Audrey by Quinn M. Kelley - HTML preview

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The first time Pierre gazed at Audrey Hayes, it was captivating love at  first sight. They were both freshmen at Purdue University. The academic year was 1993.

Audrey and Pierre were both studying pre-communications, with the  goal of getting into the Journalism program. They were each required to  finish their pre-communications classes with a  minimum 3.0 G.P.A. or  higher.

Pierre Schwartz is from Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. He  chose Purdue University over the University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, and Northwestern University, Evanston.

Audrey is from Brownsburg, Indiana. She chose Purdue University  over Indiana University, Northwestern University and the University of  Michigan. Both of Audrey’s parents went to Indiana University.

Audrey attended IU’s Journalism Camp, the summer prior to her  senior year at Park Tudor High School.

Pierre knew that gaining the interest of Audrey would be an arduous  task; however, Pierre also knew that she is well worth his time and  focus. He has focused all his energies early in the semester on grasping  her undivided attention. Pierre resided in Tarkington Hall (an all-male  dorm); Audrey lived in Hillenbrand Hall, which is co-ed.

Pierre and Audrey were enrolled in the same courses the first  semester; Composition I, PSY 120, COM 114 (Speech), College Algebra I,  and SOC 100 (Sociology). Pierre took a sincere interest in Audrey during  Speech class.

It was at this point that Pierre took time to figure out his game plan.  Pierre knew what his heart desired; Pierre scripted in his mind’s eye  everything to come out of his mouth correctly. Pierre discovered his muse  by a zephyr of inspiration.

When their class convened two days later, Pierre wore his CK1  cologne, a dark green Polo shirt, and his black Guess jeans.

Pierre seeked out Audrey, and asked her where her next class was  located. She responded, “I have a short break. I was pondering heading  to the Union.”

They were both leaving the Liberal Arts & Education Building (LAEB),  behind a hoard of fellow Purdue students. Pierre cordially queried, “May I  walk with you?” She kindly responded, “That would be great.” They both  found the walk very liberating.

Pierre asked, “How about I buy you some lunch?” Audrey responded,  “That sounds delightful!” It was about lunch time, and the Purdue  Student Union serves very tasty pizza, breadsticks, and taco salads.

Audrey says, “Do you have something you wished to speak with me?”  Pierre responded, “Yes, actually; I would like to know if you might like to  go out some time? Would you be interested?”

Audrey smiled and responded, “Where?” Pierre responded quickly;  “I was thinking perhaps to the Purdue/Notre Dame football game?” “I  have season tickets, however I can buy an extra ticket for you, and  we can sit together,” Pierre continued.

Audrey responded, “That sounds great!” Pierre then closes the deal by  saying, “It’s a date; Saturday.”

Pierre bought Audrey’s lunch at the Union. Audrey ate light. She  shows off her beautiful eyes and lips, as well as her charming smile.

They sauntered around the corner and ordered pizza and breadsticks. Pierre also ordered Jolts to drink. Audrey and Pierre discuss topics  such as which dorms they resided, what towns they came from, and  what kind of church they hoped to attend on campus.

They discussed the sports they participated in during junior high and  high school. Pierre learned that Audrey played volleyball throughout  middle school and high school. She attended a private school in  Indianapolis named, Park Tudor.

Audrey was the Valedictorian of her graduating class. Pierre also  learned that Audrey’s mother is a teacher at Park Tudor.

Pierre told Audrey that he is from Oak Park, Illinois, birthplace of  Ernest Hemingway. That in itself captivates her interest. Pierre also tells  Audrey that he went to a private high school in Oak Park called, Fenwick  High School.

Pierre participated in soccer and track. He lettered in both soccer and  track during his sophomore, junior and senior years.

They also discuss the fact that they both enjoy exercising at the co- rec. Audrey divulged that she enjoyed playing racquetball at the co-rec,  as well as swims, on a regular basis. Pierre divulges that he participated  in some light lifting at the co-rec, as well as played racquetball.

