books in heaven by God.


These things are kept hidden from all but the “Inner Circle”. You are under severe sexual control by your leader; no intimacy has been allowed now for many years between you and your spouse. On one or two occasions you have been told you could be together for one night, but then the following day you both are severely rebuked, as it was just “a test” to see if you would have enough discernment to know you weren’t supposed to be together, despite “the instruction”. The testing’s are hard and you are getting so disappointed and discouraged when you hear that you need to go around the mountain again. It’s like you are running around in circles, no matter how hard you try to get out of that. You so desire to hear that you had a huge amount of deliverance of “that old self” so you can be upgraded to a higher level.

Though you and your spouse are separated, you are invited to have sexual intercourse with the second level leader, which you refuse as you are not up for lesbian relationships. Of course once you pass this invitation, you hear that you are not ready for this. You have been noticing for a time that healthy biblical sexual boundaries and standards are mixed-up in this group, but you were told these are all part of the “mysteries of God” and the “pleasures of the Inner Circle”.  Of course no one else can know about these. The Word of God calls it fornication and idolatry.


You are invited in the leader’s presence and you do your best to give her a most elegant bow, as this is required now, because she calls herself “The Queen of Heaven”. Yet when you sit there, you feel so humiliated and uneasy, especially when no attention is given to you. Then you hear you are being ridiculed and everyone is called a fool. You hear how much that “old person” in you is still manifesting. God is even using curse words and rude language through the leader’s vessel while He screams at you in one of the many verbal outbursts.

You feel no love, no compassion, no positive confirmations. Every time you are waiting for a good word—a word of hope, hope is always taken away from you. Whatever you do or try, you cannot ever please God or make Him happy. In fact, you have heard many times that God is angry at you most of the time. Even when you finished another long season of fasting, and you did all you can to please the leader and God, there is always a reason for you to be rebuked.

It seems like the leader is not willing or able to empathize with any pain you are feeling. There is not even any human attachment to one another in the group.  If you even try in a bold move to say anything about this, you get harshly rebuked for manifesting that “old person” in you.

You comfort yourself in the knowledge that this is all done on purpose to help break “that old person”. For sure the leader who is a representative of God, would never do all this to hurt you intentionally. After all, she is here to help you achieve your calling, and thus you accept this behaviour for your own good.

You don’t understand yet the depth of the abuse and deception you are in. So you just deny that inner alarm bell voice, and you pray for strength to hold on.

You also are required to do lots of warfare as protection against witchcraft, deception, and evil powers: loud and clear, many times per day, and during the night. This is mainly for the protection of the leader. But you also need to do lots of warfare against that “old person” in you that is “manifesting” from time to time and coming against the leader.


When God’s promised blessings for the leader do not come to pass, or when prophecies fail, you get blamed and rebuked for sinning.  When you sin, the leader needs to bear the consequences as well. Now you feel extremely guilty, and for sure it is another confirmation that you are just not “pure enough”. But in God’s mercy you can stay in the group and continue to serve the leader.

You pray for a financial blessing on your part, so you can bless the leader and make her happy, because you have figured out that whenever you give something extra, you are rewarded with a little “thank you” from the second level leader. You just want to do anything to score some good points with the leader and with God! But it’s hard work.


You have read that the Bible says that God is no respecter of persons, so this has to be one of the many “mysteries from heaven”. A few in your group have a special covenant with God. It is called a “Friendship Covenant” and you are so amazed that you are part of that. “God being your friend”, this is what you have prayed for all those years! What a blessing… This is just the best thing that could happen to you. The leader lays her hands on you while she is shaking heavily, and you feel so privileged to be able to receive this “special anointing”—which is actually false fire, but you don’t realize this yet. More spells, curses, and witchcraft is now upon you. This false fire makes sure that you will receive confirmations at times, when the leader tells you that God will confirm certain things to you.

But then, after a while, you hear with just a few words that this special friendship covenant between you and God was only made for the protection of the leader, since you are so close in proximity to her. In other words, God never wanted to be your friend. You are totally devastated…broken once again…


All the guilt, humiliation, and domination is creating thoughts of suicide in you. Hopelessness and desperation are taking a hold of you. Things you never felt before in your walk with God. You feel trapped and a victim of “that old person” in you. It feels you will never be able to defeat “that strong one”.

“I deserve it…sinful and wretched as I am… I deserve to go to hell. No wonder the leader does not like me…” These thoughts are getting a hold of you. Where was the time that you joyfully worshiped and praised your heavenly Father?

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.


You are rebuked again because you are having a hard time being separated from your spouse for such a long time. You are hoping for some words of comfort and hope to be reunited again one day, but no empathy is shown towards you.  You try to stay strong emotionally and mentally, and focus all your time and energy on the needs and attention of the leader. But you feel so alone and no one in the world even knows what you are going through. You pray to God to help you to ignore you own needs and wants. The needs and wants of the leader are the only thing necessary. The only things of import.

You need to lay down your life and accept that there is no enjoyment now in the present, no intimacy with your spouse, no birthday celebrations—except for the leader, no wedding anniversaries, no attention to each other.


Anyone who is contacted by the leader is tested. If they fail to submit and obey her, they are judged by God. You have already been sorely disappointed that the gospel message is losing its great power and deep meaning. Many are called but only twelve disciples are chosen to the Inner Circle of the leader. Many are tested to be part of the Outside Circle, but most fail and do not even believe in the doctrines of the leader. You hear that you are very privileged to be worthy to be so close to your leader, who is even much more than you understand, but these revelations are coming later. It is just a very narrow path that very few are willing to walk.

The few people you meet for practical things outside of the group are tested also. You need to discern who is right, pure, and good enough to enter the property or engage in anything having to do with the leader and her household. Lots of chaos and confusion arise on these occasions, as the leader’s instructions are often contrary to the norm, or even absurd. You already know in advance this will happen and though you want to obtain a good relationship with these outsiders, you still need to treat them like a hard and unmoved businesswoman. If they don’t give in to your demands, you need to rebuke them, and the leader will judge and curse them. These instances arise many times, mostly concerning finances.


You are taught that lying to people is ok, if the purpose is to protect or hide the leader. “Just repent and God will forgive you.”  No one can know anything that is going on in the “Inner Circle”. The leader needs to stay hidden and protected. A big gate with a sign “private property” blocks the entrance to the house where you all live.

You are taught secrecy as a member of the “Inner Circle”. The “Outside Circle” doesn’t know the reality of what is truly going on, these are mainly a few financial supporters who receive a beautiful letter from time to time to thank them for their support and praising them with blessed biblical promises. You also notice that deceptive fundraising methods are used. Money given for a specific purpose is often spent for the personal pleasures or needs of the leader. In a bold move you mention this, and promptly you receive an answer back that this is God’s will.