Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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She couldn’t sleep all night.  She had been aware of the sleeping figure that lay on the spare bed in her room. Her mind was dreaming about the new stranger whom she had met the day before. Now she couldn’t understand why she was so into him when she didn’t even know him that well.

She dozed off during dawn. When she woke up, it was 11. She looked over to the spare bed and found no one there. It was set and the extremely attractive young man with grey eyes was gone. She trudged down to the living room and found no one there. She knew that mom and dad were at work but this newcomer was nowhere to be found.

“Where could he be?” She thought to herself. She looked around in the front yard and still there was no sign of him anywhere.

She lost hope and came back in. She went into the kitchen as she felt quite hungry. In the kitchen, there was breakfast on the counter. This was a first. Her parents never made her breakfast and it wasn’t her birthday also. The breakfast was still warm thus suggesting whoever made it had just made it a few minutes before she woke up. She sat down at the counter and was about to eat when she noticed a note lying next to the food. She picked it up and opened it slowly.

It read:

“Morning Sunshine! Have a good breakfast. I didn’t want to wake you up, so I just walked out without telling you. I didn’t know what you liked so I made everything that could be made. Hope you like it. I’ll be back by midday, and we can have lunch together. I’m off hunting for jobs. See you by 12. “


Katherine was left awed and in a shocked state.  James had made the breakfast!

“He made breakfast…..For me …. Specially…” She said in a breathless voice. “He likes you!!!”,  yelled her subconscious at her. “It’s called being nice” She told herself. But even she thought that he liked her.

She looked at her breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and chocolate milk was setup perfectly. This was perfect. She loved everything and he had done it all just for her. She couldn’t stop smiling. Her cheeks were burning but she didn’t care. Her insides were doing flips again and her heart was beating ten times faster. He left a sweet note with the breakfast, and it even had a smiley.

Such class! This guy was something and Katherine had to admit to it. She fell deeper in love with him. Yes! In love. There she thought off it. It wasn’t just he looks anymore. It was everything about him. He was perfect! His attitude and his charming ways can make any girl/ woman fall for him.

She quickly finished her breakfast because she wanted to do something special for him too. She washed up the dishes and ran up to her room. She took out her canvass and began creating a masterpiece. She was drawing him. His perfection, his emotions, his beauty, his smile, his eyes, everything about him. She was trying to put him onto the screen. She worked urgently on it, trying to finish it before he came home.


By lunch time it had been finished and she was purely satisfied by it. She studied her portrait carefully sighing at every sight. He was breathtaking even in a portrait. She put away her painting gear and let the portrait dry. She went off to wash-up, James would be arriving any second.

James entered the room and found no one there. He had been looking for Katherine everywhere. He looked around the room and found nothing odd except for a canvass set-up in the middle of the room.  He became curious and decided to have a look. He walked over to the canvass. What he saw left him breathless and speechless. It was him. Him with all the perfection and none of the flaws.

“No!!! You’re not supposed to see it right now” Katherine wailed. She quickly ran over and stood between the canvass and James. She looked so innocent and so angry. James couldn’t help but smile. She was perfect in the light and he wanted to hold her and kiss her and tell her how much he had missed her, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t time yet. She had to remember herself. But he still wanted to kiss her. So he walked over to her, pulling her closer. He bent down and put his lips onto her warm soft hands.

“Thank you” He told her innocently. “It’s perfect” he continued.  He looked at her and smiled softly. Her face began to turn red.

“Yeah. Don’t mention it.” She replied awkwardly. She was hurt, and she didn’t understand why.