Quickly they discover that they have similar religious belief systems;  Audrey came from a Christian Church, and Pierre came from a  Lutheran background.

Pierre decided early on that he wished to attend University Lutheran  Church, on South Chauncey Avenue. They had a 7:00 p.m. Sunday  service. Audrey wished to attend a 5:00 p.m. service at Campus House,  which was a Christian Church on campus.

Pierre and Audrey also discovered that their fathers are in the same  business; Mass Communications, i.e. Print Journalism. Audrey’s dad  worked for the Indianapolis Star (Gannett), and Pierre’s dad worked for  the Daily Herald, in Chicago. Pierre’s mom worked for the Daily Herald,  in Chicago, as a Content Coach.

Pierre noticed that Audrey takes Dilantin with her lunch. He asked,  “My older sister takes Dilantin for her seizures; do you have epilepsy?”

Audrey responded, “Since birth.” Pierre responded, “My older sister  has had seizures since birth as well. Her name is Kelli; she is a junior at  Northwestern University.” Kelli was also a journalism major.

They found out that they had both applied to Northwestern’s  prestigious journalism program. Audrey’s parents wanted her to stay in- state, and Pierre wished not to attend the same university as his older  sister.

Audrey and Pierre exchange cell phone numbers during their first  lunch date. They agreed on a time and a place to meet Saturday before  the game, at Ross-Aide Stadium.

Audrey had a positive feeling about this new young man in her life.  Audrey could sense that Pierre was a good guy, and someone who took a  genuine interest in her well-being.

She was just coming out of a tenuous, sordid relationship, with a boy  from Park Tudor, who did not turn out as she had hoped. She was  striving for a new beginning.

After senior prom and graduation, they broke it off, during the  summer previous to her starting her freshman year at Purdue University,  West Lafayette. Fortunately, her x-boyfriend went to Indiana University,  Bloomington.

Audrey’s inner most thoughts and speculations were that she had the  potential for a bright future with Pierre. She knew that they are just  becoming acquainted, but her terms of endearment are delightful in the  infancy of their romance.

After first semester’s end, Audrey finishes with a perfect 4.0 G.P.A.  Pierre finishes with a 3.6 G.P.A. Prior to semester’s end, Pierre and  Audrey attended several Big Ten Women’s Volleyball Games; Penn  State/Purdue University being one of them.

Over Christmas Break, they kept in constant contact over their cell- phones. Pierre was planning on moving to Hillenbrand Hall the following  fall to be closer to Audrey.

During their second semester, Freshman Year, they both took ENGL  102 (English Composition II), Spanish I & II (SPAN 103), COM 102 (Intro  to Communication Theory), and COM 204 (Critical Perspectives on  Communication).

They spend even more time together during the second semester;   they bowled, went on study dates, ate at restaurants like Subway and  Fazoli’s, and attended each other’s churches.

Audrey and Pierre both have Subaru’s that they drove in high-school,  on campus. Audrey drove a black Subaru Outback, and Pierre drove a  gray Subaru Impreza. It made it easy for Pierre and Audrey to get from  Point A to Point B.

Pierre and Audrey got through the harshest of winters they would  experience in West Lafayette, simply by keeping each other warm.  They spent Audrey’s 19th birthday, January 30th, together at Wabash  Yacht Club. Pierre buys Audrey a special piece of jewelry (a necklace),  that she found suited to her tastes and desires.

Pierre again earns a 3.6 G.P.A., during the second semester, whereas  Audrey earned a second consecutive 4.0 G.P.A. They both earned  Semester Honors.

Pierre returned to Purdue for Maymester, to take Spanish Level III.  He invited Audrey to attend the Pink Floyd concert on June14, 1994, at  the Hoosier Dome, in Indianapolis. Audrey decided that would be  copacetic.

She drove to the Union Hotel, in her Subaru, and checked into her  room. She called Pierre on her cell as soon as she checked in. Pierre  drove Audrey to Chili’s, in Lafayette.

