Agent on the Run by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen


I stared at the mass panic caught on screen for our viewing pleasure, as little robot dudes raced around in panic on the spaceship hovering above the Earth. It would seem that their great weapon furnished by one Jane Sola was targeting them instead of humanity. I glanced to the side at April and gave her a thumbs up.

She blushed slightly, “I wouldn’t have been able to do it if it wasn’t for the instructions that Elon gave me.”

Elon spoke up, “You’re too modest April. While I may have helped you I am in no way a technological virtuosos such as you. Engineering that weapon the way you did is nothing short of genius.”

At his words April blushed even more.

I was so proud of her. What man could say that his woman saved the world? I could and I said as much.

April leaned close to me and whispered into my ear, “How many girls can brag about how their man helped save them both spiritually as well as physically? I can!”

I pulled April close as our lips melded into a kiss of mutual passion, as the screen before us showed the last panicked moments of First Officer robot dude and his panicked minions before they got zapped by their own weapon, which had just finished up removing all the last elements of the Code from Earth.

Vaguely through the heat of the kiss I heard Elon say, “I find it ironic that someone cruelly manipulated by the Code should be the one to be given authorship over the Code’s destruction based in no small part because of the abilities given to her by the Code’s own lawless experimentation.”

Yes that was ironic. I started to lose myself in the kiss again, when a thought occurred to me that had me breaking contact with April and turning towards Elon. “How are we going to get back to Earth?”

He just smiled, “I’ll show you, but finish your kiss first.”

Alright then, in faith I turned back to April, but she was craning to see around me at Elon, “Just how are we going to get back to Earth Elon?”

Elon chuckled and stepped forward placing a hand on our shoulders, “Why don’t I show you.”


My eyes were still open, but I wasn’t looking at the interior of a moon base anymore.

“Where are we?” April squeaked out.

“The city of Prague.” Elon responded with calmly.

April was panicked, “Elon people will see me and…….”

Elon opened the door of the shop we were standing in front of, as he cut April’s panicked response off with, “It’s why we came here April. After you two.” He said holding the door open.

Timidly April stepped into the shop and I followed.

It was a toy shop, only everything was obviously handcrafted to perfection. A rarity in the world of toys anymore, where everything was prefabricated and made out of plastic.

A bespectacled older man approached us his eyes fixed on April, who was blushing in embarrassment at his study of her.

“May I please dear?” He asked, as without waiting for a reply he lifted one of April’s hands obviously in awe at the structure of the metallic components.

“Extraordinary!” The old man said.

He glanced up to April’s embarrassed face, “Extraordinary as you are my darling I rather you’d like to change the presentation of things up a bit wouldn’t you?”

“I………” April didn’t get a chance to respond, as the old man started leading her away talking as he did so, “Just finished the last mold half an hour ago. Most peculiar thing that’s ever happened to me.”

I started to follow, the Elon held me back.

I looked to him, “What do you suppose he’s going to do to her?”

“I don’t know. How about we wait and see.” Elon said, as he went over to a bench and lay down on it. Despite the apparent uncomfortableness of the hard bench Elon actually looked comfortable in appearance at least.

Puzzled I asked, “You know this man?”

“Never seen him before in my life.”

“What……” I started to ask, but stopped as I heard a light snore.

I turned back to Elon to see that he was fast asleep. Somehow so mundane a task as sleeping seemed alien to the superhuman aspects that I had gleaned so far of Elon’s impressive array of attributes. Could Elon really just be as human as the rest of us?

One thing was apparent; he needed sleep just like the rest of us did. I sat down to wait, anxious to know what was going on behind the closed door where April had been led off to.


Five hours later.

April stared at herself in the mirror in awe as she reached her fingers up to touch her face. It was as if she’d never lost her hands. She flexed her fingers and wiggled them. The palms of her hands shifted from a slight pink to the more even tone of the white skin of the back of her hand, which traced up her arm and blended into her shoulder seamlessly, as it was a perfect match for her natural skin color.

Everything looked so real!

She even had fingernails!

She didn’t know why, but just the thought of being able to paint her fingernails brought tears of happiness pouring down her face.

“I can’t believe this is happening! You’re sure this is going to stay on?” April asked softly, as she continued to stare at herself in the mirror.

“Oh yes my dear! My concoction is basically a ballistic type jelly that I’ve added a few things to. It’s very durable and completely flexible, as well as being fully cleanable. It feels just like flesh to the touch. About the only thing you can’t do with it is to get a tan, so you’ll have to watch your exposure to the sun if you don’t want there to be a noticeable difference between that of your arms and legs in comparison to the rest of you.”

April nodded, as she continued to stare into the mirror.

She addressed another private worry to the old toymaker, “What if I do damage to the jelly in some way by cutting it or burning it accidentally?”

“In case that should happen dear it’s a simple fix. I’ll simply send my jelly recipe and the molds I’ve made along with you. If you need to you can whip up a batch and reform any appendage that you need to with a little help from someone else.”

Wiping her tears away April enfolded the old man in a hug, “Thank you so much! You don’t know what this means to me!”

“Oh I think I do. Women were created to be beautiful and you my dear look absolutely sensational, if I do say so myself.”

April pulled back some, “How can I ever repay you for this?”

Harold Grimsley wiped at his moist eyes before he gruffly replied, “I’ve made toys and repaired toys all of my life following in the footsteps of my father and his father before him and so on. But today has been special, because I’ve done much more than just work honorably in the traditions of my fathers. Today instead of repairing a toy I’ve helped to repair an individual. What more payment than that could I ask, as the crowning achievement of all my years as a craftsman?”

