You Must be Born Again by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Books from This Pen of a Ready Writer

  • You must be born again - Available
  • How a Christian should talk
  • Secrets of wealth
  • How to be a financially successful Christian
  • The new creature
  • Christ the seed of Abraham (An Exposé)
  • Christian Growth 1 (for new born to maturity)
  • Christian Growth 2 (for the mature to aged)
  • Christian Growth 3 (for the aged till departure)
  • The man Jesus and the Glorified Jesus
  • How to know a true prophet of Jesus Christ
  • Am I a true Christian?
  • The saved Christian and the Glorified Christian
  • The kinds of prayers God expects from a Christian
  • The Gospel According to Apostle Paul
  • The Anti-Christ – Biggest Enemy of Christ
  • How to raise a Godly Child
  • Why should I go to Church?
  • How to see what God wants you to see
  • Secrets of supernatural power