BirthRight by Sydney Addae - HTML preview

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/book-images/1436278081/tmp_8f3dfff8ed74c18febeb355e670126fc_ftBoDh_html_6380bc92.jpgChapter 10


The scent of her need gut-punched him as he walked through the door. It was all he could do to stay upright.

“Jasmine?” he ground out.

She stuck her head out from behind the bathroom door. Her skin glistened in the dimness of the room. “Silas? What… what are you doing in here?” She grabbed a peach-colored robe and covered her nakedness as she looked at him.

He closed his eyes to gain control of his beast. “Stay there. Please, be still.” It took a few moments, but soon he could open his eyes. He refused to look at her, no need to tempt his wolf. “Your sons thought we should continue our conversation without them. It is too difficult for them to listen.”

“I see.”

He didn’t think she did, but they needed to bring this thing to a head. Information of a similar situation in Mexico arrived this morning, and he intended to head southwest to investigate. His Alphas near Texas knew of his imminent arrival, but he couldn’t leave until he settled this manner.

“We need to have sex, shut down the mating call.”

She leaned against the wall. “Is that right?”

He gritted his teeth as her fragrance teased him. “Yes. The sooner the better.”

“Can I leave afterward?”


“When can I leave?”

“Once we understand how you’re able to do the impossible and what impact it’ll have on my people.”

She frowned. “How long will that take?”

“As long as it takes,” he growled. “Now lay your tempting ass on that bed or do you want me to come get you?”

Her head whipped around. Her mouth dropped and then snapped closed. “Tempting ass?” She grinned and drew her robe closer around her waist. “What if I don’t want to have sex with you?”

“You do. Stop with the games.” He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the chair.

Her eyes widened as they roved over his body.

He unsnapped his pants.

She licked her lips and released another round of pheromones.

A shudder wracked his large framed. He kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his pants, kicking them to the side.

She remained still, watching him as though fascinated.

“Bed.” He pointed to the furniture.

She looked up, met his eyes and licked her lips. “Come get me,” she whispered.

Without another word he reached her in three long strides, picked her up under her arms, turned and dropped her on the bed. Her legs fell open. He feasted on the sight of her large, firm breasts, taut dusky nipples, and wide hips. This was a woman made for loving.

He placed a hand on each of her legs, widening them further. Her center was moist with fragrant juices that beckoned.

He plunged his finger into her warmth.

She squealed and tried to move backward. He held her in place with his palm.

“You can take this, it’s just my finger.” He pulled it out, licking her sweet pussy juice. The flavor was divine.

“Mmmm.” He dipped low and his mouth followed where his fingers had just been. His tongue gave an experimental lick on her tender folds and it earned him a sharp gasp. Pleased, he continued licking her, drawing out more of her juices before he twirled his tongue on her clit.

“Sweet, tasty,” he murmured as her legs quivered and clutched his head.

“Oh… oh…” She cried as he increased his oral assault. He couldn’t get enough of her. The more he licked, the more she gave.

“I’m… oh my God… I can’t… I’m,” she babbled as she held his head in place.

“Let it happen. Let go,” he murmured against her lips before flicking her clit again with his tongue. She stiffened and screamed her release. When the last of her tremors stopped, Silas moved upward and thrust his hips up in one stroke, burying half of his cock deep inside her.

She screamed.

He remained still, giving her a moment to get accustomed. He couldn’t believe how tight she was.

“You could’ve warned me.” She slapped him on the back.

“Why? You knew this was coming.”

“Still, you should’ve said… something.”

“Something.” He pulled out and slammed back in, this time giving her his entire length.

Her breath hitched as she took all of him.

Impossible. Disbelief filled him to the point he looked down for verification. His cock filled her snug sheath. She shouldn’t be able to take all of him.

She slapped his hips, squeezed her inner muscles and bucked upward. “Giddy-up.”

The tight feel of her heat wiped every other thought from his mind. He grabbed her hips tight as he pistoned himself in and out of her, faster and faster he rode between her thighs, unable to quench the fire in his gut. The need to bring her to heel, to have her submit to him in this primal way, stole his breath.

“Take it," he growled. "Take my cock."

She screamed his name as she came once more. He pulled out and exploded on her stomach. Ropes of pearly, hot cum fell on her stomach and across her breast. It took everything within him not to rub his essence into her skin like lotion.

She wasn’t his, he needed to remember that. “Let me get a towel.” He stood, but it took a moment for him to regain his strength. He plucked the damp towel from the bathroom door and wiped his jizz from her stomach and breasts. She opened her legs.

He looked up at her.

She winked with a lewd grin.