April hugged Harold again fiercely to her as tears started again.




The sound of a door closing jarred me awake and away from the wall I had been leaning against.

Startled I glanced up and the sight that I saw had me surging up to my feet, “Oh wow!” I exclaimed.

My eyes started at the gracefully formed toes that led into high feminine arches, as feet turned into delicate ankles which moved upward into sleekly muscled calves that gracefully rounded out to soft knees that blended seamlessly with April’s toned thighs.

My eyes took in her hands and arms, as my eyes finally traced up to hers wonderingly. She was smiling at me. She wasn’t just smiling though; she was smiling with the confidence of a woman who knew she looked good. It was a great look on her!

She stepped up close to me and folded her arms, which I would’ve sworn were real up around the back of my neck, as she leaned in against me. Her blue eyes probed into mine teasingly as she asked, “You like?”

Her complete beauty was so overwhelming to me that I stammered to come up with words to respond with, “You’re like the best present that’s ever been given to me other than my salvation. Every day with you is going to be like waking up on Christmas morning.”

Her eyes seemed to glow high with emotion and then they swirled into the picture of the sensual. She curled upward on her toes and brought her lips to my ear to say in her sexy voice, “If I’m your present baby I can hardly wait for Christmas morning so you can unwrap me to enjoy everything about me that was crafted to bring you joy.”

Desire slammed into me like a mule kick to the gut and she pulled her head back from my ear laughing softly, as she was fully aware of the rampaging need she had just created within me for her. She held up one graceful finger in front of my face, “But other things come first my dear.”

“Like a shotgun wedding!” I said in eagerness.

She chuckled, “Yes that, but I was actually thinking of something else before that.”

“What?” I said blankly.

Her eyes turned eager and she looked as giddy as a schoolgirl, “I need clothes Sir! Pretty clothes and shoes and above all I need nail polish! Can you take me shopping pretty please!” She was almost jumping up and down in my arms.

“Well I suppose something like that could be arranged. I’d say you’re due a shopping spree or two for saving the world and all of humanity.”

She squealed and grabbed my arm tugging me towards the door, “Come on!”




Elon and Harold watched through the toy shop’s window both of them smiling benignly, as they watched April tug a laughing Sean formally known as Agent Utah Blaine down the street.

Harold spoke into the peaceful silence of the shop, “Do the ways of God ever fail to amaze you?”

Elon gazed over at Harold smiling richly, “No, they do not!”

Harold nodded, “Me neither. Just when I thought all meaningfulness was gone from my life God chooses to bless me with this experience of being truly useful. I had thought all my talents were wasted in this life, which had become gray and dark, but now I feel renewed life poured in from above.”

Harold glanced around the toy shop that was empty of customers, “This moment is enough. I am successful.”

Elon glanced around, “These toys are of the finest quality that I have ever seen, why do people not by them?”

Harold shrugged, “It’s the times I guess. Money is tight for everyone. I’d give them all away for free if I could.”

Elon pulled a heavy looking bag from his belt and pressed it into Harold hand, “Well now you can.”

But Harold was shaking his head no, as he tried to give the sac back protesting, “No I don’t want payment for this!”

“Keep it. Don’t refuse a gift when it’s freely given, as you limit the blessing that the one who gives receives.”

Reluctantly Harold held on to the sac, as Elon stepped past him and tore a paper off the inside of the shop’s window that read ‘Foreclosure’ in red ink.

Elon crumpled the paper up into a ball and tossed it across the shop to land with a swish into a trashcan. Tears were openly falling down Harold’s old crease lined cheeks now.

Elon gripped his shoulder and looked him in the eye, “Do what you love to do Harold. Make toys and give kids smiles, which you can now give to them for free, with no one looking over your shoulder demanding payment.”

Harold was shaking with emotion as he said, “Thank you!”

Elon patted him on the back, “Have a blessed day Harold.”

Elon turned and started for the door leaving Harold standing there. He was halfway through the door, when Harold cried out, “Wait!”

Elon paused and stepped back inside, as Harold hastily chucked the heavy sack onto the counter completely unmindful of it and hurried to the back of the shop. He came back moments later with a beautifully handcrafted baby doll in his hand that was the perfect gift for a little girl.

Elon looked up questioningly, as he was perplexed by Harold’s actions.

Harold handed the doll out to Elon, “This is for your daughter.”

Elon backed away toward the door shaking his head, “I have no children.”

“This is true, but you shall have several and your first shall be a girl followed by four boys and then two more girls.”

Elon turned and yanked the shop’s door open, but was stopped by Harold’s surprisingly strong grip on his arm.

Harold spoke, “What I tell you I know to be the truth, as assuredly as I was given instruction in the night, while I slept, as to the size and measurements of the molds that I was to fashion for your friend without ever having seen her.”

There was a heavy tensioned moment, as muscles leapt and ticked all across Elon’s face in a fashion that would have intimidated any other man on the planet, but to which Harold simply smiled back in return and said, “You should not refuse a gift that is freely given, as it denies the giver the blessing that is due him for having given something of value.”

Reluctantly, as if under great pressure Elon’s fingers closed around the doll and Harold let go of his arm and said, “Have a blessed day Elon Gideon.”

“I never told you my whole name.”

“I know.”