CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Claire knew she was done for. Only a fool wouldn't discern that she was coming from Ryan's place as he'd just exited his private elevator, dressed a bit vulgarly for her usual taste.

She wouldn't be surprised if she looked like a call girl, she mused inside.

Now what was she going to say? 

"Um, hi." Her voice was feeble.

"Hi." Bruno tried to smile but it was almost impossible. He couldn't hide the confusion, and his usually charming face was currently a brochure of questions. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked gently, seeing how uncomfortable she looked.

The dress was one among the reasons. Jeez, it was only meant for the darknessnow that it was beaming bright, she felt more naked under his gaze.

"Home," she replied.

"Oh. Alright, maybe I could give you a ride if you want?" Bruno offered. Such a gentleman! Claire smiled restively. "I mean, if you don't have a car, that is."

Well, she had the keys of Ryan's car, but it felt awkward telling that to Bruno. Decidedly, she acquiesced to his offer.

"Thank you," she muttered as he opened the door of his silver Chevy Corvette.

An intense silence filled when they started moving. Claire had no guts to utter a word, and Bruno looked too serious to be mindless. It crept her, thinking of what was going on in his mind. 

Damn, this was uncomfortable.

"So, are you and Ryan . . . kind of together right now?" Bruno asked after hesitating for a while. It was sudden, but it was bound to happen. "I guess you're coming from his place, right?" he added carefully, his smile unable to touch his lips as it normally did.

Oh God! Claire took a deep sigh.

"Um, I guess," she answered vaguely.

"You guess?" Bruno chuckled, glancing at her briefly.

Claire sighed again, rattled. What was she supposed to say? That she was just fucking him whenever she was horny but they have no name ready for their affair? It was complicated.

"It's complicated," Claire thought out loud, meaning it.

Bruno scowled. "Why? Does Ryan give you a hard time or something?" His voice was gentle, avuncular concern lacing it.

He wasn't mad, was he? Claire couldn't read him as she desired to. He was hard to fathom. It's as though he was angry a while ago, but now he was cool and casually inquired of it.

"Well" She stammered, fiddling with her fingers. "I don't know how to explain it, Bruno, it's a delicate matter." She was getting overwhelmed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Claire. I don't mean to pry, trust me. I'm just too surprised, that's all." Bruno said upon seeing her discomfort.

Evidently Claire wasn't up for discussion about her relationship with Ryan. However, in Bruno's case, she felt compelled to explain further.

He'd been a good and caring friend from the very start. She just didn't know how to say it; she was so afraid to ruin the image he had of her.

"It's okay, Bruno," she said, staring at him with difficulty. "You don't need to be nice about this. I know what you're thinking right now because this is not just about me and Ryan."

"What do you mean?" Bruno frowned bemusedly, handling the steering wheel with ease.

"I mean, I shouldn't be involved with Ryan and I know. But it just happened," Claire uttered.

"Huh?" Bruno looked more confused.

"Frankly, I don't even know how Ryan and I reached this point. It just happened like some stupid game, and then I forgot everything else," Claire said, and he patiently listened. "I'm so ashamed that you had to find out like this, Bruno. I can't even say that I wanted to tell you because I'll be lying. In fact, I didn't want anyone to find out about this."

"I understand," Bruno said with a smile; his usual smile.

"You do?" Claire was utterly shocked.

How could he understand her being a shameless bitch? Now she was confused.

"Hey relax, beautiful," Bruno said casually. "I don't see any reason to feel ashamed of it. It's not like we easily have control of our own feelings when it comes to matters of the heart, right? I think you're being hard on yourself."

"Even so," Claire whispered, her eyes on her lap. "I know it's wrong and I shouldn't be with him."

Not while he had Doris. It was totally wrong, and she was the guilty one.

"Why are you insisting it's wrong?" Bruno asked. "Both you and my brother are grown up adults. You're both of sound mind, and you're both single . . . right? So what's the problem if you decide to have something intimate? I think it's totally okay, and you're just overreacting for nothing." He grinned at her.

Was he serious? Claire could laugh at this but she had no energy to do so.

"Of course it’s not okay" She paused. Something between Bruno's words hit the back of her mind abruptly. "What did you just say?" she asked him briskly.

"That there's no problem with you being with Ryan?" Bruno beamed.

"No, not that!" Claire practically snapped, her curiosity wilder. "About Ryan and me being single; what do you mean by that?" she quizzed.

"Oh, that? Nothing much." Bruno shrugged. "Just the fact that you're a single woman, I suppose, and as far as Ryan is concerned, he has been single for years now for all I know."

"What?" Claire breathed, her eyes narrowed.

