Agent Finds a Warrior by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

Hot Date

My fingers intertwined with hers and hers with mine and it was as if I’d never been without her for she seemed to be a part of me and I read the same thought as mine in her eyes.

My Master moved past us and walked towards the man who stood by the pillar of the house. As Jesus walked by the withered flowers regained their form and bloomed radiantly, even as the birds sang and greeted in the new day eager to see what the Lord had made.

The Master drew up before Flint and grasped his shoulders, “Blessings strong watchman of your house. These lands that have been given to you are secure. Your possessions sanctified and blessed. Your family safe and secure and your eternity with Me is assured. You are an overcomer and I thank you for being faithful to Me even at the prospect of losing all that you hold dear for even so that is how I loved you when I gave myself on the cross and turned My back on everything that I am in order to die an earthly death so that one day a man such as you could have life by My triumph over death, hell, and the grave.”

The two locked together in an embrace that was broken after a moment by a small voice, “Daddy?”

Flint looked back to see his two children standing there.

“Mommy needs you!”

Flint looked back to his Savior who smiled warmly, “A new day has come and with it there shall be new life and blessings pressed down from above as children are a gift from the Lord. All will be well. Now go to her and comfort her in her time of travail.”

Flint took off for the house, as the two children stared spellbound at Jesus. Smiling He leaned forward and took their hands, “Do you have a garden that we might walk in for a while?”

Taleah bubbled out, “Oh yes! Would you like to see it?”

“We have puppies too!” Brian piped in.

“I would very much like to see your puppies Brian and your garden Taleah. Shall we go?”

Both children led Him away laughing with delight.


I watched fondly as the children were led away to be occupied and blessed even as they innocently delighted in the presence of their Maker.

I turned my head to Maria to find her smiling at me.

“Zora?” I asked inquiringly.

“My real name.”

“I like it. It sounds exotic and beautiful just like you.”

Her smile became radiant. I so wanted to taste the lips that formed her smiles!

I heard a sound then that brought my focus elsewhere and pursing my lips regretfully I asked, “Have you ever helped to deliver a baby before Zora?”

“No can’t say that I have.”

“Well now’s your time to learn. Come along my love. I’ll kiss you later!”

She smiled and followed along as I’d never let go of her hand.




Flint rushed into the bedroom to see Lisa sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked up sheepishly, “You know how I’ve been procrastinating about putting a mattress cover on? Well now we’ll need a new mattress because my water broke all over it.”

Flint blinked a couple of times in rapid succession before saying, “I’ll get the car!”

“Honey I don’t think there’s time for that.” Lisa said.


I walked into the room and came around to Lisa rolling up my sleeves as I did so.

Her eyebrows rose dramatically, “You’re not serious!”

I smiled charmingly in response.

“You’ve done this before?” She asked suspiciously.

“Many times. Now lie back and try to get comfortable so I can examine how far along you are.”

Lisa did so reluctantly.

“Lisa you’re fully dilated and effaced.” I said encouragingly after a few moments.

Lisa moaned in relief at the thought of a quick and easy delivery and said, “Thank God for proglastidine!”

“What’s proglastidine?” Zora asked innocently.

Flint’s face turned darker even as Lisa snickered out, “Don’t worry honey I’m sure you’ll find out first hand soon enough. Elon will have that flat belly of yours swelling out with child before you know it.”

Zora’s face immediately turned ten shades of red at Lisa’s ribald comment and I saw Flint mouth out, “I’m sorry!” to Zora who looked like she just wanted to leave the room, but obediently stayed helping me.

There was a lot about thought projection that I hadn’t shared with Zora mainly because I liked hearing her sexy voice too much, but now I broke my silence of the mind and spoke directly into her consciousness, “Sorry about that Zora.”

Zora’s head jerked slightly and she looked at me in question and I explained what was going on.

“Childbirth has different phases with different clues to tell you which one the woman is in at the time. In the phase right before birth the woman goes through an uninhibited phase where she says things she wouldn’t normally and often starts taking her clothes off.”

Just then Lisa started taking her shirt off and Zora’s eyes widened in response.

I felt Zora tentatively invade my mind with her thoughts, “You really know your stuff! What can I do to help?”

“Just watch and learn. There will likely be another opportunity in the future to help deliver a baby.”

Her thoughts were back in the my consciousness, “Maybe it will be ours.”

I blinked and glanced at her abruptly. Darn, I hadn’t even gotten the chance to kiss her yet and she was already talking about having my babies!

“I was sort of figuring on keeping you to myself for a while.” I admitted honestly to which she just smiled.

I refocused on Lisa and spoke out loud, “Lisa soon you’ll feel the urge to push and that’s okay. You push as hard as you want to.”

“I’m definitely feeling that urge right now!”