The Pink Floyd concert was divine; by all accounts, the music is  crystalline. They sat fifty rows back on the floor. Strobe lights flickered on  the stage, for the concert venue. Pierre was very guarded towards  Audrey, because he did not want her to experience any seizure issues.

Years later, Pierre would recall the Pink Floyd concert as his favorite,  over the two Jimmy Page/Robert Plant concerts he attended, as well as  the Eric Clapton concert he attended at Market Square Arena.

Audrey and Pierre stopped at Denny’s in Lafayette, after the concert.  Pierre walked Audrey to the Union Hotel, across the street. When they got  up to her room, Pierre kisses her up and down her neck; then he  whispered into her delicate ear; “You are my Obsession.”

Pierre held Audrey by her hips, squeezes her delectable, sexy ass;  then they proceeded to French Kiss good night. It was a long, steady kiss. Pierre receives an “A,” in Spanish Level III during Maymester. All of  his sensual emotions that summer are directed towards his beloved  girlfriend, Audrey. Pierre is thoroughly engrossed with her finite beauty  and demeanor.

Audrey spent her first summer at home in Brownsburg, working as  an intern for the Indianapolis Star; she works as a Copywriter. Audrey  travels up several times to visit Pierre in her Subaru; she stays at the  Union Hotel.

Upon completion of Pierre’s Maymester course, he worked as a  Copywriter for the Daily Herald, in Oak Park, Illinois, under the direction  of his father, for ten weeks.

Of course, Audrey and Pierre kept in constant contact, via their cell  phones, for the duration of the summer of 1994. They had phone sex on  multiple occasions.

In August 1994, Pierre moved into Hillenbrand Hall with few  surprises. His new roommate was a Mechanical Engineering student from  Joliet, Illinois. All Pierre wished to do was hold hands with his girlfriend  of one year, Audrey. Pierre got out his cell phone, and dialed up the love  of his life.

Audrey and Pierre walked together, hand in hand, looking into each  other’s eyes, with love and bliss. They made out before they had dinner. During their sophomore years, both Pierre and Audrey worked for the  school newspaper; The Exponent. They enjoyed working for The  Exponent, and learned a plethora of valuable resources and skills from  the technology and writing methodologies they are afforded by their  professors.

Pierre could not keep his hands out of his girlfriend’s back pockets;  he was obsessed with her tantalizing bum. The love birds walked to  Purdue West on their first night back on campus, to share a Pizza Hut  Pizza, breadsticks, and a pitcher of Pepsi.

No headaches, no interruptions; only Audrey’s beautiful smile. Pierre  could not cease to stop gazing into Audrey’s wide eyes. She clasped her  palms together, and placed her elbows on the table, with her chin on  her interlaced palms.

As Audrey smiled her biggest smile, and gazed back into Pierre’s eyes  with her brightest eyes, her heart pulsated with sensual desire, and her  spine tingled.

Pierre started off the evening by saying, “So how have you been,  Precious, since we last spoke on the phone last night?”

Audrey responded, “I have missed you the entire time, Boyfriend!” “So  tell me, love of my life, how will it feel to be under the same roof with me  for the first time, tonight?” queried Pierre.

Audrey responded, “I will resist your temptations just fine, thank you  very much.”

She put both of her her palms around his jawline, and kissed him on  the lips for an extended period of time. Audrey hugged her boyfriend  tenderly with love and affection. Audrey placed her hips against Pierre’s,  and she nudges her breasts and pelvis against his warm body.

“Which classes are you taking this fall, Pierre?” asked Audrey. Pierre  responded, “I am taking STAT 113, COM 318 (Principles of Persuasion),  ENGL 365 (Literature and Imperialism), BIOL 110 (Fundamentals  of Biology I), and Spanish Level IV.”

“Which courses are you taking this upcoming semester, Audrey?”  asked Pierre. Audrey responded, “SOC 382 (Intro to Statistics in  Sociology), COM 318, BIOL 110, Spanish Level III, and COM 328  (Diversity at Work: A Rhetorical Approach).