"In fact, I really hope you two are serious," Bruno continued, his eyes on the road. "I'm sure grandfather will be happy to hear that he's dating someone. I only hope he’s serious with you, unlike the others.” 

"No," Claire huffed incredulously, ignoring his last incoherent sentence.

"What?" Bruno gazed at her.

"Ryan and Doris," Claire uttered haltingly, gazing back at him. "Are they not in a relationship?"

Bruno frowned. "What are you talking about? Doris and Ryan in a relationship? What nonsense is that?" He laughed loudly.

What the fuck! Claire's eyes widened.

"They are not?" she demanded.

"Of course not.  They are not in a relationship, and they've never been. Well, other than a boss and subordinate, or friendship since childhood, which we all share, there's nothing more. Jeez, where did you even get that?" He made it sound like the craziest thing to even imagine.

"Um, nowhere," Claire breathed softly. "I only thought so." She was suddenly exhausted.

"Okay, is that why you kept talking nonsense earlier? Because you thought they were dating and you" Bruno paused halfway when he saw her all pale. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Claire replied, her voice low. "Um, just take the right turn over there and go straight," she instructed him on the way to her neighborhood.

A short silence reigned as Bruno followed her direction. She was lost in this new information.

"But you know what?" Bruno uttered, urging her to look at him.

"Everyone knows that Doris feels more than just friendship for Ryan. It's just that Ryan has clearly shut himself up when it comes to her and she never stood a chance with him since way before."

"Oh?" Claire felt some kind of relief and rage at the same time.

"Sometimes I feel sorry for her, and if she learns about this, I'm sure she'll be very heartbroken." Bruno's concern was for everyone close to him, it seemed.

Claire admired his noble heart.

Thinking of Doris, she uttered, "That is, if she hasn't learned that yet."

"You think she knows?" Bruno asked, curious.

"I don't know, Bruno, and I'm not even sure if it's important anymore," Claire replied, no longer entertained with the subject.

That jerk had been lying to her. She couldn't stop feeling mad about this.

"Why?" Bruno asked without imposing.

"Nothing, I'm just saying," Claire answered and refused to press on the matter any longer. They were already at her house. "You can pull over there," she said pointedly.

"Okay." Bruno did as she's told him, and the car halted.

Claire unbuckled. "Thank you for the ride. I'd let you inside but I don't think the timing is great. Maybe next time," she told him.

"No worries. Now I better go," Bruno replied, his smile intact. "Take care, huh?"

"Hmm." Claire nodded and exited. "Drive safe." She peered through the window and his smile was enough of an answer.

As though her already messed-up head wasn't enough, Claire bumped into her stepmother on the way to her bedroom. Was this morning cursed or what? She sighed heavily.

"Well, well, well," Selma started. "So now you come home anytime you want and dress up like a cheap striper, huh?"

Just what she needed!

"I don't think it's in your business, when I come or leave this house," Claire retorted. 

"Look at yourself, young lady. Look at that dress, and the way you present yourself. You look like a whore in red," Selma whined with utter contempt, and Claire rolled her eyes from lack of interest in her ancient speech. "Where are you coming?"

"Are you done?" Claire shot. "Because I don't have forever to listen to you." The witch was definitely getting on her already twisted nerves right now.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? What if people see you walk like that in the streets? Do you want to tarnish our family reputation?" Selma snapped.

Claire laughed loudly this time. "Family? What family?" She folded her arms across her chest. "I'm sorry if you don't like my dress, I won't question your museum fashion sense."

"What?" Selma frowned.

"And about your reputation, you don't need to worry because I highly doubt that anyone can recognize me as your daughter. So guess what, you can have your reputation all to yourself, Madam Selma. I don't need it!" With that, Claire jogged upstairs.

"Tramp! That's what you are!" Selma snapped, but Claire was already gone out of sight.

The only thing Claire did once she was inside her room was to change into jeans and a V-neck top. She slipped into sneakers, tied her hair into a ponytail, ready to finish this game.

The trip to SK felt like eternity for Claire, for she kept scheming on what to say and do to Ryan. She was furious with him and she had no idea what was going to happen after today.

At last she arrived.

The very same receptionist from her first visit to SK was at the front desk. She seemed to remember Claire as well, judging from her flashy smile while greeting her.

"How can I help you?" she asked Claire.

"Can I see Mr. Ryan Stevens? I suppose he is here," Claire asked in a hurry.

"Do you have an appointment with him?" The receptionist asked, and Claire shook her head disagreeably. "Well, I don't think I can help you"

"Can you inform him that it's Claire Levy who needs to see him?" Claire told her curtly, desperately.

