Agent on the Run by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Fifteen

Worth the Frustration

Sweat popped out all over my forehead and it was a good thing that I had taken the tuxedo coat off, as I felt like the muscles of my arms and shoulders were about to split the seams of the white shirt that I wore as it was.

“Honey you look like you’re about to blow some major arteries there. Just put me down before you strain something please!”

Oh for the love of mercy would she just shut up!

April’s lips immediately pursed together, as I saw her pull back some words she had been about to say. I winced, as I recorded the fact that the passion of my thoughts may have overridden the block that Elon had put in my mind, which kept her from reading it freely.

I glanced at her eyes to see if I’d hurt her with the harshness of my thoughts. Her eyes were laughing at me and I was relieved to see it.

I glanced up ahead of us. It had to be another stinking fifty feet before we reached the side door of the old Victorian mansion!

Who’s crazy idea had it been to install these long walkways?

I glanced down to April lying languidly still in my arms, only to see that she was about to burst out laughing. I shook my head as I huffed out, “Look I know this could be perceived as something insensitive as well as something you never ask a lady, but just how much do you weigh?”

“A little over 300 pounds.” April said apologetically.

That’s how much it felt like. Glad to know I hadn’t been imagining things.

“The metal adds a lot of weight.” April said stating the obvious.

No kidding!

I glanced at the door still a distance off and beyond it lay a spiral staircase to climb. This just wasn’t working out this way. I set April’s feet down and helped her stand up.

“Glad to see that you’ve come to your senses dear.” She said, as she unknowingly stoked my temper.

There she went opening her mouth again and doubting my manly attributes!

Well she had a surprise coming!

I half spun her around and dipping down I lifted her up, as I grasped the back of her legs throwing her over my shoulder, even as I straightened back up.

My hand settled securely on her bottom and I started back up the path. I had to admit that the caveman approach was a lot better in more than one way. April was one endless giggle, as she hung dangling over the back of my shoulder.

Let her giggle, if she wanted to. I was a man and I was going to get the job done!

I came to the door at long last. It would be locked and I wasn’t about to fumble around in my pocket in search of the rental key so in true caveman fashion I raised my foot and slammed it into the old weathered side door.

The entire handle part of the latch mechanism detached from the rest of the door with the splintering sound of wood to then fall satisfyingly loud on the tiled floor inside.

“You broke the door! We don’t own this place!” April exclaimed.

“I don’t care! They can sue me for damages if they want! It felt good and I’d do it again!”

“Ooohhhhh you’re such a beast!” April exclaimed in a melodramatic tone.

“You bet I am baby girl!”

April giggled against my back again and I let her have a smack on the bottom to underscore my masculine stance on the matter. She never stopped laughing.

I had come to the ornate spiral staircase that dominated the foyer of this Victorian mansion. Curse this Victorian style of architecture with its twelve foot ceilings and extra long staircases!

April out and out laughed as she read my thoughts. I started up the stairs resolutely.


Talk about feeling the burn!

I was drenched in sweat by the time I reach the top and I had to blink my eyes hard repeatedly to flick the sweat out of them. I saw the door at the end of the hall through the sweaty blur of my impaired vision and I headed for it.

The door was closed, but not locked. I’d already lost my ridiculous security deposit for the house so what the heck anyway. I kicked it open too. Stepping into the room I approached the rose petal strewn bed and tossed my burden onto it with a resounding bounce of the box springs.

I checked April’s eyes again to make sure I wasn’t scaring her, only to see that I was having quite the opposite effect on her. One of the best sights I’d ever seen in my life was seeing her laying there with a look of open desire for me in a pile of white lace and fancy beadwork.

She’d have to wait though, because I needed to catch my breath.

“I’ll finish ravishing you in a moment, but right now I need to sit down.” I turned and sat heavily down onto the side of the bed still panting from my experience with the stairs.

April came up behind me on her knees and started kissing the side of my face, “Oh you’re so strong!” She said in a silly tone, but I felt my masculine ego swell up anyway.

Her hands came around my front and gripped my soaked shirt and ripped hard tearing the shirt completely off of my chest.

“Hey! I’m the one that does the ripping!” I exclaimed.

She just laughed and finished ripping my torn sleeves off.

Impudent woman!

Heck I needed a shower before I started anything.

Her thoughts invaded mine, “No you don’t! You smell manly.”

That did it!

I turned reaching for her, “Time to rip you out of that dress sweetheart!”

April danced back out of reach across the big bed and hotly responded, “They’ll be no ripping of this dress buddy! My daughter is going to wear this someday!”

Alright, for that I could make an exception, even in the impassioned state of arousal that I was in, “Alright fine!” I said, as my hands found her. “But when I get through with these rows of impossibly tiny buttons and this creation of silk and lace is lying in a puddle on the floor whatever else you have on is getting ripped off!”

“Oh yeah?” April teased.

“Yeah!” I reiterated loudly and she giggled again.

Oh for the love of mercy what was up with these stupid buttons!

“What’s the deal with these stupid tiny buttons? Why would you make something so hard to get off? Don’t they know men have to remove these things?”

April was laughing uncontrollablely now, but I was really starting to get frustrated!

She glanced back over one half bare shoulder her eyes full of sensual mirth, “Oh how I love you honey!”

I stopped my mind numbing task completely frustrated with the tiny buttons, “I love you too honey, but this is getting……”

“Honey?” She said cutting my whining off.


“Buttons can be sewn back on.”


“I hope you know you’re going to be picking up every last one of those buttons!” April exclaimed, as buttons pinged throughout the room like the shrapnel from a spent grenade.


April’s happy laughter trailed out of her reflecting the inner joy that she felt inside, as her husband freed her of the rest of what separated her from enjoying what God had created to be specially shared just between her and her husband. It was a gift of pleasurable union from humanities Creator that too few ever thank Him enough for.