CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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"I heard you received a huge sum of money. Why wasn't I informed about it?" Selma snarled at Claire the second she walked home from the office. "I knew you're a selfish brat but I didn't expect you to be this conniving!"

"Am I?" Claire huffed, masking her anger with a laugh. "Look, I don't wanna argue with you tonight so please get out of my way."

Selma crunched her face menacingly, blocking Claire's path. "You think I'm an easy target . . . don't you, girl?" She was fastening her silky, floor length nightdress.

Claire took back her step down the stairs, sighing heavily. She was exhausted and the only thing she desired was getting some sleep. Just not under these circumstances where it's all noisy, however.

"Let's see," she uttered in a low voice, staring at the angry woman before her eyes. "What else do you want, huh? To take everything my father has left? To leave me with absolutely nothing after ripping off all of his properties? I know you married him for money but haven't you had enough already?" 

Claire couldn't stop wondering how far this greedy woman was willing to go.

"How dare you?" Selma's voice reverberated through the thick walls of the grand foyer..

"Why? Does it hurt to hear the truth? That you are a damn gold-digger?" Claire snapped back, carrying the same menace.

“You insolent brat!” Lifting her hand, Selma was about to slap Claire, only to end in her tight grip. “Let go of me!” she barked while struggling to free her wrist.

"I'll never let you hit me again! Do you understand me?" Claire spat irritated, eyes dark and ablaze. "I'm no longer that little girl who begged for your attention. I'm past that stage . . . Mother! And it's the last time you'll hear this name from my mouth because you never deserved it!" Anger coursed through her trembling body, fed up with everything coming from her stepmom.

"Are you on drugs?" Selma asked, astonished.

Claire smirked.. "Could be. Sometimes it's better than being sober and living with horror.” She finally freed her hand. “Anything else?”

Selma gasped even aloud. "You—"

"I think I could use some fresh air," said Claire, cutting her stepmother short. "This one is certainly polluted." She scurried off unceremoniously, murmuring some petulant words only herself could hear.

Outside the gush of fresh air took Claire's breath away. She could feel the tears coming speedily but she couldn't let them flow. It was enough feeling sorry for herself. She sighed boldly, pulling herself together.

"Claire . . ." A soft voice called.

"What?" she snapped stoutly and regretted a second later. "I'm sorry, Ana. I didn't know it was you."

An innocent-looking young lady was approaching her way from the gate. She was the house helper, holding something that seemed to be the reason behind her audience with Claire.

"It's your phone. A man brought it here and said you forgot it in his car." She smiled nervously at Claire while tugging her strawberry blonde bangs.

"Ryan," Claire muttered under her breath. "Was he inside here? Did you let him in?" Panic surged through her body at the idea of him knowing this side of her life.

Ana nodded affirmatively. "He said he's a friend and he had your phone so—"

"Alright." Claire took a deep breath. "Can you please take my things inside? I need to take a walk." She handed her bag and phone to Ana.

Staying by herself was all she had to do at the moment. She wasn't going to ruin her night any further, It was decided. As usual she stopped at the park, her most peaceful place. The air blew smoothly, swaying the waves of her hair in sync with the dancing trees.

"You can go back now, I don't need your pity," she said softly at the person who'd been following her from the moment she left the house.

"How long have you known I was behind you?" Ryan asked, amazed.

"From the very beginning?" she  answered with a smirk, gazing up at him. "I saw your car and figured you were still around."

Ryan took a seat. A small smile kissed the corner of his lips as he uttered, "I brought your phone."

"I know. Thanks." Claire smiled back, tightly. "And since you are here, please forget whatever you heard today. Don't think that you know me now just because you happen to know my shady life."

"I have no idea of what you are saying." Ryan's gaze began wandering around the place, hardly his emotions readable. "So, is this the park that you often come to?"

"Hmm." Claire nodded softly, her mood calmer. Staring deeply into Ryan's eyes, as his gaze shifted back to her, she asked, "Why did you follow me?"

"I just couldn't ignore you," Ryan replied promptly. "You looked sad and . . ." He paused.

"And you felt sorry," Claire muttered, sighing.

She hated anyone's look of pity towards her. She despised the gesture.

"Sorry? Maybe yes. But it definitely wasn't pity," Ryan said, and her eyes widened somehow. He smiled at that. "I don't know you much, Claire. But I can tell what a tough cookie you are."

