Agent for a Cause by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen


After three days in the hospital one thing became clear to both Anna and the staff, Tyre was a healthy animal that healed up fast. Kevin had been like a new discovery every moment that she was with him. He remembered and yet he didn’t.

He remembered her and their times together. He could talk without any hesitation even though it was the first time since his first few words as a toddler, but he didn’t seem to remember any of his geniuses with technology. In a way that was yet another blessing.

Like Chantry had said Kevin had made another module of his amazing breakthrough. The Agency for Good had seized it and all the data that came with it and with Anna’s permission they would look out for it while Anna decided what was to be done with it. The Iron Wills society had paid a heavy price globally for their treachery and were no more in terms of a functioning body.

Their demise had only added to the agency’s reputation as an organization not to be trifled with. Anna stopped for a moment outside of the beast’s lair. It was time to go in and be his sacrificial victim, she thought with a smirk.

She opened the door and instantly his eyes were on her. He didn’t see her lock the door behind her back though. His features were caught up in an aggravated tension and she knew what was behind it. The poor baby wanted free of this place with a passion.


Anna was a welcome sight, but I couldn’t help the tension I felt that being cooped up in this unsanitary place of sickness had put me under, “When can I leave?”

She had a mysterious smile on her face. “Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!” I stormed out enraged.

“I’m ready to leave right now!” I gritted out.

“Doctors orders I’m afraid. He did say though that you should be able to start resuming normal activities.”

There was something about the way her lips formed ‘normal activity’ that had me sitting up straighter in the bed.

“He did, did he?”

“Oh yes he even assigned me to take care of you for the rest of the day as your personal nurse.”

My eyebrows rose. Now this was getting interesting! Before I could say anything she waved her hand in front of her face, “It sure is hot in here isn’t it?”

Her words were immediately followed by her unbuttoning five buttons of her shirt.

I swallowed.

She stepped closer to the bed. “You look a bit feverish. Should I take your temperature?” She asked in a professional tone.

“I think you should focus on getting more cooled off yourself before you continue your treatment.”

Her smile was coy as her fingers undid the remaining buttons of her shirt.

“You’re not going to be a difficult patient are you?” She asked.

“Let me think about it for a moment…….no I don’t think so, but you still look hot.”

Being married to her was so fun! And sexy! Make that very sexy!


Anna stood in line at the concessions booth waiting patiently. Goodness knew she had time to wait. Nikolai always insisted on being anywhere they went at least twenty minutes early. She usually cut his twenty minute window down to ten or five minutes most of the time by doing her makeup or something else, but not today.

Her hands rubbed out over her belly, as she felt a kick that took her breath away. She smiled even though the kick had brought her pain and shortened her breathing up some.

“Not yet baby. Two more months, honey.”

It was her turn at the counter and she ordered.

It was a bit of a juggling act to carry everything back to their seats, but she managed. Nikolai popped out of his seat when his concerned eyes found her coming down the darkened theater isle.

“I didn’t know you were getting stuff! I thought you were just going to the restroom. You should’ve let me get this!”

“I can manage it honey and besides you can’t see a movie without popcorn. It just simply isn’t done old boy!”

He shook his head as a brief smile lit up his features and he sat back down after taking the drinks from her. Anna passed Kevin his tray of goodies and he thanked her and gave her a look of appreciation that said he thought she was the best mom ever.

In a way that simple glance made her day more so than any number of movie shows could ever have done. She settled down in her seat and started in on her popcorn, feeling completely content sitting in between her two men. She glanced at Nikolai’s pretzel bites and had to admit that at least for today they did look really good, especially the cheese!

He must’ve seen her covetous glance because he took her popcorn and set his pretzel bites down onto the shelf that her big belly made.

She smiled with real appreciation and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks you’re the best!”

He just smiled and started eating her popcorn. She started eating the bites and as she did so she reflected on what had occurred in her life in the past months that had led her up to this blessed moment with her family.

She had gone before the Senate hearing and given her speech and received a standing ovation. There had been talk in the press and on Capitol Hill for up to three months later about the importance of big changes needing to be made, but nothing ever came of it. Apparently money does talk louder than seeing that the right thing gets done. At least that was the case in Washington DC.

The Agency released a soft version of the technology that Kevin had developed, but it didn’t sell it to any government instead it made the upgrade affordable at a ridiculously low price and put it on the open market for everyone to share.

Even at the low price set for it, the system software had already generated billions of dollars, as it represented a quantum shift in technology. To a dime the agency had sunk the money into her autism awareness and treatment foundation and others like it. Autism not only had a voice now, but now it had the money to back it up.

Strange the way God could use a little boy and a grown-up Renaissance man from Russia to effect such changes that were even now positively influencing the lives of so many throughout the world and those yet unborn. Anna had gotten her wish for warmth too. Nikolai had set up a gorgeous house for them just outside Melbourne in Australia and they had been here for several months already and soon their little family would increase by one.

Life had been so hard for so long, but knowing now what she did she would gladly suffer all through it again just to be here in this moment and the many that she’d already had just like it. The show was about to start and she felt her husband’s warm arm settle across her shoulders as his fingers began the play with her hair.

He had kind of half turned to her in his seat and his other hand was now splayed out fingers wide on her belly. His complete focus was on her and not on the show that had started. She felt tears slide down her cheeks as she glanced into his eyes in the darkened theater.

“Happy?” He asked softly.

Beyond any words could express was her one thought and he seemed to sense her answer.

“Me too!” He said and then he kissed her and she him and Kevin smiled, as he watched them knowing that everything was going well in his world, because of his parent’s love for each other and the Great Creator who had given him to them to raise.

Life was good and he was glad that he could talk, because one day he wanted to tell his wife how much he loved her just as his daddy did all the time for his mother.