Chasing the Omega (Small Town #1) by Jessica Edwards - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


There wasn't any other reason to stay longer in that house. Max had disappeared and he never even said goodbye, but I know now where we stand with each other. Our friendship was brief but no friendship has ever affected me the way it has been with Max in that short amount of time. I will be polite and civil whenever I see him again, but I hope he understands that we can longer be friends.

I expected to feel bad about losing a friend like Max, but as I walk to the car parked outside the house I feel relief more than anything. It was nice to have someone new being a part of our group, a person that didn't judge us for being who we were, but I hope Sam understands that what I've decided to do is the right thing for us.

I reach the car door and let myself in, Ryder watches my every move.

“Did he talk?” Ryder looks back at the house.

I shrug. “He didn't say much, but I got everything I needed from him.'

He nods. “You sure you don't wanna ask him any more questions?”

I shake my head. “Just please take me home.”

He leans over to my side and pulls the seat belt over me and into the latch. “When you say home, you mean my house, right?” “Yes, Ryder.”

He looks at me in concern. “You sure you're okay?” I answer him with a nod and he starts the car.

The whole journey was done in silence and by the time we arrive back at Ryder's place, the sky has already darkened preparing for the nightfall. As soon as Ryder turns off the engine, I exit the car and make my way back into the house where Silver, Bane and Kellan are sitting in the living area watching what looks a lot like a horror film.

Their attention is drawn to me and Ryder just as we walk through the front door.

Kellan's the first to approach us. “Where the hell have you been? We were starting to get worried.”

Silver scoffs from the couch. “You were getting worried.”

Bane's attention is drawn back to the movie. “I thought he was gonna call his dad and report you two missing.”

Kellan flips him off. “Fuck you, Bane.”

Ryder takes a seat on the couch. “We had an issue to resolve, that's all.”

Silver looks alternately at me and Ryder. “And it needed both of you?”

Jealous much?

Ryder just stares at Silver. “What's it to you? Get over it.” She wheezes. “God, I was just asking. You used to tell me everything before she came along.” Silver sneers at me.

Ryder sighs in annoyance. “Silver, it's none of your business what I do.”

She looks at Ryder in confusion. “Why are you being like this?”

“Like what?”

“Like I don't mean anything to you anymore. She's only been in your life for a week and you're acting like she's more important to you than your own pack. It makes me angry that she's more of a top priority to you than I ever was, and I've been in your life for a long time!”

“Maybe that's because I care about her more than I ever cared for you.”

Silver looks as though she's been slapped. “What did you just say?”

From the corner of my eye, I see Kellan shake his head in frustration, unlike Bane who hasn't looked away from the TV.

“You never cared? After all those times we spent together?”

I feel as though I shouldn't be listening to this.

“I thought I did but, you were just a distraction.” Ryder clears his throat.

Silver nods. “That's the reason why you kept pushing me away? Because you care about her?” She points at me.

Ryder looks at me with a soft smile. “I do, yeah.”

“So, that's it? It's over between us?” Silver's eyes start to well up with tears.

“It was over for a long time Silver.” Ryder looks at her in pity just as she runs out of the living area and out through the back door.

“We'll follow her just in case she does something stupid.” Bane slowly gets off the couch and out of the living area, dragging Kellan along with him.

I still remain standing in the middle of the room, wondering what exactly I'm supposed to do at this point. Should I follow Bane and Kellan, or join Ryder on the couch? I'm not a huge fan of horror movies and from what I can see it's only just started. It's fascinating how scenes from a horror movie make the heartbeat in anxiousness, but there's only one thing that's making my heart race at the moment, and he's sitting just inches away from me.

“This movie baffles me every time I watch it.” Ryder says while looking disinterested at the screen.

I walk to the sofa and sit next to Ryder. “What movie is it?”

“The Grudge.”

I chuckle. “The title says it all and besides, why does it baffle you?”

“Why would they go live in a house that's supposedly haunted? If people had a brain they'd avoid a house like that.” He murmurs.

A shiver runs down my back causing me to run my hands over my arms. “Maybe they're desperate?”

He watches me shivering. “Are you cold?” “A little.”

He looks at me then pulls me against his chest without permission. What was I supposed to do now?


He shushes me. “Just watch the movie.”

I try hard to concentrate on the movie, but all I can think about are Ryder's words.

We watch the whole movie in the same position without saying anything to each other. One thing for sure is that I won't be watching that movie ever again. I don't care if I'm paid to do it because that shit was fucked up.