His wolf took that as a challenge, but he fought to control his beast. Instead, he took the towel and placed it between her legs cleaning her with soft strokes. As he swiped the cloth against her puffy lips, she moaned.

“Mmmm…” Her hips flexed as his fingers replaced the towel. Pretty soon she writhed like a kitten, purring beneath his hand.

A frisson of awareness rolled up his back at her ability to tempt him to the degree that his wolf alternately snapped and whined to savor her again.

Throwing the towel aside, he crawled between her legs, lifted them high around his waist, positioned himself and slid inside her hot, velvety, sheath. He paused for a second to control his animal. The exquisiteness of her tight tunnel shook him. With measured intent he withdrew and slid inside again. He took her hard and deep, growling with pleasure as her body massaged his aching cock.

The bed shook beneath them. The frame rocked against the wall, keeping time with his punishing pace.

“Ohhhh,” she screamed amidst his grunts.

Her walls tightened. He shuddered and his thrusts quickened. He slammed into her, their thighs connected with a slap.

“Oh my God, oh my God,” she wailed as her body grew taut.

He groaned as his own body strained to the point of pain, wanting to join her in the heady bliss of her sexual release.

Her body shuddered, stiffened. Strong vaginal muscles tightened and squeezed his rod.

“Arghh” he groaned as his back bowed. His release rolled up his back, tiny licks of fiery pleasure exploding every second. He pulled out just as ropes of his release hit her belly and the lips of her pussy.

“That was… that was incredible.” She looked at him with dreamy eyes.

Silas frowned.

She should be drained and on her way to sleep. Instead she looked alert and ready to go again. Perhaps he’d taken it easy on her since she was human, but he didn’t think so. He glanced around the room until his eyes fell on the clock. They’d been at this for an hour already. Although her scent hadn’t subsided, it wasn’t as strong. Her body wanted more.

And that stung.

His fingers stroked the full length of her drenched sex, toying with her opening for natural lubrication. She gasped. Her legs spread further apart in invitation.

He smiled. She was a hot little thing, so wet, so hot against him. He eased one finger inside her.

She groaned and moved her hips. The scent of her arousal washed over him. He hooked the finger and exited. He reinserted it back with another finger.

“Yes… oh fuck, yes,” she cried out, her hips moving in tandem with his strokes. His breath caught as her thighs tightened and shook. Human or not, she was beautiful in her passion. He continued to stroke her spot, enjoying how her body trembled and peaked beneath his hand.

A moment later she screamed as she came. His finger remained in her tight sheath as her pussy tried, without success, to milk him dry. “Hmmm, greedy.”

“Huh?” she asked from beneath him.

He looked at her for a moment, wondering if his need to insure she didn’t breed for him was the reason he hadn’t given her what she needed. “I need to tell you something.”

She blew out a breath and looked at him. “Okay.”

“This time I’m going to come inside you.”

She blinked and leaned up on her elbows. “With a condom?”

He frowned, insulted. As the Patron his seed was a gift, he never used condoms. Rather than chastise her for the unintentional insult, he spoke of human fears. “No. I have nothing you can catch.”

“Then why have you decided to switch?”

“Maybe the reason your body’s still hungry is because you need a full load of seed. And I’ve been wasting it on your stomach and other places.”

She jerked. “What makes you say that?”

He shrugged, not wanting to get into her supposed frailty as a human. That last time, he’d slammed into her as hard as he’d slammed into any wolf bitch, she’d taken it and was up for an immediate finger fucking.

“Let’s just say it’s a hunch. The only reason I didn’t come inside you before is I don’t want you to get pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” Her brows furrowed as though she’d forgotten the mating scent.

“Yeah. We’re still trying to figure out how this works. I don’t want the water muddied.”

“Oh.” She looked up at him. “How many kids do you have?”

He paused and then answered. “None.”

“Hmm...” She licked her lips. He fought back a growl. “Well, I don’t know what to say.”

“I’ve never had pups. I do not want my first litter to be half-breeds,” he snapped.

Her head whipped up, eyes narrowed, she asked. “How old are you?”

The question surprised him. He answered without thinking. “A little over three hundred.”

She gasped and then smirked. “Well if you were going to have pups, it should’a happened before now don’t you think?”

His brows snapped together as he squeezed her thighs in his palms. “I’m going to take you from behind, fill your greedy pussy with my essence and if you breed, you will not be leaving here anytime soon. Not until my pups are born, are we clear on that?”

“But… I thought you didn’t want kids from me.” She sounded confused.

“I don’t. But I’m the Patron and if the Goddess sees fit to bring life to my seed in you… then I’ll deal with it.”