    “I may come back for summer school to begin my core courses,”  Audrey responded. Pierre responded; “Sounds like a plan.” Audrey  earned a 4.0 G.P.A., whereas Pierre earned a 3.2 G.P.A.

During her second semester, sophomore year, Audrey took BIOL  111, SPAN Level IV, COM 312, ENGL 250, AD 339 (Women Artists in the  20th Century), and ENGL 205 (Creative Writing). Audrey earned a 3.66  G.P.A. During Pierre’s same semester at Purdue, he took BIOL 111, COM  312, ENGL 250, ENGL 205 and COM 328. Pierre earned a 3.6 G.P.A.

That same semester, Audrey’s parents and Pierre’s parents met for  the first time. They dine at Bruno’s Pizza, in West Lafayette.

Jim and Laura (Audrey’s parents) hit it off right away with Jack and  Alexis (Pierre’s parents).

Pierre already is privy to many issues surrounding Audrey’s family  and Audrey already knows many aspects of Pierre’s family. However, to  interact with them is enchanting to say the least. Jack and Jim drank  Corona beer together, and Laura and Alexis consumed ports of  chardonnay together.

By night’s end, Jim and Jack exchanged business cards, as  well as cell phone numbers; Laura and Alexis do the same with their cell  phone numbers.

Audrey and Pierre just sat back and grinned at each other, from ear  to ear. Laura and Alexis discussed where they had met their spouses;  Laura had met Jim at Indiana University, Bloomington. She was an  Education major; Jim was a Journalism major.

Alexis and Jack met at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.  Both Alexis and Jack received their degrees in Journalism. They resided  in Oak Park, Illinois. Everyone is dressed casually for the meeting; blue  jeans, and Polo shirts.

During Maymester, both Audrey and Pierre go through a transition  period. They both jumped in with two feet, right out of the gate. Audrey  began by taking COM 212 (Approaches to Study of Interpersonal  Communications); Pierre took COM 250 (Mass Communications &  Society). They both got “A’s” in their respective courses.

Audrey and Pierre spent Pierre’s birthday together for the first time,  May 22nd. During the next eight weeks, Audrey decided to take  COM 250 and COM 314 (Advanced Presentational Speaking).Pierre took  COM 212 and SOC 450 (Sex Roles in Modern Society). Audrey earned a  4.0 G.P.A.; Pierre earned a 3.5 G.P.A.

First semester, Audrey’s junior year at Purdue, she took; SOC 220  (Social Problems), COM 304 (Quantitative Methods for Communication  Research), COM 324 (Intro to Organizational Communication),  COM 252 (Writing for Mass Media), and POL 141 (Governments of the  World). Audrey earned a 3.8 G.P.A.

During the same semester, Pierre took; SOC 220, COM 304, COM  324, COM 252, and RUSS 281 (Post Soviet Movements). Pierre earned a  3.2 G.P.A. Most importantly for Pierre, he got Audrey’s dad’s business  number, and he called Jim to arrange for a formal meeting.

Pierre and Jim agreed to meet in Lafayette, at Chili’s, on October 25,  1995. Pierre asked for Jim’s approval for Audrey’s hand in marriage.  They had dinner together for two hours that night. Pierre is quite long  and winded with his delivery to Jim. Fortunately, Jim Hayes is quite fond  of Pierre, and is quick to voice his approval.

Pierre says to Jim during their dinner, “Mr. Hayes; your daughter is  my pride & joy. I love her with all of my heart. Audrey completes my  spirit, my essence and my peace of mind.” “I wish to ask you, Sir, for  your blessing of her hand in marriage,” Pierre continued.

Audrey’s father, Jim, granted him this consideration. Mr. Hayes found  Pierre to be everything that Audrey’s past boyfriends have not;  compassionate, wise beyond his years, spiritually insightful, and the  makings of quality marriage material.

Audrey and Pierre stayed together in Chicago, during their  Christmas break. The couple stayed at the Doubletree by Hilton, in  Downtown Chicago.