"A tough cookie?" Claire squinted her eyes, chuckling. Ryan's eyes glowed luminously at the sound she made. "You're weird," she breathed and she was quite tempted to lean onto his shoulder as each time their body made a subtle contact.

And she did it.

Ryan flexed a bit, startled somehow, but possibly by her boldness rather than the gesture. His lips stretched into a warm smile as he slid closer and allowed her to relax comfortably by his side. His arm yanked her shoulder, cooing her.

Claire felt safe and assured at this moment. Immersed into the feeling, she shut her eyes at the gentle nuzzle of Ryan's nose into her hair. She could feel him, his tense muscles, his heart beating a bit faster than usual, and it made her smile.

"I love your smell," she muttered out of the blue. "I mean, the perfume or whatever you're using; don't get the wrong ideas." She gazed up at him, blushing.

"Really now?" Ryan coaxed an eyebrow. "Maybe I could bring you the bottle of my cologne one of these days if you like it that much—that way you can smell me all day long," he teased.

Claire pulled back, scowling. "You're so creepy, you know? Who said I want to smell you all day long?" She giggled at the idea.

It was thrilling, actually.

"Don't you?" Ryan's eyes narrowed at her, a certain gleam pertained through them.

"No?" Claire huffed, averting her gaze.

Jeez, why was he so hot? She blew some air to stop devouring his lips that she so badly wanted to kiss.

"Are you sure?" Ryan smiled and slowly took a hold of her chin, drawing her face closer. She acquiesced, glancing back at him, and nodded. "You have the most beautiful lips," he breathed, stroking her cheek gently.

Oh, and his were just perfect! Claire breathed heavily inside.

"I bet it's what you tell every woman you hook up with," she murmured, hardly keeping her legs together.

Ryan smirked. "You won't believe it even if I deny your baseless accusations," he said. "But I mean it." His voice was gentle and the attraction stretched into Claire's groin was palpable. "I want to kiss you, deeply," he whispered.

Claire's breath ragged, her heart beating at a strange fast pace.

"Kiss me," she said, her voice barely audible. "Now." She wrapped Ryan's neck as his lips secured hers briskly, enticingly; dominating her mouth as though he hadn't kissed forever.

A soft moan leapt out of Claire as Ryan held the small of her back. He shifted a bit to clutch her steady, tightly, letting no distance fill between them. He was demanding, and his lips were relentless, driving her crazier.

Fuck, had anyone kissed her like this before? Claire was in awe, totally astounded at the expertise of his hands on her skin, caressing her soft thighs a bit intrusively, and they began parting willingly.

The skirt of her little flora dress was smoothly rising upward and the arousal was enough to shudder her skin. Oh no, she wasn't going to let him touch her there, was she? She quickly pulled back, breathless, and the effect was a copy of Ryan's. 

"I think we should go now." She couldn't let his sexy moves intoxicate her.  No, her mind was fortunately sober. "It's getting late." She took a breath, watching Ryan shyly through the moonlight.

"Can't you stay a little longer?" Ryan whispered, eyeing her so deeply with a faint smile.

"Um—" Damn if she stayed she'd end up fucked in the park! Thank God it was a bit secure that people hardly paid attention as they passed by.

"Stay for just a while and I'll escort you home," Ryan muttered. "It's only eight and it's relaxing here," he added with a peek on his cellphone that he tugged back instantly into his jeans' pocket.

"Oh God. You really know how to turn me shameless," Claire leaned back into his shoulder and tried to block any reminder of him being someone's boyfriend.

Someone named Doris.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, is there?" Ryan said casually, his voice filled with calmness despite the ruckus he'd just caused a moment ago.

Claire didn't want to respond to that. She'd become a bimbo by now and there was no reason to justify her not-so-cool actions. They both stayed silent for a while, meditating.

"I also have a dark side that I'd rather no one finds out. I think everyone else does . . . so you have no reason to feel alarmed or ashamed for whatever that's going on with your step mother," Ryan uttered gently.

Claire pulled herself back from his arms and looked up at him, shocked. He heard everything! She was undecided on what to feel about it.

"I heard almost everything, Claire. Is that how she always treats you?" Ryan's voice was suddenly low, apprehensive even.

Claire pulled a distance between the two, her mood altered. "Yeah, that's my life and you don't need to speak of it. Like I said before, just pretend you didn't hear a thing," she told him bluntly.

Ryan's jaw ticked but he didn't argue. He was displeased—it was quite clear from the look of his brown eyes. "Okay," he breathed.

