Dawn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter One

You know those evil cartoon characters with loud booming voices that seem to bounce on every wall when they are really mad? Or the ones who cackle loudly accompanied by thunderclaps for more effect in the background? I should say is the exact personification of a really mad and raged Mr. Abiwu right now. I mean I did wake up in a strange place with the shocking realisation that I had been kidnapped—again—and only to realise that beside Alex sat detective Alice and they were dancing to the tune coming from the car radio.

What are the odds that the policewoman who investigated my father’s death and stalked out of my house for weeks and represented the law was friends with Alex one of the great uncles? The answer is none. So yeah I was shocked and eventually got over it.

So I end up in this damn house again and even get some sleep because, well to hell with it I can’t keep on wishing I’ll roll over and die each time one of these crazy people decide to pull out their antics. But at the moment Mr. Abiwu combination of muttering in rage and boisterous laughter was not helping things.

I mean if the man turns out to be unstable (which I think he is), he may just kill me and never even remember it. Alice and Alex are standing by the door in the office and I am sitting in a comfortable chair trying but failing to keep up with Mr. Abiwu’s heavy fast paces.

‘That little maggot traitor.’ He is referring to Taylor, ‘how dare he try to set me up?’

Like I said before, cartoon.

‘You obviously didn’t put much reins on your son as you thought you did,’ Alice says, ‘at least you are smarter than him.’

He stops pacing—no he more like halts his pacing and pivots to land his crazed eyes on me. My heart skips when he strides towards me and plants his hands at either side of my chair.

‘He will do anything for you wouldn’t he?’ he says in his crazed voice and his eyes bore into mine, ‘well let him prove it.’

‘What should I tell him?’ Alex asks ready to take every command.

‘Leave it I will deal with my son—you may leave now.’

‘What about the others?’ Alice asks.

‘They are in your hands.’

Icy cold feelings rush into my bones as I picture who the others were. All the people I have come to care about. I am positive they are still trying to brainstorm where I vanished off to back at the cabin. That must be five hours ago.

Alice and Alex bow their heads and walk out. Mr. Abiwu doesn’t move away from me but keeps his eyes focused on me such that I have to ask.

‘So what’s the plan now?’

He bares his teeth at me, ‘the only reason I am not having someone beat you to death is because of my granddaughter living in you,’ he growls, ‘you have until she comes out to convince me why I should let you still remain in my life when you don’t want anything to do with it.’

Should I be thankful that here is a notorious thief who still cares about innocent lives?

‘Maybe I need you to convince me why I would be crazy enough to let you anywhere near my child.’

His eyes bore into mine for a long tense moment before he steps away from me and walks to his chair, not sitting in it but standing behind it and placing both his hands on it.

‘I have a simple proposition for you Heather—I rarely ever want things from people below my standing. But this child is the only heir I’m going to get from Taylor that he truly cares about,’ he rolls his  eyes as he carries on, ‘I mean it’s not like I can just force him to consummate with someone else—I do care about my son you know.’

‘don’t I know that much!” I mumble

‘So this means a lot to me. She is a special child, protecting you from paying for the error of your ways. But if you can’t let me near her—which of course I may choose to just take her and get rid of you but I don’t want the child to hate me for life before I killed her worthless mother so I was hoping we can play happy family for her sake.’ He lets out a dramatic sigh, ‘it’s simple really Heather—either we all have access to this child’s life or none of us do.’

Seconds tick by as I let his words sink in. why is it even his decision anyway? Just because she shares in his bloodline he has no right to stake his claims on her—the tyrant!

‘So what will it be Heather?’

I have the most venomous words on my tongue but I know this is the moment that I keep my mouth shut lest I get myself killed. By him of all people. I mean there are worse ways to die.

He waits for a long moment and then realise that I am not going to answer. He nods, to whatever runs through that crazy head of his and pulls us his sleek phone from his pocket. His finger slides on the screen before he brings the phone to his ear.

‘Please present yourself to my office ASAP.’

And he lowers his phone tossing it back on the table. I really want to ask him who is coming. The terminator? That would either be Charlie or Alex right? What about Luther—he falls more on the silent assassin sniper type.

I sit still in my chair keeping my face impassive while my heart wants to literally jump out of my chest and run for the hills screaming. He then sinks into his office chair and crosses his leg on top of the other, looking relaxed since I saw him when I got here.