Audrey and Pierre dined at Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria and Catch 35  Restaurant. Pierre got down on one knee and proposed to Audrey, in  their Chicago hotel room. Audrey allowed Pierre to slide her engagement  ring onto her finger; she accepted the ring with tears in her delicate eyes.

Pierre says to her, “I love you more than life itself.” Audrey delicately  responds; “My love for you will never cease; I am your eternal soulmate.”  She says this on her knees, with her eyes closed, and tears gently  streaming down her cheeks.

Audrey continued, “This is without question the happiest day of my  life!” Audrey has saved herself for this very man, on this very day; she  knew she will spend the rest of her life with Pierre. She lost her virginity  immediately to Pierre.

Audrey and Pierre woke up together for the first time. Pierre  whispered into her ear, “I love you so very much, words cannot even  describe my passion for you.”

Then Pierre runs his fingers through her beautiful, black hair. Audrey  was wearing her finest black Victoria’s Secret, Very Sexy, Strappy Corset  Teddy. Audrey kissed Pierre deeply and said back, “I love you too, and I  always will.” Pierre ran his hands gently up and down her exposed  bum, then Pierre held her tight, as he kissed her deeply.

He gently laid her down on their king bed, in their suite. Then they  made love for the first time; Audrey straddles Pierre. She ran her hands  all along his chest; Pierre ran his fingers through Audrey’s long, black  hair, and kissed her incessantly. They spent the night writhing in  rapture and joy, as their legs intertwine constantly.

It was that morning, when Pierre first got the chance to view  Audrey’s body in its entirety, that he realized how tone, yet still unique,  her beautiful bone structure enveloped her. Pierre rationalized in his  mind that God had created this complex and luminous young woman  that he would forever spend the rest of his life.

Pierre was perplexed by her poise, grace and amorous feminine  qualities. Audrey was more sensual than any sonnet could attest, or any  poem could reverberate.

Pierre asked, “Is there anywhere you wished to go in Chicago, since  we are so close to downtown, and all the sights in the surrounding  areas?”

Audrey responded, “Yes, in fact there is somewhere I would like to  visit. I would like to tour the Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park.”

Pierre said, “I have been there and I know the specifics on it; the  admission is $15 per person. It is open from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  between Sunday and Friday and 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays.

They took Pierre’s Subaru to Oak Park, to visit the Hemingway  Foundation of Oak Park. Audrey asked Pierre, when they got down to the  hotel lobby; “What is your favorite Ernest Hemingway Novel?” He quickly  responded, “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”

Pierre quickly asked his new fiancée the same question. Audrey  responded, “The Sun Also Rises.” That evening, they discussed their  Christmas plans with their families, as well as their schedules for the  next semester at Purdue University.

Pierre was taking COM 314 (Advanced Presentational Speaking),  COM 435 (COM & Energizing Technologies), COM 351 (Mass  Communications Ethics), COM 311 (Copy Editing), and COM 358  (Specialized Writing) during his second semester. Audrey was taking  COM 435, COM 351, COM 311, COM 358, and POL 231 (Intro to  Foreign Policy).

Pierre received a 3.0 this particular semester; Audrey received a 3.8  G.P.A. On the festive side of things, the engaged couple took in the  Jimmy Page/Robert Plant concert on Wednesday, April 26, 1995. They spent the night in the Downtown Embassy Suites, and drove  back the following day. They had erotic sex together that night after the  concert. Audrey wore her ruby wine, Victoria’s Secret, Very Sexy, Low- Back Satin Slip, as she pleasured her fiancé.

Pierre went to summer school to squeeze in three classes he needed,  in order to graduate by December 1996. The classes are COM 375  (Conflict & Negotiation), COM 419 (Judgment & Decision Making) and  COM 224 (Communication in the Global Workplace).

Audrey spent the entire summer working at the Indianapolis Star, in  Indianapolis. Again she works as an Intern under the guidance of  her father as a Copywriter. Audrey spent the occasional weekend with  Pierre, to romance the steamy Indiana nights away. Pierre and Audrey  find it difficult to keep their hands off each other, now that they are  engaged.