After another moment of silence, Claire grinned up at him. "So does Mr. Perfect also have a dark side?" she quizzed, cajoling him.

Ryan huffed a small laugh. "I'm quite far from being perfect, Claire. Don't get confused," he said truthfully, and she only smiled, fully aware of his 'issues' "And also, I loved how you defended yourself. You're not weak, after all."

"Idiot!" Claire laughed hard, her good mood restored. "Do I look weak to you?"

"Not really," Ryan said truthfully. "Just . . . you're more fierce than I thought."

"Oh? Is that a compliment?" Claire flushed.

"It is." He nodded.

"You know what," Claire said with a pause while sitting cross-legged. "When I first saw you, I thought you were a rude jerk. No, you were a jerk, actually."

"Oh, is that so?" Ryan lifted his eyebrow questioningly, no offense taken. "And I thought you were an insolent little brat whose mouth needed to be fixed."

"What?" Claire gasped loudly, both laughing. "I was merely defending myself, sir!"

"From who? Me?" Ryan gaped.

"Of course from you," Claire prompted. "You were deliberately trying to intimidate me with your bad boy aura."

"Was I?" Ryan's laughter increased.

"Yes, you were."

"So you were intimidated, huh? What about now? Have you changed your mind?"

"A little," Claire confessed, mindful. "After spending some time with you, I realized that perhaps he isn't as bad as he pretends to be. Or maybe he is hiding his true self and wears a mask of a rude and manner less jerk."

"Really now?" Ryan was mirthful at each passing second, beholding her intensely.

"But all I'm sure of is that you are the man who saved my life." Claire's voice took a shift into smoothness without jokes. "I couldn't thank you properly the other day but I'm doing it now. Thank you, Ryan . . . for rescuing me from that terrible rain," she told him calmly, and his eyes were gleaming.

"Still I am a jerk, Claire." It sounded like a warning.

Yes, she wasn't a stranger to that fact. If he was kissing and cuddling her in the park while he had a gorgeous girlfriend waiting at home—or wherever she was—then he was a complete jerk.

But why was she getting too attached to this beautiful jerk, nonetheless? Claire could no longer understand this desire to be near him despite all the warnings the universe keeps sending to her.

"Why are you such a jerk again?" she curiously asked, her thoughts slowly wanton.

"Maybe because I don't know how to be sweet and nice." Ryan shrugged. "I'm not like those gentlemen all the girls dream of. The one you call prince charming?" He smiled feebly.

"Prince charming?" Claire frowned.

"On a white horse or something." He shrugged again.

Of course he wasn't! Claire laughed. But perhaps he was her knight in shining armor and that's what she needed the most. She was already the queen of her own castle after all.

"Don't worry, Ryan Stevens. I'm not one of those beautiful princesses waiting for their prince charming either," she said, and he stared at her for a very long moment, amused. "Maybe I dreamed once for a dark knight in shining armor to come and rescue me, but not anymore." She smiled, even though deep down she was weeping when recalling the times she wanted to just be swallowed beneath the Earth's surface.

"You're really looking for trouble, Claire." Ryan licked his bottom lip with narrowed eyes.

"I've lived in trouble my entire life, Ryan. You don't scare me at all. Find another strategy, because that one doesn't work with me," Claire said confidently, and Ryan couldn't stop laughing at the sound of it. "Take me home. You promised." She stood up.

“As you wish, gorgeous.” Ryan grinned.


Ryan's Vogue was sliding mildly on the asphalt. He couldn't stop thinking of this little missy who stumbled into his life so unexpectedly. And what did he want from her? The kisses? Some good sex? Because he'd imagined it so many times since he first held her in his arms.

Fuck, Ryan, you can have any chick you want! Leave the poor Cinderella alone! His inner voice rebuked.

Ryan sighed heavily after pulling over into the traffic lights. And just as he was about  to do away any thought regarding Claire, his phone flashed with a message from her. He pondered for a few seconds and immediately opened it.

FROM: Lady in rain

Thanks for being there. Maybe I needed a shoulder to lean on and yours was spectacular.

[Received: 21:00]

A big grin spread across his face as he read the text. She was something else, he admitted, and it was refreshing. He didn't think twice to text her back.

I'll remember to add one shoulder day in my workout routine. Didn't know they would come handy one eventful evening. Think of good things and get some sleep.

[Sent: 21:01]

He smiled widely and continued driving upon the green light. This woman was going to bring him some trouble; he could feel with all his guts. But the more the challenge, the more he liked it.