You can Know God by Zane Self - HTML preview

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Romans 6:3-11


     Paul taught the Roman Church that when you were baptized into Christ, you were buried with Christ - you died to the world - you are dead to sin and alive to God.  Through Christ’s Resurrection you are Resurrected a born-again Christian like our Lord’s Resurrection from the dead and we should Walk in the Newness of Life.  You are dead to the sinful ways of the world and now alive to the Righteousness of God.  Now that you have buried the sinful man that it might be destroyed, you should not sin anymore, you are freed from sin and evil by God’s Power, being dead with Christ.

We should now Spiritually live as Jesus lives.  Knowing He arose from the dead.  In the Resurrection we shall arise from the dead, we have died to sin and now are alive to God’s Holiness, Righteousness and His Goodness forever by being led by God. Decide and desire to know and obey God - being alive in God and dead to sin through Christ. To the Corinthian Church Paul said you are not to be divided, you are to be United in Christ. Paul asks is Christ divided? Was I Crucified for you or were you Baptized in Paul’s name? Paul said Speak the same thing, be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.  Read 1st Corinthians 1:10-13.

     Paul’s teaching on Baptism to the Galatians’ Church teaches that by Faith you are the Children of God, and by being Baptized into Christ you are the Children of God.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female; for you all are one in Christ Jesus and If you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.  Read Galatians 3:26-29.

     Paul said to the Ephesians’ Church, keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  There is one body of Christians and one Holy Spirit of God. There is one Hope of salvation that is Christ.  One Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, One Faith and that is Christ, One Baptism and that is into Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is One Father God, Jehovah, who is above all. We are given Grace through The Gift of Christ. Read Ephesians 4:3-7.

     Paul taught the Colossians’ Church, you are buried with him in Baptism and you are risen with Him through the Faith and operation of God.  God raised Christ from the dead. You being dead in your sins are made alive to God, your sins are forgiven and the law that condemned you is nailed to the Cross, It is taken out of the way. God made a show of His triumph over them openly. Jesus Christ is Our Sacrifice and our forgiveness through God’s Love and Gift of Grace.  Read Colossians 2:12-15.

     What Baptism means? Read Galatians 3:27; 1st Peter 3:18-22; John 3:3-5. Being clothed with Christ, having your sins washed away Spiritually by the BLOOD of Christ; Being born again into a Spiritual life with God and loving God faithfully, trusting Him for Eternal Life.

They believed and were baptized. Acts 18:8 They had faith in Christ and were baptized into Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, Acts 2:38 and The Blood of Christ was Spiritually applied to them. 1st John 1:7; baptism is through Faith and immersion in water, being baptized according to God’s Word. Acts 9:18 Being baptized into Jesus Christ name washes away your sins. Acts 22:16   




1 Why do I need to be Baptized?  The Scriptures says so.


2 What is my Spiritual Baptism?  My being born again, my sins forgiven, My Being reconciled to God.


3 Will I go to heaven if I am not Baptized? Only God can answer that question, BUT I would afraid not to obey the commandment as it is plainly written.







Chapter Five


What is the Lord’s Supper?


     The best understanding of the Lord’s Supper is that it is the memorial that Jesus Christ instituted at the Passover –also known as the Last Supper, when Christ said, Do this in remembrance of me, It is communion with Christ. It is to be done in a worthy manner discerning the Lord’s Body; Christ sacrificed his own body, letting it be nailed on the cross for our sins. Christ is God as God’s own Son. Love for our Salvation put Christ on the cross, so we could have Eternal life and forgiveness of sins, our Salvation is through the shed Blood of Christ. By partaking of communion we are showing the Lord’s death until He comes again and remembering He died for our sins.  We KNOW Jesus arose and is alive with God His Father, our Heavenly Father, so we Worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior by being faithful to The Lord’s Table every Sunday, the first day of the week, just like the Apostles did - partaking of the unleavened bread and grape juice just like the Apostles did - all according to the Holy scriptures.

     The Lord’s Supper is a Spiritual communion with Christ and is symbolic of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the Cross and that was Christ’s sacrifice, and It is a matter of fact.  It is to be remembered until Jesus returns and we will never forget what  Jesus did for us throughout all of eternity.

     Paul said this message I have been given from the Lord and now I am going to give it to you. When Jesus was eating the Last Supper with His Apostles at the Passover, the same night he was betrayed, He took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you, do this in remembrance of me. He also took the cup of grape juice and after the meal he said, this cup is the new covenant in my Blood, as often as you drink it, do it in remembrance of me. Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are showing Faith that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins until Jesus comes.