She looked at him for a moment and pushed back. “That’s not a risk I want to take, Silas. I’ve already gone through half-hearted parenting with my ex. If there’s a chance I could get pregnant, I don’t want to take it. In time I’ll meet someone and if we decide to have kids, so be it. But at least my kids will know they’re wanted, loved by more than their mother.” She moved to stand.

His palms tightened on her thighs. “You’re still releasing that damn scent.”

She patted his hand as though he were a toddler. “It’s better, I’ll handle it.”

A red mist rose before his eyes. She wanted someone else, impossible. “How do you plan to handle it when you couldn’t take care of it earlier?”

She shrugged and tried to remove his fingers. “Look, I’m in the midst of making major changes in my life.” She frowned. “At least I was.” She glanced at him with a small smile that tugged the corner of his heart. “Tonight was the first time I understood what all the fuss was about. I had my first, second, third and tenth orgasm with you. That’s never happened. Thanks for that. I’ll always appreciate what we shared, but—”

“Stop with the damn speeches,” He snorted. She’d forgotten the few lessons her sons had given her about wolf culture. He was more animal than man right now and his beast would never leave without finishing the damn job. Resigned to the possibility of half-human pups, he reflected that Tyrone and Tyrese weren’t bad. Now to get this fiery temptation to stop uttering nonsense so they could get on with it.

“We’re not finished and you know it. I am going to fuck you hard without a condom. Then I’m going to fill up this greedy pussy with my seed, which should put you to sleep. There will be no more mating calls, damn it. This ends now.” He leaned near her face. “Got that?” Her eyes narrowed. For a moment he thought she’d balk. But the curl of her lips as she returned his stare sent blood rushing to his rod.

“Yeah,” she said in a low breathy tone.

“Get on your knees.” He leaned back to give her room to comply, not missing the way her body shuddered when she moved.

He palmed her ass, slapped one cheek and then the other before squeezing them again. “Nice, firm.” His lips brushed over the places he’d just smacked. Her soft ass wiggled as she moved. He tapped her thighs. “Open wider.”

She spread her knees further apart.

He smiled at how sopping wet she was for him before he'd even touched her. “Beautiful,” he whispered before he tongued her opening and lapped her juices. Their combined flavors exploded on his taste buds. His beast stirred as he held her tight and fucked her with his tongue. He couldn’t seem to get enough.

Her scent grew stronger.

His beast rose to the forefront, growling, urging him to bite her, to take her. Lost in his lust, he rose and thrust into her warmth. Instead of screaming, she sighed and pushed back against him.

His beast pushed for him to take her hard. He pulled out and slammed into her again, mindless with pleasure. She was so fucking tight, so hot, and felt so good squeezing him. He grabbed her waist with both hands, holding her body still as he bucked into her. His pounding became a blur as he struggled to reach his pinnacle.

“Yes,” she screamed. “More.”

With those words he lost control and couldn't hold onto his restraint any longer. He drove into her, pounding her pussy. Her moans set him aflame. He held her breast as he fucked her hard from the rear, slamming into her as her body stiffened. She screamed out his name, shattering on his cock as loud breathy moans escaped her throat.

On the brink of his release, he jerked hard into her and gave one last thrust as his world exploded in total bliss. His body shuddered and convulsed. Spurt after spurt of his semen filled her warm cavern as she tightened her muscles, milking him as though to draw the last dregs of his cum inside her.

She fell forward to the bed. “Okay, I call uncle. That should do it,” she said in a hoarse whisper.

He pulled out and winced at the amount of fluid that flowed down her leg and onto the bed. Rolling to the side he lay next to her.

As much as he wished otherwise, this human had taken everything he and his wolf gave her. She was still a mystery, except now delicious as well. He couldn’t remember ever being this sated. His wolf purred in satisfaction.

He sniffed. Her scent was changing. A smug measure of pride at meeting her needs filled him. She rolled over to face him.

“I need to take a shower and change these sheets,” she whispered.

He yawned, unconcerned. “Let your sons do it. That way they’ll know you’re alright.”

She gasped and sat straight up in the bed. “Oh my God. Tyrone and Tyrese. I forgot…” Her head swiveled from side to side as though they were in the room. “They heard.” She dropped her face into her hand. “Never, and I do mean never, have they…” She threw her legs off the bed and ran into the bathroom.

Of course her sons had heard her screams of pleasure and demands to Silas to fuck her. There was no doubt the wolves below had heard, since her bedroom window was open. Idly, he wondered where she got the energy to run to the bathroom, he didn’t want to move. The shower turned on and he glanced at the clock. With slow measured strides, he followed her. He had time for a quickie.