Agent on the Run by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Three


Chantry fingered the pages of the timeworn folder in his hands that were filled with the images of those who had gone on before. There were so many. From the very beginning of the Agency he’d started this book as a way of remembrance of the legacy of others.

All of the individuals in the pictures listed in this folder were heroes to him. They had all given their lives for the cause of good, perhaps some more nobly than others, but they were all unified in the fact that they were all dead.

Through all the many years he had managed to run this Agency he had somehow managed to stay alive, while so many others hadn’t. His continued existence was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that he saw more good done in the world, as a result of his Agency’s actions. A curse, because invariably year-to-year he had more pictures to add to the burgeoning folder and more internal sorrow to bear.

He got too close to his agents, and when they were lost he took it personally each and every time. He’d had to weather through that private sorrow of his over 100 times through the years and having had to just add 30 more names to the folder just a year before had been rough.

Chantry brushed at the tears on his face, as they started to fall down and splatter on the pictures that he was leafing through. So few knew of the impact of his Agency on world events for the last 50 some years.

He didn’t really care about the lack of notoriety, in fact he’d worked hard to keep it that way, but what did truly bother him was that these brave men and women would never receive the praise and adoration that they so richly deserved. Not in this lifetime anyway.

The atmosphere around him in the cool of the evening suddenly turned electric in its intensity and Chantry knew from experience that he had a special visitor. He closed the folder and pushed it onto the table beside him. He raised his head to meet the gaze of the man in black that stood before him, having arrived as silently as a big cat stalking its prey. Chantry had been expecting this visit for quite some time now.

“Good evening Elon. The passage of time sees you the same, even as I crinkle up more with each day in age.”

The man in black didn’t respond other than to step forward and gently ringed Chantry’s head with his fingertips. For Chantry there was the initial shock of having his thoughts and memories perused through, but this time it went more in-depth and took longer.

Finally the man in black stepped back looking weary for a moment before he looked strong again. Chantry on the other hand felt immeasurably better. Elon always did this for him, but this time Chantry knew the effects would only be temporary at best. Some damage just couldn’t be repaired, but Chantry was grateful to feel physically better at least for the moment.

The man spoke, “You’ve been poisoned in small doses for a long time now.”

Chantry nodded.

“And you don’t know who’s doing it yet?”

Again Chantry nodded knowing how bad of an admission that was. He quickly added, “I’m working on it.”

The man called Elon sighed, and let a hand rest on Chantry’s shoulder, “You don’t have very long old friend.”

“I know.” Chantry admitted.

Elon picked up the book Chantry kept as a memorial of the past. He began to go through it and asked, “Why do you torment yourself so with those who have gone on before Chantry?”

“They should be remembered, even as I cherish the memories of my time with them.” Chantry said quietly.

Elon shook his head, “The best part of these people are already at either one of two places. These are no more than pictures of bodies, whose spirits are long gone to their individual destinations.”

Chantry nodded knowing the truth of that, admittedly his sorrow was somewhat slanted toward his own personal loss. Curious to know Chantry asked, “Do you keep such books?”

“No, but I do remember.” Elon responded softly, as he continued to leaf through the book.

Chantry shook his head, “I pity you Elon. One life of experiences and memories is enough to make me yearn for eternity. I can’t imagine what it must be like for you.”

Elon said nothing and in some ways that was its own statement. After a moment he spoke, “Yes I remember much. Much that I wish I didn’t have to, but then there are people, places and things that I gladly remember.”

Elon knelt down on one knee beside Chantry’s wheelchair, “You I will remember more highly than many before you.” As Elon’s words ended he closed the book and Chantry got the poignant message in that action.

“Old friend it is time to put your house in order, while there is yet time and then I need you to close it.”

Chantry nodded obediently, even as tears fell down his weathered cheeks. The Agency was like a child to him and he’d given his life for it as a loving father would.

Elon’s hand closed over Chantry’s arthritic one gently, “I would continue the Agency’s charter if Flint wanted it. Even Tyre at that, but neither of them want the job. They want to spend time with their families, can you blame them for that?”

Chantry shook his head, tears still falling.

“What about Maria? She could do it. Indeed I’ve set her up to take over for me for years now and she’s passed every test that I’ve thrown at her.” Chantry stated hopefully.

“I know she has Chantry. I’ve been watching, but she is still as much a mystery to me, as when I steered her to your door and told you to hire her so many years ago. I could take a gamble on even her, but Chantry in my heart I feel that it’s just time for the Agency to come to a close. I have received nothing from my prayers to counteract that notion.”

Chantry nodded resignedly, “I have had much the same result in my prayers.”

“Then you should stop resisting what you know God has in mind to do.”

Chantry nodded, but then gave Elon a curious look, “You said Maria is still a mystery to you? Did you not see?” Chantry asked genuinely puzzled, as he gestured to his head and Elon’s earlier probing of his thoughts.

“The revelation of the future that you have been given by God is barred from me. It would seem that you have a secret old friend. You wouldn’t mind sharing it with me would you?” Elon asked, as for the first time a smile played about the edges of his mouth.

Chantry outright laughed, “Not on your life boy! You know how long I’ve waited to know something that you didn’t? I’m going to cherish this secret for as long as I can!”

Elon far from being rankled by Chantry’s refusal to share; now openly smiled letting the old man have the best of him. When Chantry’s merriment had sobered some Elon rose to go, before we went though he said, “I’ll see you in eternity brother, if such things are permitted.”

“Goodbye Elon. Thank you for letting me have the Agency for all these years!”

Elon shrugged, “I only enabled what it was already in your heart to do Chantry. A small enough service to do. Your good works Chantry follow you into eternity into the presence of the Father, as it is written. May you be justly rewarded for all your many good deeds upon this Earth.” Elon left then fading away swiftly into the evening countryside.

After Elon was gone the advanced security features of the estate started to work again having been halted by the force of Elon’s mind upon them. A man of mystery that one was, Chantry mused to himself.

Speaking of mysteries, Chantry turned to see Maria step out of the shadows of the house some distance off and make her way toward him. She stared off after where Elon had disappeared to and asked, “Who was that?”

Chantry eyed her speculatively, as a quirky grin played about his lips, “That was Elon Gideon.”

“Our security stopped working, but now it’s back. How is that possible?” She asked in concern.

Chantry gazed out into the evening gloom, “Elon has refined senses and abilities that the rest of humanity has either forgotten or genetically lost the ability to use.”

“What is he to you?”

“He’s the man who gave me a job and coincidentally the man who told me to hire you against my better judgment. You see I knew your back story was an elaborate cover from day one Maria, but he told me to hire you anyway. Elon is even more of a mystery than you are my darling.”

Maria looked like she wanted to say something, but she pulled it back and walked away toward the house not saying a word.

Chantry watched her go, what a pity. He’d been hoping to discover more about her. It didn’t matter really; she was someone else’s concern now.