You can Know God by Zane Self - HTML preview

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Introduction:  EVERYONE NEEDS GOD                             Page 6  

Chapter 1:  What is Truth?                                                      Page 8

Chapter 2:  What is Faith?                                                     Page 20

Chapter 3:  What is Salvation?                                              Page 26

Chapter 4:  What is Baptism?                                                Page 36

Chapter 5:  What is The Lord’s Supper?                             Page 43

Chapter 6:  What is Prophecy?                                              Page 47

Chapter 7:  What are The Last Days?                                  Page 51

Chapter 8:  What is Wisdom?                                                Page 57

Chapter 9:  What is Grace?                                                    Page 61

Chapter 10: What is Evangelism?                                         Page 66

Chapter 11: What is Heaven?                                                Page 73

Chapter 12: What is Hell?                                                      Page 77

Chapter 13: What is the Nature of The Holy Spirit?           Page 81

Chapter 14: What is The Church?                                        Page 86

Chapter 15: What is A Christian?                                         Page 96

Chapter16: What is Unity in Faith?                                      Page 99

Chapter17: What is Christian Living?                                Page 105

Want a Blessing?                                                                   Page 108

A Wise Person Seeks GOD                                                   Page 110

You Can Know God                                                              Page 111