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“How to Attract Women - 6 Proven Strategies!”

By Darius Greindl


Have you ever had a girl in your life you really liked, but unfortunately she didn't feel anything for you?


Or have you ever dated a woman you really liked, but for some reason she was losing more and more interest in you and the only thing you could do is watch till everything is over?

Or maybe you knew a girl you really liked and always had a good time with and when you told her about your real feelings for her she said that in her opinion it would be better if you just stay friends. Perhaps you're in a relationship and can see how your girlfriend gets more and more distant from you, to the point where you get afraid that she might cheat on you.

Or you're watching other couples walking around and can see how some complete idiots are together with really beautiful women and you ask yourself how that can be, but just don't get it. These are things that happen everyday to thousands of men all over the planet because there is one thing they don't know much about and this is the powerful emotion called ATTRACTION and how to trigger it inside of women.

Attraction is probably the most important thing if you want to be successful with women and dating. In fact, it's so powerful that you can nearly do EVERYTHING else wrong and still be HIGHLY successful with women if you know how to trigger it and how it works.

In this article I'm going to show you some common mistake guys make when they try to attract women, and I'm going to show you 6 proven ways for how to attract women like a magnet that will help to get the girl you want. Make sure you read it because you don't want to miss that.

How To Attract Women - Strategy #1:


One of the most powerful ways for how to attract women is to be confident.

CONFIDENCE IS THE MOTHER OF ATTRACTION if you want so and if you don't know how to be confident NOTHING is probably working for you even if you know more techniques and methods than any other guy. You need a solid foundation. When most guys talk to a woman they feel attracted to they start to get nervous because they are afraid that she might not like them and reject them.
One hint for their nervousness is the movement of their eyes. Instead of looking the woman in her eyes they scan the area around them while they're talking or look at certain parts of her body (if you know what I mean) that are definitively NOT her eyes.

What I've found out is that the eyes of a person are actually the windows into the inner world of that person and when we look into someone's eyes for a longer period of time we're actually able to create a very powerful and intimate bond.

So a way to attract women is to look them deeply in the eyes while you're talking to them. Besides that you will be able to create a powerful bond between the both of you, you will also stand out of the crowd because only a few guys are comfortable with doing it, and you will communicate to her that you're a confident guy which is again HIGHLY attractive to women.

After you've created some attraction with this or the following techniques you can take this idea even to the next level and touch her while you're talking and looking her in the eyes.

I personally often take her hand after I've created some attraction and when she's flaking out I say that I just wanted to check if she has warm hands (this excuse works of course best in winter). Creating body contact while you're looking her in the eyes will emphasize the connection you build with her.

How To Attract Women - Strategy #2:

One of the things I've figured during the last several years is that WOMEN DON'T LIKE AVERAGE GUYS. Average guys are like average cars for beautiful women. They are everywhere, and nothing special. What they're looking for is the FERRARI which is rare and hard to get if not impossible if you don't have a lot of money.

The same happens at a party for example: When a really beautiful woman comes to a party most of the guys are just staying where they are and stare at her with open mouths. They are overwhelmed by her beauty and would be willing to do everything she wants from them and of course she knows that.

Since there are countless of these guys she meets everywhere and all the time wherever she goes they are nothing special to her and so she's not interested in them. What she's looking for is THE ONE GUY, the guy who's above average.

But how do you do that? How do you become an above average guy and what do you have to do? I'm glad you asked. The answer is quite simple:



Guys who are successful with women and dating have a lot of options and therefore aren't really impressed when they see a beautiful woman. They know a lot of beautiful women and she's just another one.

No big deal. Nothing special. Just normal.

Women notice when something like this happens, and what they're thinking then, is that this guy has a lot of options he's not like all the other ones who faint when I just look at them and is therefore rare and something special. He might even be hard to get. So if you want to attract women you know what you have to do the next time. Don't be impressed by their beauty.

How To Attract Women - Strategy #3:

Another way for how to attract women is to simply don't give them a lot of attention. Beautiful women know how men are working and what they have to do to get what they want from them. They're used to be surrounded by guys who are overwhelmed by their beauty and willing to fulfil all of their wishes.

But if a beautiful woman meets someone like you now, who's not overwhelmed by her beauty and don't gives her a lot of attention she'll be definitively CONFUSED and will ask herself WHY you are NOT acting like all the other guys. You're again communicating that you're not an average guy and she will get more and more interested in you because of the fact that she's not able to look right through you.

How To Attract Women - Strategy #4:


You can take the concept of confusion even one step further and bring it up to the next level in order to attract women and make them interested in you...

That's right, I said bring it up the next level and the way you do this is by BEING A CHALLENGE TO THEM. You're not only giving her nearly no attention and stay totally unimpressed by her beauty, but also bust on her, tease her or even make some fun of her which is the VERY OPPOSITE of what all the other guys do. They would never dare and even think about busting, teasing or making fun of her.


But what you'll do with that is that you show her that you're confident and simply don't care. She'll be again very confused because very few people have ever done this with her before. She won't maybe even know if you like her now or not, and will therefore try to win you over which means that you're not any more the pursuer but the pursued one.

ATTENTION: If you want to attract women make sure you always do this concept of being a challenge in a playful and funny way. Don't insult or hurt her if you don't want to get slapped or have her drink in your face.

Some beautiful women are also sometimes very shy and insecure. I know this sounds crazy but that's the truth. So if that's the case you also want to slow down you're teasing and busting because in such a case it would be counterproductive.

How To Attract Women - Strategy #5:

So remember, when we first said that we feel pulled to things that are limited or a lot of people are competing for. You can use these principles to attract women by showing her that you are preselected, which means, showing her that other women like and want you and that you have a lot of options.

When she will see that there are a lot of other women (high competition) who think that you are the real deal, she will AUTOMATICALLY assume that you're something special and will be more likely to be attracted to you.

But how do you do that if you're just starting out and don't have a lot of other women? No problem dude.

Just talk with a lot of other women in the club or wherever you are and make sure that she can see it. What I also like to do is to go out with some normal female friends (maybe you have one or two) of mine.

The women you will see at the club for instance won't know that these girls you're out with are just normal friends of you and so they will assume that you have a lot of options and are preselected. This method works like a champ and if you want to attract women, a lot of beautiful women, then I highly recommend you take advantage of it.

How To Attract Women - Strategy #6:


A big mistake that a lot of guys make is, that they go out with the aim of picking up women, getting phone numbers, getting laid...



This is a bad thing because with setting yourself an outcome, you put yourself under unnecessary pressure. The result will be that you are more likely to get nervous now when you're talking to women because you don't want to mess up your chances and fail with reaching your outcome.

What you should do instead is to go out to have fun and good time and be OUTCOME INDEPENDENT where you simply don't care if you get this one girl or not. This mindset of being outcome independent will TAKE AWAY your insecurities you might have around women and will help you to have a good time and when this happens guess what?

You will automatically attract women and pull them right to you because they will feel the good energy you're spreading and want to join your company.

If you want to learn more secret strategies that aren't available anywhere else about how attract women, be more confident around women, approach women without getting rejected, get a woman's phone number or how to make them steaming hot then simply check the following site: http://www.thesecretdatingsystem.com

Thanks for your time and I wish you the best!


Your Friend, Darius G.