"Well, I"

"You know what," Claire cut her off. "Never mind. I'll just call him myself." She was on the verge of bursting with anger, and this lady was wasting her time.

Either due to the recollection of her boss's relationship with Claire, or the angry mood she was in, the receptionist immediately changed her mind.

"Wait, I'll just call his office," she softly said and grabbed the telephone receiver.

"Good." Claire was restless throughout the minutes that the call was made and transferred to Ryan's office.

"You can go ahead, Mr. Stevens is expecting you." Her smile was polite as she instructed Claire the way to Ryan's office.

As quickly as Claire budged in, the elevator lifted her to Ryan's office floor. From there, his new and kind-looking secretary led her to Ryan's office. It was big, modern, and spacious.

"I wasn't expecting any less. The credit line is too shady and the last thing I want is taking a fucked up risk right now. But I can refer you to someone who's an expert with casinos." A heart wrenching voice welcomed Claire.

Ryan was in the middle of the phone call, casually leaning onto the edge of his desk. He beamed ecstatically when he saw Claire walking in, and even motioned for her to move closer.

Her heart flipped, but she strictly ignored his gesture, making him frown. She had no time to even admire his office, or his exquisite suit that multiplied his hot looks. But no distractions today! Claire declared.

"Sorry, I have something important to attend to. I gotta go." Ryan hung up instantly while moving from the desk. He placed his mobile on the table. "I didn't expect to see you so soon, baby." Smiling, he paced towards Claire with a big smile.

"Neither did I," Claire remarked coldly while unfolding her arms.

Ryan frowned at the tone of her voice. He was alarmed. Why are you here?" he questioned, standing right before her.

Panting mildly, Claire responded to his query. "I only came to give you this!" She slapped him hard on the face.

Startled, Ryan cocked his head to the side, accepting the blow. But he immediately recovered. Has any woman slapped him before? He smirked, and he was now glaring at her, eyes dark and raw, confused. But he took it calmly.

"What was that for?" he asked coolly.

"For being such a lying jerk! How could you do this to me?" Claire muttered crossly.

"What are you talking about?" Bemused was Ryan's disposition.

"Was it fun? Did you enjoy seeing me losing my head over you despite knowing you had a girlfriend already?" Claire was enraged as she neared him closer. "Why did you make me believe she's your girlfriend, huh?" she asked again, tears brimming in her eyes.

That's when Ryan got a hint of what's going on. And for the first time he seemed to be fretting. "How did you find out?" he asked, shocked.

"How did I find out? Is that even important?" Claire huffed.

"Listen, Claire"

"Do you even know how I felt all this time knowing I was doing something terrible and yet couldn't stop myself?" Claire interrupted. "Do you even realize how stupid I feel right now thinking of all the times you had the chance to tell me the truth and yet you didn't?"

"I'm sorry, Claire. I wanted to tell you the truth but"

God knows how many times he tried to tell her but failed for some reason. But yes, perhaps a part of him didn’t really mind playing with her head.

"But you didn't!" Claire snapped dryly. "You didn't because deep inside you loved playing with my feelings, Ryan! Because you enjoyed every bit of it. You enjoyed seeing how stupidly I made a fool out of myself while you could've just told me the truth." She sobbed.

"Claire, please, that's not what happened," Ryan insisted, his voice unguarded, his feelings out in the open. It was a regret, but she was too angry to see.

"I'm such a fool," she muttered, sniffling.

"Listen," Ryan sighed. "I don't know why I couldn't tell you, but it's not what you're thinking. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry." He tried to reach for her shoulders but she immediately winced aside.

"Don't touch me!" she sternly uttered. "I think the game is over. And yes, you've won, Ryan. I am stupid and you're the smarter one! You, Sir, have won." She was laughing, tears accompanying her laughter.

"Claire," Ryan whispered her name in a very foreign way, his face blanched.

He looked in fear; afraid of the meaning her words deciphered to him.

"Maybe you should start finding your next toy," she uttered with bitterness, feeling so played. "I'm already used to it, right? Bravo! I wonder what kind of pleasure you had knowing I'm just a measly woman who's ready to fuck you knowing you have someone you call a girlfriend. But it's not important because we're done!" With that she turned toward the exit.

"Claire, wait." Ryan managed to grab her wrist and stood her. "Please, don't go," he begged, his voice low and worried.

"I want to be civil about this, Ryan, so let me go," Claire instructed.


"Let me go, Ryan!" she snapped, glaring at him. He wasn't ready to do that. He didn't seem ready to let her leave like that. "Let. Me. Go!" She forcefully tried to rid his grip.

"Okay." Reluctantly, Ryan freed her hand. She left.