Five minutes later there is a knock on the door. Mr. Abiwu tells whoever it is to enter. I don’t turn around to see who opens the door and steps into the office. Mr. Abiwu acknowledges the person with a slight smile and I can feel the person approaching the table

‘Ah, Doctor Focus—it’s so nice to see you again.’ Mr. Abiwu exclaims

My body goes still. Doctor Focus! I haven’t seen the man since the morning he announced that I was pregnant and I didn’t hear nice things about him after that time either.

‘I really don’t appreciate being dragged here in such short notice but I suppose my job is made up of those and dare I say I wish we always met under better circumstances?’

Mr. Abiwu’s smile widened, ‘you are a man on the rope to save lives—I never imagine a proper time to call you just for a drink.’

‘Doctors have lives as well Rolland.’ Doctor Focus rolls his eyes at Mr. Abiwu—I mean I had no idea they were so informal towards each other. Oh geez I have no idea about most things when it comes to the tyrant in front of me.

‘Mrs. Phatshimo, lovely to see you again.’

I take a deep breath and force myself to look at him without unleashing my full blown screaming tantrum, ‘I can’t say the same.’

Doctor Focus gives Mr. Abiwu a pointed look. I think I am more surprised he isn’t affected by the doctor’s lack of fear and reverence for his cursed presence.

‘Oh don’t blame me Focus.’ Mr. Abiwu says in a bored casual voice, ‘I was just telling Heather that babies are born premature all the time—what with all the foods we eat these days.’

My heart screeches to a halt the same time my eyes go round and my hand fly to land open handed on my stomach.

‘You wouldn’t.’ I growl at him. The mother in me coming to the forefront. Shield, sword, daggers and all. My sense and logic contemplate reasoning with him. I mean he does still have a better nature I could appeal to right? My emotion and heart want to play at his game. Pretend to agree to his terms. Play happy family during the day and slaughter people like chickens in the night.

He barks out a laugh, ‘dear me Heather I think I have been holding back with you—you seriously can’t mean I wouldn’t do anything I say?’

I don’t notice Doctor Focus approach me chair until he clamps a hand on my shoulder. I almost snap my neck as I look up at him only to see in his hand an injection with colorless liquid dripping from it.

‘So what will it be Heather?’ Mr. Abiwu repeats the bored tone, ‘am I getting a revenge or I am getting a progress to my plans.’

I would know better than dare the crazy man and I have no idea what the hell that liquid in the doctor’s syringe is—

‘What is that?’

‘Something to help the little one out,’ Doctor Focus announces proudly, ‘and the chances of both your survival is fifty-fifty. I developed it myself and I am still trying to make it work right—it’s a seven up thing.’

Great, I am about to become his guinea pig for a strange pregnancy termination medication that no one would ever know what killed me.’

Then Mr. Abiwu crowns the horror by saying, ‘it hasn’t been easy for you Heather. Your father died and your family had to hide from an unknown killer. You have been so stressed out. Only to find that your criminal husband was the one behind it all. You run of course just like you ran that time—only this time he doesn’t let you live to have to run again the third time.’

Jesus. Mary. And Joseph.

‘You are going to kill me and frame Taylor for it?’

Mr. Abiwu gives a shrug while doctor Focus is looking lovingly at his little murder weapon. ‘I didn’t. you are—your choice will not only cost you your child but mine as well Heather—but I need that boy reformed in the right way and I think a little jail time will roughen him up a little—he is way too soapy for my use.’


I had really underestimated this man’s insanity. I mean seriously. How can he be so creative and evil at the same time?

‘Time Heather—I value it as much as I do my money and you are here wasting it.’

I eye the syringe. I eye the mad man. I have no chance in hell to make it out of this alive anyway. Well I could knock the old doctor with a little push (the man does look frail) and outrun Mr. Abiwu from his office. But I won’t escape the great uncles and whatever minion he has planted out there.

The man has a minion detective for crying out loud.

‘Fine.’ I hate that I am saying this, ‘just step away with that thing from me.’

Mr. Abiwu shoes doctor Focus away with his hand. The crazy doctor actually clicks his tongue in disappointment, ‘man it’s not every day you get a proper candidate for one of these little babies.’

His irony brings a sick feeling inside of me. I keep a wary eye on him until he is away from me and I turn my eyes back on Mr. Abiwu.

‘What are your plans after the baby is born?’ I ask in a business tone.

Mr. Abiwu nods, acknowledging my shrewdness. I wasn’t born yesterday you know.