The credits roll on the screen and I find this as a good chance to ask him about what he said earlier.

“Did you really mean what you said to Silver that you care for me?”

There's a long pause before he finally speaks. “I did mean it. Every single word.”

I face him and look into his eyes. “You're not lying to me, are you? I've had enough of people lying to me.”

He smiles gently. “I told you before that I'd never lie to you. All I'll ever give you is the truth.”

“Bullshit.” I say just as I attempt to get off the couch but stop when Ryder puts his hand on my hip.

He doesn't place me next to him but instead pulls me to sit on top of him with my legs on either side of his thighs.

My heart is pounding inside my chest just as he places his hands on my hips.

Why am I still sitting on him eagerly waiting for what he's about to do next?

He leans closer to me and when I think he's going to kiss me, I feel the brush of his lips against my ear. “Did you just accuse me of lying?”

“So what if I did? What are you gonna do about it?” He gently cups my cheek. “This.”

My heart pounds just as he leans down and touches my neck with his lips, showering me with gentle kisses. Ryder looks at me and sighs in relief when he sees that I won't stop whatever it is that's happening.

He leans down, gently pressing his lips against mine when I feel the warmth of his lips making its journey throughout my body, and it seems very unlikely that things will stop there.

I break the kiss and place my hands against his solid chest. “Can we go to your room?”

He looks unsure. “Alice, there's no rush. With everything that's happened, are you sure you want to do this?”

After everything with Terry, I just want to be in Ryder's arms. I lean into him and wrap my arms around his neck. “I just want to forget for awhile, but I want this Ryder.

Please.” I find his neck and lightly place kisses on his skin. He doesn't stop me.

I can tell by looking at him that his self-control won't last long, and with those words being said it gives him the go ahead that he needs.

He stands from the couch and wraps my legs around his waist. He carries me effortlessly up the stairs and into his room, kicking the door closed on his way in.

He places me gently on his bed, stands between my legs and smiles down at me. “Has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?”

I giggle. “I've been told several times in fact by my mother.” I tease.

He leans down and brushes his lips against mine. “Don't tease me.” He kisses me hard, but it's not enough.

I pull his body down towards mine; running my fingers along the length of his back and grab the end of his white wife-beater, making it obvious what I want him to do. He leans back, yanks his vest over his head and helps to take off my shirt too. His lips lower to touch mine and I can feel that he's growing impatient and when his fingers wander where no boy has ever touched before, I gasp. The sound of him growling gives me a feeling of empowerment.

I run my hands up and down his chest; craving that feeling of having his skin underneath my fingertips. When my hands touch his jeans, it's like my hands have a mind of their own, and they rush to unbuckle his belt.

Ryder takes a hold of my hands. “We don't have to do this tonight, I know you're hurting.”

I look into his trusting eyes. “Please, I need this.” He kisses my forehead but he still seems reluctant. “Ryder, what's wrong?”

“It's just, I don't want you to regret this.”

“I've waited long enough, there's no going back now.”

He waits for a few seconds, nods then stands to remove his jeans just as I reach over to the nightstand, pulling it open. I find the plastic between my fingers and pass it to Ryder.

He takes it from my fingers, tears the packet open with his teeth, pulls his boxers down and kicks them off to the side.

With steady hands I remove my sweatpants, close my eyes when I feel him climb onto the bed and placing himself between my thighs.

“Alice.” He whispers.

My eyes open slowly to see his eyes looking at me with passion. He leans down, kisses me softly and pushes himself inside me in slow and gentle movements.

I wince at the sudden intrusion and the feeling of discomfort, and when he pushes inside me again, my eyes clench tightly from the pain he's causing.

I know that it's not his fault but nothing had prepared me for this.

He rocks inside me again but I feel no pain this time. Instead, I feel the pain subsiding completely and in its place, the feeling of pleasure coursed through my whole body.

“Do you want me to stop?”

I shake my head repeatedly not wanting to stop this unfamiliar feeling. “No.”

After a few minutes, I feel his movements starting to become more rigid, and after pushing inside me one last time, he moans and breathes heavily.

There was no feeling of regret after what I had done. Once our breathing slowed down, Ryder left for the bathroom, came back and placed me into his bed where we spent the whole night holding each other. That feeling of connecting with someone is indescribable and for that person being Ryder, made the whole experience better than I could have ever imagined.

If somebody asked me when I was most happy, I wouldn't hesitate to say that tonight was by far the happiest I've ever been, and it's all thanks to Ryder King.