“Okay let’s get you into a better position then. Giving birth flat on your back is the worst and hardest position to ever try to give birth in.”

“What! I’ve had two babies and the doctors never told me that!”

“That’s because modern doctors like to be sitting comfortablely on a stool ready to involve themselves in the process of childbirth needlessly, because they see the presence of themselves as more important to the process than anything else, when in reality what really would be for the best was if the female body was allowed to do what it was perfectly created to do.”

“You’re doing all my deliveries from now on Elon! So help me I’m going to murder those doctors!”

“Lisa put that emotion into accomplishing something and push!”


Ten minutes later a strapping boy was born, and thirty five minutes later a little girl came out just as healthy. Lisa was very proud and held both of them in her arms overcome with emotion.

Looking up to her husband she said, “Elon James and Maria Candace?”

Both Zora and I started to object, but Flint said, “It’s done.” And that was that.

I slipped away when it was safe to, leaving mother and father alone to appreciate the new life that had been born into the world this day. I felt like I was about to pass out because I was so tired.




Zora watched Elon go and started to follow, but Lisa caught her hand. Zora looked down to see Lisa blushing, “I’m sorry about what I said earlier! It was terribly crude of me.”

Zora smiled and shrugged before leaning closer and whispering so as not to wake the babies or for Flint to hear, “It was close enough to the truth anyway most likely.”

Lisa chuckled knowingly before her face went suddenly serious, “You’re a very lucky girl Maria to have him.”

Zora glanced back the way Elon had just gone, “That is being made very clear to me.”

She left the new mom and her devoted husband then to fawn over their new babies. She herself was on the point of dropping to the floor in exhaustion.


Zora stepped into the bedroom that she had shared with Elon only to see him sprawled across the bed fast asleep. She pulled a blanket out and spread it over top of Elon’s sprawled out form.

He hadn’t left much room, but Zora managed to slip onto the edge of the bed and find enough space to keep from falling off. She tucked herself under the blanket careful not to awaken Elon, as she draped his widespread arm across her hip.

She lay there on her side facing Elon watching him as he slept deeply. It was an overwhelming desire she had to fight against not to reach out and touch his face. She wanted to touch him. All of him.

His lips were full and inviting and she had to close her eyes against the urge to kiss him in his sleep. She was so ready for this man’s possession of her.

She’d never thought this day would come that she would ever want much less crave one man’s touch, but she did.

She drifted off to sleep as both of them slept through the early hours of the day in a deeply peaceful rest as a heavenly calm settled over them for a job well done.




I enjoyed driving. The modern car was definitely one of my most favored inventions to come along down through the years. Who didn’t like to go fast and feel a precision instrument respond intuitively beneath you to your every command and request for more power?

It had been awfully nice of Lisa to loan us the car. The top of the convertible was down and the afternoon sun was warm and for the first time in my life I had a hot date.

My eyes drifted over to Zora and took in the vision that she was. Her black hair gusted out behind her as the wind caught it. She lounged in her seat looking completely at ease in my company. It was a seductive sight to behold.

She’d unbuttoned the top several buttons of her blouse and she was giving me quite a view and I knew it was entirely intentional on her part. She was telling me she was ready for more and I wasn’t going to disappoint her, but first we would have one last date together.

It had been beyond hard to resist taking advantage of her, when I had woken up around lunch time to find her snuggled up against me in the bed. I had resisted the temptation of her then though and caused what felt like bodily harm to myself in the process.

I couldn’t go on much longer denying myself though.

Each new side road we came across was a temptation to divert down and find a place to park put the convertible’s cover back up and tear her clothes off. I gripped the wheel hard. Tonight! Tonight she would be mine.

She turned her head to me and smiled, “How long will it be before we reach wherever your taking me.”

My grip on the wheel tightened. Did she have any idea what that sounded like?

I glanced over to her only to find that her eyes were laughing at me. Again I was reminded of the fact that this was a completely different side of this woman that I had never seen, while she had worked for the Agency.

“You’re cruel!” I said shaking my head as I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

I’d expected her to laugh at her accomplishment of making me cry uncle, but her answer wasn’t what I had expected.

“I’m sorry!”

My gaze darted over to her to see her buttoning up her shirt.

My hand closed over top of hers, “Please don’t take my view away. I’ve waited a long time for the privilege to enjoy such a view and while it and you are utterly tormenting to me I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

I let my hand fall away and her fingers re-undid the buttons only she went several buttons down farther.

I glanced away from the sight that she had afforded me and asked, “What’s changed about you Zora? All the years that I’ve known of you since you were at the Agency you’ve gone around with this big invisible sign plastered to you that read, ‘Men beware, if you so much as touch me I’ll nail your family jewels to the wall and use the rest of you for target practice’.”

I glanced over to her to see her biting her full lower lip tellingly.

She tried to bite back a wry smile before asking, “It was that bad?”

