Benign Flame: Saga of Love by BS Murthy - HTML preview

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Chapter of the Saga


Chapter 1: Ramaiah’s Family

Chapter 2: Realities of Life

Chapter 3: Hapless Hope

Chapter 4: Turn at the Tether

Chapter 5: Moorings of Marriage

Chapter 6: World within the World 

Chapter 7: Roopa’s En Passant 

Chapter 8: Threshold of Temptation

Chapter 9: Sathyam’s Surrender

Chapter 10: Sandhya’s Sojourn

Chapter 11: Match in the Making

Chapter 12: Poignant Moment

Chapter 13: Wedding Season

Chapter 14: Veil of Fate

Chapter 15: Naughty Nuptials

Chapter 16: Tidings of Love

Chapter 17: Tentative Moves

Chapter 18: Fetishes of Fantasy

Chapter 19: Curtain of Courtesy

Chapter 20: Blueprint in the Offing

Chapter 21: Enduring Longing

Chapter 22: Villainy of Life

Chapter 23: Playboy at Play

Chapter 24: Scheming the Theme

Chapter 25: Device of Deceit

Chapter 26: Software of Detour

Chapter27: Tara’s Theory

Chapter28: Night of the Mates

Chapter29: A Brimming Romance 

Chapter30: Euphoric Forays

Chapter31: Living the Dream

Chapter32: Chat at the Bar

Chapter33: Amour on Rein

Chapter34: Surge of a Merge 

Chapter35: Date with Destiny

Chapter36: Threesome Sail

Chapter37: End of an Innings

Chapter38: Subdued Beginning