     Now whoever eats this bread and drinks this cup of the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy attitude or manner will be guilty of not respecting Jesus’ broken body and His shed Blood on the cross. Let a person look at his own life, examining himself to see if he is daily living righteously as he eats the bread and drinks the cup that represents Christ. Whoever eats the Lord’s Supper with the wrong attitude brings Judgment on himself - not discerning that the Lord’s Supper represents Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross for man’s Salvation. On account of this attitude many are Physically and Spiritually sick and many are dead.  Read 1st Corinthians 11:23-34

     Matthew says as they were eating the Passover meal together at the Last Supper, Jesus Instituted the Lord’s Supper – a Memorial of himself as the Lord and Savior of the World as The Promised Messiah.  Jesus broke the bread and said this bread represents my body eat it. This cup represents my shed Blood drink it. Spiritually this drink represents my shed Blood of the New Testament, for the forgiveness of sins. The next time Jesus drinks of the fruit of the vine with us it will be in His Father’s Kingdom.   Read Matthew 26:26-29.

     Mark says as they were eating the Passover, Jesus took the bread, blessed and broke it, saying take eat this is My body.  Jesus gave thanks for the grape juice and they drank it, and He said this represents My blood shed for many in the New Covenant.  Jesus said, I will not drink it any longer with you, until I drink it again with you in the Kingdom of God.  Read Mark 14:22-25,

     Luke says when the time had come to eat the Passover, the twelve Apostles and Jesus sat down together, and Jesus said I desire to eat this Passover meal before I suffer saying, I will not eat this meal again until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. He took the cup and gave thanks saying, I will not drink the fruit of the vine until the Kingdom of God comes. He took of the bread and gave thanks and He broke it. This is My broken body, which is given for you, do this in remembrance of Me.  The cup is the Covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.  Read Luke 22:14-20

     Moses did not give you bread from Heaven.  My Father gives you the true bread from Heaven, I am the bread of life from Heaven - the Lord gave us this bread. Jesus said, he who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.  Read John 6:32-35.

     Jesus said, Believing in Me you have everlasting Life,  I am the bread of life; manna gave life to the earthly body, eating this bread gives Eternal Life.  I am the living bread from Heaven; you shall live forever eating Spiritually my flesh which I give for the life of the world. John 6:47-51.

     If you do not Spiritually eat of the flesh of the Son of Man Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Son of God and drink Spiritually His blood, In remembrance of his sacrifice He gave on the cross for the sins of man, you have no life in you. Now whoever drinks My blood Spiritually in remembrance of Me has Eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. For my body is true Spiritual food and my blood is true spiritual drink.  By eating my body and drinking my blood, they are in me and I am in them, I live because of the Father, you feeding on me you will live because of me, this bread I am came from Heaven. Your Fathers ate manna and died. Whoever eats this bread I am shall live forever.  Read John 6: 53-58

The Apostles on the day of Pentecost knew without a doubt that the unbelievers had crucified our Lord the Son of God and so they preached Christ by the Power of God and many Repented and turned to Christ as their Lord and Savior. That day about 3,000 who gladly received the Word as Truth which Peter did speak, were Baptized into Christ, for the remission of sins, and they continued STEADFASTLY in the APOSTLES’ DOCTRINE, FELLOWSHIP, BREAKING OF BREAD AND IN PRAYERS.   Read Acts 2:36-42.

     Christians followed and OBEYED The Apostles’ Doctrine,  The Doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. So on the first day of the week, (Sunday -  The Lord’s day)  The followers came together to partake of the Lord’s Supper in memory of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross until he comes again.   Read Acts 20:7.



1 How often should the Lord’s Supper be taken? Every First Day of the week.


2 What is the Bread of Life? It is Spiritually The broken Body of Christ.


3 What is The Cup we drink? It is Spiritually The shed Blood of Christ.


4 What does The Lord’s Supper mean? It is Communion with Christ, It is remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, It is Christ’s Blood Covenant of the New Testament that God made with man, for man’s redemption.  God’s Grace is a Gift to man. But Christ’ paid the price for man’s sins with His own shed Blood.  What a wonderful God and Savior we have. God has done His part to Save us forever through His Son Jesus Christ. Let us do our part and Love God forever.














Chapter Six


What is Prophecy?


     When Prophecies are from God they foretell in truth what is going to happen in the future. When Prophecies are given and fulfilled we call it history. Some prophecies in the Old Testament were literally fulfilled and some will be fulfilled in the future. According to the fact that the prophecies that were fulfilled in the Old Testament were literally fulfilled, I believe other prophecies will be literally fulfilled in the future. The prophecies in Revelation, even though sometimes it uses symbolic language will come true and we KNOW some of the Prophecies are to come to pass in the future. But they are still the Prophecies of God and will come true.

     Some of the Prophecies could have a duel meaning, what we apply to mean History, could actually be in the future. Or where it has happened once it could happen again.  Some Prophecies that were given are history and some believe those and others will come true in the future. That is the hard part about Prophecy.  It is hard to understand and it takes Faith to believe. Preaching about the coming of Christ is prophesying.