“It was that bad.” I affirmed.

She was the one to look away this time, while I continued to enjoy the view. Her words though brought me back to sharply focus on her face, “I saw things when I was a young girl that no one should ever see. Things done by men to women. It scared me for a long time. Still does actually. It was a good thing in many ways when I found the Agency. The Agency exposed me to truly good men like Chantry and Flint. They helped to redefine what it was to be a male and still be an entirely noble individual. You’re both caring and noble like they are. I know you won’t ever hurt me. I trust you like I have few individuals in my life. I even desire you, which is a miracle for me.”

Her head spun to me and she quickly added, “I don’t mean that to sound as if you’re not desirable! It’s just……”

“I know what you meant.” I said cutting in gently.

“Zora I’ll never do anything to disappoint the confidence that you’ve put in me as a man of character. I may make you mad from time to time, but I’ll never betray your trust.”

“I know.” She said with feeling.

There was a question that needed to be asked, “Going along with the childhood situations that you mentioned I need to ask if you were abused as well? I only ask that because I don’t want to re-create bad memories for you in terms of how we take are relationship into a more intimate level.”

“No I wasn’t. You’ll be the first man that I’ve ever been with.”

I glanced over to her and lifted my hand up to her face. I stroked a finger down her cheek and over to her lower lip, which I caressed slowly, “It will be a first for both of us then.”

She swallowed and her lips moved beneath my finger as she said, “I’m honored.”

I blinked. It was an unbelievable feeling to experience the unbelievable intimacy that I already shared with this woman past any realm of fleshly desire.

I refocused on my driving. I’d never had a harder time managing to keep a vehicle within the lines not to mention the speed limit.

Zora shifted in her seat and before I knew it she was sitting up against me.

I swallowed and glanced to her face which was very near only to hear her say, “I like being with you. Would you put your arm around me?”

My one arm came away from the steering wheel and folded around her shoulders, until my hand rested against her far side. The feel of her trustingly within the enclosure of my arm was a new emotional high in my life. The feel of her was amazing, but it was the knowledge that she liked being where she was that made me never want this moment to stop.

Her head was tilted back as it rested against my shoulder and she was smiling at me.

I wished I could smile back at her for truly she had made me happy, but I just felt to overcome by her.

I searched for something to say. Something of value to return in exchange for what she was giving me.

Clearing my throat of the husky emotion I was infused with I said “We should be in the city by early evening. We can have a nice dinner and then I’ve procured an invitation to a grand charity ball being held for a noble cause. There will be lots of dancing involved. Does that sound of interest to you?”

She came away from my side to sit bolt upright and I knew that I’d scored big time. Her face was tense though as she said, “But I don’t have a dress!”

“I looked at your clothes before we left and I had Lisa guess as to some measurements I wasn’t sure of. I called ahead to a dress shop and they should have something for you by the time we get into the city. We’ll go there first and let you try it on and then we’ll go to dinner, while they make whatever alterations to the dress that may be necessary. The ball doesn’t start until 9 o’clock and it’s in the same hotel where we’ll be staying so there’s plenty of time for you to get ready. The hotel has someone standing by to help you with your hair and anything else that you may need.”

I glanced over to her to see what her reaction was, only to see tears coursing down her cheeks. What had I done wrong?

She smiled radiantly at me then in the midst of the tears and I realized that I was experiencing the phenomena of happy tears. I’ve never understood the concept of it myself. The process of crying when you are happy just didn’t make sense, but I could see that was the case for Zora.

She seemed to be speechless. All she could do was smile and cry. She leaned back against my side then, only this time her arm went around my back to hold me even as mine held her to me.

Sometimes it was fun to give and this was definitely one of those times. It was so gratifying to know that I’d both surprised her and possibly made one of her dreams come true. I wanted to do that for her again and again.




Zora leaned against Elon side as her heart pounded within her chest. She was going to a ball!

She was going to dance again! She wasn’t just going to be dancing though. She was going to be dancing with Elon!

She shivered involuntarily, as she imagined what it would be like to be led in the moves of the dance by Elon.

She had felt so brazen earlier in her attempt to please him visually by unbuttoning her shirt. Many men would set up an event like Elon had just as a reward for what she’d done, but that wasn’t the case with Elon. Before a button had come undone he had already been involved in a plan to surprise her with something he knew would please her.

How many women could say they had a man who thought of their welfare ahead of any gain for themselves?

She was going to a ball! She’d always dreamed of this, but out on her own and distant from any man she’d never had the ability to go to one much less enjoy it like she knew she was going to with Elon.

“I know the hearts of man and there is nothing hidden from Me. I see the secret desires and it pleases Me to grant those to whom I will.”

The infilling of heavenly thought overwhelmed Zora.

Oh! She was going to cry again! She’d never been so happy in her life before!