    Along with this, the engaged couple finds it trying to keep their lips off  each other. Pierre finds Audrey more attractive each day leading up to  their wedding; why not? She was an absolute doll of a female, and she  carried herself with the poise of a model.

During Audrey’s final semester at Purdue University, she took  COM 406 (Web Production), COM 320 (Small Group Discussion),  COM 411 (Communication & Social Networks), and COM 496 (Special  Topics in Corporate Communications). She received a 4.0 G.P.A.

Audrey took the Graduate Records Exam (G.R.E.) on the Purdue  campus, and scored exemplarily. She sent her scores to Northwestern  University, I.U.P.U.I., and the University of Michigan. She selected Northwestern University.

Pierre took his G.R.E. during his junior year at Purdue; he sent his  scores to Northwestern University, I.U.P.U.I., and the University of  Michigan. He selected Northwestern University, Evanston, just as Audrey.

During Pierre’s final semester at Purdue, he took COM 359,  COM 462, COM 408, COM 406, and AD 344. He received a 3.8 G.P.A.  Both Audrey and Pierre graduated in December 1996.

Before Audrey graduated from Purdue University, West Lafayette,  she has secured a position with the Daily Herald, Chicago.

This was because of her numerous Internships with the Indy Star.  Pierre was required to go through various interviewing steps to gain his  position of employment with the Daily Herald.

Pierre accepted the role of copywriter. Audrey helped pull some  strings to get him headed down the proper channel. Once both Audrey  and Pierre are employed, the couple moves into an apartment together in  Oak Park, Illinois.

Pierre and Audrey set a wedding date for Saturday, May 18, 1997. Pierre decided to wear an Ike Behar Luxury Notch black and white  tuxedo. Audrey picked out white, satin Da Vinci, Shiny Strapless Taffeta Bridal Gown.

Jim Hayes (Audrey’s dad) made reservations for the future Mr. &  Mrs. Schwartz at the Embassy Suites, on Michigan Road, for the night of  May 18, 1997. The wedding went off without a hitch, at Audrey’s home  church, in Brownsburg, Indiana; Brownsburg Christian Church.

Steve Reeves was the officiating pastor. Pierre lifted the veil at the end  of the ceremony, and kisses Audrey for the first time as Mrs. Audrey  Hayes Schwartz.

Pierre’s best friend, Patrick Susong, served as the best man. Pierre’s  sister, Kelli Schwartz, served as Audrey’s maid of honor.

Audrey and Pierre had a 10:00 a.m. wedding. They check into the  Embassy Suites, at 12:30 p.m. Pierre and Audrey dropped everything,  and had sex in their Suite for the first time as a married couple.

Audrey wore a La Perla Paragina Lace Chemise. They ate dinner at  5:00 p.m., at Ruby Tuesday’s.

When the couple returned to their Suite, following dinner, they both  showered, and made love again.

Audrey wore her ruby wine, Victoria’s Secret, Very Sexy Chantilly  Lace & Satin Kimono.

Pierre and Audrey departed for Jamaica, from Indianapolis  International Airport, the following morning at 6:00 a.m. The newly  married couple departed from Indianapolis International Airport (IND) to  Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) on American Airlines, on May  19, 1997.

Pierre and Audrey then departed from O’Hare to Miami International  Airport (MIA) on American Airlines. Audrey and Pierre had a ninety-  minute delay at Miami International.

Once they made it to the U.S. Air Hub, they boarded their jet for  Montego Bay, Jamaica (MBJ). They dined at T.G.I. Friday’s for lunch.

Pierre and Audrey spent seven nights in Jamaica; Audrey and Pierre  vacationned at the Sandals Royal Caribbean Resort.

Their main points of interest were; Dunn’s River Falls, the Dolphin  Cove, and the Bob Marley Museum.

Audrey and Pierre visited the various beaches along Montego BayOchos Rios and Negril.

Among other restaurants in Jamaica, they dined at the House Boat  Grill Restaurant,

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