     Prophecy tells us what is going to happen in the future, to people, places, things and events; today our Prophecy is in the Word as it is written. Almighty God has predetermined what will happen in the future and has revealed to mankind in His Word, the main point here is The Word of God is infallible and its teachings will all come true and be forever. We are now living under The New Testament, which gives us Mercy, Grace and Truth through Christ. Our Faith is in Christ, to obey His Commands according to His blessings of Righteousness. Thank you Jesus for being such a wonderful Lord and Savior.  Read Matthew 22:37-40; John 14:10-18.

     Some Prophecies of Christ have been completely and literally fulfilled and some Prophecies of Christ are yet to be fulfilled in the near future and Christ could come at any time. Some Prophecies of Israel have been completely and literally fulfilled and some Prophecies of Israel are yet to be fulfilled in the near future. According to God’s Word, any people, anywhere, in any nation can be saved with their Faith and Obedience in Jesus Christ.  Read Galatians 3:26-28; Romans 1:16-22.


Prophecies of Christ


Genesis 3:15                        

Isaiah 7:14

Isaiah 9:6-7                          

Micah 5:2

John 4:21-42                       

John 14:1-3, 6

1st John 4:12-16                 

Acts 1:11

Isaiah 53:1-12            

Psalm 22:1-31

Psalm 23:1-6


     The most important and greatest Prophecy is about Christ’s coming to save man. The Son of God came from heaven to save all that will accept His will and His way having Faith in Jesus as the Son of God.  Ephesians 2:4- 10

     Let us look at Isaiah 53: 1-12 Plainly this teaches that some would not believe that The Messiah is here and it happen that way when Jesus the Christ was here.  Love for the World and pride of life blinded the Jews to the Truth of The Messiah’s coming when He came and 2,000 years later men are still blind to the Truth of God’s Salvation through Christ.  Now people of all nations can be Saved, if they will come to Christ in Repentance and obedience in Faith, men will be Saved.

     Jesus came as an ordinary looking man not as a Prince or King of Heaven, which He was.  He came as a plain looking man, not as God or God’s Son, which He was. It was Evident He was despised and rejected then by some, even as He is despised and rejected today by some. Many are blind to the Truth today. Jesus loved us so much He bore our punishment on His own self, OUR SINS not His, so we could be a Saved people, He Paid the debt for the evil that man done against God. Somebody had to pay the price for sin and CHRIST did.  Jesus endured all of this horrible pain and suffering for each one of us. God’s own Son took the beating to death for our transgressions, because Christ loved us so much He went to the cross and died, He did arise again the third day and is alive forever, He was seen by Mary Magdalene and other women, Cleopas and his companion, Peter and The Apostles and 500 at once seen Christ after His Resurrection and He went back to His Father in Heaven and some day soon is coming back to get His save Christian people, The Church to be with Him forever.  Read Matthew 28: 1-10; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24: 1-53; John 20: 1-31; John 21:1-25; 1st Corinthians 15: 1-7

     Jesus knew the World of men were lost, unless He took their sins upon Himself, nothing else would appease God, but God’s own Son paying the price for our Eternal redemption, so Jesus stepped forward or else man would not have been Saved, nor received an inherence with Jesus Christ as The Children of The Almighty God.  As Jesus stood before His accusers, He did hear them; Jesus knew what He was doing.  Read Corinthians 15:1-58; 1st Thessalonians 3:13; 1st Thessalonians 4: 13-18; 2nd Thessalonians 1:6-10; 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-17  He was here to Save the World, He was the Light of the World, so He open not His mouth in defense.

     Jesus never committed a sin - He was a perfect man. He was punished, killed and buried as a common criminal.  In reality He was Holy and Righteous and all of the attributes of His Father God were seen in Him. He was stood before a man to be Judged, men could not help him and God would not help Him, because it was necessary that Jesus endure death, so men and women could be Saved for Eternity.

     God the Father was pleased with Jesus’ Love and Obedience to His will.  Individual people can be Saved by obedience in Faith to God’s will and way of Holiness and Righteousness. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, many will be Saved for all Eternity. Jesus Christ will be glorified forever for what He accomplished in dying for the sins of mankind. Jesus loved man so much he gave a great price on the cross, so man could be Saved.

     Jesus said there is only one way you can be saved and come to the Father and that’s through me,   Have Faith in God, and have Faith in me, Jesus Said, I am the Way, The Truth and The Life. Read John 14: 1-6 Accept Christ, Obey Christ and Grow in understanding His Truth, The Knowledge of The Gift of Grace through Jesus Christ. Read Ephesians 2:1-9; Acts 2:38, Let the word of God be the light to your path in your life. Read Psalm 119: 105; Psalm 27:1; John 8:12.




1 What is Prophecy? Foretelling the future or preaching Christ will come again soon.


2 Do we need to understand the Prophecies that are for today? Yes, It is written in The Holy Word.


3 What is the greatest Prophecy? The coming of Jesus Christ the first time, his coming again and God’s love Gift of life, forgiveness of sins and Grace for Man through CHRIST.


4 Are you saying you are a Believer? Then you need to Believe with all your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength, Let there be no doubt about your Faith, For God knows your Heart and you need to know God.