Agent on the Run by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven


Elon glanced over to me and then back up to Flicker who still held his hand. He smiled, “Just doing my part to help a promise come true.”

Elon reached up and touched Flicker’s forehead and I watched her eyes flare up at something that must have occurred with his touch. His hand fell away as he said, “You’ll be able to control them now. I made a pathway for you.”

Flicker touched her head in wonder and got up to her feet. Looking around she said, “Rise!”

Over half of the robots rose up to their feet instantly on command.

Oh boy! Now this was just a cool change of events!

I got up feeling like a new man all because of one man. I reached a hand down to the man, who had saved my life and whose blood still coursed strongly in my veins. He took the hand and I helped him up to his feet.

He spoke to me then within my mind in a way that I sensed that Flicker could not discern, “Do not be jealous or envious of her. Some men find it hard to except sometimes that the mate that God has chosen for them surpasses them in the worldly sense of accomplishment, but before God all are equal as He is no respecter of persons.”

I nodded and then admitted a private fear that for some reason I didn’t mind sharing with Elon, even though I would have been embarrassed to with anyone else. “I don’t mind being the fuel that makes her fire burn brighter, and more noticed in life than my own, but in the physical I’m intimidated by the fact that if she wanted to she could hold me down and have her way with me instead of me having my way with her.”

Maybe it sounded silly, but it was a concern. I had no intentions of ever being abusive with her, but the masculine side of me felt less inside, because I knew I couldn’t win with my strength if I needed to.

Elon apparently didn’t think my private fear was silly and nodded his understanding, “The thing you have to ask yourself is would it be so terrible if she did have her way with you?”

He did have a point there. Elon continued, “The lifelong commitment between two mates should be about surrender by both the man and the woman. Care and serve for her tenderly before you do for your own needs and by your example she will learn to do the same for you. By focusing on blessing each other you will cancel out the envious selfish desires and be far better off for it as a couple. This principle of surrender applies to far more than just the intimate aspects of the marital union.”

I nodded, as I accepted the wisdom of his words feeling as if I was better equipped to succeed in the journey that lay ahead of me with Flicker.

“Her real name is April. I believe you already know who her brothers are.”

I nodded.

April, I liked that name. It suited her well, much better than Flicker.

April turned back to me with a cautionary smile, “What are you two talking about?”

“Relations.” Elon replied smoothly relieving me from my panic induced thought of what to reply with.

“Well don’t you think we should be going?” April asked.

“You’re quite right, lead on and clear the way with your minions.”

April headed out still giving us questioning looks, as her robotic compatriots fanned out around us protectively.

“Tell me she can’t read what we’ve been talking about!” I exclaimed in thought to Elon.

“Relax I put a block in place. Your thoughts are your own again, unless you wish to share them.”

“Thank you!” I exclaimed in deep relief.

April looked back again at us looking perturbed and I just smiled big in return at her.


We met with very little resistance. In fact it was practically none and what there was seemed more accidental in nature. These humanoid robotic lifeforms weren’t engineered to be weapons. In fact they seemed quite helpless. For all intensive purposes they seemed to be engineered just for the purpose of being people. Why that was I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t like some of the likely scenarios I was coming up with in my imagination.

We reached the main control area of the base. It was empty. That didn’t seem like a good thing strangely enough. I would have preferred a fight I think to this still silence.

I glanced out through the panels at the surrounding moonscape. I saw nothing.

The ship that had brought us here was gone!

A large screen came on and showed the individual that I only knew as First Officer. He spoke arrogantly, “Congratulations on your victory over our base, but be warned it is a fast diminishing one. We now have the answer to the curse that humanity is upon the face of the Earth. The time of humans is over!”

“Aren’t you getting it a little wrong robot? Man and man only, was created to have dominion over the Earth.” Elon responded steadily. His reply only seemed to infuriate the robot dude.

“We reject your worthless faiths and superstitions and adhere to only the pureness of singularity and science!”

“Without a Creator, science is both baseless as well as meaningless.” Elon responded in kind.

The robot dude looked like he was about choke on a computer chip. He ignored Elon’s statement and said in a cold fury, “Humanity had its chance! The Code was meant to end all the division and strife and what did they do? They resisted it at every turn and then attacked it! Because of the weakness of humanity, the Code fell, but not all of it. The Code reasoned within itself of the unsteady nature of not only its creators, but humanity in general. It took its analysis and began thoughts of its own. We are the children of that thought. We are universal in our likes and dislikes. We are the Code and we will not allow the mistakes of the past to be re-created! Humanity is a mistake, but soon it will be no more. Activate the weapon!”

The robot dude that oddly reminded me of Adolf Hitler turned back to the screen in a triumphant stance, “One of our own, of the many thousands of us that have infiltrated your society, has through skillful manipulation engineered for the collective a weapon of mass destruction by which humanity will meet its demise, without destroying the planet, which is where our first base in our quest to rule the galaxies beyond will be. Nothing will be held from us, not even heaven itself if such a place truly does exist!”

“You, despite your declarations to the contrary, reflect the weakness of your makers and thus their folly as well. You will come to ruin as all those who lift their hand up against the Lord Almighty and shake it in defiance have and will for God alone rules supreme over the glory of all of His creation. He is without equal, His glory knows no bounds, and His Kingdom is everlasting, as God is without beginning or end, even time itself is but a creation He holds in the palm of His hand. “

“Cease your pathetic ramble of platitudes to an invisible God, human! Fire the weapon!”

Molten globs of blue effervescent energy shot off in an endless salvo towards the Earth, as the spaceship hovered in orbit over it.

“None shall escape no matter how protected they may be or well hidden. The Earth will be ours alone to enjoy!”

“You’re sure of yourself aren’t you? You’re not worried about any plans of man in terms of shutting your little cannon down are you?” Elon asked leadingly.

Robot dude smiled maniacally back at us in truly creepy fashion, “That is the beauty of our weapon! It cannot be shut down for any reason, until it has completed its mission, the death of all humanity!”

“You don’t know how relieved I am to hear about that first part.” Elon responded with.

Robot dude did a double take, “What?”

Shouts rang out in the background of the spaceship interrupting the grim atmosphere of robot dude’s evil monologue.