‘You choose whether you want to be in her life or not. Again it’s your choice Heather.’

Geez this man has no limit to his evil fallacies. I press my lips together before I blurt out anything that could get me killed. The good old doctor is still on standby with the killer syringe by the way.

I bring my hand on my tummy and flash him a wary smile, ‘I guess we are going to try the big happy family crap then.’

‘Thank you... at least you inherited your father’s good genes. Eric’s life would have been a waste.’

I inhale through my nose. He shouldn’t mention my father like he cared about the man he murdered.

‘You killed him.’ I just can’t help myself. All in all I am no longer afraid of this man like I used to, and if I am going to be living with him until I figure out a way out of this I need to set some boundaries. I look at him challengingly, ‘if we are going to be doing this, we have to set down some rules.’

Mr. Abiwu gives me a hard look, ‘now listen you little....’

‘Do you want this or not Mr. Abiwu.’

It is then that I realise the man really wants this. He bristles a little before pressing his lips together to get himself under control. Then in a tone which sounds like he is chewing poop he says, ‘fine, go on.’

‘Number one, you will not insult me with crass words. I already know that you don’t like me or approve of me for your son and incase I didn’t say it out I don’t like you either.’ I take a deep breath, ‘two, you will not speak ill of my deceased father, considering that you killed him, let him rest in peace.’

‘I live to speak freely-.’

I cut him off, ‘I won’t hesitate to remind you of the people you don’t want to remember Mr. Abiwu.’ I pause for effect, ‘your wife.’ He actually winces. Great I touched a nerve—I mean who knew? ‘and Zelda.’

He hisses, ‘I get it, dead bastard won’t be mentioned—anything else while I still care?’

Still arrogant to the very end I see. ‘You won’t hurt anyone I care about just to get your way.’

He scoffs, ‘the little....’ he pauses then takes a deep breath giving me a look that can freeze water, ‘just make sure they don’t piss me off—I am rather gun happy when I get mad.’

I raise my face, ‘well that will be all—anything you want to add to our contract?’

‘Yes—I will have my secretary type in our agreement and we both sign it—does that work for you?’

‘It does.’

I stand from my chair, ‘well then this meeting is over.’ I turn to walk out of the office and catch doctor Focus giving me an appraising look. What the hell?—I turn over my shoulder for one last statement, ‘oh and please stop kidnapping me, it’s a dying old cliché now.’

The man actually laughs, ‘fine Heather.’

I nod at him and walk out of the office. I make it down the hall and when I am positively another floor away from his office I sag against the wall and let out a breath before chuckling to myself. I can’t believe I did that. Well the man had it coming.


I expected the formal signing of the contract. We did it and got it over with. I am still to figure out what has him so intrigued by my baby? Maybe his grandfather biological clock is clanging. My brain companions shrug.

I also expected the arrival of the team from Kasane—but not all of them. I didn’t expect Judith and Hannah to be among them. I am standing on the verandah together with Mr. Abiwu watching as they unload from the car and I actually suck in a breath when I see them. I glance at Mr. Abiwu whose lips barely twitch in an evil smile and I know right away that the man had something to do with it. I feel my anger boiling. I clench my fists.

Taylor rushes to us and wraps his arms around me before lifting my face asking if I am okay. Mr. Abiwu just rolls his eyes and walks back into the house.

‘Jesus, Heather you are going to be the death of Me.’ he mutters, ‘are you okay?’

‘I am fine, they didn’t hurt me… you need to calm down.’

He needs to because Mr. Abiwu is just going to rile him up even more.

‘Now that I’ve seen you.’ He nods.

‘There she is.’ Julian exclaims, ‘the girl who keeps on disappearing.’

I smile at him, you just can’t be mad at the man for long. And he also walks to me, pushes Taylor aside and embrace me in a hug, Taylor gapes at him with his arms akimbo, ‘I thought those police jerks had taken you back to their office.’ He mutters.

‘They did.’ Lawyer says looking at the house, ‘this one anyway.’

Julian lets go of me and Lawyer also gives me a hug. Okay—I forgive them all now.

‘I am so glad you are okay—at least now Taylor can live.’

Taylor comes to push Lawyer away from me, ‘okay enough being handsy on my woman, while I am still asking nicely.’

Lawyer mutters something about like father like son he same time Hannah Judith and Celine come to suffocate me in a noisy group hug.

Ten minutes later, Taylor shoos everyone inside the house before pulling me into his arms again and kissing me silly.