You Must be Born Again by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

You must be born again

Many Christians have mistaken being saved for being born again. But they are not the same. I used to think they are the same until I found out they are not the same.

This next aspect is one of the major reasons for this book, many Christian who have been saved still find themselves struggling in life and going from one minister to another for deliverance and breaking of yokes including curses. I have questioned the Lord about this several times, I searched diligently through the ministration of the Apostles, I have not found a place where they were doing deliverance as it is today. According to my understanding, I knew within me that when a man is in Christ he is a New Creature.

As it is written; “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have pass away and behold all things have become new”.2Corinthians 5 vs 17

The questions is, why is this new creature subject to the same thing he/ she was subjected to before coming to Christ that is making him or her look for a minister for deliverance all the time? How come the curses, sickness and diseases are still there after receiving Christ?

“If you are new actually then all the former things will not be there”.

This is the Gospel; when you give your life to Christ, you become a new creature, a super being, if this is true, why do people still fight the curses of their families after giving their lives to Christ? Am not saying they are lying neither is the word of God lying that says anyone who is in Christ is a new creature. To be honest, these people actually face these troubles for real yet they are in Christ, they go to church, attend all kinds of meetings, give offerings in church yet demons of the evil their fore-fathers invested in are still hunting them, they find it difficult to live a righteous life, find it difficult to understand the Bible, lost interest in spiritual activities. What is the problem? Did the word of God lie? I speak as a man, no, the word did not lie but

“Miss-interpretation and self-assumption including negligence of small matters yet strong in the kingdom of Heaven has led to this”.

Give me your hundred percent attentions; this is very important I don’t want you to be like them. Many are in this bondage. The devil uses this as an avenue to hold on those who don’t know their stand in Christ. The biggest of all is that after being delivered, they are free for few days and then the devil will return, and the second coming of the demons becomes more aggressive than before. How long do you want to play games with your life? Study the Bible for yourself, did you ever see where members were running to Ministers for deliverance and after that they become worse? If you have given your life to Christ and you are still experiencing some of these things I have mentioned or your life is of no difference in any form since you gave your life to Christ, I want you to know that your solution is few pages always, God has reached out for you this day.

Let us see what the Bible says about this.